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#1 2005-11-26 17:05:47

From: Athens, Greece
Registered: 2005-10-03
Posts: 9

Re: To Moon, Mars and Beyond

This site is great, good constructed webpage and a lot of others thing
But i don't see any direct plan to go to Mars except with MarsDirect which is only a theory that hasn't been tested or funded so it cannot advance.
Why there is not a more aggressive policy to reach alone ,without the help of national space company, Moon (ok, we can skip the moon)and to Mars and to the stars(ok , forget the stars).
More adverising to Magazines and Television across the world to promote Mars Society so everyone learn about it.
A lot of people can give 10$ or 10euros
If one billion people give 10$ the whole ammont will reach 10billions
More than enough to achive Mars Society
Is it so impossible?

ESA - European Space Agency


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