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#1 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Nuclear Propulsion - The best way for space travel » 2003-01-14 23:13:57

Auqakah: Ah good, now we're talkin'.  smile

And its a fact that living near a nuclear power plant increases your probability of having cancer in your lifetime. If you work in one, the probability increases further.

Show me the link.  I showed you one for my contention. 

Once you have that link up (And yes, I know there are hundreds of them you can find in a moment), show me there is no similar correlation for hydro plants.  Or coal plants.  Or granite outcroppings (Darn radon).

Frankly, it's FAR from a  fact.  You've been reading too many greenie weenie websites without the proper scepticism.

Why am I being so insulting? Because I'm right, and something needs to be done to wake people up so that we STOP killing people with coal and oil.  We can do better now, to be blunt.

Now, in the interests of fairness, here's a link that shows WHY I don't believe you:

This is as solid a study as has ever been done on the topic, and it shows nada.  If nuclear was as great a risk as the green propagandists would have us believe, there should have been an easily detectable spike, especially considering that this was the site of the "worst nuclear accident in US history."

Yes, I am also aware of the furor being bandied about over "cancer clusters" close to nuclear power plants.  What the people who produce those reports fail to say is that there are ALSO "cancer clusters" that are nowhere near nuclear power plants.  Maybe they are caused by high-power lines, instead?  To paraphrase the inimitable Mr Twain:  "There's lies, #### lies, and statistics."  The greenies are past masters of the third.

Here is a link or two to support this view: … 1/hcsu.htm

I find that last link particularly interesting myself.

Basically, most of the FUD out there on "increased risk of cancer from nuclear power" is propaganda.

Now that said, is current nuclear power safe?  Absolutely.  Is it as safe as it COULD be?  No way.  New PWR designs can increase safety levels one hundred times, and even more advanced nuclear technologies are on the horizon.

I defy you to PROVE anything about a subject we do not understand to a decent degree.

<sigh>  Radiation isn't magic.  It isn't evil.  It is part of nature.  And no, we don't understand nature well yet.  But that extends to much more than just nuclear physics, doesn't it.

I have read reports that most if not all of the alleged rise in cancer deaths in the last century can be laid at the feet of hydrocarbon emissions of oxides.  We don't understand that topic, either.  Heck, I have also seen papers that attribute increased cancer mortalities to coal emissions of uranium!  Coal emits TONS of uranium powder into the air every day.

Laying this sort of thing at the feet of nuclear is idiocy.  That idiocy is promulgated by ecowackies gone wrong.  Either that or they're all Luddites who want us to live in log shacks and wear hemp and burn dung tablets for light.  I personally don't wanna do that.

I say that there are other, better alternatives that require a) less manpower to run and b) less infrastructure.

Also, they MIGHT be safer, because of those INFERRED dangers that nuclear fission MAY have.


Ah, much better.  big_smile

Now, please detail these alternatives.  Wind?  Solar?  Hydro? Biomass? Geothermal? Tidal? OTES? Something Else?

I am curious as to what your particular favorite is.   The less infrastructure remark makes be think you lean toward distributed solar/wind systems, but I could be wrong.   smile

Lastly, if one resorts to insulting - "while idiot greenies like YOU" - it surely proves they are far more intelligent than the person advocating the other point of view.

Ahhh, good!  smile  We'll have you pro-nuclear in no time.  It's always nice to discover a brain.

josh Cryer:

Of currently used topsoil? At least in the US, it would be zero. The US has a land bank, which has some 100 million acres of land that is going unusued.

So, you want to plow up HOW many acres of fallow land?  I can hear the Sierra Club screaming already.  smile  Also, how are we going to get water for all these millions of acres of biomass?  Much of the land that is banked away isn't exactly the prime bits.

Well, like I said, at least in the US's case, we have the resources.

Maybe.  I personally have doubts, but for argument, lets say the USA can do this.

What do China and India and Indonesia do?  All three have HUGE populations that want power, and not exactly a lot of land.

Oh... well, sure, why not?

Because we'd have to cover most of Kansas in greenhouses?  That'd be kind of expensive, Kansas isn't small....  And tornados would be a problem.

What I am getting at is that Solar, Wind, and Biomass are all low energy density solutions.  We simply don't have the tech to make these work yet, but we need solutions to our power needs NOW.  We're about to go kill a LOT of people in the Middle East because of our power needs, we need to get this fixed.

Any estimates on how much useable nuclear fuel the earth has left? (Excluding fission, of course).

Well, if you exclude fission, that means fusion.  We haven't gotten fusion to work yet, but once we do, we will have power basically forever.  Yes, I am serious.  It'll take us a LONG time to fuse the oceans into helium.

Heck, even if we NEVER get fusion working, we have enough fission fuel stock to last us many thousands of years in the form of Uranium and Thorium.

#2 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Anyone know anything about engine Nozzles? - Ablative Nozzles » 2003-01-14 21:56:58

Ive been reading heaps about rocket technology in the past few months

Good for you!  smile

I wondered if you could take a high altitude nozzle and pack it with ablative material of a certain consistency, so that as it fired the nozzles ablative material would slowly burn away expanding the nozzle as the rocket climbed to higher altitudes, and giving the engine a high efficiency throughout the flight.

Ok, this is an interesting idea..... 

Now, as far as I can recall, the largest flight system using ablative nozzles these days are the Space Shuttle SRB's.   (I don't think that has changed, although they tinker so much on that thing who knows what flight hardware is these days.)

You have to use ablative nozzles with most solid rockets, actually, since there is no liquid fuel to pump for regenerative cooling.

So, your idea seems like a good one, on the surface.  However, in the SRB the only part of the nozzle that is truly ablative is the throat.  The throat erodes quite a bit in each flight, but the mouth of the nozzle hardly erodes at all, if any.

Since the expansion ratio of a nozzle is mouth area over throat area, in practice the SRB is actually LOWERING its expansion during flight.  You see, the throat gets larger while the mouth does not.

An example:  The throat is 10 square feet in area at launch, while the mouth is 300 square feet in area.  At launch, the expansion ratio is 30 to 1.  At the end of the flight, the throat has eroded out to 12 square feet, while the mouth is still 300 square feet, an expansion ratio of 25 to 1.

To make your idea work, you'd have to coat the inside of the nozzle with some carefully weakened ablative material, so it would erode away smoothly and perfectly during flight.  Plus, you'd have to ensure that the mouth, where stresses are least, erodes more than the throat, where stresses are greatest.  This could be challenging, for only a minor gain in efficiency.

The way most rocket designers address this issue is by staging the vehicle.  Build nozzles optimized for low altitudes, run them for a couple of minutes tops, then dump them off and light up engines optimized for high altitudes.  With chemical fuels you have to stage anyway, might as well kill two birds with one stone.  smile

Plus, aerospike nozzles are automatically pressure correcting, without having to fool with fancy ablative coatings.  That's why the X-33 was going to use that kind of nozzle.

So, to sum up, yes it's a good idea, unfortunately there are simpler and easier ways to get the same performance. 

Hope that answers the question!  big_smile

#3 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Launch Vehicles - Energia, Ares, Magnum etc. » 2003-01-14 17:56:05

Just as you and John C. have indicated, the radioactive mess resulting from an NTR explosion in the atmosphere would be infinitely worse than the low level contamination of the exhaust plume from normal operations. I should have mentioned this in my earlier post. Soph was quite right to have questioned my remark on the exhaust issue.

You know, kneejerk anti-nuclear stuff like this simply HAS to stop. 


First, what KIND of NTR did you discuss with your long list of smart people?  Yes, they come in kinds.

Second, the idea of the tiny amount of D in normal LH2 being activated to T is simply laughable.  The scattering MFP in liquid hydrogen is 48 cm.  It takes at LEAST 5 scatters to thermalize a neutron, and the absorption cross-section of hydrogen or deuterium is miniscule.  If you're REALLY worried about activating your fuel mass, add a couple of kilos of boron foil to the engine in strategic places, that'll mop up any thermal neutrons before they can affect the hydrogen.

In other words, NO, an NTR does NOT produce radioactive hydrogen exhaust, except in the minds of the most irrationally paranoid.  You would be more at risk going into your basement and breathing the radon.

Now, as for your contention about how dirty an NTR would be in the case of a total loss of containment:  If you choose the right launch site, this risk is easily mitigated.  The "Castle" series of nuclear tests released thousands of times as much radiation as the "accident" at Chernobyl, and only two people died.  The Soviet Union performed MUCH larger tests than Castle, and as far as I know, nobody at all died in those.

Radiation releases ARE NOT DANGEROUS, if the risk is mitigated.  Mining coal is thousands of times as lethal as all of the accidental or deliberate releases of radiation throughout history, except for two.

Wow, that sounds crazy, doesn't it?  Well, the facts bear me out.  When I have a bit more time, I'll post some supporting links if you don't believe me.   

Why, oh why, does everybody have this reflexive fear of nuclear?  Doesn't anybody think anymore?  sad

NTR's can achieve Isp's of AT LEAST 1000, and possibly as high as 5000, with technology available RIGHT NOW.  If we would take the money we are dumping into HEDM research and move it to advanced NTR research, we could have a NTR HLV flying in 5 years, with performance dramatically better than anything we have ever seen.

<sigh>  This FUD just makes me so nuts....

#4 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Nuclear Propulsion - The best way for space travel » 2003-01-07 01:08:55

Josh Cryer:

Those points aside, it would be about, well, a billion times easier (not to mention cheaper) for the US to convert to biomass. All it takes is tractors and seeds.

Wellll....  and topsoil.   Care to speculate on the amount of topsoil we'd lose trying to provide the energy needs of the world with crops of hemp and bamboo?

Personally, I'd rather use that topsoil for more important things, like FOOD.  tongue

Call me crazy. 

Oh, but I suppose we could just raise biomass hydroponically, right?  How big would that greenhouse have to be....

#5 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Nuclear Propulsion - The best way for space travel » 2003-01-05 18:05:04

Also, Auqakah, how many cancer deaths can be PROVEN to be caused by nuclear powerplants?  Not inferred.  PROVEN.

Sure, that's an unreasonable request.  But I can go find data on Black Lung deaths and every one of those can be PROVEN to be caused by coal.

Why do we just shrug and accept the bloody toll caused by coal, while idiot greenies like YOU spend untold efforts to infer possible casualties that might be caused by a cleaner alternative.  If this statement bothers you, go look up Black Lung.  I have had family members die of Black Lung, and it is not pleasant.

Here's a little taste:

Coal workers' pneumoconiosis, also known as black lung disease, is caused by the inhalation of coal dust. An estimated 4.5 percent of coal miners are affected; about 0.2 percent have scarring on the lungs, the most severe form of the disease. Between 1979 and 1996, 14,156 deaths were attributed to black lung disease.

From here.

If nuclear power had killed a thousand people a year for 15 years in a totally uncontrovertible manner, it'd be on the news every night.  Why isn't coal treated that way?

Please note, this does not even begin to address the crap that coal spews into the air you're breathing right now. 

Josh Cryer:

The problem has always been, and always will be, storing solar energy.

You have just put your finger on the root of the problem.  Until we have a VERY fundamental breakthrough in either power storage or power transmission, solar will never be a viable replacement for more than 20 percent or so of our power needs.  Wind and hydro could possibly supply another 20 percent between them.  That leaves 60 percent of our generating capacity to be supplied by nuclear. 

And I would be perfectly happy to see that sort of an energy mix, to be honest.  Anything that stops us pumping CO2 into the atmosphere is a good thing.  smile

Also, in the USA, it would be amazingly easy to get to 60 percent nuclear generation.  An AP-1000 PWR is designed to be built in three years for 1.1 billion in capital costs.  It produces 1090 megawatts in a very safe fashion.

We could build about 250 of these guys in the next ten years for the cost of one years Medicare and Medicaid payments.

They would completely displace coal generators, and to be blunt, if we built 250 of them, they'd probably be quite a bit cheaper.

This would not be difficult to do folks.

#6 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Nuclear Propulsion - The best way for space travel » 2003-01-03 19:35:25

Josh Cryer:  The shrieks of the greenies, combined with idiotic "counter culture" rebelliousness and the "anything for ratings" ruthlessness of the liberal media in the 70's combined to stop nuclear power dead in it's tracks.

Fortunately, California just got a nice taste of the fruits of those labors, and the simple facts of nuclear power's superiority for our needs are still there as the hysteria fades.

Yes, the current crop of nuclear reactors are horrible dinosaurs, and they are STILL the safest, cleanest, and most secure form of power we have, due to the 4 orders of magnitude energy density advantage nuclear has over fossil fuels.

We could build new plants hundreds of times safer than the current crop. such as the Westinghouse AP-600 and 1000.

Show that info to your "green" friends and see what they say.

#7 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Nuclear Propulsion - The best way for space travel » 2003-01-01 04:32:34

soph: Thorium by itself is non-fissile, and cannot assemble a critical mass.  An Energy Amplifier is technically speaking an Accelerator Driven breeder, in which Th232 is converted using neutron bombardment into U233.

Now, U233 is EXCELLENT bomb material.  To reduce the proliferation risk, two things can be done.

First, in an EA about 7 percent of the Th232 gets converted into U234 if you run the reaction to equilibrium.  U234 is TERRIBLE bomb-making material, because it emits lots of neutrons spontaneously, but for an EA it is just as good at U233 as fuel.

Second, when you load your EA with Th232, make sure to include a decent amount of the Th230 isotope.  Th230 absorbs neutrons and becomes U232.  U232 is an even more effective bomb poison than U234, because it emits even more neutrons and it's decay products also emit lots and lots of nasty gamma rays. 

Spiking your EA in this way can pretty much guarantee it'll never be used to make bombs.

Now for links: … 09-ads.pdf … genda.html … ations.htm

Those three should have enough info to keep ya reading until 2004.  big_smile

Nuclear is Good.  Don't let the propaganda fool you.  The current crop of nuclear power reactors are primitive dinosaurs.  The only redeeming feature they have is that they are working.

Oh, and here's a pet peeve of mine:  North Korea is getting a lot of press right now for re-starting a couple of nuclear reactors.  Well, according to some pictures that got flashed up on the tube, those are a 5 megawatt and a 50 megawatt reactor.  In those sizes, those are test machines, or weapon makers, NOT power reactors.  Yet nobody in the media mentions this, painting nuclear power yet again with propagandistic lies.  <grrrrrrrrrr>

#8 Re: Single Stage To Orbit » SSTO - concepts » 2002-12-31 15:36:43

While a space elevator is a wonderful idea, consider this:

Even if it becomes feasible to build one in the next few years, what are we going to do, build it from the bottom up?

A heavy lift rocket is needed to build a space elevator in the first place.   big_smile

#9 Re: Single Stage To Orbit » SSTO - concepts » 2002-12-31 13:56:31

nirgal:  Why would it be politically impossible?  The current crop of folks growing up don't remember Three-Mile Island at all. 

They remember the fuss made about Cassini, and what a total "sky is falling" event it was. 

They remember California having blackouts because the environmentalists convinced the whole state not to build any more power plants.

Nuclear is quickly getting pulled out of the "EVIL" closet and getting looked at with sober eyes.

Nuclear is Good.

That said, for a small payload system a conventional spaceplane style design looks attractive.

For a large payload system, VTOL is the only way to go.

#10 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Nuclear Propulsion - The best way for space travel » 2002-12-31 13:30:05

Just a quick comment or three:

The current crop of nuclear power reactors are dinosaurs. They were designed using slide rules and chalk boards, for pete's sake.  We can build MUCH MUCH better plants today, if we'd just get over our irrational fears.

For example, Westinghouse has a fully licensed and ready to build modular PWR using extensive passive safety systems called the] AP-600  ready to go right now.

They have a larger and more efficient version of the same design called the AP-1000 which should be ready any time now.

These are designs which start their design life 100 times safer than the current crop of plants which have had 40 years of impovements added to them.

And these PWR designs are STILL fairly primitive compared to far more advanced designs which are on the horizon.

I like the lead-bismuth cooled "Energy Amplifier" Accelerator Driven system fueled with Thorium.   Able to safely generate vast amounts of power with huge burnup figures while simultaneously disposing of high level wastes.  Hard to argue with it, actually.

Thorium is three times as common as Uranium, and Thorium out of the ground has 100 times the available energy of Uranium out of the ground, when it is burned in an EA. 

Plus, an EA can be easily run as high temperatures due to the lead/bismuth coolant.  Those high temperatures allow the EA to provide the heat needed to run a sulfur/iodine hydrogen cracking cycle.  For all you folks advocating hydrogen fuel cells, this is a non-hydrocarbon source for vast quantities of the stuff.  Plus, the hydrogen making process runs at a hot enough temperature that the "waste heat" from making the hydrogen is actually about the right temperature to run a conventional steam turbine to make electricity.

For a really complete utilization cycle, you can then use the waste heat from the steam stubines to boil sea water.  This makes fresh water.  You use a portion of the fresh water for feedstock to make hydrogen out of, and you use the rest for irrication or as drinking water.

So, by using new nuclear technology, we can:

A) Switch to a much larger supply of fissile fuel, in Thorium.

B) Have a much safer power source in the Energy Amplifier.

C) Provide high temperatures to create hydrogen, so we stop burning gasoline in our SUV's.

D) Make huge amounts of electricity, which the world is already hungry for.

E) Make huge amounts of freash water for crops and drinking.

F) Do all this while getting rid of 99 percent of our current nuclear waste.

Sounds too good to be true, doesn't it?  smile

Well, it's all based on solid science and all of these projects are being worked on my teams of scientists right now.  If you don't believe me, I will be happy to post links. 

Nuclear is Good!  smile

#11 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Nuclear Propulsion - The best way for space travel » 2002-12-27 14:01:38


One reactor creates a massive amount of heat; NuclearSpace, if I may ask, do you know how much that is? I'm curious, but I haven't been able to dig up any info on it.

Well, I'm not NuclearSpace, but I'll take a stab at answering this.  smile

As a rough rule of thumb, take the electrical output rating of a nuclear plant and triple it for the thermal output.  So, a 1 gigawatt nuclear powerplant has a thermal output of about 3 gigawatts, and the other 2 gigawatts is radiated as waste heat.

While that may sound like a lot, humans today have no hope of effecting the energy budget of the Earth.  Solar energy impacts the Earth 24 hours a day at a rate of roughly 1.368 kilowatts per square meter.

The Earth is 6,378 kilometers in radius, so doing a little math:

A = Pi R^2

Pi  = 3.14
R   = 6,378,000 meters.

A =   3.14 * 40,678,884,000,000
A =   127,731,695,760,000 square meters * 1.368 Kilowatts =
174,736,959,799,680 kilowatts

The earth receives roughly 175 trillion kilowatts of solar energy every second of every day, and has for millions of years.  Our measly little 1000 kilowatt nuclear power plants won't affect that energy budget at all.  But our coal plants sure can.

This example shows why the threat of CO2 is so potent.  To get a few gigawatts of useful electricity we are tinkering with the thousands of terawatts of insolation. 

And before you triumphantly state that Solar power is the answer to our needs, I will calmly point out that until we have tremendous breakthroughs in either transmission or storage, no it isn't.  If you are a utility, the first calm night will black out your entire customer base.  This ain't a happy thing.

Nuclear Power is Good.  big_smile

#12 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Project Orion Revisited. - Why not an Earth Launch? » 2002-12-24 17:28:18

I will second that request for info on photon-generation of antimatter. 

If we could use a more energy efficient process to produce anti-protons, that would make ACMF and other anti-matter using designs much closer to reality.

Oh, and even positrons in bulk would be a very useful thing, I have seen designs for positron-fueled SSTO spaceplanes powered by positron-generated gamma rays in tungsten ramjets and using air as reaction mass. 

Anything that makes volume and inexpensive antimatter is a positive development for space travel.  big_smile

#13 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Anti-matter - as a method of propulsion. » 2002-12-24 17:22:47

Ooooooh, antimatter, one of my favorites.  big_smile

Here is a fat .pdf on the ACMF with more details than you can shake a stick at.]htt … p/ICAN.pdf] is a company with a nice website and a definite sense of getting serious about anti-matter.

#14 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Project Orion Revisited. - Why not an Earth Launch? » 2002-12-19 17:28:35

Why, thank you Preston!  That saved me the trouble of digging that stuff out.  smile

With a 50/50 D-3He fuel at 50 keV, the reaction rate is ~21 times greater for D-3He than it is for D-D.

This is correct!  Using a 50/50 ratio, He3-D has one fortieth the high energy (14Mev) neutron flux of DD.  Most proposals I have seen for running He3-D aneutronic has consisted of running the plasma very helium rich, so the aneutronic reaction has the best chance of happening.  If there are 100 heliums for every deuterium, it stands to reason the DD reaction will be suppressed.  I will see if I can't find the article I read that stated the 1000 fold drop....

D + D => p(3.02 MeV) + T(1.01 MeV)

This reaction is the fly in the ointment for both DD and D-He3.  That tritium snaps up a D very easily and BANG, you have one of those hot neutrons to deal with.

I should think that a space reactor only would need neutron absorbers (high Z material) for the direction that is toward the crew (..?). The rest can just be moderated with light or heavy water.  I'm thinking heavy water doesn't absorb neutrons as well as a chunk of heavy metal.

Actually, I think the best material to shield neutrons, hands down, is liquid hydrogen, of all things.  The fast neutron Mean Free Path in liquid hydrogen is only about 60 centimeters, and every collision saps an average of 63 percent of the neutrons energy. 

LH2 is very light, so carrying a few meters of it as a shield is not a huge hardship.  Put a healthy dose of boron in it to mop up the thermal neutrons after they're moderated and voila, you have a very effective and pretty lightweight neutron shield.  You would place it as far from your reactor as you can get, and let the majority of the neutrons escape into free space, so that the thermal load on the LH2 doesn't make it boil too fast.  In other words, the side of your crew section that faces the reactor has a ten meter thick borated liquid hydrogen tank on it, and the rest of the ship just lets the neutrons zip away into space.

The escaped neutrons decay pretty fast into a proton and an electron, and render themselves harmless, so shielding against them is not needed.  smile

#15 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Project Orion Revisited. - Why not an Earth Launch? » 2002-12-19 09:00:09

robert dyck: 

Actually, there are more ways to make tritium than from lithium jackets.

Yes, but breeding in lithium blankets is the system that is almost always mentioned by our esteemed fusion developers.

That is why a CanDu reactor is the most efficient producer of tritium, and why a coolant leak is nasty.

You have just pointed out the single reason that I would never use a CANDU design.  It's a real pity, too, the CANDU is a GREAT design, if it wasn't for that darn tritium.  Tritium is just too nasty to fool with, in my opinion.

Once we do have fusion technology we can either use double-deuterium fuel, or make tritium from deuterium.

While I agree a D-D fuel cycle greatly lowers the tritium problem, D-D still has an enormous neutron flux.  How are we to convert those highly energetic neutrons into power we can use?  Unless there is a VERY fundamental breakthrough, that will remain a severe problem.

He3-D is aneutronic in itself, although a D-D side reaction still produces a lot of neutrons.  He3-D produces about 1000 times less neutrons than D-T or D-D.  (I think thats right, I should go look that up....  )

#16 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Project Orion Revisited. - Why not an Earth Launch? » 2002-12-18 16:28:43

Soph: Fusion as currently being researched is not any better (cleaner) than a modern PWR design, and is actually WORSE than an Accelerator Driven system like the Energy Amplifier designed at CERN.

See, the easiest fusion reaction to ignite is Deuterium - Tritium.  It is also VERY energetic.  Unfortunately, the huge majority of that energy is represented by neutrons emitted at the blazing high energy of 14Mev.  (To compare, the energy of neutrons emitted by Uranium fission have energies of 2 Mev.)

So, fusion as it is currently being developed gives off most of its energy in super hot neutrons.

The problem is that converting those neutrons to heat is TOUGH, and neutron bombardment is going to be very, very high.  Huge absorbers will be needed to soak up those neutrons, and inevitably, they will become riddled, embrittled, and activated.  Nasty.

Add in the fact that tritium doesn't exist in nature and has to be bred from lithium jackets, AND that tritium is very radioactive AND is very easily absorbed by humans, and you have a very unpleasant combination.

Tritium is VERY nasty stuff, folks.  Think of it as gaseous plutonium.  Sad, but true.

Basically, we should build new PWR's as fast as we can to phase out coal, then build Energy Amplifiers once we get them perfected.  We should not start using fusion until we mature it to the point that Deuterium - Helium3 is possible, then we should mine He3 off the Moon.

If we ever run the Moon out of He3, we just mine it from Uranus.  We should have enough energy to last us literally MILLIONS of years, at consumption levels FAR higher than we have now.

It's just a matter of getting over this irrational fear of the "Ebil Nooklure!" we have been brainwashed into.  smile

Nuclear is natural.

#17 Re: Interplanetary transportation » combinations? » 2002-12-16 11:19:38

To restate this in more basic terms:

Due to material strength limitations, there exists an inverse relationship between Isp and thrust.

Therefore, it makes sense to use a high-thrust, low Isp drive for some phases of a flight, and a low-thrust, high Isp drive for other phases of the flight.

This makes perfect sense, as long as the thrust-to-weight and dead mass issues can be made to behave.

#18 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Power Limits of Advanced Propulsion » 2002-12-16 11:16:08

Oh, you are thinking about a sub-orbital system, like the "Orient Express" ideas that got kicked around in the late 80's.

<shrug>  While that is a worthwhile field of development, it does nothing at all to get us (as a race) access to the vast resources of the Solar System.

I like my standard of living, and I see no reason why a peasant in Bangladesh should not have a decent shot of attaining one just as good.  Scarcity of resources is the true root of many of our problems, getting off Earth is the solution.

It seems simple to me, I just don't understand why it gets so much resistance.

#19 Re: Interplanetary transportation » warp drive - futuristic, but possible? » 2002-12-16 11:12:04

Yes, the recent work on encoding up to several thousand bits into the spin state of an electron, combined with the ability of tangled pairs to apparently break the speed of light limitations, bodes well for schemes to have FTL communicators.

Granted, there is probably some conservation law that will make it impossible, but its fun to kick the ideas around.  smile

#20 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Power Limits of Advanced Propulsion » 2002-12-15 21:50:49

soph, preston:

I'd also tend to favor something like a spaceplane SSTO or hypersonic tether assisted launch than one of those nuclear monsters sending hundreds of people to space at once...

I am curious as to what sort of a spaceplane you would want?  What cargo capacity, fuel, etc?

I feel a SSTO space plane is quite doable, IF you are willing to make it nuclear powered/assisted.  If you are not willing to use nuclear power, then it can't be done with any useful mass fraction.

For nuclear powered designs, I have seen types using a NERVA style core to simply power your way to orbit using air as reaction mass, switching over to water/hydrogen as you get above the air.

I have seen pure antimatter powered SSTO planes as well.  (These are FIERCE!)

I have seen a nuclear assisted design, where hydrogen is heated to 2500 C in a NERVA-style core and the exhaust is then combusted with external air at low heights, switching to pure rocket operations at high levels.

The real problem with planes is the runways and landing-gear design.  Plus, wings are mainly dead weight on the trip up to orbit, and lifting bodies tend to have a HIGH landing speed.

This means that spaceplanes don't scale in size very well. 

And size counts.  smile

#21 Re: Interplanetary transportation » LH2 fuel replacement... - ...NaH / NaBH4? » 2002-12-15 21:38:07

I have no problem with most nuclear designs though.  Ironicly, they are much more eco-friendly that flourine engines.

Heh.  You have convinced me!  big_smile  Please go take a look at the Liberty Ship proposal I am working on when time allows, you are a bright fellow, see if I have screwed up the math or if I want to use alloys that are chemically impossible, or simila dopey things.  big_smile

#22 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Power Limits of Advanced Propulsion » 2002-12-12 17:31:50

tjohn: LOL, A picture is worth a thousand words, isn't it?  A fellow who goes by "nukepulse" at the nuclearspace forums made the pretty cgi's and they are awesome, indeed. smile

soph: In the giant thread over at the nuclearspace forums this same question was brought up, and I basically shot the idea down.  Sorry.

You see, the empty mass of this launcher is a whopping 800 tons, no runway on Earth could hold the thing up.  See, without wings, and with that heavy a mass, it would have to come in for a landing at a HIGH speed, to avoid stalling out.  High speed plus huge landing mass = wrecked runway. 

The Space Shuttle is tiny compared to this, and it has the highest landing speed of any vehicle on the planet.  (I think that's right, the old X-15 had a really high landing speed, too.)

Now, it is possible to try and build it as a flying boat, but again, the speed of touchdown is going to make that problematic.

Instead, I simply put on enough fuel to give the loaded Liberty Ship a total deltaV at takeoff of 15 km/sec.  The flight profile I have assumed is to use 10km/sec getting to orbit and dumping the ascent fuel into deep space or the Sun.  For the flight back down, 6 or 7 km/sec of velocity is scrubbed using a nice gentle powered aerobraking manuever, and the last 2 or 3 km/sec is supplied by the thrusters as it flies down, tail-first, to land on the launch ship.  Please note, that flight profile assumes it has 2,000,000 pounds of cargo going up, AND 2,000,000 pounds of cargo coming back!

If you are willing to run the safety margins during ascent a little thinner, the Liberty Ship could easily place 3,000,000 pounds or more into orbit, and simply fly back empty.  big_smile

"Impressive, young Skywalker!"

For much more info, go read the thread at the nuclearspace forums.  When I have  a little time, I plan to neaten up all this info and present it as an article over there, and even if they turn me down, I'll stick it on my ghetto web page.  big_smile

#23 Re: Interplanetary transportation » LH2 fuel replacement... - ...NaH / NaBH4? » 2002-12-12 16:59:59

Ok, responses;

1) Assuming my crude model of plume dispersal from above is correct, then it would be reasonable to state that wave actions would disperse the fluorine atoms into the top 1 meter of the ocean within five minutes.  That would drop the concentration from 60 ppm to .6 ppm.  well below the toxicity levels you mention here.  Suppose that after a day the atoms are spread into the top 100 meters of the ocean.  That drops the concentration to a meager .006 ppm.   

The ocean is WAY deeper than 100 meters, too.  big_smile

Would there be fish kills?  Probably.  But they would be minor indeed.

2) A worst case scenario could be handled by simply bringing along a few thousand tons of a neutralizing agent.  This would also handily deal with the increased toxicity levels close to the launch ship.  IE, instead of using water in your sound suppression sprays, use sodium hydroxide or some more compatible strong base.  Neutralize the highest concentratioons of the mean stuff before it goes anywhere.

To deal with launch-pad blowups, we use a semi-submersible ship.  The ship is protected by 40 feet of water from the explosion, and the dense, reactive fuels are neutralized by the same toxicity reducing sprays I mentioned before.  It will be a big ship, ten or twenty thousand tons of a safety chemical would be no problem to bring along.  smile

Oh, and if your fuel has a higher Isp, you need a LOWER mass flow for a givem thrust level, so there would be less exhaust at the launch site than with a less toxic fuel.

3) This is the most valid point yet....  I suspect using the toxicity neutralizing sprays would help a lot with this, but to be honest, for a long term HLV system, I'd advocate a nuclear option.  It's going to have better performance and be cleaner.

4) The beauty of the Pacific as a launch point is the long stretch of clear water at the Equator.  Launching from the Equator is very attractive if you are using a chemical launcher, because every little bit of velocity helps.  for this reason, I don't see any huge obstacles to using the Pacific as the launch point.  smile

5) Well, we are already building HUGE semi-submersible ships for other purposes: Take a look at this pdf on a big one that is going to be made even bigger next year.

That monster could be used as a launch base with only minor modifications, and I have seen designs for even bigger semi-submersible vessels.

Much of the resistance/corrosion problems could be solved by using teflon paint on the ship, and soaking it with a chemical neutralizer during and after launch.

I see this as a very doable thing, personally.  smile

Of course, my true love is nuclear powered boosters.  I have not tinkered on this chemical stuff for years.  An Isp of 400 is TINY compared to the capabilities of nuclear.  smile

#24 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Power Limits of Advanced Propulsion » 2002-12-12 14:16:53

Thank you for the encouragement, Shaun, and I hope that folks with strong backgrounds in this sort of stuff do indeed go and take a look at it. 

I am far from brilliant, and my math skills frankly suck.  About the only thing I have going for me is a total lack of comprehension of how impossible this thing is, and a facility with finding oddball solutions to problems.

In other words, BF&MI will carry the day!   big_smile

So, if there are any scientists, physicists, smart math folks, etc who want to kick holes in my reasoning, please, hit the link above and start poking holes in the design. 

Also, a fellow over at was nice enough to make a cgi of the Liberty Ship, which I have posted at a ghetto webpage.  If you want to look at some pictures, try

Whee!  smile

#25 Re: Interplanetary transportation » LH2 fuel replacement... - ...NaH / NaBH4? » 2002-12-11 23:22:12

Austin Stanley:  I am a trifle confused.   Using your figures,  33 million cubic meters of water is  about 3 percent of one cubic kilometer of water.   A cubic kilometer of water is a LOT of water, and the ocean has lot of them. smile

Assume we have a launch with a thruster that used flourine, in whole or part, as the oxidiser in the first stage.  The 2 million kilos of fluorine ions that is released is done so over a period of two minutes.  Pulling some trajectory numbers from the air, at the time of burnout, lets say the booster is (conservatively) 100 kilometers downrange, and 50 kilometers high.

If the flourine falls back to the surface in a rough triangle, and the width of the plume at the furthest extent is 60 kilometers, then the toxic fluorine hits the ocean spread over an area of 3000 square kilometers, or three billion square meters.   At 60 ppm as you state, the flourine will have a toxic concentration to a depth of 1 cm, averaged over that entire area.   :0

The concentrations will be very high near the launch site, of course, but that simply means that the majority of the emission is spread over a large area of ocean at even lower concentrations than I assume above.  Add in the fact that the fluorine will reach the water spread over time, and I would wager that most of the emissions would never reach the water in concentrations high enough to be toxic at all.

So, not to detract from the very, very poisonous nature of this stuff, the risk could be easily mitigated through the choice of a proper launch site.

Of course, if you're going to be SERIOUS about getting into space, then nuclear is the real option to pursue. 

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