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#26 2023-05-01 08:48:00

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: 'Flat Earth' how is this a thing?

A flat-Earther spends 18,000 euros to prove his theory and ends up demonstrating the opposite … b458e.html
The flat-Earther and YouTuber Bob Knodel carried out an experiment with which he had hoped to prove that the Earth is flat.


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#27 2023-05-01 12:29:14

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,932

Re: 'Flat Earth' how is this a thing?

Mars_B4_Moon wrote:

A flat-Earther spends 18,000 euros to prove his theory and ends up demonstrating the opposite … b458e.html
The flat-Earther and YouTuber Bob Knodel carried out an experiment with which he had hoped to prove that the Earth is flat.

Lol.  The real question is 'How does anyone that stupid get 18,000 euros?'  The guy could have bought himself a trans-Atlantic plane trip.  He could have witnessed the curvature of the Earth from the plane window, disproving his nonsensical theory, and still had a good holiday for a lot less than 18,000 euros.  The fool and his money are easily parted.

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


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#28 2023-05-09 06:58:55

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: 'Flat Earth' how is this a thing?

Former Roscosmos Head Refuses to Believe NASA Landed on the Moon … anded-moon
Dmitry Rogozin, the former head of Russia's space corporation Roscosmos


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#29 2023-05-09 11:31:13

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,932

Re: 'Flat Earth' how is this a thing?

Mars_B4_Moon wrote:

Former Roscosmos Head Refuses to Believe NASA Landed on the Moon … anded-moon
Dmitry Rogozin, the former head of Russia's space corporation Roscosmos

The Russians and Chinese have landed probes on the moon.  Were they fake too?  A manned expedition is a heavier payload.  But otherwise, the technical issues around making a safe landing are the same.

Russian logic.  A cheater tends to assume that everyone else is cheating.  If the Americans can do it and the Russians can't, the Americans must be better at cheating.

Last edited by Calliban (2023-05-09 11:33:26)

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


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#30 2023-05-10 09:15:33

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: 'Flat Earth' how is this a thing?

Opinion: Conspiracy theories result from distrust in institutions … 7599c.html

Benjamin Owen, perhaps one of the current Kings of 'Flat Earth'

It’s a lot healthier to ponder the shape of the earth than if a woman was “too ugly” for trump to assault in a dress room. Trust me I’m doing you all a favor. The News cycle is rotting your mind and making you insane. … 8391524353

I don't really understand Owen Benjamin but I know he might have been banned and people alledge that stand up comedian actor Dave Chappelle steals material from Owen Benjamin

He's like Joe Rogan, Gavin McInnes alt-media types all squeezed into on big 'joke' and an off the grid Survivalist Christian Amish nutty type all rolled into one, Owen Benjamin he is a skilled entertainer and good on piano but there were rumors going around his mind had 'snapped' or he had gone a bit wacko and conspiracy.

On the subject of 'Trump'

its been known Trump is rude, has a potty mouth and was a known womanizer for years, and he has many threads
'Trump and the Fourth Turning'

Modern flat Earth promoted by organizations and individuals advocating that the Earth is flat while denying the Earth's sphericity, contrary to over two millennia of scientific consensus

The Flat Earth Society's most recent planet model is that humanity lives on a disc

Flat Earth Society recruited members by speaking against the US government and all its agencies, particularly NASA. Much of the society's literature in its early days focused on interpreting the Bible to mean that the Earth is flat.
Flat Earth Society of Canada was established on 8 November 1970 by philosopher Leo Ferrari, writer Raymond Fraser and poet Alden Nowlan and was active until 1984 … arles.html

Ferrari was interviewed as an "expert" in the 1990 flat Earth mockumentary In Search of the Edge by Pancake Productions (a reference to the expression "as flat as a pancake").In the accompanying study guide, Ferrari is outed as a "globularist", a nonce word for someone who believes the Earth is spherical. The real intent of the film, which was part-funded by the Ontario Arts Council and National Film Board of Canada, was to promote schoolchildren's critical thinking and media literacy by "[attempting] to prove in convincing fashion, something everyone knew to be false."

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-06-01 07:14:48)


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#31 2023-05-10 09:19:18

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: 'Flat Earth' how is this a thing?

Calliban wrote:

Russian logic.  A cheater tends to assume that everyone else is cheating.  If the Americans can do it and the Russians can't, the Americans must be better at cheating.

The crazy and militant and conspiracy remarks of 'Dmitry Rogozin' are well covered in some of the Russia or ISS newmars threads … g_sceptic/

On 15 July 2022 Rogozin was dismissed from the position of the head of Roscosmos, former Vice Prime Minister Yury Borisov was appointed as his successor.
In October 2022, the Executive Director of Human Spaceflight Programs at Roscosmos, Sergei Krikalev confirmed the reason for Rogozin's dismissal was to ease tensions.


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#32 2023-05-17 10:29:35

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: 'Flat Earth' how is this a thing?

Idiocracy was a 2006 documentary?

Google Earth fans say there’s a ‘mystery’ in Antarctica that ‘proves globe is flat’ – but there’s a simple explanation … ntarctica/
So-called Flat Earthers say the reason Antarctica is blurry on Google Earth is because it's hiding a 'mystery'


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#33 2023-05-25 06:59:06

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: 'Flat Earth' how is this a thing?

When your leaders and candidates and elected people start to believe in 'Flat Earth'

The splitting of the Moon a story of the Quran or Koran, in Muslim tradition of course no such thing happens but he also believed he had a talking donkey or horse with the face of a woman? Yafur and Moohammad had 'chats' a Donkey who was said to have talked to and the terroristic founder of islamism had often ridden it without harness.

Georgia GOP Chair Goes Full Flat-Earth, Says Globes Are Part of a Conspiracy … 34553.html

In an interview with David Weiss (AKA “Flat Earth Dave”) and Matt Long on her “Jesus, Guns, and Babies” podcast, Taylor and her guests discussed biblical “evidence” that the Earth is actually flat as a pancake.

She seems to want Earth flatted like a page or a matt or Cylinder or Octahedron or Triangular Prism, Dodecahedron or Square globes or something?

Kandiss Taylor, Tom Williams, David Perdue, Catherine Davis, Vernon Jones all withdrawn or eliminated.

Georgia GOP Chair: If the Earth Really Is Round, Why Are There So Many Globes Everywhere? … everywhere
More and more I’m like, it doesn’t make sense.” Kandiss Taylor, who ran for governor

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-05-25 07:02:45)


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#34 2023-05-25 12:27:18

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: 'Flat Earth' how is this a thing?

I found a clip of her

'Brainwashed By Globes'

Georgia GOP Chair Pushes Flat-Earth Conspiracy, Says Globes Brainwash Us … 1850474753
Conspiracy theorist and GOP Chair Kandiss Taylor claims "globes everywhere" are brainwashing society


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#35 2023-06-01 07:12:40

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: 'Flat Earth' how is this a thing?


'As President, I will fire a rocket into space, manned by 3 Flat Earthers & 3 Globe Earthers to document Earth’s shape.'

Shiva Ayyadurai is an Indian-American engineer, politician, entrepreneur, he is not without controversy and is an anti-vaccine activist, he was born in Bombay now Mumbai, India and at a young age his family moved to the United States. Ayyadurai's undergraduate degree from MIT was in electrical engineering and computer science; he took a master's degree in visual studies from the MIT Media Laboratory on scientific visualization; concurrently, he completed another master's degree in mechanical engineering, also from MIT; and in 2007, he obtained a Ph.D. in biological engineering.

and this account
maybe less logic but sizeable level posts of religion and 'conspiracy'


You and I can’t freely explore Antarctica. We aren’t allowed beyond the 60th Southern Parallel. If you travel beyond that point, you will be met with military force. … 8636532736

Antarctica cruises are more popular than ever. Experts say they need more regulations … egulations

People who make money from trolling?

A troll is someone who tries to make people angry by saying things on the Internet. The purpose is to excite strong emotion in an online community … e-internet
, … 1%2C00.asp

“A tenth of Americans think that maybe the world is flat.”

A ______ of Americans think that maybe the moon landing never happened.

What's the number? … 1054297088

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-06-01 07:21:50)


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#36 2023-06-16 04:53:10

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: 'Flat Earth' how is this a thing?

Comedian material … 2789328896

'Billions of Dollars to NASA'

'Let’s get this straight!' … 1084157952

The first man to realize that Earth wasn’t flat … an-review/

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-06-16 04:57:51)


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#37 2023-06-18 14:17:31

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: 'Flat Earth' how is this a thing?

Flat-earthers are overconfident about their own scientific knowledge but exhibit low scientific literacy, study finds … nds-165795

A cognitive bias known as the Dunning-Kruger effect appears to be highly prevalent among people who believe the Earth is flat (flat-earthers), according to new research published in Public Understanding of Science. This means that flat-earthers tend to have lower levels of scientific literacy while also being more overconfident in their own scientific knowledge. In other words, they think they know a lot about science even though their actual knowledge is limited.

“Both my co-authors and I are very interested in topics related to scientific culture,” said study author José Luis Arroyo Barrigüete, a professor at Comillas Pontifical University. “This is a line of research we have been working on for several years. In this regard, one of the most surprising beliefs we have encountered is that of flat-earth belief. The issue is that, contrary to what one might think, there are more people than would be reasonable with doubts about the shape of the earth.”

“In fact, there are YouTubers who have cemented their activity by posting videos about flat earth theories. This fascinated us, and we decided to investigate it. It is often thought that a flat-earther is someone with a low level of scientific culture. This is true, but in our research, we observed that there is a second factor that is also necessary to believe in a flat earth: high overconfidence in one’s scientific knowledge.”

As mentioned before they even made a tv show on this stuff

'Behind the Curve' Ending: Flat Earthers Disprove Themselves With Own Experiments in Netflix Documentary … ie-1343362
There are many head-shaking moments in Behind the Curve—a 2018 documentary

Now days there are even Dating Sites for 'Flat Earthers'

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-06-18 14:19:11)


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#38 2023-06-23 07:11:55

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: 'Flat Earth' how is this a thing?

Real believers or trolls?

84% think the world is round

In 2016, rapper B.o.B claimed the Earth was flat. His reasoning? "No matter how high in elevation you are... the horizon is always eye level ...
The bizarre song also suggested listeners research Holocaust denier David Irving and discussed conspiracy theories about Freemasons and "mirror lizards." The track has since been taken down from Soundcloud, the site where it had been posted.

Flintoff a British cricket player posted the pseudoscience while being interviewed for The Sun, asking, "If you're in a helicopter and you hover why does the Earth not come to you if it's round? Why, if we're hurtling through space, why would water stay still? Also if you fire a laser about 16 miles, if the world was curved, you shouldn't be able to see it but you can." … acy-group/

Flat Earth Inverness High Street Highlands of Scotland

Who started the Conspiracy?

To 11 million Brazilians, the Earth is flat … -flat.html

'Humankind's greatest lie'

Brazilians who believe the Earth is flat are mostly men, often Catholics or evangelical Christians, and with relatively low levels of education, according to Datafolha.

But don't confuse education with knowledge, the Flat-Earthers warn.

How is this movement growing?

Maybe it goes back a guy who could debate Joe Rogan style, dating back to Samuel Rowbotham was an English inventor, writer and utopian socialist.  He was named in numerous cases of wrongful deaths, including a "death by misadventure" for accidentally poisoning one of his own children. He was named responsible for other deaths using his quack cures of phosphorus. After Rowbotham's death, Lady Elizabeth Blount continued the Universal Zetetic Society which Rowbotham had founded. In the United States, Rowbotham's ideas were taken up by the Christian Catholic Apostolic Church in 1914, and were promoted widely when the church added a radio station in 1923. Modern flat Earth beliefs are perhaps promoted by voodoo anti science organizations and individuals who sell 'conspiracy' or motivated by religion.

Mark K. Sargent is an American conspiracy theorist, who is one of the leading proponents of, and recruiters for, the flat Earth conspiracy theory in the United States. … out-earth/ As of 2021, he lives on Whidbey Island. … th-people/

In the psychology of human behavior, denialism is a person's choice to deny reality as a way to avoid a psychologically uncomfortable truth. Denialism is an essentially irrational action that withholds the validation of a historical experience or event when a person refuses to accept an empirically verifiable reality

Welcome to the Flat Earth Wiki,
otherwise known as The FEW - a collaborative resource maintained by the Flat Earth Society!

Their might be motivation, selling mugs, silly books, t-shirt such as finance politics money self-interest (economic, political, or financial)

Sargent also incorporates other conspiracy theories into his flat-Earth beliefs, accusing astronauts of being Freemasons. Sargent also believes Bigfoot exists. … flat-earth

Sargent says that being single was a contributing factor to his discovering and believing in the flat-Earth conspiracy. He said, "Most people get married and have kids. But if you don't, you have a huge amount of free time on your hands." According to Sargent in an interview with the Los Angeles Times, as of 2018 his YouTube channel had accumulated ten million views and he had become a full-time YouTuber. … story.html

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-06-23 07:13:50)


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#39 2023-08-03 10:04:18

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: 'Flat Earth' how is this a thing?

Wrestling Entertainment, American professional wrestler.

AJ Styles Is Not A 'Flat-Earther,' He Just Maybe Believes Other Planets Don't Exist … on-t-exist


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#40 2023-08-08 09:19:38

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: 'Flat Earth' how is this a thing?

it might also go in the Tourism topic

'Over 1,600 People Have Paid Space Perspective for a Balloon Ride to the Edge of Space' … ide-space/

“Space Perspective is driven by a desire to share the transformative power of space travel with as many people as possible,” a company spokesperson told SpaceRef over email. “We know that looking down on Earth from space will radically shift one’s perception of our world and our place within it. Which is why we designed a spaceflight experience that is as gentle on our planet as it is on our Explorers. Spaceship Neptune was developed to be the most sustainable and safest spacecraft on or above our planet. It’s propelled gently by a SpaceBalloon™ at 12 mph for an unforgettable six-hour journey.”


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#41 2023-08-12 08:37:15

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: 'Flat Earth' how is this a thing?

NASA Fakery – How the Space Agency Responds to Misleading Space Images … ce-images/


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#42 2023-08-17 09:30:38

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: 'Flat Earth' how is this a thing?

Flat Mars Society

Flat Earther claims entire continents containing 'aliens' are being kept secret … ens-theory

Mark Sargent another flat Earth proponent, they say his YouTube videos have greatly accelerated the popularization of modern flat-Earth belief, without scientific merit. Sargent has been a competitive video game player, winning one virtual pinball tournament. Sargent also accuses astronauts of being Freemasons and also believes Bigfoot exists … out-earth/


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#43 2023-08-26 12:07:48

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: 'Flat Earth' how is this a thing?

The Flat Earther next door: These are the US states with highest share of conspiracy theorists … rists.html

Since the population in each state varies, the total number of searches then adjusted to reflect the total number of searches per 10,000 residents in each state.

Despite experiencing the famed 'midnight sun' and other seasonal phenomena directly confirming the earth's round shape, Alaskans proved to be the most curious about 'Flat Earth' theories: residents typed in 23,040 flat earth-related searches last year alone, coming to about 314.33 searches per 10,000 residents.

Colorado natives came in a close second with 183,000 searches, or 311.83 per 10,000 people, followed in order by Wyoming (third), Washington (fourth), and Hawaii (fifth) — all curiously states west of the Mississippi river.

East of the Mississippi, New Jersey residents ranked the most over the debate on earth's shape, although some were still curious. Over the last year, about 165,120 'Flat Earth' searches were made in the Garden State, coming to about 178.40 inquiries to Google per 10,000 Jersey residents.

Similarly skeptical Americans across Mississippi, Kansas, Wisconsin and Virginia made their states competitive in the evidence-based bottom five.

What is the difference between science and pseudoscience? … difference

Some Joker asked Vivek Ramaswamy a question, he is not a 'Flat Earther'

Alex Stein is known for disrupting local government meetings and confronting both politicians and private citizens with pranks or loud shouting trolling joke remarks


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#44 2023-09-05 10:54:36

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: 'Flat Earth' how is this a thing?

Cokeworks release new song, “I’m Not A Flat Earther But…” … arther-but

Why do people still believe the Earth is flat? … th-is-flat

However, it seems that while Irving’s comments disappeared, the opinion that the planet is flat is still prevalent among professional athletes — and apparently among other wealthy and educated people around the world.

“I was on the practice field last year, and one of our coaches was walking by, and I was like 'Man, how many people do you think on this field believe the Earth is flat?” And he was like 'I don't think there's nobody out here that believes that.’ I was like ‘You'd be surprised, if you start polling, you'd be surprised,’” Kelce said. “And before I even finished that, somebody right next to me said, 'I mean, how you know it isn't?’”

But why does this keep happening?

I would assume that some people crave the attention that comes with saying outlandish things. There appears to be some science to explain why so-called "Flat-Earthers” reject science. It’s called the Dunning-Kruger effect, named after the scientists who published a study on it in 1999. It’s a phenomenon of “a cognitive bias in which people with limited competence in a particular domain overestimate their abilities.”

“These Flat Earthers have a high degree of overconfidence in their knowledge of science, which is pretty curious, because in our new study, we found they have the lowest actual knowledge of science in our sample,” said José Arroyo-Barrigüete, an economist at Comillas Pontifical University in Spain and professor of quantitative methods. “It is a very bizarre circumstance where the less you know about a certain subject, the more overconfident you are in your abilities in that subject.”

Arroyo-Barrigüete conducted his study about people believing the Earth was flat because he was “concerned that these kinds of beliefs are much more widespread than people thought.” He surveyed more than 1,200 people, many of whom were highly educated and wealthy. Many of the respondents were “in the top bracket in terms of salary.” He theorized why people have such bizarre and eccentric beliefs.
the conspiracy is dumb

but ...if you take the 'conspiracy' goverment or elite King and Emperor maybe once lied...then maybe why would people not trust a government?

'Prince Andrew files to remain secret until 2065' …
The decision relates to Prince Andrew’s ‘numerous’ business trips between 2001 and 2011

maybe past lies attract conspiracy types to the new ridiculous


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#45 2023-09-21 17:59:05

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: 'Flat Earth' how is this a thing?

A young actress Millie Bobby Brown admits she used to think the Earth was flat … otherwise/

Flat Earth vs. Round Earth least 6.5 million people

National Geographic

‘A Deeply Disturbed Individual’: Steve Bannon Laces Into ‘Man-Child’ Elon Musk, Compares Him To Occultist Aleister Crowley … r-crowley/

The former Biosphere guy compares SpaceX CEO to 20th century occultist

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-09-21 17:59:52)


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