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I am getting an out of sync error for the next page 23 #551 for the topic.
This seems to be the most viable to pan a mission with.
Roughly 2.6 years of experience CONJUNCTION: LONG-STAY Over 500 days at Mars with crew transit time between Earth and Mars: 160 – 180 days.
Give a few weeks as margin on all needs.
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Thanks to Void we have another to make use of in "Mars Direct 3 is a Mars mission architecture developed by Miguel Gurrea" topic.
Plus Mars direct was a 40mT payload
A reuseable craft requires the means to make the fuel of choice.
Food, water and supplies. Mass budget: 11.5t
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Mars is as far off the grid as one can be so maybe we need some lessons from I'm Still Surprised by the Benefits and Struggles of Life Off-Grid
We have also seen that a crew of just 22 is a sustainable level for a long-term mission.
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