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#76 2018-01-19 15:37:38

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,590

Re: Healthcare for all, not Trump or Obama care

Do 83% of Virginians support paying higher taxes for more government medical care?

Were the people in the poll mostly MEDICAID recipients?


#77 2018-01-19 21:02:26

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,354

Re: Healthcare for all, not Trump or Obama care

I favor a plan which includes fitness testing for future genetic survival, and also significant mercy for the medically unfortunate.

If it were me, I would allow each person to have a medical loan.  Particularly when they were young, to pay for preventative medicine.  Things that will push into the future the likelihood of a significant medical problem for the individual.

I would allow individuals who have shown that they are not mentally sound about the reality of their illness to have their treatments reduced by a valid worthy guardian method.

For typical people, I would allow them to have a loan (From the government) for their productive medical treatments, especially preventative treatments.

But when income tax time came, each year of their lives they would pay and additional amount based on the magnitude of their loans.

Where the mercy comes in is that you would have to estimate the psychology of the participants.  You would have to allow them enough of their income to make it worth their while to keep retaining useful employment.

As for the ones who are basket cases, then you have a choice eugenics, or just ignoring them and putting them on the street so that they can reduce costs early, or just eating the loss as an average of things.

As far as I can see, Neanderthals have had their evaluation upgraded, because it appears that they might have taken care of their sick and injured.  I similarly think that to be human is to do the same.  Similarly you do not throw new-born baby persons into a snowbank hoping that survival of the fittest will generate a superior species.  It would be a stupid and immoral test.

But to the extent that some people do have the right stuff, their is no reason that we should regret their ability to reproduce.  Really in that case they are a gift to the others who are less fortunate.

Last edited by Void (2018-01-19 21:04:11)



#78 2018-01-30 17:59:53

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Healthcare for all, not Trump or Obama care

NH bill would change work requirements for food stamps, welfare

New work requirements created for New Hampshire’s Medicaid recipients would also apply to those receiving food stamps and welfare under a bill before a House committee.

Lawmakers last year enacted new provisions requiring able-bodied Medicaid participants to work between 20 to 30 hours per week, depending on how long they’d been covered. The state is seeking a federal waiver to allow that change, but in the meantime, Republican Rep. Neal Kurk, of Weare, is proposing implementing the same requirements in the other programs.

“It implements a very basic philosophy that is rampant in the Granite State, and that is: All people should be treated equally, and that when we wish to help our less fortunate neighbors, we should do so when they’re less fortunate, but not when they are not less fortunate,” he told the Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee on Tuesday.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture, which funds the food stamps program, won’t allow such changes, however, said Kerry Nelson of the state Department of Health and Human Services. As for those receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families benefits, current work requirements apply to those with children 12 months and older, but the Medicaid requirement doesn’t kick in until a child is 6. That could jeopardize federal funding because the state is required to meet a certain threshold in terms of the percentage of participants who work, Nelson said.

Critics argued that changing the requirements for TANF and food stamps is premature given that the Medicaid waiver is still pending.

“To try to align these work programs now with something that is only imagined at this point doesn’t seem to be the best way to move forward,” said Mary Lou Beaver, chairwoman of the Family Assistance Advisory Council.

Others pointed out possible ripple effects — for example, children whose families lose food stamps would no longer be automatically deemed eligible for free lunches at school.

Eileen Groll Liponis, director of the New Hampshire Food Bank, said her organization distributed 13.7 million pounds of food to soup kitchens, pantries and other programs last year. That was 8 percent more than the previous year even though unemployment is low.

All good to show but what is the financial impact when you lose services with each dollar you earn and could place yourself on the out list due to the tables that they use to determine if you qualify or not.


#79 2018-01-30 19:26:40

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Healthcare for all, not Trump or Obama care

Amazon, Buffett's Berkshire And JPMorgan To Launch Healthcare Company an "independent company” to improve healthcare and lower costs for their hundreds of thousands of U.S. employees. … e-company/


#80 2018-02-11 21:22:05

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Healthcare for all, not Trump or Obama care … index.html

California launches probe after a former Aetna medical director said he never looked at patient records when deciding whether to approve or deny care.. … index.html


#81 2018-03-13 20:22:08

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Healthcare for all, not Trump or Obama care

The current direction of healthcare seems to be going in this direction Death maps show where despair is killing Americans, Alcohol deaths are down, but drug overdoses are way, way up


#82 2018-04-08 19:29:33

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Healthcare for all, not Trump or Obama care

With a web site for everything this comes as no surprise that one would take the name

Here is an important update on Trumpcare plans, and what individuals who still need to sign up for health insurance coverage need to know. 2018 Update On Trumpcare

Since our last update on 7/14 a lot has changed within the health insurance industry. The most signifcant changes have been the elimination of the individual mandate, or what is also referred to as the Obamacare Tax Penalty. One of the main reasons why individuals and families would often choose not to enroll in some of the available alternative plans to Obamacare, was the tax penalty, especially for families with household income that would not allow them to qualify for a significant subsidy.

Plan types to be offered are:
“short term health plans”, “hospital indemnity plans”, “medical insurance packages”

There are simply too many companies marketing what we as advocates for consumers, refer to as garbage health insurance plans. We are not going to name these companies who offer “garbage health plans”, because doing so would place us at risk of litigation from those companies. Instead what we have done is focused on only working with and promoting quality products from quality companies we trust, and that have a long track record of operating ethically.

The taxation was just one issue that the young and other had with regards to a pay in system that was never meant to be that way. Why should we pay a high premium when we will not be using it in later years.


#83 2018-06-08 22:26:42

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Healthcare for all, not Trump or Obama care

The assualt on Affordable Care Act’s most popular provisions — protections for people with preexisting medical conditions — continues,...

Trump administration’s health-care move

Late Thursday, the department said the health law’s requirement that most Americans carry insurance will become unconstitutional next year and so will consumer protections forbidding insurers to deny coverage to sick customers or charge them more.

Republicans on Capitol Hill had no advance warning that the administration was going to assert that protections for people with preexisting conditions is unconstitutional — a position that defies President Trump’s promises to maintain those protections.

Most Republicans on Friday insisted they continued to support coverage for people with preexisting conditions, such as high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer. The policy, unlike some elements of the Affordable Care Act, has widespread support, affecting approximately 52 million Americans under the age of 65, according to a 2016 analysis by the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Its bad enough that premiums were rising just think what will happen as the costs keep going up and health continues to fail even more.


#84 2018-06-09 17:16:55

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Healthcare for all, not Trump or Obama care

This will come as of no surprise as our current elected are not in support of the people with the Report: DOJ Won't Defend Obamacare in Lawsuit Brought by 20 States not even the states that we live in care to make sure people are healthy.
Sure the requirement or penalty has been removed but we still should be able to afford to have health insurance and its provisions that guarantee access to health insurance regardless of any medical conditions.

The Supreme Court upheld that the health care overhaul in 2012 was legal.

My search turned up a website on the subject which should come as not a surprise as we have apps for about everything...

The ACA lawsuit could jeopardize 52 million Americans’ access to health care as the Justice Department filed a brief arguing that as of Jan. 1, 2019, the protections for people with preexisting conditions should be invalidated.


"Removing those provisions will result in renewed uncertainty in the individual market, create a patchwork of requirements in the states, cause rates to go even higher for older Americans and sicker patients, and make it challenging to introduce products and rates for 2019,"


#85 2018-06-13 21:24:45

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Healthcare for all, not Trump or Obama care

There is now found a conection with High blood pressure linked to dementia; Hypertension fuels a scarring that can cause Alzheimer's, research shows

MRI scans showed women 65 and older with high blood pressure had significantly more white matter lesions in their brains eight years later. The study included 1,403 women who were enrolled in a memory subset of the landmark Women's Health Initiative that tracked postmenopausal health.


#86 2018-06-25 04:58:35

Registered: 2016-06-19
Posts: 1,262

Re: Healthcare for all, not Trump or Obama care

Well, I fell down a couple of steps, landing on and injuring my back last week. A couple of telephone discussions with a physician led to an ambulance trip to hospital for assessment and Xrays. Fortunately there is no break apparent, but it hurts a lot and is difficult to move. I did not stay in hospital overnight, but if I lived alone I would have. Add in supply of N2O and Tramadol and prescription for a week on  Co Codamol (I really don't like morphine derivatives but needs must....). How much would that cost in Texas?


#87 2018-06-25 05:30:31

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,590

Re: Healthcare for all, not Trump or Obama care


I'm sorry to hear that.  I hope you recover and feel better soon.  If you have family nearby, do get them to help you until you feel better.  That's what family is for.

I wish I could remember how much that stuff costs.  It wasn't that much when my wife had her first brain surgery, but that was before Obamacare.  Everything has gone up considerably since then, especially her diabetes medications.  Pain meds are generally not that expensive, though.  They give them out like candy (probably not a good thing, unless you're really in pain).  Everything narcotic made my wife vomit, including Tylenol with Codeine, so she was off of that stuff ASAP because it made her feel so awful.


#88 2018-06-25 19:16:46

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Healthcare for all, not Trump or Obama care

Ouch Elderflower, I hope your recovery goes well.

Costs for care, tests or for the same treatment is an unlisted number when you walk in the ER, hospital or even the doctors office as to what will be charged. About the only place posting a price are the urgent care such as Convenient MD.


#89 2018-07-04 10:47:44

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Healthcare for all, not Trump or Obama care

Speaking of a recovery its sort of hard when you are a Woman begging people not to call ambulance gains national attention before you are even freed from being injured in a subway accident.

"Do you know how much an ambulance costs?"

The chief of Boston EMS, Jim Hooley, told the publication the cost of an ambulance transporting people within the city is between $1,200 to $1,900.


#90 2018-07-08 14:44:36

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Healthcare for all, not Trump or Obama care

Continuing effort to erase healthcare from the previous adminstration as Trump administration freezes billions in Obamacare payments, outraging advocates

Gee what do you think will happen then, I am sorry but your healthcare card is being denied like some over spent credit card when you go to seek out care. Of course this is another blow to the fragile markets as health plans which were never really into it anyways as it cut into there profits, I mean gouging of those that needed it.

The so-called risk adjustment payments are supposed to protect insurers from big losses. The health plans pay into a pool – this doesn’t involve tax dollars – and funds are transferred to insurers that ended up with many high cost patients. For 2017, $10.4 billion was involved.

The Affordable Care Act had three programs aimed at reducing risk for insurers to reduce their risk as they entered uncertain new markets. The other two programs expired after three years , but the risk adjustment program is supposed to be permanent under the statute.

making up law again.....


#91 2018-07-08 16:23:02

From: Ceres
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,846

Re: Healthcare for all, not Trump or Obama care

this doesn’t involve tax dollars

Except that it's funded by increasing the premiums on people who are compelled to buy insurance, so it actually is a tax.

Use what is abundant and build to last


#92 2018-07-08 17:39:03

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Healthcare for all, not Trump or Obama care

Actually it was to be paid for out of the IRS tax penaly for not having insurance but that was removed last year so unless the money collected for this purpose is used for what the line item in the tax code indicates then Trump is breaking the law as written in tax codes as part of the budget process.

As far as increase in premium that was what the insurance companies always claimed in that it was to pay for the the charges were sent from the hospitals and doctors as over charges in those that held insurance.


#93 2018-07-09 10:40:27

From: Ceres
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,846

Re: Healthcare for all, not Trump or Obama care

So it's not even pretending to not be a tax.

Use what is abundant and build to last


#94 2018-07-09 16:59:27

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,590

Re: Healthcare for all, not Trump or Obama care


It's that "not tax" type of tax.  It was not a tax for purposes of the liberal political agenda, but when it came time to pay for their proposal they increased taxes, drove up the cost of health care for everyone who was already paying for it, still haven't provided basic coverage for the majority of the citizenry, and the IRS is the agency that collects the taxes funding this Unfordable Care Act nonsense.  If our government can legally force anyone to purchase anything, then there's no serious argument to be advanced as to why it can't force someone to pay for whatever it wants them to pay for.  This is just modern anti-logic that only makes sense if you're a political partisan who wants other peoples' money to pay for your ideas, no matter how well-intentioned.  Allowing the insurance companies to write the bill, or at least the part where the rubber meets the road, was one of the more spectacular "failures of imagination" of the Obama Administration.  It's nuts.


#95 2018-07-09 18:04:26

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Healthcare for all, not Trump or Obama care

Actually Car insurance is mandatory in many states if you want ability to transport yourself around and has been for many decades but there are still states that do not require it but can after you have an acident without it.
I see that as little difference, to wanting to be healthy via a method to pay for the care. Both are a gamble as to when you will need it...

Was watching a TV commercial where a veteran was speaking about the years of cigarette smoking that led to the ability to not being able to serve in the service as its sort of hard to do that when you can even help yourself.



#96 2018-07-09 20:26:13

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Healthcare for all, not Trump or Obama care

Here is the new form of health care in that those that need oxygen to breath from a powered system with be doing more of this like this  New Jersey woman on oxygen dies after PSE&G cuts off power to her home despite her paying $500 to her account only days before.


#97 2018-07-09 23:10:59

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,590

Re: Healthcare for all, not Trump or Obama care


I personally believe that everyone should have health insurance, provided that they can afford it.  If the health insurance puts them out on the street because they or their employer couldn't afford it, then that obviously wasn't a good outcome for the patient.

The government doesn't mandate that you drive a motor vehicle on public roads.  That's a privilege that you, I, and most other Americans have decided to exercise because we think the taxation from regulation that comes with that privilege is worth the benefits conferred.  Paying for something you don't use because you don't need it doesn't make you healthy or unhealthy.  I agree about the fact that when you'll need something is a gamble.  Nobody I know has a crystal ball to peer into to predict their future.  However, actuarial science dictates that old people require more health care than young people, on average.  There are obviously exceptions, like my wife and your wife, but exceptions don't disprove the rule.  Oddly enough, you and I have both decided health care was more important than other things.  When I was younger and made far less money than I do now, I still purchased the best health care I could afford to buy and resisted the temptation to buy things I merely wanted but didn't need.  Before lawyers became involved in motor vehicles, if you wrecked your car then you were simply out of luck.  Before lawyers were involved in medical care, it didn't cost hundreds of dollars to go to the doctor or even to the emergency room.

If someone could afford a cell phone service bill but couldn't also afford adequate health care insurance because they decided that paying for their cell phone was more important, then that bad decision should come with a consequence.  It's want vs need.  I may want a $25 steak dinner every night, but a ham and cheese sandwich or salad is just fine and probably healthier, too.

I don't want or need government to dictate what health care services I purchase.  They can't figure out how to spend within their means, and haven't for many decades now, so they have no business whatsoever dictating to the rest of us what our spending priorities should be.  Those who want health care services should pay for health care insurance.  I would communicate by letter or carrier pigeon before I elected to forego health care insurance coverage.  Capitalism has been very hard at work improving literally everything, but that doesn't mean all desired progress will occur within our lifetimes or that all outcomes will be spectacular success stories.

My grandparents never had cell phones, although they had a rotary phone and typewriter.  By any objective measure I can imagine, they were as successful in their lives as any alternative life I could envision them having.  They didn't buy a bunch of stuff they didn't need, their pleasures in life were simply their family and friends instead of the things they acquired, and they somehow managed to live to old age.

If you're looking for some savior from our government to reverse the effects of every bad decision anyone has ever made, you're going to be waiting an awfully long time.  Regarding the woman who died, she had more than $1,800 in unpaid electric utility expenses.  That's many months of unpaid utility bills.  It's very unfortunate, but when you stop paying your electric utility provider for the better part of a year, they may choose to terminate your service.  Strangely enough, someone has to pay for services rendered.  That's basic personal responsibility and it's clear to me that far too many Americans don't demonstrate it by doing simple things like paying their bills or negotiating payment plans if they can't pay immediately.

Why are the examples you choose to post pertaining to how our economic / health care / immigration system has failed so often examples of irresponsible behavior on the part of the individuals to which something bad has happened?  Do you think we should live in a world where there is no consequence for irresponsible behavior?


#98 2018-07-10 04:27:14

From: Ceres
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,846

Re: Healthcare for all, not Trump or Obama care

Isn't the point of car insurance to insure others against your bad driving? If the only cars that were ever damaged where those of the person at fault, would it still be a legal requirement?

Use what is abundant and build to last


#99 2018-07-10 18:29:27

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Healthcare for all, not Trump or Obama care

State government does but not federal have requirements for the auto insurance to which the policy payer does pay for the uninsured as a part of the risk pool provides coverage if an at-fault party either does not have insurance, or does not have enough insurance.

Understanding Minimum Car Insurance Requirements State-By-State List of Minimum Car Insurance Requirements

State Minimum Car Insurance Requirements

Vehicle insurance in the United States

What's Included in Minimum Car Insurance Coverage Required By Your State

There are 4 basic types of coverage that may be included in State Minimum Car Insurance Requirements.
1. Bodily Injury Liability

    Coverage as defined per person and per accident.

2. Property Damage Liability

    Property Damage Liability is defined per accident
    Property Damage does not cover damage to your own car, it is meant to cover damage that you become responsible for

3. Personal Injury Protection (PIP or No-fault)

    Coverage as defined per person and per accident.
    May Include limits for: Medical Expenses, Disability or loss of income, in-home services, Rehabilitation, and funeral burial or cremation costs, as defined in your specific policy wording which varies by state for the minimum requirements.

4. Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Protection

    Coverage as defined per person and per accident.

Notice that its a tiered approach and if health care was also via a tiered approach then more people would opt in for the lower tiers as they would be getting something for what they pay rather than paying for the uninsured and crappy coverage. Then the less fortunate would be able to get some insurance. It is not bad ehaviour to be unable to afford the insurance as its priced currently.

Todays cellphone versus a land line are about the same costs but you do not get the same abilities for the costs and a 50 a month plan for the cellphone would not even put a scratch in the cost of the health insurance let alone pay for the doctors visit or for a hospital run nor pay for a perscriptions insome cases. That same cellphone gives the ability to communicate so without it good luck finding a payphone anywhere to call for a doctors appointment or get a returned call saying you have cancer to come back for more care or tests. … lic-health

The woman that died was 68 years old recieving hospice care for her congestive heart failure. Unknown if woman was on disability or social security but from the sound definitely on a fixed income that was poverty level which would mean she should not be disconnected. Whi makes you wonder if she saught out help with the bills as there is help out there for utility and seasonal law against disconnection.

State to state Seasonal Termination Protection Regulations
For NJ

Disconnect ban for customers receiving Lifeline, LIHEAP, TANF, SSI, PAAD or GA or households unable to pay overdue amounts due to unemployment, medical expenses, or recent death of spouse. If eligible for Winter Termination Program, can't disconnect if 90o F or above for following 48 hours. … nnect.html    Consumer protection laws and regulations on heating and utility disconnections. … f_her.html

"She was trying to catch her breath - she was gasping for air," said her granddaughter, Mia, 28. "She suffered and she passed right in front of us. She was gasping until the time she died."

This is quite sad and quite tramatizing. Story indicates ealier bottle oxygen was brought but why not get her to a hospital or to an emergency shelter since it was so hot. Why not call the ambalance again? Just so many second guessing as to what went on....

Unknown if on a payment plan or of the disconect date but

"She had just paid $500 two days before,"

that says the power company did not acknowlegde that a payment was made. To which typical a finger point and denial of notice of requirement for the health issue is on going. Really do they think that what little money a few thousands out of billions is that grievious to care about in light of recieve a partial payment...and the death that they cause by it....

Also the power company seem to ignore that a high rate of useage was on going and did not investigate to see why.


#100 2018-07-11 05:19:37

From: Ceres
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,846

Re: Healthcare for all, not Trump or Obama care

Under British socialism, she would have died when one of the frequent power cuts occurred.

Use what is abundant and build to last


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