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#1751 2024-07-06 05:54:47

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,340

Re: Worlds, and World Engine type terraform stuff.

If it proved sensible to burrow into the ice caps of Mars for various helpful effects, then at the boundary of the thicker ice caps, it may be possible to access the base rock of the planet under the ice.  So then warmer habitats could be cut into the rock.

At this "Junction Ring" for each ice cap, also "Air-Loops" might be implemented.  These could be "Greenhouse Plenums":

Greenhouses are usually considered to be like a building and not a pipeline.  But these "Greenhouse Plenums" might be like a transparent pipeline.  The primary loops would likely be low pressure relative to the ambient pressure of Mars at those locations.  They would probably be in the form of a continuing arch.  Martian Atmosphere could be humidified and pushed into one end of a loop.  Then out of the outer end we should hope to get some Oxygen generated by extreme photo organisms.  The average surface pressure of Mars is currently about 5.5 mbar.  In time that might be doubled.  A Greenhouse Loop might have an internal pressure a bit more than that.

Methods to handle the deterioration of Plastic Films will be desired.  The Martian environment is harsh.
Quotes from post #1:

Dealing with UV light on Mars: (Post #1563)
This reference which discusses a 3 layer plastic inflatable dome method, includes materials from SeaDragon:

Another UV reference:

Here we also have a method to convert UV light into visible light perhaps: … 45#p224845

So this Greenhouse Loop method may allow distribution of water vapor on Mars.  The interior would be designed to support very extreme forms of Photo Life.  Some of these organisms might be "Bio formed".

One such organism to seek to optimize would be this one: … dd02&ei=11

Cyanobacteria may make the list and be more quickly altered to optimize adaptation to a Greenhouse Loop environment.

Some Antarctic Lichens may be suitable as well.

Some of these organisms can get moisture directly out of the air, without an apparent liquid phase. … 0by%20snow.  Quote:

Lichens have adaptations that enable them to survive in Antarctica. They are able to exhibit net photosynthesis while frozen at temperatures as low as −20 °C. They can absorb water from a saturated atmosphere when covered by snow.
Lichens – Australian Antarctic Program

The interior of a Greenhouse Loop could be improved by the injection of Moisture, and the supply of needed nutrients.
However most extreme organisms are slow growing.  So, Bioforming might be used to try to both further adapt the life forms and to also promote a higher growth rate. 


A "Greenhouse Loop" might be expected to give a return of Oxygen and Biomass, for the investment of water vapor and nutrients and the protective structure.

The "Greenhouse Loops" might also convey water to locations where higher-pressure greenhouses to grow other plants could be implemented.

Oxygen and Organic materials collected to the ice cap tunnel system could be put into long term storage, so as to provide for a better long-term source of life support for humans and their machines on Mars.


Last edited by Void (2024-07-06 06:33:11)



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