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Rossi's been talking about his work and plans in some detail on The Smart Scarecrow site. For what it's worth. He claims he or his team know what is happening in terms of science (and I don't think he agrees with NASA).
Seems like he is proceeding with domestic hot water units as his big project although he continues to sell 1 MW units as well .
I am interested in the production of electricity from the units. That doesn't seem to have been resolved yet, although I understand that in Iceland they can generate electricity from "low temperature" steam (or hot water just over boiling point). I think they use oils with lower boiling points than water.
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If you have a temperature differential, you can generate energy. I maintain that this will likely not pan out, but in the nearly unthinkable case where it does I fully intend to eat a hat (no promises how long it will take; I can't imagine hats are palatable and so it would likely proceed at a very slow pace)
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If you have a temperature differential, you can generate energy. I maintain that this will likely not pan out, but in the nearly unthinkable case where it does I fully intend to eat a hat (no promises how long it will take; I can't imagine hats are palatable and so it would likely proceed at a very slow pace)
Yes, but no one ever seems able to make a go of Stirling engines.
As for hat eating I believe the Japanese have rice paper hats for some occasions. I recommend one of those.
It's pretty clear now by the way (through a new statement) that National Instruments are working with Rossi on developing the operational capability of the device - which suggests this can't be out and out fraud as alleged by many to begin with.
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The LENR story just keeps growing and it is confirmed that LENR with an energy gain of x10 was demonstrated at MIT within the last couple of weeks:
We may well be very close to this energy source breaking out into the market. Both Rossi and DGT (a Greek company) claim to be close to commercialisation.
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I sure hope this pans out. We've been 20 years away from practical fusion for about 60 years now.
GW Johnson
McGregor, Texas
"There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew, especially one dead from a bad management decision"
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New Muon g-2 Result Improves the Measurement by a Factor of 2 … ctor-of-2/
Colorado is getting a state-of-the-art laser fusion facility … ility-csu/
Earlier this year, the US government also doled out a number of grants earmarked to reignite research into cold fusion.
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