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#76 2022-06-29 09:48:08

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Artificial Intelligence AI

BLOOM Is the Most Important AI Model of the Decade
https://thealgorithmicbridge.substack.c … t-ai-model

New study finds trees and greenery in virtual reality might make our brains happy … 19597/full

Green environments are said to have a positive impact on spontaneous physical activity and well-being. However, high quality psychological measures in natural settings are difficult to collect. In the present study, we offer a detailed report on how virtual reality may provide a controlled environment for immersive user testing. Virtual Reality (VR) was here used to test the impact of colorful floor markings on the spontaneous speed of walking, gaze behaviour, as well as perceived changes in and physiological mesures of affective states.

older discussion
Psychology - issues and concerns...

ZiGGY autonomous robot that saves you a parking spot then charges your EV … harges-ev/

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-06-29 09:57:02)


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#77 2022-07-02 15:02:14

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Artificial Intelligence AI

This Warehouse Robot Reads Human Body Language … -language/

AI Is Learning Twice as Fast This Year Than Last

A.I drugs and narcotics are coming like something out of Neuromancer by William Gibson

Small, soft, flexible first-of-its-kind implant that relieves pain on demand, without the use of drugs and dissolves … pain-drugs

A model that allows robots to follow and guide humans in crowded environments … ments.html


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#78 2022-07-04 07:57:51

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Artificial Intelligence AI

Elon Musk gives official reveal date for Tesla’s humanoid AI robot, ‘Optimus’ … ot-optimus

AI experts called on to join the hunt for exoplanets … s_999.html

Artificial Intelligence (AI) experts have been challenged to help a new space mission to investigate Earth's place in the universe.

The Ariel Data Challenge 2022, which launches on 30 June, is inviting AI and machine learning experts from industry and academia to help astronomers understand planets outside our solar system, known as exoplanets.

Dr Ingo Waldmann, Associate Professor in Astrophysics, UCL (University College London) and Ariel Data Challenge lead said:

"AI has revolutionised many fields of science and industry in the past years. The field of exoplanets has fully arrived in the era of big-data and cutting edge AI is needed to break some of our biggest bottlenecks holding us back.

AI restoration of rare footage of the 1890s

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-07-07 07:42:02)


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#79 2022-07-04 16:29:48

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451

Re: Artificial Intelligence AI

Intelligence proven with the writing of a paper.
An Artificial Intelligence Published An Academic Paper About Itself


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#80 2022-07-10 03:35:02

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Artificial Intelligence AI

Meta's Going After a Universal Translator. Its AI Now Works for 200 Languages … languages/

Photographic memory using things once seen and not remembered by a human?

“A computer algorithm can use a technique called "ghost imaging" to reconstruct objects from a person's brainwaves that the person themselves can't see”

AI can use your brainwaves to see things that you can't … -you-cant/

Voight-Kampff scifi test or something worse
1984 once more

Chinese researchers develop AI that can read minds and determine party loyalty, report reveals … 26910.html

A video report detailed the software’s features and attributed it to the Hefei Comprehensive National Science Center, a relatively new institute focused on health and environment, energy research, information management and artificial intelligence.

The technology essentially tests one's level of loyalty to the CCP. According to the center, it would “further solidify their [members’] confidence and determination to be grateful to the party, listen to the party and follow the party.”

In the video, subjects are seen sitting in front of kiosk displays and watching CCP-related content. Meanwhile, the software analyzes their brain signals, facial expressions and skin electrical responses to particular pieces of content.

biological nano repairs coming and
store material for future nano repairs in the future?

Nanoparticle 'backpacks' restore damaged stem cells … =61032.php

Robot learns to walk within an hour

Japan's Forestry Industry Tests Robots to Address Labor Shortage … ot-trials/

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-07-10 03:46:38)


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#81 2022-07-12 09:19:50

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Artificial Intelligence AI

GITAI has a facility in the USA,  also working with JAXA and Japanese automaker Toyota it also aims to autonomously execute in-space servicing, assembly, and manufacturing with its S2 robotic arm system in the vacuum of space.

MIT professor calls recent AI development, "the worst case scenario" because progress is rapidly outpacing AI safety research. … selection/

     Frankly, this is to me the worst-case scenario we’re on right now — the one I had hoped wouldn’t happen. I had hoped that it was going to be harder to get here, so it would take longer. So we would have more time to do some AI safety.

    I also hoped that the way we would ultimately get here would be a way where we had more insight into how the system actually worked, so that we could trust it more because we understood it. Instead, what we’re faced with is these humongous black boxes with 200 billion knobs on them and it magically does this stuff.

    Max Tegmark

He says that training a black box that does something smart needs to just be stage one in a bigger process. Stage two is: “How do we get the knowledge out and put it in a safer system?”

His favourite MIT project so far involved taking a bunch of data from the 100 most complicated or famous physics equations, creating an Excel spreadsheet with each of the variables and the results, and saying to the computer, “OK, here’s the data. Can you figure out what the formula is?”

For general formulas, this is really hard. About 400 years ago, Johannes Kepler managed to get hold of the data that Tycho Brahe had gathered regarding how the planets move around the solar system. Kepler spent four years staring at the data until he figured out what the data meant: that planets orbit in an ellipse.

Max’s team’s code was able to discover that in just an hour.

Today’s conversation starts off giving a broad overview of the key questions about artificial intelligence: What’s the potential? What are the threats? How might this story play out? What should we be doing to prepare?

Rob and Max then move on to recent advances in capabilities and alignment, the mood we should have, and possible ways we might misunderstand the problem.

They then spend roughly the last third talking about Max’s current big passion: improving the news we consume — where Rob has a few reservations.

They also cover:

    Whether we would be able to understand what superintelligent systems were doing
    The value of encouraging people to think about the positive future they want
    How to give machines goals
    Whether ‘Big Tech’ is following the lead of ‘Big Tobacco’
    Whether we’re sleepwalking into disaster
    Whether people actually just want their biases confirmed
    Why Max is worried about government-backed fact-checking
    And much more

Non-invasive Stimulation of Eye as Potential Treatment of Depression and Dementia … ers-20976/

Chinese EV maker XPeng’s robotics arm raises $100 million to bring robots to households in 2 years … llion.html

To solve the water crisis, companies are increasingly turning to AI … er-crisis/

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-07-12 09:31:11)


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#82 2022-07-14 09:04:28

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Artificial Intelligence AI

AI CubeSat headed to Van Allen Belts on Vega-C … C_999.html

An ESA-financed nanosatellite, due to lift off aboard the inaugural flight of Vega-C Wednesday, will operate an AI system in the harsh, radiation-wracked environment of the Van Allen Belts. The shoebox-sized Trisat-R - one of six 'CubeSats' on the flight, headed up to a rarely-trafficked, close to 6000 km altitude orbit - is also carrying radiation-detection payloads from CERN, the European Council for Nuclear Research, Slovenian firm SkyLabs and ESA itself.


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#83 2022-07-14 19:01:17

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451


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#84 2022-07-16 13:31:35

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,342

Re: Artificial Intelligence AI

Here are a couple of snippets from a tech newsletter that includes an AI section ....

AI/Machine Learning/Cognitive Services
Inside a radical new project to democratize AI

From Technology Review Feed - Tech Review Top Stories

PARIS — This is as close as you can get to a roc...

Training vs Inference – Memory Consumption by Neural Networks


This article dives deeper into the memory consumption of deep learning neural network architectures. What exactly happens when an input is presented to a neural network, and why do...

I note (in particular) the author's distinction between memory consumption when the developers are training a network and the consumption when the  customer is running the network to generate inferences, given specific circumstances to be investigated.



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#85 2022-07-22 13:37:09

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,342

Re: Artificial Intelligence AI

This item was completely unexpected (by me for sure!) ...

I had asked Google something about Kroger, and to my surprise, it came back with news of a collaboration with a UK company, to offer AI assisted warehousing to optimize delivery on online orders. … house-site

I had asked if Kroger has a presence in Phoenix ...

The Kroger Co. has identified Phoenix as a location for an upcoming Ocado automated customer fulfillment center (CFC) to process online grocery orders.

In November, Kroger announced plans to build a 200,000-square-foot Ocado CFC in the Southwest region. The Cincinnati-based grocer reported late Friday that Phoenix will be the site of the upcoming facility. Construction is slated to start this year, and the warehouse is expected to become operational 24 months after the groundbreaking.

Related: Kroger plans 10th Ocado automated warehouse

“Kroger continues to accelerate the expansion of our national network to redefine the customer experience,” Gabriel Arreaga, chief supply chain officer at Kroger, said in a statement. “Our partnership with Ocado is and will continue to be rooted in our ability to deliver a value-added customer-centric solution that brings fresh food to customers through our seamless ecosystem.”

The new CFC will support online grocery customers across Arizona, Kroger said.

Related: Kroger names Michigan site for new Ocado online grocery facility

“This exciting new collaboration will create hundreds of new jobs in Arizona,” stated Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey. “Arizona is proud to be one of the first sites in the country to launch this innovative technology. We thank Kroger and Ocado for their investment in our state.”

In total, Kroger has announced 10 CFCs. Most recently, in late September, the company named Romulus, Mich., as a CFC site, one of three new Ocado facilities that had been announced for the Great Lakes, Pacific Northwest and West. Thus far, Kroger hasn’t identified the locations of the other two sites.

Plans call for Kroger’s first Ocado CFC to open in Monroe, Ohio, in early 2021. The facility, which broke ground in June 2019, will be 335,000 square feet.

Compared with previously announced facilities, which are around 350,000 square feet, the latest CFCs will be smaller. Kroger said the CFCs will measure about 300,000 square feet in the West and 200,000 square feet in the Pacific Northwest. At 135,000 square feet, the Romulus CFC is the smallest announced to date.

Other Ocado CFC locations announced by Kroger include Frederick, Md. (350,000 square feet); Pleasant Prairie, Wis. (350,000 square feet); Groveland, Fla. (375,000 square feet); Forest Park, Ga. (375,000 square feet); and Dallas (350,000 square feet).

“With Kroger, we are developing a game-changing ecosystem for serving online grocery to customers across the United States. This includes Ocado’s automated CFCs across a range of sizes, as well as software to optimize fulfillment in stores for curbside pickup,” according to Luke Jensen, CEO of Ocado Solutions, which has its U.S. headquarters in Tyson, Va. “Powered by Ocado’s state-of-the-art, proprietary technologies, this site will be crucial in bringing unrivaled online grocery experiences to homes across Arizona and wider geographies.”

Kroger and United Kingdom-based Ocado unveiled their partnership in May 2018, saying at the time that they plan to open 20s CFCs in the United States over the next three years. The Ocado CFCs use automation and artificial intelligence to service online grocery orders, and the facilities are expected to expand Kroger’s products to a larger geographic footprint.     

“Phoenix is a global center of innovation with the experienced workforce and tech ecosystem that makes it a perfect location for Kroger’s customer fulfillment center,” commented Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego. “We are excited to see the potential of an estimated 700 jobs within its first five years of operation. These jobs include but are not limited to transportation, warehousing, robotics and technology, which are four of Phoenix’s workforce strengths. The location also takes advantage of our city’s burgeoning, advanced transportation network. Kroger has long been a major part of the Phoenix economy, and this new expansion is a highly welcomed addition.”




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#86 2022-07-24 21:11:20

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451

Re: Artificial Intelligence AI


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#87 2022-07-25 06:34:13

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,342

Re: Artificial Intelligence AI

For SpaceNut re #66

Thanks for reporting this egregious violation of the Laws of Robotics:

A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
Isaac Asimov's "Three Laws of Robotics" › ~vestmon › robotics
About Featured Snippets

It is not surprising (to me at least) that this occurred in Russia.   There seems to be a callous attitude toward human life that has evolved over many centuries in that region.  At the extreme we have the Ukraine war, and at the lowest possible end of the spectrum we have this.

I hope the kid's finger recovers, but the word "crushed" was used, so I'm guessing the manipulator was an industrial grabber which should NOT have been anywhere near a human being.



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#88 2022-07-25 16:13:56

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Artificial Intelligence AI

AI algorithm used brain imaging data to identify novel brain patterns linked to mental health disorders that may lead to early diagnosis of devastating conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia and autism.


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#89 2022-07-26 03:56:24

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Artificial Intelligence AI

OpenAI is likely experimenting with using LLM's to control computers

Full movies, music, cartoons and political speeches coming soon?

Meta has now entered the space with Make-A-Scene – taking the tech a notch higher" … ge-ai-tool
Following OpenAI’s DALL-E and Google’s Imagen, Meta has now entered the space with Make-A-Scene – taking the tech a notch higher. Capable of generating an image from text prompts, Meta’s latest research project takes the technology a step further by accepting rough sketches from the user

Eric Schmidt Thinks AI Is as Powerful as Nukes …

Chinese courts allow AI to overrule judges and draft new laws … ments.html

New Technology Gives AI Human-Like Eyes … like-eyes/

Google fires the engineer who claims their AI chatbot has sentience … sentience/

there's something odd about HAL?

Chess robot grabs and breaks finger of seven-year-old opponent … ent-moscow
Last week, according to Russian media outlets, a chess-playing robot, apparently unsettled by the quick responses of a seven-year-old boy, unceremoniously grabbed and broke his finger during a match at the Moscow Open."The robot broke the child's finger," Sergey Lazarev, president of the Moscow Chess Federation, told the TASS news agency after the incident, adding that the machine had played many previous exhibitions without upset.
Sergey Smagin, vice-president of the Russian Chess Federation, told Baza the robot appeared to pounce after it took one of the boy's pieces.

AI can see things we can’t – but does that include the future? … he-future/

Neuro-mancy was described in a fictional scifi book Neuromancer was a scifi book about a washed-up hacker in this dystopian Blade Runner Cyberpunk Matrix type universe who was hired for one last job, his brain could virtually jack into computers but he's almost burnt out, he basically gets jacked up with scifi steroids for one more job, the book by William Gibson helped give borth to the style of the cyberpunk genre.

Necro-mancy is another world of fiction, part of fantasy, the practice of magic or black magic involving communication with the dead or raising the dead as servants.

Now in our real world they animate creatures back to life.

Why send more Astronauts or send Animals to space to die in colonies when lots of the early work can be done with walking zombies and when the preserved enhanced flesh finally decays it becomes part of the soil.

the Cyborg A.I based Necromancer? … -grippers/

Watch researchers use dead spiders as robotic grippers

A 165-Mile Drone Superhighway Will Soon Be Built in the UK … in-the-uk/

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-07-26 04:03:51)


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#90 2022-07-26 14:35:03

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Artificial Intelligence AI

Robots are making french fries, chicken wings and more as restaurant kitchens gear up for an automated future … 1658775070

Mars needs a Human Chef?

McDonalds CEO: Robots won't take over our kitchens "the economics don't pencil out" … alization/


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#91 2022-07-27 05:07:54

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Artificial Intelligence AI

How NASA AI Robot Astrobee Assists Astronauts On International Space Station

also some news on biology in the vid and machine learning language...unfortunately their hatred-of-speech seems to be the way they plan on using machine learning to censor more of the interwebs

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-07-27 05:12:14)


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#92 2022-08-02 04:08:27

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Artificial Intelligence AI

AI researchers developing systems that can exhibit 'human-like' understanding of 3D scenes from 2D input … r-3d-world

MIT Researchers Created Artificial Synapses 10,000x Faster Than Biological Ones … ical-ones/

Researchers have been trying to build artificial synapses for years in the hope of getting close to the unrivaled computational performance of the human brain. A new approach has now managed to design ones that are 1,000 times smaller and 10,000 times faster than their biological counterparts.

Despite the runaway success of deep learning over the past decade, this brain-inspired approach to AI faces the challenge that it is running on hardware that bears little resemblance to real brains. This is a big part of the reason why a human brain weighing just three pounds can pick up new tasks in seconds using the same amount of power as a light bulb, while training the largest neural networks takes weeks, megawatt hours of electricity, and racks of specialized processors.

That’s prompting growing interest in efforts to redesign the underlying hardware AI runs on. The idea is that by building computer chips whose components act more like natural neurons and synapses, we might be able to approach the extreme space and energy efficiency of the human brain. The hope is that these so-called “neuromorphic” processors could be much better suited to running AI than today’s computer chips.

Now researchers from MIT have shown that an unusual artificial synapse design that mimics the brain’s reliance on shuttling ions around could actually significantly outperform biological ones. The key breakthrough was finding a material that tolerates extreme electric fields, which dramatically improved the speed with which ions could move.

“The speed certainly was surprising,” Murat Onen, who led the research, said in a press release. “Normally, we would not apply such extreme fields across devices, in order to not turn them into ash. But instead, protons [which are equivalent to hydrogen ions] ended up shuttling at immense speeds across the device stack, specifically a million times faster compared to what we had before.”

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-08-02 04:37:40)


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#93 2022-08-06 07:31:33

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Artificial Intelligence AI

Real risks behind artificial intelligence go way beyond fear of sentience, AI experts warn … perts-warn


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#94 2022-08-06 13:16:19

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Artificial Intelligence AI

AI helps discover new space anomalies


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#95 2022-08-07 01:52:34

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Artificial Intelligence AI

Will the first Poets of Mars be A.I ?

'An AI wrote this blog post: My name is, the AI who wrote this blog post' … be4906342f


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#96 2022-08-07 05:15:37

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Artificial Intelligence AI

If one day we find some moving intelligent alien creature will this alien creature also make its work of art?

Some people said its 'Art' that makes us unique and human, although a Dolphin or Monkey or Elephant is classed as intelligent some say a human's ability to make good art is what makes us so special and different.

From Poetry to Music to Painting to Writing people are getting more impressed by A'I's artist ability?

I Asked an AI to Dream the Solar System as Food … m-as-food/

As soon as I saw these new artificial intelligence image creation tools, like DALL-E, I wanted to see how well they’d work for generating space and astronomy images. I’m still on the waiting list for DALL-E 2, so I don’t have any feedback to give there, but I signed up for Midjourney AI, played around with the free account, and then signed up for a full paid account, so I could test out its capabilities.


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#97 2022-08-07 14:32:51

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Artificial Intelligence AI

A team of researchers in the U.S. and China have developed a new paradigm for enabling communication between humans and AI systems … uman-goals

How AI Trading Technology Is Making Stock Market Investors Smarter. AI trading is a growing part of the fintech industry. These companies are paving the way. … arket-tech

    Artificial intelligence is to trading what fire was to the cavemen.” That’s how one industry player described the impact of a disruptive technology on a staid industry.
    In other words: AI is a game changer for the stock market.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-08-07 14:33:49)


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#98 2022-08-09 11:27:04

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Artificial Intelligence AI

This Robot Dog Has an AI Brain and Taught Itself to Walk in Just an Hour--In the Real World. No Simulation Required. … t-an-hour/


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#99 2022-08-11 03:54:29

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Artificial Intelligence AI

Meta's chatbot says the company 'exploits people'

another discussion,
AI Emotional Intelligence


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#100 2022-08-12 11:10:03

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Artificial Intelligence AI

‘Risks posed by AI are real’: EU moves to beat the algorithms that ruin lives | Artificial intelligence (AI) … ruin-lives


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