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#26 2023-11-29 12:16:51

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: World population, USA, Italy, Japan hit lows, BirthRates Record Lows

During Covid South Korea seems to have done local regional lockdowns as cases would increase, people discovered when forced togeteher they disliked each other more and relations broke down

Korea's total fertility rate during the third quarter stood at 0.7, the lowest-ever for a third quarter … 64153.html

March news

South Korea has the world's lowest fertility rate, a struggle with lessons for us all … ility-rate

2020 prediction

COVID-19 to worsen S. Korea’s falling birthrate, marriage rate

“The pandemic will have a negative impact on the nation’s marriage and birthrate, leading to an acceleration of aging in the population”

South Korea is also projected to have the world‘s highest proportion of elderly population before 2045, the BOK said, even surpassing Japan’s “super-aging” society.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-11-29 12:19:47)


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#27 2023-12-11 17:43:28

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: World population, USA, Italy, Japan hit lows, BirthRates Record Lows

South Korean government asks young couples why they refuse to have children … e-children


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#28 2023-12-24 15:23:43

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: World population, USA, Italy, Japan hit lows, BirthRates Record Lows

What happens an economy, so many Casualties of Ukraine people and Russians in the Russo-Ukrainian War

No lessons learned from the Lost Generation of WW1?

Sending Russian factory workers, farmers off to die in a war? use up some prison labor but...Dictator cant use prisoners...none of those Putin prison types left either.

Russia short of around 4.8 million workers in 2023, crunch to persist … 24-4009441

the WW1 trench style meat grinder war continues in 2023


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#29 2024-03-02 08:33:11

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: World population, USA, Italy, Japan hit lows, BirthRates Record Lows

Japan will disappear if something doesn’t change


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#30 2024-03-03 08:37:13

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: World population, USA, Italy, Japan hit lows, BirthRates Record Lows

South Korean company offers staff over $100k for having babies; employee says she can now plan for second child … cond-child


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#31 2024-03-30 09:19:43

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: World population, USA, Italy, Japan hit lows, BirthRates Record Lows

Births fall in Italy for 15th year running to record low … ow-4230501


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#32 2024-03-30 11:55:29

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,307

Re: World population, USA, Italy, Japan hit lows, BirthRates Record Lows

There are four topics with population in the title ... the article at the link below is about South Korea's surprising idea to increase population (while they still can!) .... apparently they intend to build high speed trains (perhaps similar to Japan's?) to reduce commute time. … 7622&ei=12

© Photo: Pool / Pool (Getty Images)
Korea’s auto industry is currently killing it, but its baby-birthing industry may as well be dead. The East Asian country has the lowest fertility rate in the world, which isn’t great long-term. Don’t worry, though, Reuters reports that Korean officials have the perfect solution for getting those childless young folks to start cranking out babies — a new train service.

And, you know, we get it. There really isn’t anything sexier than being on a train. Not only is it hot to support public transportation, but also, come on. Long train? Dark tunnel? How can anyone possibly ride a train without thinking of having unprotected sex? Apologies to all the cyclists out there, but trains are literally the horniest form of transportation.

Apparently, though, Korean officials don’t want young people to actually go heels-to-Jesus on the trains themselves. Instead, the high-speed rail service is designed to address the biggest issues that Koreans say are stopping them from starting families such as long commutes and the housing situation in Seoul, which often requires paying a lot of money for an apartment that’s too small to raise a family in.

So far, government subsidies haven’t been very effective at getting Koreans to have more kids, so the idea is to build six new lines for underground speed trains that will make it faster and more convenient for people who work in Seoul to live in less expensive areas further out from the city. Then, once those workers realize they have all that extra space and more time for themselves, they’ll decide it’s time to start making babies.

Related video: South Korea: New speed train links will help boost birthrate (WION)
of the city and to start having babies.

South Korea: New speed train links will help boost birthrate

Once the $99.5 billion project is completed, the estimates for how much it will reduce commute times are pretty significant. While the bus ride to Dongtan currently takes about 80 minutes, the train is expected to bring that commute down to less than 20 minutes.
Incidentally, the U.S. also has a declining birth rate. Maybe Uncle Sam should take a page out of Korea’s book and start building trains, too. You know, for the babies. Give us more trains, and we’ll make so many babies. And that’s a Jalopnik guarantee you can take to the bank.

This seems like an indirect approach to the problem, and it will take years to achieve.



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#33 2024-05-25 13:56:59

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: World population, USA, Italy, Japan hit lows, BirthRates Record Lows

Japan's fertility rate sank to record low in 2023: estimate … 3-estimate


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