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#1 Re: Pictures of Mars » Color images of Mars from the Spirit and Opportunity rovers » 2023-03-21 02:07:35


Hey, and hello again, Spacenut!

I does bring back memories!

I'm pretty busy this week so I only glanced at the discussion board, it looks like the way the board now works is now more thematically and/or structured?

I'm still an avid spacelaunch watcher and the youube channel of Mars Guy on ingenuity and perseverance is high on my list of favourite things to watch.

I'll refrain from further littering this thread with my babbling, first I'll have to figure out where to post off-topic stuff like this.

#2 Re: Pictures of Mars » Color images of Mars from the Spirit and Opportunity rovers » 2023-03-20 14:14:01

Spirit is still my spirit animal   rover...

(the email notification for this post ended up in my spam box, BTW...)

#3 Re: Water on Mars » Mars Rover Finds Mineral Vein Deposited by Water » 2021-09-22 00:16:24

>going where beauracrats dare to not put there money where there mouths says they want man to go.

That always makes me chuckle smile

#4 Re: Human missions » Musk's plans for Mars » 2021-06-28 00:18:50

Started reading anyway, it's a sad piece. Full of cheap shots and misrepresentations.

And sometimes just ... Making no sense whatsoever:

"Blue Origin and SpaceX are serious space-hauling companies. Apparently, it's also a profitable business. Said Blue Origin CEO Bob Smith: "We make money on every flight.""

wut? In what parallel dimension is BO doing flights to space????

#5 Re: Human missions » Musk's plans for Mars » 2021-06-28 00:12:26

Mars_B4_Moon wrote:

Not Another...negative nancy debbie downer

I stopped reading at:  SCOTT GALLOWAY

Guy has interesting, even valid points on other subjects, but is too set in his thinking towards big companies to see the bigger picture of spaceflight. /shrugs/

#7 Re: Mars Society International » How's the Society doing right now? » 2021-05-05 14:32:14

last I checked they did not accept PayPal.

(we're getting off-topic, sorry about that. )

I'll check other avenues.

#8 Re: Mars Society International » How's the Society doing right now? » 2021-05-05 12:58:40

oh nonono! I'm not in dire straits!

I'm merely an European without a credit (but debit!) card! I can afford it financially, but not 'technically' because amazon wants payment with creditcard only...

and we don't really hire a car, it's a shared system.... you ave a monthly low subscription and reserve the car online and pay afterwards. It's a way to get cars off the roads. (which only works in dense cities with good public transport of course...)

A lot of people don't use credit cards here (though 'thank's to Amazon that is changing...)

#9 Re: Life support systems » Chickens » 2021-05-05 01:36:00

Chickens need at least a bit of gravity to be able to swallow water.... So live chickens in a LEO farm or en route to Mars will need a spinning solution....

#10 Re: Mars Society International » How's the Society doing right now? » 2021-05-05 00:05:10

Heehee. I stopped visiting when I saw you became Administrator! (kidding! Kidding!)

I actually still walk every day to work. We even were able to sell our car... When we need one, there is a parking spot with shared cars say 80 yards from our door. Not having to worry about a car is actually a glorious luxury...

I'm still following the Mars stuff. The screens at work have the blood red sunrise with SN8 as desktop smile

I still want to go. but Mars doesn't need a manuscript photographer over 50 I'm afraid....

#11 Re: Mars Society International » How's the Society doing right now? » 2021-05-04 00:10:43

tahanson43206 wrote:

paperback and kindle formats.

Aaargh. Why not ePub format? Good thing Calibre can convert that ebil format in a sane one...

edit: oh wait, one has to actually buy it on Amazon.... Never mind then. I don't have a credit card, Jeff.

#13 Re: Meta New Mars » The great crash » 2017-07-08 01:36:41

I'm of no use here, I have an inkling of what is involved, but all my former experiments with phpBB tinkering led to pure chaos...

#14 Re: Meta New Mars » The great crash » 2017-07-06 01:14:53

my head hurts just thinking about this. merging probably old phpBB to flux, old and new users, topics spanning years.....You're a brave man!

#15 Re: Meta New Mars » The great crash » 2017-07-06 00:16:57

Wow, that is totally, incredibly unexpected news!

Are you a wizard?  wink

#16 Re: Life support systems » Thorium reactors are go! (In India) » 2017-05-29 22:05:16

Thread necrophilia ! smile 

lots of R&D needed before that stuff is launchable....

#17 Re: Human missions » Nat Geo Mars » 2016-12-05 01:20:09

Oldfart1939 wrote:

This series seems to be somewhat overdramatic and under realistic. Too many "anomalies" to account for that are highly improbable.

It makes me uneasy watching it, like none of them trained for the mission or  have common sense etc. Acting and dialogue seem too scripted, not lifelike.

for me this is run off the mill Hollywood tripe, sorry.

#18 Re: Human missions » Musk's plans for Mars » 2016-09-29 06:12:45

So, who wants to buy a ticket?

I'm afraid I'll be too old and had given up all my Mars dreams, but now I'm with my mind on Mars again. every day. sigh.
My wife knows me, she knew I started dreaming again, I'm having a hard time deciding against it all, this was a lifelong dream, I'd given up on, and now i have a wife and a son..... If I hadn't I would start making preparations straightaway.

#19 Re: Human missions » Musk's plans for Mars » 2016-09-28 00:33:04

GW Johnson wrote:

He's hoping for public-private partnerships to do all these things.  Multiple companies,  multiple governments. 


like KSR red,green and blue mars novel then.

some big corps will be raging to be first in line on the new market.

#20 Re: Human missions » Musk's plans for Mars » 2016-09-28 00:30:37

GW Johnson wrote:

  I tried without success to download the slides.  Maybe soon....


reddit's subreddit spacex has the technical slides  and a bunch of other stuff

#21 Interplanetary transportation » Why SpaceX will probably succeed and NASA won't » 2016-07-25 02:12:23

Replies: 14

Reading this nice interview with Worden and then I read this:

Avi: What made the Apollo program a success?
Al: Back in the late sixties and early seventies there was no bureaucracy at NASA. We had a goal of getting to and back from the Moon and everybody worked to it. Everybody was focused on the goal and nobody was trying to protect their job — they were all trying hard to get the job done even beyond the highest standards, no matter how “small” their role in the program. Most of the people working in the Apollo program were young, with a average age of 28, and that helped a lot in overcoming all sorts of engineering challenges, because they did not “know” that something was impossible.

Sounds familiar?  smile

#22 Re: Human missions » Musk's plans for Mars » 2016-06-21 07:27:17

Tom Kalbfus wrote:
elderflower wrote:

wherever it is placed, it needs to be away from steep slopes as they could be subject to landslips and cliff falls. These may be triggered by human activity and must not result in burying of the base.

Huh? What?

Terraforming, I presume.

This will lead to increased weathering.

#23 Re: Human missions » Musk's plans for Mars » 2016-06-13 10:23:59

Well, looks like the unconventional wisdom is getting more traction by the day! smile

#24 Re: Human missions » Musk's plans for Mars » 2016-06-13 00:23:52

SpaceNut wrote:

News from the big meeting?.

Wow. I cannot shake the feeling everybody is taking Musk very serious all of a sudden and are doing their dang best to cooperate or help out...  in order to get on the bandwagon. He's talking privately with a lot of very big guys, lately.

Also: scan the new articles in, etc... Again talk about new asteroid missions, moon missions, people start dreaming again... And are getting funded by venture capitalists again. Even pretty long term stuff. (asteroid mining)

Just read an article (In my own language) about ESA. One of the big guys being interviewed said:

Some years ago there was a big conference, (outsider) Musk came in, ripped jeans, saying: 'I'm here, you're dead'. We scoffed and said: 'We're launching, you're talking'.

Now it's the other way around...

#25 Re: Human missions » Musk's plans for Mars » 2016-06-12 10:44:02

It's all a lot of speculation at this point.

One thing is certain-ish: MCT will go up to (or rather end up in ) LEO 'empty' and will need 2 or 3 BFRs to refuel (and outfit?)  for TMI and Mars landing

... so that sound like the Raptors will also be landing engines... I wonder at what speed they will 'go in'

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