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#251 2019-03-17 15:48:11

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 8,003

Re: Opportunity & Spirit **8** - ...More...

The durability of Aluminum wheels for ground vehicles could be greatly improved by using Aluminum CMC's (Ceramic Metal Matrix Composites).  These alloys uniformly mix various loadings of Alumina Oxide nanoparticles with the Aluminum metal instead of Copper or Nickel or other alloying metals.  The hardness of the material, prior to any sort of heat treatment, is such that carbide or diamond tipped cutting tools and slower feed rates are require for machining.  The manufacturer doesn't use any heat treatments, as that's a selling point of the material- no heat treatment required to achieve mechanical properties identical to 2xxx / 6xxx / 7xxx alloys, apart from hardness and greatly improved strength at elevated temperatures.  They have material variants for forging, casting, and welding.  The cost of the material is approximately the same as 316 Stainless Steel.  It's more expensive than regular 2024 or 6061, but less expensive than Titanium alloys and a lot lighter.


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#252 2022-04-10 04:22:02

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Opportunity & Spirit **8** - ...More...

Opportunity almost lived 20 years, it was active on Mars from 2004 until mid-2018

SpaceNut wrote:

Does either of the rovers carry any siezmic instruments to detect quakes... or could some combination of them be used to do so?

Could this also answer the Methane and amonia as signs of life question..or is mars not a sleep but is awakening from a long slumber.

Marsquakes: Red Planet May Still Rumble

Following the topic on quakes,
NASA’s InSight lander detected quake vibration sounds.

Volcanic Activity Could Be Responsible for Triggering Marsquakes in Cerberus Fossae … 10689.html


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