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#51 2015-02-20 12:16:22

Tom Kalbfus
Registered: 2006-08-16
Posts: 4,401

Re: Kim Stanley Robinson, The Mars Trilogy

JoshNH4H wrote:

Usually, the singularities are the bad kind, e.g. the kind that results in catacylsms.  These are seen in a limited way in stock market and economic crashes, and more drastically in the form of plagues and climactic changes that kill large portions of humanity.

I think the best way to solve the problem would be to simulate a human in a computer and ask him how to solve the problem of singularities, If the AI thinks he is one of us, just a lot faster and smarter, then our chances will be better than if it is a one task monomaniacal AI that decides to wipe out humanity so it can secure the most resource so it can write the maximum amount of signatures in a given amount of time.. We would want to AI's motivation to be similar to our own, and then try to raise him right when he does not have godlike intelligence, then if he gets out ahead, he can defeat all the other malicious AIs that threaten to wipe out humanity. So basically we would be creating a Physical God with an interest in securing the welfare of humanity. I think the best way to defeat a dangerous AI is with another AI, so lets make sure the right sort of AI gets over the top first! as for what Super human intelligences may achieve, how about this?
When we build the first Human level Artificial Intelligence, we can challenge him to build one of these in the star system next door. First task is to build a starship which can get there, next one is to built the ringworld. Let the AI figure out how to build it with its godlike intelligence and nanoassemblers and then we can get into starships and move there. And have some ground rules like no AIs on the surface of the Ringworld, dumb computers yes, AIs no! then we'll have 3 million+ Earths of surface area to explore. Have the AI throw in some surprises to make it interesting of course.


#52 2021-06-20 10:45:07

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Kim Stanley Robinson, The Mars Trilogy

Sci-Fi Eye: Herders of Mars … t-planets/

Some other Mars books


Top 25 Best Mars Science Fiction Books … tion-books
The Best Mars Books for Red Planet Fans
Eight Great Books About Mars
Best Popular Science Books About Mars Exploration … xploration
Let's move to Mars: the best books about our future in space … e-in-space


#53 2022-08-11 01:18:22

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Kim Stanley Robinson, The Mars Trilogy

"Mars is irrelevant to us now. We should of course concentrate on maintaining the habitability of the Earth" - Interview with Kim Stanley Robinson … -robinson/


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