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#51 2022-03-13 16:02:39

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,910

Re: NSS Houston Chapter Events

Emergency procedures:

Every pressure sub-compartment will have pressure sensors. I case of pressure lock, an alarm will sound with both sound and flashing strobe light. If pressure is lost, the alarm will not be audible, so the light will be necessary. The common equipment box on the roof of every pressure compartment will include water filtration to convert grey water to potable, compressor for air conditioning, battery to store electricity, and pressurized bottle of oxygen to repressurize in case of pressure loss. If only one sub-compartment loses pressure, alarm will only sound there, and oxygen will be proved in an attempt to maintain pressure long enough for passengers to evacuate. Once pressure cannot be maintained, pressure tight doors along the corridors will automatically close and seal shut. At the base of every spoke there will be a storage closet with emergency equipment. This will include a plastic sheet airlock. Every pressure door will have a seal built into the door frame around the door, on both sides. The floor will have a section that covers the portion of this seal under the door, and will cover the track where the door slides. Pressure tight doors will be sliding pocket doors. When a pressure door closes, the cover that acts as a walking surface will be pushed up and out of the way by the door itself. That cover will be mounted on a hinge, and can be moved further away from the door to expose the pressure seal around the door. The plastic sheet airlock can be affixed and sealed there. When the airlock is decompressed, it will want to collapse, so cords will be built into the plastic sheet airlock to hold it open, and anchors built into walls to attach those cables. A spacesuit will also be in the compartment with emergency equipment. A crewman can don the spacesuit, and go through that temporary airlock to enter the compartment that has decompressed. If any passengers are still inside, the crewman can go in to rescue them. Safety equipment will include NASA rescue balls, two for each safety equipment closet.

Interior of the ship will have a number of security cameras, each the size of a smartphone camera. These cameras will include optical and infrared. Security cameras will feed to a server in the security office. These cameras will give security ability to determine if anyone is still inside a sealed pressure compartment, so they can tell rescue crewmen how many and where passengers are that require rescue.

Although life support is designed to make each pressure compartment independent, power will be shared throughout the ship. And potable water can be moved from one compartment to the next. And oxygen. Several lines between compartments: power, internet data, potable water, oxygen, concentrated starch/water solution, concentrated urine, misc liquid sewage, powdered feces (moved with pressurized air and an auger). Power and internet data lines will be sealed so no air can flow around the lines if the compartment is sealed. All fluid lines will have two valves to seal it closed, one on each side of the pressure bulkhead. All lines will automatically seal closed when the pressure door is sealed, but the bridge can override.

The ship will have Wifi throughout. However, primary data will be via optical cable. Repeaters and switches will be radiation hardened and protected from EMP. The TV in each cabin will be a smart TV, with optical cable connection. The TV can be used for streaming video from a server on the ship (located in an equipment bay on the bridge). A number of other entertainment services. But the TV can also view streaming video from any of the high definition streaming video cameras on the outside of the ship. If a passenger wants to see what's going on outside, they can do so with the TV. Everything the TV can access will also be available to mobile devices via Wifi: smartphones, tablets, laptops. An ethernet port will be available for each bunk, should a passenger wish a cable connection. That outlet will also have USB-A and USB-C, so mobile devices can charge as well as get high speed data.

If a Solar Proton Event (SPE) should occur, all passengers will be required to move to the habitation ring. The zero-G hub at the centre of the ship will be the reception foyer to receive passengers when a Starship docks. It will also be departure foyer. An elevator in each spoke will connect the ring to the zero-G hub. Aft of the zero-G hub will be a zero-G cargo hold. A hatch will connect the two zero-G compartments. Cargo as well as food for the journey will be stored there. Parts of the cargo hold will be dry storage for packaged food, some will be "walk in" (float in) freezer for frozen food. In case of an SPE, the zero-G hub and zero-G cargo hold will be off-limits. The upper level of the ring will have greenhouses, advanced life support such as processing concentrated urine, two observation rooms, and a Mars simulation room. These will all be off-limits in case of an SPE.

Beside the elevator at the base of each spoke, there will be a stairway to the second level. That stairway will lead to either an observation room, or EVA prep area of the Mars simulation room. Three spokes, one stairway to each upper level room. Reminder: the Mars simulation room will have the same pressure, gas mix, and roughly the same gravity as outside on the surface of Mars. The prep room will have storage for real spacesuits, and a real airlock will connect the prep room to the Mars simulation room. The simulation room will have some air pressure, about 7 millibar, so will be sealed so no passengers can fall overboard. Each stairway will have a pressure door built into the floor of the upper level room. The door will close horizontally, creating a pressure seal between the upper level and lower. The lower end of the stairway will have a more conventional pressure door. The stairway itself will act as an airlock. So if an upper level room becomes compromised, it can be sealed off too.

Is said each pressure compartments will have an equipment box on the roof. That will actually be located on the floor of a second level room, so within a pressurized space. A crewman could open the equipment box for maintenance. It could be a sealed box in the middle of an observation room, or EVA prep room, or greenhouse. Each greenhouse will be accessible by pressure tight door to an observation room or EVA prep room. Door to a greenhouse will be locked, only crewman will have access.

Elevator can stop at the second level, opening to an observation room or EVA prep room. Elevators will be sealed, so they can maintain pressure in case an elevator shaft decompresses. A horizontal pressure door can seal off the elevator shaft between the lower and upper level of the ring, and another between the upper level and spoke. At the zero-G hub, another horizontal pressure door can seal the elevator station from the rest of the shaft. Doors to the elevator station, and doors to enter the elevator car will seal pressure tight whenever closed.

The gym will be the only facility that covers two levels of the ring. The upper level will be open to below in the centre, with a stairway between levels. This will give the appearance of a double height ceiling, and individuals standing on the lower level of the gym will be able to see people in the upper level, and vice versa. Due to this open space, floor area of the upper level will be half that of lower. The gym will not have any windows.

Air circulation fans will be able to blow air down corridors, and each cabin will have a vent that can exchange air with the corridor. Public areas will not have dedicated oxygen recycling: gym, restaurants, kitchens, bar, laundry, security, bridge, sick bay. However, air exchanged down corridors will provide fresh air. The gym will exhaust air directly into greenhouses. Air from greenhouses will be exchanged with public areas and corridors. Primary oxygen recycling will be sized to provide all oxygen required for each cabin, with maximum number of passengers in that cabin. However, if a cabin has fewer passengers then that cabin may not have all chloroplast bags installed. However, the zero-G hub will contain replacement chloroplast bags, stored frozen. Additional chloroplast bags can be thawed and installed. Of course this means plants in greenhouses provide backup oxygen generation. Or fewer chloroplast bags installed.

One of the greenhouses could grow pea plants to 14 days after germination. With equipment to harvest leaves, chop them up, and process to isolate chloroplasts. Additional empty plastic bags will be stored, and the old bags of chloroplasts can be emptied, washed out, and loaded with fresh chloroplasts. The greenhouse will also have the ability to "grow out" the special pea plants to produce seed.

Greenhouses will have transparent ceiling to allow sunlight in, reflected by an outside mirror. Observation rooms, and Mars simulation room will have transparent window walls from waist to ceiling, and transparent ceiling. All windows will be two panes of aluminum oxynitride to provide protection from micrometeoroids. Gap between panes filled with air that is lower pressure than interior, but higher pressure than the vacuum of space. Pressure in that gap will be monitored. If pressure drops, then the outside pane has a leak; if it rises then the inside pane is leaking. The EVA prep room and airlock to the Mars simulation room will not have any windows. Rooms on the second level that do not grow plants, for example areas that process concentrated urine, or vats to convert starch to sugar, will not have transparent ceiling.

Every outside cabin will have one porthole window to the outside. Since aft cabins will face the Sun, that means windows pierce the water wall. On this side, porthole windows will be filled with mineral oil. That mineral oil will provide radiation shielding. Radiation "hot cells" from the 1950s used a windows composed of glass with the intervening space filled with mineral oil. It's excellent radiation shielding, carbon in mineral oil is lighter than oxygen in water, so even better for heavy ion radiation. All windows on the habitation level will have a shutter than can close over the window. The shutter will be mounted on a hinge, on the outside of the hull. This shutter will have thick micrometeoroid shielding, to protect the window should something approach. They'll look very similar to the shutters for the cupola on ISS.

The docking hatch will be on the front of the ship, right at the axis of rotation. This will be larger than the APAS docking hatch for ISS. It will have shock absorbers similar to APAS, but sufficient for the mass of Starship, and the hatch large enough to allow cargo to pass through. I think a circular hatch, but diameter equal to the diagonal of a CBM hatch. An arm outside the ship will hold an adapter. This adapter will provide pressure attachment to the main hatch, and the other side compatible with the NASA Docking System (NDS). That smaller hatch will be compatible with SpaceX Dragon, Boeing Starliner, Orion, or Sierra Nevada Dream Chaser. For safety, a protection cover can be closed over the NDS hatch. Of course there will be an airlock between the docking hatch and the zero-G hub.

I am considering a second airlock. This would be in the side of the zero-G cargo hold. This airlock would be sized to allow an entire Dream Chaser to enter. Since the side will rotate at 3 RPM, the same rate as the rest of the ship, there's a procedure for a Dream Chaser to enter there. The airlock would be depressurized and the outside hatch opened. Dream Chaser would orient itself with aft end toward the hull of the zero-G cargo hold, and approach closely. Once rotation of the ship causes the open hatch to pass Dream Chaser, a tray would extend from the airlock. This tray would be mostly an open frame, but with pads that align with tires of Dream Chaser landing gear. Dream Chaser would extend landing gear before approaching. When the ship rotates so the pads of this tray "smack" the tires of Dream Chaser, a clamp would click grab the landing gear, holding Dream Chaser to the tray. The cargo hold is 9 metres diameter, so the hill will be moving past at 28.28 metres per minute = 0.47124 metres per second. The tray a little faster due to increased radius of rotation. Once vibration stabilizes from capture, the tray will retract into the airlock, bringing Dream Chaser in with it. The outer hatch will close, then the "boat bay" repressurize. Note: at this point Dream Chaser will have it's nose pointed away from centre of rotation, so "down" will be towards the windshield, though centrifugal force that close to centre of rotation will be very slight. An inner pressure hatch will allow crew access from the zero-G cargo hold. The inner hatch will be compatible with NDS so crew could transfer even if the "boat bay" is not pressurized.

The ship will carry one space telescope attached to a cradle on the outside of the cargo hold. Hubble has a 2.4 m (7 ft 10 in) mirror, and the forward tube has an inside diameter the same, but the aft equipment bay is larger. This ship's telescope will have a primary mirror the same diameter, but instruments will be modern and smaller, giving the aft part the same diameter. If modern image sensors are better, the telescope could have a primary mirror slightly smaller than Hubble, but image resolution must be the same. Modern solar arrays, so smaller. And this telescope will have ability to detach, free flying beside the ship during transit, but capturing back into the ship's cradle for planetary orbital insertion.

The ship will also have a separate free-flying navigation drone. This drone will have star-sight telescopes for celestial navigation, high resolution digital gyros for inertial navigation, and ability to measure distance and relative position from the ship very precisely. This will be attached to its own cradle on the outside of the zero-G cargo hold. And the ship will carry a number of inspection drones. These inspection drones will each have a camera about the size of a smartphone camera, but very high resolution. Outside of inspection drones covered in soft material (rubber? styrofoam?) so it won't do any damage if it bumps into the ship. And the inspection drones will use cold gas thrusters. Total size of inspection drones about that of a softball. Inspection drones will be stored in a small bay that can pressurize, allowing access to drones by crew from inside the ship. The navigation drone will have solar arrays, but inspection dones won't. All drones and the space telescope can recharge batteries from the Ship when docked, and refill propellant tanks.

The main docking hatch for SpaceX Starship will have fluid transfer quick disconnect couplings outside the docking hatch, integrated with the docking mechanism. The Russian docking hatch on ISS has such a fluid transfer couplings; it can transfer water, oxygen, and propellant from a Progress cargo ship. Soyuz spacecraft dock to the same hatch, but just don't have fluid transfer couplings. The Large Ship will have couplings to accept water, oxygen, nitrogen, propellant for RCS thrusters, and propellant for mid-course correction thrusters.

There will be RCS thruster quads on the outside of the habitation ring. With propellant tanks located outside the pressure hull, adjacent to each thruster quad. Propellant tanks outside the main airlock, close to the docking hatch. Propellant feed lines outside the pressure hull will transfer propellant from those first tanks, along the outside of the zero-G hub to spokes, down spokes to the ring, and outside the pressure hull to propellant tanks at each thruster quad. Propellant transfer lines will also extend along the circumference of the hull to allow transfer of propellant between thruster quads. Propellant lines and tanks will have micrometeoroid shielding.

The ship will take 6 months from Earth to Mars. If something should go wrong, this is a free return trajectory to return to Earth. "The Case For Mars", 1996 soft-cover edition, page 84, lists preferred trajectory. Earth-Mars will take 6 months, but return will take 18 months, so total flight time 2 years. The ship will have food and life support supplies for 6 months. How do you feed 1,000 passengers and 60 crew for that time? The ship will be very well sealed, so very little air leakage, hopefully none. The life support system on ISS must dump toxic gasses in space: CO2 and methane. Some oxygen and water could be lost with those gasses. The Sabatier Reactor consumes half of CO2 scrubbed from cabin air, but the rest is dumped. Various proposals have been made to recover some oxygen from that CO2, all of which produce various other toxic gasses. Whenever dumping anything in space, there's the risk some oxygen or water will be lost. Life support on the Large Ship is based on chloroplasts, so byproduct is starch. Feces are vacuum desiccated then ground to a powder; that powder is stored in a container attached to the outside of the ship. Proposed location: near the docking hatch, so containers can be removed for transport down to Mars. The containers will have vacuum, so air must be recovered from powdered feces. That is a potential for air loss, but very little. Expect negligible atmosphere loss during transit.

Oxygen is recycled. Water is recycled. Pressure is maintained. Air conditioning is run by electricity, so temperature is maintained as long as there's power. Solar panels for electrical power generation, so electricity as long as the Sun shines. Plants in the greenhouse powered by direct sunlight. Chloroplasts powered by sunlight as well, so minimal power requirement for oxygen recycling. Salt, banking soda, and yeast nutrient are extracted from human urine, so they're recycled. Chloroplast oxygen generators produce starch, so that will never run out. A vat will grow a specific species of mould using water and starch, producing amylase. Another vat will convert starch to sugar using amylase, so that will never run out. Another vat will produce microbial oil, equivalent to vegetable oil, using water and sugar and yeast nutrient. That means cooking oil will never run out. Processed human urine will also produce sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide, when added to microbial oil that makes liquid soap. So hand soap will never run out. Liquid soap with a milder pH is shampoo, so shampoo for showers will never run out. Another formulation for laundry soap, and another for dishwasher soap. Waste soap will be added to misc liquid sewage, which is decomposed to fertilizer for hydroponics. So what's left? All passengers need is food.

Fresh salad is grown in greenhouses. If we do develop a microbe that can produce wheat protein, that will be mixed with starch from chloroplasts to make all-purpose flour. Synthetic, but close enough. We can bake bread on the ship. Another microbe can make different wheat protein, when mixed with starch will make semolina flour. Semolina makes pasta. Microbial oil can be processed to make margarine. Some of the oil will have hydrogen bubbled over a platinum catalyst to partially hydrogenate. Regular oil mixed with partially hydrogenated oil will be more firm. Add salt and lemon juice and colour to make margarine. For colour, I suggest turmeric. It's bright, and the plant can be grown in a pot in one of the observation rooms. It makes a pretty decorative plant. We can also make pancakes, waffles, and syrup. Pancake syrup is 2 cups golden yellow sugar (aka light brown sugar), packed, add 1 teaspoon imitation maple extract, and 1 cup boiling water. Yellow sugar is made with white sugar and molasses. So all we need to make syrup is molasses and imitation maple extract. I could explain how to make that extract, but it's best made on Mars (or Earth) rather than the ship. Simple syrup is just white sugar in hot water.

Last resort: dissolve starch in water, cook in a microwave oven to breakup starch. Add a pinch of yeast nutrient, bread yeast, and let ferment for 3 days at room temperature. Then cook again in a microwave oven. Result has consistency of pudding, white and translucent, with the flavour and aroma of freshly baked bread. The yeast adds a little protein, lipids, and all the B vitamins except B12.

For those who like the bar, vodka is just sugar, water, yeast nutrient, and distiller's yeast. Ferment for 5-10 days (depending on temperature) then distill. Vodka is distilled to 60% to 70%, then diluted with clean water. So vodka will never run out. Gin is made with vodka, juniper berries, and various botanicals. We can grow those in pots in one of the observation rooms. There won't be a lot of gin, juniper plants won't produce berries very often, perhaps with an expert gardener once every 6 months. But some.

We can grow dwarf orange trees and dwarf lemon trees in pots in the other observation room. There are current varieties that produce full-size fruit, but trees only grow ~8 feet tall plus the height of the pot.

::Edit:: I didn't mentioned the mini-magnetosphere. Based on work by University of Washington. Expected to reduce radiation to 1/3 that of interplanetary space. That would reduce radiation to equal that of ISS. Because ISS is in Low Earth Orbit so protected by Earth's magnetosphere. However, not the zero-G hub is at the axis of rotation. During a Solar Proton Event, the mini-magnetosphere would concentrate radiation at the magnetic poles, which would be aligned with the ships rotation axis. So the engine section at the aft end and the zero-G hub at the forward end would exposed to concentrated radiation. Another reason the the zero-G hub must be evacuated during an SPE.

Last edited by RobertDyck (2022-03-13 16:10:27)


#52 2022-03-18 18:14:03

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: NSS Houston Chapter Events

The video presentation by RobertDyck, given March 12th to the North Houston chapter of the National Space Society, is available for viewing:

The talk by Robertdyck begins approximately half way through the video.

If a NewMars member views the talk, and is inspired to comment, please feel free to do so here.



#53 2022-03-18 18:50:10

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: NSS Houston Chapter Events

The video had the feel of mission control with the three panels of people in view.

video address

I watched a bit on the NSS website and then from the youtube site and it was a bit better on it as the screen was just a little larger.

The youtube site has a comment area that if you have a login we might have one post about the newmars website forum on it to attract more users for the project and for the forum as well...
Put the content of how to find the topic and the means to become a newmars user.


#54 2022-04-01 14:32:53

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: NSS Houston Chapter Events

The announcement of the presentation by Dr. Johnson (NewMars own GW Johnson) is up on the North Houston NSS site:

I would like to thank RobertDyck, once again, for making such a successful first impression for NewMars with this (particular) NSS group!

The Big Ship Propulsion topic will (hopefully) help to move the ball further down the field, toward funding, construction, and eventual deployment.

Please note that if anyone missed seeing the presentation by RobertDyck, it is available: Recording of March 12, 2022 Meeting

Monthly Meeting: Saturday, April 9, 2022 – 2PM – Big Ship Propulsion
Join us for our Monthly NSS North Houston Space Society ( meeting. Connect with others who are excited about exploring the cosmos, learning how to use the resources of space to improve human life, and who want to go and spread humanity to the rest of the universe.

This will be a hybrid meeting. Come in person at Spring Creek Barbeque (21746 Tomball Pkwy, Houston, TX 77070) or join us online Via ZOOM:

The meeting will be on Saturday, April 9, 2022 at 2PM (US Central Time).

For those that come in person, food is not provided nor is a purchase required. However, feel free to purchase food and eat during the meeting (or before or after). Also, we highly recommend that you only attend if you are vaccinated. Masks are encouraged but not required.

2:00 PM – Opening Remarks – Nathan Price
2:10 PM – Recent Space News – Greg Stanley
2:40 PM – Featured Speaker
3:45 PM – Socializing
4:00 PM – End of Meeting

About the Meeting
Meetings are open to all age groups and interest levels. Come explore with us the potential that developing and exploring space has to better life here on earth and to open up new frontiers creating new perspectives that can help enrich the human experience.

The Vision of NSS is people living and working in thriving communities beyond the Earth, and the use of the vast resources of space for the dramatic betterment of humanity.

The Mission of NSS is to promote social, economic, technological, and political change in order to expand civilization beyond Earth, to settle space and to use the resulting resources to build a hopeful and prosperous future for humanity. Accordingly, we support steps toward this goal, including human spaceflight, commercial space development, space exploration, space applications, space resource utilization, robotic precursors, defense against asteroids, relevant science, and space settlement oriented education.

MeetUp: … y-Chapter/
LinkedIn: … e-society/

Posted onMarch 21, 2022Leave a commenton Monthly Meeting: Saturday, April 9, 2022 – 2PM – Big Ship Propulsion



#55 2022-04-06 11:43:50

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: NSS Houston Chapter Events

Monthly Meeting: Saturday, April 9, 2022 - 2PM - Big Ship Propulsion

Join us for our Monthly NSS North Houston Space Society ( meeting. Connect with others who are excited about exploring the cosmos, learning how to use the resources of space to improve human life, and who want to go and spread humanity to the rest of the universe.

This will be a hybrid meeting. Come in person at Spring Creek Barbeque (21746 Tomball Pkwy, Houston, TX 77070) or join us online Via ZOOM:

The meeting will be on Saturday, April 9, 2022 at 2PM (US Central Time).

For those that come in person, food is not provided nor is a purchase required. However, feel free to purchase food and eat during the meeting (or before or after). Also, we highly recommend that you only attend if you are vaccinated. Masks are encouraged but not required.

2:00 PM – Opening Remarks – Nathan Price
2:10 PM – Recent Space News – Greg Stanley
2:40 PM – Featured Speaker – Big Ship Propulsion – Gary W. Johnson, Ph.D., P.E.
3:45 PM – Socializing
4:00 PM – End of Meeting
About the Meeting

Meetings are open to all age groups and interest levels. Come explore with us the potential that developing and exploring space has to better life here on earth and to open up new frontiers creating new perspectives that can help enrich the human experience.

The Vision of NSS is people living and working in thriving communities beyond the Earth, and the use of the vast resources of space for the dramatic betterment of humanity.

The Mission of NSS is to promote social, economic, technological, and political change in order to expand civilization beyond Earth, to settle space and to use the resulting resources to build a hopeful and prosperous future for humanity. Accordingly, we support steps toward this goal, including human spaceflight, commercial space development, space exploration, space applications, space resource utilization, robotic precursors, defense against asteroids, relevant science, and space settlement oriented education.

MeetUp: … y-Chapter/
LinkedIn: … e-society/

If any of our European members would like to catch this presentation live, it is offered via Zoom from the chapter web site.

It is 2 PM Houston time, which is "late late late" in England and the Continent.

The video will be available a couple of days later, and I'll post the availability here when I get word.

Site is:



#56 2022-04-11 17:24:37

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: NSS Houston Chapter Events

I am happy to be able to report that Dr. Johnson's talk is online:

The walk-around-microphone he was wearing is battery powered.
The battery gave out just as the Q&A period opened, so audio is spotty from that point.

I am working with the chapter to see if we can add mouse pointer movements to the video.

Per SpaceNut, here is the direct link: Here is the embedded link for GW



#57 2022-04-13 15:19:21

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: NSS Houston Chapter Events

We received this email from Nathan Price, Chapter President:

Thanks Tom!

It was great having Gary come and speak.  Wonderful speaker.


On Monday, April 11, 2022, Tom Hanson <tahanson43206> wrote:


    Per request, I have forwarded the link to the talk to Executive Director James Burk.

    The Mars Society ** might ** publicize the event, beyond the little NewMars forum.

    I sure hope that happens!

    They have chapters all over the world!


To clarify, I forwarded the link to SpaceNut, in hopes ** he ** would forward the link to Mr. Burk.



#58 2022-05-01 21:57:43

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: NSS Houston Chapter Events

The North Houston chapter's speaker this coming meeting is a professional satellite tracker ...

Saturday, May 14, 2022 – 2PM – Featured Speaker: Charles Phillips – Tracking Satellites
Join us for our Monthly NSS North Houston Space Society ( meeting. Connect with others who are excited about exploring the cosmos, learning how to use the resources of space to improve human life, and who want to go and spread humanity to the rest of the universe.

This will be a hybrid meeting. Come in person at Spring Creek Barbeque (21746 Tomball Pkwy, Houston, TX 77070) or join us online Via ZOOM:

The meeting will be on Saturday, May 14, 2022 at 2PM (US Central Time).

For those that come in person, food is not provided nor is a purchase required. However, feel free to purchase food and eat during the meeting (or before or after). Also, we highly recommend that you only attend if you are vaccinated. Masks are encouraged but not required.




#59 2022-05-13 08:00:04

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: NSS Houston Chapter Events

North Houston chapter meetings are open to the public.
Click on the Zoom link to connect to the feed from the meeting room.
It is NOT necessary to activate your Video or Microphone.
The video and audio will be delivered to you regardless.

2 PM Houston is 19:00 UtC while Daylight Savings is in effect in the US.  Hopefully this will be convenient for our European members.

Saturday, May 14, 2022 – 2PM – Featured Speaker: Charles Phillips – Tracking Satellites
Join us for our Monthly NSS North Houston Space Society ( meeting. Connect with others who are excited about exploring the cosmos, learning how to use the resources of space to improve human life, and who want to go and spread humanity to the rest of the universe.

This will be a hybrid meeting. Come in person at Spring Creek Barbeque (21746 Tomball Pkwy, Houston, TX 77070) or join us online Via ZOOM:

The meeting will be on Saturday, May 14, 2022 at 2PM (US Central Time).

For those that come in person, food is not provided nor is a purchase required. However, feel free to purchase food and eat during the meeting (or before or after). Also, we highly recommend that you only attend if you are vaccinated. Masks are encouraged but not required.

2:00 PM – Opening Remarks – Nathan Price
2:10 PM – Recent Space News – Greg Stanley
2:40 PM – Featured Speaker – Tracking Satellites – Charles Phillips
3:45 PM – Socializing
4:00 PM – End of Meeting

Tracking Satellites:
The discussion will be a (non-technical) overview of how to track satellites from the Houston area. It is possible to track satellites with inexpensive equipment and easily available software. The discussion will include WHY a person would track satellites and also HOW it is done. The existing Satellite Catalog will be briefly discussed and why some satellites are not shown in that catalog. The discussion is designed to give an overview so an interested person could decide if they want to get more involved and can determine what they might need to generate observations.

About the Speaker:
Charles Phillips started tracking satellites in 1978 when he was in the US Air Force, he was an orbital analyst. He came to Houston in January 1985 as an Air Force flight controller at the Johnson Space Center, his first flight as a qualified flight controller was STS-51L. In 1990 he started as a civilian flight controller for Spacelab Life Sciences flights and worked STS-40 and STS-58. He also supported the NASA/Mir program and the ISS.

About the Meeting
Meetings are open to all age groups and interest levels. Come explore with us the potential that developing and exploring space has to better life here on earth and to open up new frontiers creating new perspectives that can help enrich the human experience.

The Vision of NSS is people living and working in thriving communities beyond the Earth, and the use of the vast resources of space for the dramatic betterment of humanity.

The Mission of NSS is to promote social, economic, technological, and political change in order to expand civilization beyond Earth, to settle space and to use the resulting resources to build a hopeful and prosperous future for humanity. Accordingly, we support steps toward this goal, including human spaceflight, commercial space development, space exploration, space applications, space resource utilization, robotic precursors, defense against asteroids, relevant science, and space settlement oriented education.

MeetUp: … y-Chapter/
LinkedIn: … e-society/



#60 2022-05-14 09:25:23

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: NSS Houston Chapter Events

Email from North Houston chapter of National Space Society...

North Houston Space Society Meeting Today

Join us for our Monthly NSS North Houston Space Society ( meeting. Connect with others who are excited about exploring the cosmos, learning how to use the resources of space to improve human life, and who want to go and spread humanity to the rest of the universe.

This will be a hybrid meeting. Come in person at Spring Creek Barbeque (21746 Tomball Pkwy, Houston, TX 77070) or join us online Via ZOOM:

The meeting will be on Saturday, May 14, 2022 at 2PM (US Central Time).

For those that come in person, food is not provided nor is a purchase required. However, feel free to purchase food and eat during the meeting (or before or after). Also, we highly recommend that you only attend if you are vaccinated. Masks are encouraged but not required.

2:00 PM – Opening Remarks – Nathan Price
2:10 PM – Recent Space News – Greg Stanley
2:40 PM – Featured Speaker – Tracking Satellites – Charles Phillips
3:45 PM – Socializing
4:00 PM – End of Meeting
Tracking Satellites:

The discussion will be a (non-technical) overview of how to track satellites from the Houston area. It is possible to track satellites with inexpensive equipment and easily available software. The discussion will include WHY a person would track satellites and also HOW it is done. The existing Satellite Catalog will be briefly discussed and why some satellites are not shown in that catalog. The discussion is designed to give an overview so an interested person could decide if they want to get more involved and can determine what they might need to generate observations.
About the Speaker:

Charles Phillips started tracking satellites in 1978 when he was in the US Air Force, he was an orbital analyst. He came to Houston in January 1985 as an Air Force flight controller at the Johnson Space Center, his first flight as a qualified flight controller was STS-51L. In 1990 he started as a civilian flight controller for Spacelab Life Sciences flights and worked STS-40 and STS-58. He also supported the NASA/Mir program and the ISS.
About the Meeting

Meetings are open to all age groups and interest levels. Come explore with us the potential that developing and exploring space has to better life here on earth and to open up new frontiers creating new perspectives that can help enrich the human experience.

The Vision of NSS is people living and working in thriving communities beyond the Earth, and the use of the vast resources of space for the dramatic betterment of humanity.

The Mission of NSS is to promote social, economic, technological, and political change in order to expand civilization beyond Earth, to settle space and to use the resulting resources to build a hopeful and prosperous future for humanity. Accordingly, we support steps toward this goal, including human spaceflight, commercial space development, space exploration, space applications, space resource utilization, robotic precursors, defense against asteroids, relevant science, and space settlement oriented education.

MeetUp: … y-Chapter/
LinkedIn: … e-society/

It is NOT necessary to activate your video (or even to HAVE video) to attend these presentations.



#61 2022-06-05 17:14:17

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: NSS Houston Chapter Events

Next meeting: June 11 at 2 PM Houston time - open to all via Zoom

Saturday: Join us at "Monthly North Houston Space Society Chapter Meeting"

Monthly North Houston Space Society Chapter Meeting
View on Calendar
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM << Houston Time
Barbara Bush Branch Library (6817 Cypresswood Dr, Spring, TX 77379)

NSS North Houston Space Society <>

Monthly North Houston Space Society Chapter Meeting
NSS North Houston Space Society
Saturday, June 11, 2022
2:00 PM CT
Barbara Bush Branch Library
6817 Cypresswood Dr
Spring, TX 77379
Nathan Price
"Longtime space enthusiast. I stay up for SpaceX launches and Elon speeches. I..."

Keith Dauzat

Greg Stanley

Blanca Bejar
Meetings open to all age groups and interest levels. Come explore with us the potential that developing and exploring space has to better life here on earth and to open up new frontiers creating new perspectives that can help enrich the human experie...
More events from this group
Monthly North Houston Space Society Chapter Meeting
Saturday, July 9, 2022, 2:00 PM CT · 3 attending

Visit to click on Zoom link to attend.



#62 2022-06-09 08:54:12

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: NSS Houston Chapter Events

Meetings of North Houston chapter of National Space Society are open to the public, on site and via Zoom.

NewMars has provided two speakers (GW Johnson and RobertDyck) and their presentations are archived for anyone to see.

Visit to connect to the meeting, or to call earlier presenations.

North Houston Space Society Meeting
New Location: Barbara Bush Library (6817 Cypresswood Drive, Spring, TX 77379)

Join us for our Monthly NSS North Houston Space Society ( meeting. Connect with others who are excited about exploring the cosmos, learning how to use the resources of space to improve human life, and who want to go and spread humanity to the rest of the universe.

This will be a hybrid meeting. Come in person at Barbara Bush Library (6817 Cypresswood Drive, Spring, TX 77379) or join us online Via ZOOM:

The meeting will be on Saturday, June 11, 2022 at 2PM (US Central Time).


2:00 PM – Opening Remarks – Nathan Price
2:10 PM – Recent Space News – Greg Stanley
2:40 PM – Socializing and Open Discussion
4:00 PM – End of Meeting
About the Meeting

Meetings are open to all age groups and interest levels. Come explore with us the potential that developing and exploring space has to better life here on earth and to open up new frontiers creating new perspectives that can help enrich the human experience.

The Vision of NSS is people living and working in thriving communities beyond the Earth, and the use of the vast resources of space for the dramatic betterment of humanity.

The Mission of NSS is to promote social, economic, technological, and political change in order to expand civilization beyond Earth, to settle space and to use the resulting resources to build a hopeful and prosperous future for humanity. Accordingly, we support steps toward this goal, including human spaceflight, commercial space development, space exploration, space applications, space resource utilization, robotic precursors, defense against asteroids, relevant science, and space settlement oriented education.

MeetUp: … y-Chapter/
LinkedIn: … e-society/



#63 2022-07-04 18:20:21

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: NSS Houston Chapter Events

The North Houston Chapter of NSS will meet on Saturday July 9th at 2 PM Houston time.

The event is open to the public via Zoom.

Visit to click on the Zoom link.

Video is NOT required ... The program will be recorded and available on YouTube after the meeting.

As a reminder, NewMars members RobertDyck and GW Johnson have given presentations, and their talks are available for viewing on YouTube.

Visit to find links to their talks.



#64 2022-08-08 19:36:45

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: NSS Houston Chapter Events

Dateline: Houston: Sun, Aug 7 at 4:56 PM

Monthly North Houston Space Society Chapter Meeting
NSS North Houston Space Society
Saturday, August 13, 2022

2:00 PM America/Chicago

Barbara Bush Branch Library
6817 Cypresswood Dr
Spring, TX 77379

This meeting is free and open to the public via Zoom.  To obtain the link, visit

6 Members going, including:

Greg Stanley

Keith Dauzat

Nathan Price

Blanca Bejar

Meetings open to all age groups and interest levels. Come explore with us the potential that developing and exploring space has to better life here on earth and to open up new frontiers creating new perspectives that can help enrich the human experience. The Vision of NSS is people living and working in thriving communities beyond the Earth, and the use of the vast resources of space for the dramatic betterment of humanity. The Mission of NSS is to promote social, economic, technological, and political change in order to expand civilization beyond Earth, to settle space and to use the resulting resources to build a hopeful and prosperous future for humanity. Accordingly, we support steps toward this goal, including human spaceflight, commercial space development, space exploration, space applications, space resource utilization, robotic precursors, defense against asteroids, relevant science, and space settlement oriented education.



#65 2022-08-12 17:43:16

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: NSS Houston Chapter Events

Meeting Saturday, August 13 at 2PM at Barbara Bush Library

Join us for our Monthly NSS North Houston Space Society ( meeting. Connect with others who are excited about exploring the cosmos, learning how to use the resources of space to improve human life, and who want to go and spread humanity to the rest of the universe.

This will be a hybrid meeting. Come in person at Barbara Bush Library (6817 Cypresswood Drive, Spring, TX 77379) or join us online Via ZOOM:

The meeting will be on Saturday, August 13, 2022 at 2PM (US Central Time).

2:00 PM – Opening Remarks
2:10 PM – Recent Space News – Greg Stanley
2:40 PM – Artemis Discussion
3:40 PM – Socializing
4:00 PM – End of Meeting
About the Meeting

Meetings are open to all age groups and interest levels. Come explore with us the potential that developing and exploring space has to better life here on earth and to open up new frontiers creating new perspectives that can help enrich the human experience.

The Vision of NSS is people living and working in thriving communities beyond the Earth, and the use of the vast resources of space for the dramatic betterment of humanity.

The Mission of NSS is to promote social, economic, technological, and political change in order to expand civilization beyond Earth, to settle space and to use the resulting resources to build a hopeful and prosperous future for humanity. Accordingly, we support steps toward this goal, including human spaceflight, commercial space development, space exploration, space applications, space resource utilization, robotic precursors, defense against asteroids, relevant science, and space settlement oriented education.

MeetUp: … y-Chapter/
LinkedIn: … e-society/

The meeting tomorrow is free and open to the public via Zoom or on site.



#66 2022-09-09 11:31:07

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: NSS Houston Chapter Events

The North Houston NSS chapter events are open to the public, and may be viewed live via Zoom.

It is NOT necessary to activate the Zoom camera, and many online viewers do not do so.

You do NOT have to speak to anyone, and the default microphone setting is OFF.

View this email in your browser

Join us for our Monthly NSS North Houston Space Society ( meeting. Connect with others who are excited about exploring the cosmos, learning how to use the resources of space to improve human life, and who want to go and spread humanity to the rest of the universe.

This will be a hybrid meeting. Come in person at Barbara Bush Library (6817 Cypresswood Drive, Spring, TX 77379) or join us online Via ZOOM:

The meeting will be on Saturday, September 10, 2022 at 2PM (US Central Time).

2:00 PM – Opening Remarks – Nathan Price
2:10 PM – Recent Space News – Greg Stanley
2:40 PM – Featured Speaker: Chris May – My Journey Through Flight Operations
3:40 PM – Socializing
4:00 PM – End of Meeting
About our Featured Speaker: Chris May

Chris May grew up just outside of NYC NY and discovered science and engineering from a young age. He wanted to be involved with NASA since 4th grade when we visited a NASA museum on a field trip. He eventually chose to study Mechanical Engineering for his undergrad. He rolled right into a Masters in Mechanical Engineering shortly after. Chris worked for Johnson Space Center in Mission Control for 8.5 years during which time he went back to school for a Masters in Finance. Along with his business career, he is a long-time musician who started Cello at age 12, bass guitar at 17, and drums at 25. He has a love and passion for sports cars and plans to budget and save responsibly to try and have the opportunity to own some of his dream cars before he dies.

Chris May’s talk will include:

    Description of how he discovered the path to NASA/Engineering.
    Examples of a few life lessons his parents taught/enabled him.
    Summary of what it is like to work as a flight controller at NASA.
    Summary of what it is like to work as an instructor at NASA.
    How he thought through the decision to leave his dream job where he was happy and comfortable. Trades and risks with that choice.
    A few examples of mistakes, regrets, or things he wish he had not done or known before. Including a story of how he almost quit NASA in 2017, and how he turned his career around to become an instructor.

About the Meeting

Meetings are open to all age groups and interest levels. Come explore with us the potential that developing and exploring space has to better life here on earth and to open up new frontiers creating new perspectives that can help enrich the human experience.

The Vision of NSS is people living and working in thriving communities beyond the Earth, and the use of the vast resources of space for the dramatic betterment of humanity.

The Mission of NSS is to promote social, economic, technological, and political change in order to expand civilization beyond Earth, to settle space and to use the resulting resources to build a hopeful and prosperous future for humanity. Accordingly, we support steps toward this goal, including human spaceflight, commercial space development, space exploration, space applications, space resource utilization, robotic precursors, defense against asteroids, relevant science, and space settlement oriented education.

MeetUp: … y-Chapter/
LinkedIn: … e-society/



#67 2022-10-07 12:03:17

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: NSS Houston Chapter Events

The North Houston NSS chapter events are open to the public, and may be viewed live via Zoom.

It is NOT necessary to activate the Zoom camera, and many online viewers do not do so.

You do NOT have to speak to anyone, and the default microphone setting is OFF.

Join us for our Monthly NSS North Houston Space Society ( meeting. Connect with others who are excited about exploring the cosmos, learning how to use the resources of space to improve human life, and who want to go and spread humanity to the rest of the universe.

This will be a hybrid meeting. Come in person at Barbara Bush Library (6817 Cypresswood Drive, Spring, TX 77379) or join us online Via ZOOM:

The meeting will be on Saturday, October 8, 2022 at 2PM (US Central Time).

2:00 PM – Opening Remarks – Nathan Price
2:10 PM – Recent Space News – Greg Stanley
2:40 PM – Featured Speaker: Tamalee Basu
3:40 PM – Socializing
4:00 PM – End of Meeting
About Our Featured Speaker: Tamalee Basu

Tamalee Basu is a space architect and architect (licensed in India) who graduated with MS in Space Architecture from the University of Houston. She has worked for aerospace companies such as the private space company Excalibur Almaz developing augmented reality animations for patented inventions and also has worked with Intuitive Machines involving the lunar lander Nova-C. Completing a Bachelor’s in Architecture from the Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, she has won several awards for her architectural and design projects and has worked as an architectural designer and landscape designer after graduating. She is an advisory council member of SciArt Exchange and has served as an online instructor of architecture at ACEDGE, an E-learning platform for architecture. Currently she works as a Technical designer in the critical facilities studio of Gensler, the largest global architecture firm. In her off time she explores her passion of space through art and exhibits her work in space and design events.
About the Meeting

Meetings are open to all age groups and interest levels. Come explore with us the potential that developing and exploring space has to better life here on earth and to open up new frontiers creating new perspectives that can help enrich the human experience.

The Vision of NSS is people living and working in thriving communities beyond the Earth, and the use of the vast resources of space for the dramatic betterment of humanity.

The Mission of NSS is to promote social, economic, technological, and political change in order to expand civilization beyond Earth, to settle space and to use the resulting resources to build a hopeful and prosperous future for humanity. Accordingly, we support steps toward this goal, including human spaceflight, commercial space development, space exploration, space applications, space resource utilization, robotic precursors, defense against asteroids, relevant science, and space settlement oriented education.

MeetUp: … y-Chapter/
LinkedIn: … e-society/

Copyright © 2022 NSS North Houston Space Society, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website.

Our mailing address is:
NSS North Houston Space Society
9327 Swansea Bay Dr
Spring, TX 77379-3638



#68 2022-11-08 19:34:57

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: NSS Houston Chapter Events

The North Houston NSS chapter events are open to the public, and may be viewed live via Zoom.

It is NOT necessary to activate the Zoom camera, and many online viewers do not do so.

You do NOT have to speak to anyone, and the default microphone setting is OFF.

Saturday, November 12, 2022 – Monthly North Houston Space Society Meeting – Barbara Bush Library – How to Move Fast in the Solar System

Join us for our Monthly NSS North Houston Space Society ( meeting. Connect with others who are excited about exploring the cosmos, learning how to use the resources of space to improve human life, and who want to go and spread humanity to the rest of the universe.

This will be a hybrid meeting. Come in person at Barbara Bush Library (6817 Cypresswood Drive, Spring, TX 77379) or join us online Via ZOOM:

The meeting will be on Saturday, November 12, 2022 at 2PM (US Central Time).

2:00 PM – Opening Remarks – Nathan Price
2:10 PM – Recent Space News – Greg Stanley
2:40 PM – Featured Speaker: Christean Kapp – How to Move Fast in the Solar System
3:40 PM – Socializing
4:00 PM – End of Meeting

About our Featured Speaker: Chris Kapp

Chris got the space bug early in life with his father working for the US Air Force at Wright Patterson AFB. Chris studied aeronautical engineering at RWTH Aachen (Germany) and NIT Trondheim (Norway) where he finished with a master’s of science (Dipl.-Ing.) degree.

His career focused on Oil & Gas, Energy turbomachinery applications working for companies such as Siemens and Rolls-Royce. Recently, Chris worked as a professor of engineering at Lone Star College.

He has collaborated with the American Petroleum Institute, Dept. of Energy, and the Environmental Protection Agency on the technology, efficiency, and environmental performance of turbomachinery.

Chris is married and lives in Houston, TX. The youngest of three sons attended the NASA Hunch program in Cy-Woods High School, and went on to study physics and astronomy at Texas A&M. He is working for the aerospace industry in Colorado Springs, continuing the family aerospace tradition.

Learn more about Chris at … mbassador/

About the Meeting
Meetings are open to all age groups and interest levels. Come explore with us the potential that developing and exploring space has to better life here on earth and to open up new frontiers creating new perspectives that can help enrich the human experience.

The Vision of NSS is people living and working in thriving communities beyond the Earth, and the use of the vast resources of space for the dramatic betterment of humanity.

The Mission of NSS is to promote social, economic, technological, and political change in order to expand civilization beyond Earth, to settle space and to use the resulting resources to build a hopeful and prosperous future for humanity. Accordingly, we support steps toward this goal, including human spaceflight, commercial space development, space exploration, space applications, space resource utilization, robotic precursors, defense against asteroids, relevant science, and space settlement oriented education.

LinkedIn: … e-society/



#69 2022-12-08 21:11:58

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: NSS Houston Chapter Events

North Houston NSS meetings are open to the public and available via Zoom at no charge ...

North Houston Space Society Meeting This Saturday!

Mark yourself as Attending on:
Facebook Meetup and LinkedIn

Forward this email to a friend, or Bring a friend with you!

This will be a hybrid meeting. Come in person at Barbara Bush Library (6817 Cypresswood Drive, Spring, TX 77379) or join us online Via ZOOM:

The meeting will be on Saturday, December 10, 2022 at 2PM (US Central Time).

2:00 PM – Opening Remarks – Nathan Price
2:10 PM – Recent Space News – Greg Stanley
2:40 PM – Featured Speaker: Andrew Parris – Our Journey to the Stars: A Personal View
3:40 PM – Socializing
4:00 PM – End of Meeting
More details on our website:
Copyright © 2022 NSS North Houston Space Society, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website.

Our mailing address is:
NSS North Houston Space Society
9327 Swansea Bay Dr
Spring, TX 77379-3638



#70 2023-01-02 21:39:06

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: NSS Houston Chapter Events

North Houston Chapter meetings are usually held on the Second Saturday of each month. However, on ** this ** occasion, the library needs the meeting space on the second Saturday, so the meeting for January will be held on the 7th...

Come to the North Houston Space Society meeting on Saturday, January 7th at 2PM at Barbara Bush Library.

Greg will be updating us on the past events for the last month.

John and Vito will talk about New Space Ventures for America’s Spaceports.

Also, I have a couple of dozen awesome space calendars from NASA. Come by and pick up one to get your year off to a great start!

This will be a hybrid meeting. Come in person at Barbara Bush Library (6817 Cypresswood Drive, Spring, TX 77379) or join us online Via ZOOM:


2:00 PM – Opening Remarks – Nathan Price
2:10 PM – Recent Space News – Greg Stanley
2:40 PM – Featured Speaker – John Diiorio & Vito Manfredi – New Space Ventures for America’s Spaceports
3:40 PM – Socializing
4:00 PM – End of Meeting

Copyright (C) 2023 NSS North Houston Space Society. All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website.

Our mailing address is:
NSS North Houston Space Society
9327 Swansea Bay Dr
Spring, TX 77379-3638

Add us to your address book
Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp

The meetings are free and open to the public, and available for online guests using Zoom.  It is not necessary to activate the video on your side, and microphones are normally off for the audience except for Q&A sessions.

The quality of the Zoom presentation is generally good, although occasionally the laptop used as a host may require some onsite attention.

I am looking (asking) for the chapter to enlist someone to act as an onsite representative to the online community. 



#71 2023-01-05 11:50:07

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: NSS Houston Chapter Events

Update regarding NSS meeting on Saturday January 7, 2023 ....

The chapter leaders just informed me they will attempt a new service to their growing online audience.

The physical audience is limited in number but rich in enthusiasm.  The online audience is unlimited, in the sense that the chapter is using a Professional Zoom.

Because attendance via Zoom is possible for anyone on the planet, I'll post the UTC time:

Per Google: 8:00PM Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is 2 PM Houston time.

The new service for the online audience is a volunteer willing to operate a mouse to show where the speaker is pointing, and to relay questions from the audience to the folks in the meeting space.

Another service which I am hoping will occur is to improve audio pickup from the local audience.

The transition from physical meetings to hybrid meetings would never have occurred without Covid, but now we have an opportunity to help the chapter grow it's online audience.

The last issue of Analog Science Fact and Fiction includes a story by a Houston resident about an exploring expedition on Mars.  The chapter will attempt to contact  the author.  I would imagine the author's experience with NASA and other customers would be of interest, but I would ** certainly ** expect the science behind the exploration article to be of interest.  i have found the story (so far) to be well-researched and quite plausible, right up to the point where imagination takes over because there is not enough data.



#72 2023-01-11 18:47:17

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: NSS Houston Chapter Events

North Houston NSS will offer their February meeting in hybrid mode again ...

They are continuing to work on improvements to the online service ...

Saturday, February 11, 2023 – Monthly North Houston Space Society Meeting – Barbara Bush Library – From Mission Control to Mars
Join us for our Monthly NSS North Houston Space Society ( meeting. Connect with others who are excited about exploring the cosmos, learning how to use the resources of space to improve human life, and who want to go and spread humanity to the rest of the universe.

This will be a hybrid meeting. Come in person at Barbara Bush Library (6817 Cypresswood Drive, Spring, TX 77379) or join us online Via ZOOM:

The meeting will be on Saturday, February 11, 2023 at 2PM (US Central Time).

2:00 PM – Opening Remarks – Nathan Price
2:10 PM – Recent Space News – Greg Stanley
2:40 PM – Featured Speaker – Jennifer L. Turner – From Mission Control to Mars
3:40 PM – Socializing
4:00 PM – End of Meeting

From Mission Control to Mars – Jennifer L. Turner
Learn about NASA’s International Space Station Mission Control and how the agency is preparing for human exploration missions to the Moon and beyond to Mars.

Jennifer L. Turner earned her bachelor’s degree in Computer Science & Engineering from The Ohio State University and became full-time at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in 2015, working with the Human Research Program since 2020.

Previously, she supported International Space Station Mission Control, working day-to-day operations and teaching new flight controllers and astronauts about systems onboard. Her work specialized in the space station data handling and communication systems, including coordination with counterparts at Marshall Space Flight Center on payload support.

She now works with HRP as their Communications Lead and as a Technical Integrator. In these roles, she interfaces with the Public Affairs Office and coordinates HRP’s public appearance and content and is also involved with HRP’s Commercial Low Earth Orbit efforts.

Outside of her technical work, Jennifer has always strived to promote and participate in outreach for minority students pursuing STEM. She has served in several leadership roles within NASA JSC’s Employee Resource Groups.

About the Meeting
Meetings are open to all age groups and interest levels. Come explore with us the potential that developing and exploring space has to better life here on earth and to open up new frontiers creating new perspectives that can help enrich the human experience.

The Vision of NSS is people living and working in thriving communities beyond the Earth, and the use of the vast resources of space for the dramatic betterment of humanity.

The Mission of NSS is to promote social, economic, technological, and political change in order to expand civilization beyond Earth, to settle space and to use the resulting resources to build a hopeful and prosperous future for humanity. Accordingly, we support steps toward this goal, including human spaceflight, commercial space development, space exploration, space applications, space resource utilization, robotic precursors, defense against asteroids, relevant science, and space settlement oriented education.

LinkedIn: … e-society/



#73 2023-02-08 10:31:44

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: NSS Houston Chapter Events

NSS North Houston sent out a reminder of their event this Saturday, featuring a NASA employee...

The meeting is open to the public, in person at Houston, and online via Zoom...

View this email in your browser
Saturday, February 11, 2023 – From Mission Control to Mars

This will be a hybrid meeting.

Come in person at Barbara Bush Library

(6817 Cypresswood Drive, Spring, TX 77379)

or join us online Via ZOOM:

The meeting will be on Saturday, February 11, 2023 at 2PM (US Central Time).

Learn about NASA’s International Space Station Mission Control and how the agency is preparing for human exploration missions to the Moon and beyond to Mars.

Jennifer L. Turner earned her bachelor’s degree in Computer Science & Engineering from The Ohio State University and became full-time at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in 2015, working with the Human Research Program since 2020.

Previously, she supported International Space Station Mission Control, working day-to-day operations and teaching new flight controllers and astronauts about systems onboard. Her work specialized in the space station data handling and communication systems, including coordination with counterparts at Marshall Space Flight Center on payload support.

She now works with HRP as their Communications Lead and as a Technical Integrator. In these roles, she interfaces with the Public Affairs Office and coordinates HRP’s public appearance and content and is also involved with HRP’s Commercial Low Earth Orbit efforts.

Outside of her technical work, Jennifer has always strived to promote and participate in outreach for minority students pursuing STEM. She has served in several leadership roles within NASA JSC’s Employee Resource Groups.

About the Meeting

Meetings are open to all age groups and interest levels. Come explore with us the potential that developing and exploring space has to better life here on earth and to open up new frontiers creating new perspectives that can help enrich the human experience.

The Vision of NSS is people living and working in thriving communities beyond the Earth, and the use of the vast resources of space for the dramatic betterment of humanity.

The Mission of NSS is to promote social, economic, technological, and political change in order to expand civilization beyond Earth, to settle space and to use the resulting resources to build a hopeful and prosperous future for humanity. Accordingly, we support steps toward this goal, including human spaceflight, commercial space development, space exploration, space applications, space resource utilization, robotic precursors, defense against asteroids, relevant science, and space settlement oriented education.

LinkedIn: … e-society/

Copyright (C) 2023 NSS North Houston Space Society. All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website.

Our mailing address is:
NSS North Houston Space Society
9327 Swansea Bay Dr
Spring, TX 77379-3638
Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp



#74 2023-03-08 19:17:31

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: NSS Houston Chapter Events

NSS Houston is meeting this coming Saturday.  Meetings are open to the public via Zoom.

Saturday, March 11, 2023 – Monthly North Houston Space Society Meeting – Barbara Bush Library – Nova Spotlight Winners at the Science and Engineering Fair of Houston (SEFH)

Join us for our Monthly NSS North Houston Space Society ( meeting. Connect with others who are excited about exploring the cosmos, learning how to use the resources of space to improve human life, and who want to go and spread humanity to the rest of the universe.

This will be a hybrid meeting. Come in person at Barbara Bush Library (6817 Cypresswood Drive, Spring, TX 77379) or join us online Via ZOOM:

The meeting will be on Saturday, March 11, 2023 at 2PM (US Central Time).

2:00 PM – Opening Remarks – Nathan Price
2:10 PM – Recent Space News – Greg Stanley
2:40 PM – Science and Engineering Fair of Houston (SEFH) – Nova Spotlight Awards Overview
3:00 PM – Presentations by Winning Teams
3:40 PM – Socializing
4:00 PM – End of Meeting

About the Meeting
Meetings are open to all age groups and interest levels. Come explore with us the potential that developing and exploring space has to better life here on earth and to open up new frontiers creating new perspectives that can help enrich the human experience.

The Vision of NSS is people living and working in thriving communities beyond the Earth, and the use of the vast resources of space for the dramatic betterment of humanity.

The Mission of NSS is to promote social, economic, technological, and political change in order to expand civilization beyond Earth, to settle space and to use the resulting resources to build a hopeful and prosperous future for humanity. Accordingly, we support steps toward this goal, including human spaceflight, commercial space development, space exploration, space applications, space resource utilization, robotic precursors, defense against asteroids, relevant science, and space settlement oriented education.

LinkedIn: … e-society/

A member of the chapter served as a judge at the Science Fair last month.  He asked if winners of awards might be able to join the NSS meeting in March, and it looks as though there will be some of the contestants on hand.

While the Science Fair was NOT space focused, I am guessing that individuals or groups invited to the March NSS meeting will have been working on space related topics.



#75 2023-03-09 12:01:53

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: NSS Houston Chapter Events

Update .... new item ... talk on NERVA rocket
3:00 PM – NERVA Rocket Engine Update (Nuclear Propulsion) – Doug Hall



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