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For SpaceNut re new members support ...
Do we have a Mentoring topic?
There are a number of skills that new members need to become productive quickly .... Noah has just demonstrated one of them, with his opening post that includes a graphic image that appears thanks to FluxBB recognizing the image and rendering it for viewers.
In the past, (it seems to me) we have not had an organized way of helping new members to get up to speed.
It took you a long time to finally get me to start using the asterisk for searches, for example.
In the past, (it seems to me) we have depended upon new members to flounder about about until they stumble across documentation about how to do something.
If you already have a topic devoted to mentoring new members, I've missed it.
That doesn't mean it's not there! There's a huge volume of this forum I've not seen, and may never have time to see.
We have 4,456 ID's ready for new members like Noah, and I'd like to see every one of they in use within some reasonable amount of time.
However, at the rate of one a year, it will take a while to draw down the supply.
Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-04-06 08:59:20)
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There are some topics that would apply and the should be in the meta and outreach possibly
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For All ... with the addition of Noah to the NewMars community, we have an early sign of what may be possible if we continue to think about inviting candidates to join the forum.
Anyone who would be interest in helping one or more of the existing projects is welcome to read Post #2 of the recruiting topic and write to NewMarsMember *
Members who could use assistance include but are not limited to:
Noah with Settlement Design
RobertDyck with Large Ship
SpaceNut with Carbon Monoxide fueled machinery
GW Johnson with spacecraft navigation course (students needed to break trail)
Calliban with multiple projects including Asteroid mining, Nuclear power for Mars and numerous others
Planning for Ballistic Delivery of non-perishable goods to Mars
Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society
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For SpaceNut ... we've discussed the idea of preparing an announcement/poster/advertisement for membership in this forum.
So far, not much has happened, but the opportunities are increasing as each day goes by.
Such a poster should be short and to the point ... the banner for the forum might be a good starting point.
If we had a college student who was willing to post something at a kiosk on campus, or in the college newsletter, that is the kind of venue that might be available.
Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society
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For SpaceNut ... your outreach in the Mars Society member forum has brought some interest in the past, but the early experiments did not lead to substantial results. As we have advanced in our understanding of the new procedures since the Great Spammer Avalanche, perhaps it is time to try again with an occasional announcement over there.
We don't need to admit anyone who shows up for a week or two and disappears. We have thousands of "members" in the user table who fit that description.
Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society
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For SpaceNut .... there is a chance Noah may be able to enlist one or more friends who are studying finance/business to take a look at My Hacienda. As you know, the concept of My Hacienda (set in Louis' imaginary Sagan City 2018) is to provide a framework for 7,800 independent business specializations able to support a Level 1 civilization on Mars. The structure we are building in the PlotMaster is designed to harness the energy of capitalism, by insuring there are a minimum of three entities supporting any given specialization.
I am ** quite ** interested in the Major League Baseball model of capitalism (echoed by the football and basketball franchises). In that model, the new recruits are made available at the beginning of each year on the basis of need. The intention is to avoid allowing any one team to become excessive in capability. I'm interested in seeing the same concept extended to the capitalist business environment, to insure we do not see the grotesque distortion that has become endemic on Earth.
Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society
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Salary caps are to even the challenge of team sports to be more competitive. The difference of baseball to football is the season and number of games that each other play which can be likened to the slow Nasa's SLS and the Falcon 9 use.....
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For SpaceNut re #157
Thank you for thinking about the example of professional sports as an example of managed capitalism. The policy of awarding the best recruits to the weakest teams means that the league as a whole becomes more robust. So it is with the development of competitive industry on Mars, where a policy of insuring new hires with the greatest talent go to the companies with the least sales. The industry will benefit as the strength of the competitors is kept in balance.
Please continue thinking about the wording of a poster that Noah might be able to stick on a kiosk on campus, or in an Internet news feed.
Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society
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The New Mars New Member portal is open for business.
We are looking for members who have taken the time to study the existing 20+ year archive, and to follow one or more existing members, and who think they may be able to assist with one or more projects, or perhaps to begin something new that will support the overall objectives of the Mars Society.
Please read Post #2 of this topic for guidelines.
Last edited by NewMarsMember (2021-04-15 07:11:42)
Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society
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For SpaceNut re announcements in the Mars Society member forum ...
In the past, your announcements in the Mars Society member forum have generated some interest, but to date, none of those who showed interest, and even went so far as to register here, have become productive, in the sense that members with multiple posts are productive.
I'd like you to resume making those announcements, on a regular basis, such as at least once a week.
There is no reason to discontinue announcements just because they have not yet resulted in what we might consider success.
This is a marathon and not a sprint.
We now have in place an admission portal and we have gained some experience with how to proceed. We still have more learn, but we ** are ** learning as we go.
I recommend announcements NOT focus on the entertainment aspect of the forum. That can be enjoyed without becoming a member.
We (existing members) have some time, but not a LOT of time, to help future Mars settlers and suppliers along as they begin their careers.
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For SpaceNut ...
Notes were sent to Captain J Torriani and to marc inviting an occasional visit to report on progress.
Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society
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I'm happy to report we have an inquiry from a prospective new member, as well as correspondence from two existing ones.
Captain J Torriani is working on his studies, and taking a very demanding course at the moment.
All to the good, for sure!
Title is "Non-Linear Control" ... sounds about right for a robotics major ..
Noah wrote with an observation and a question ...
I'm definitely looking forward to seeing the progress of the Development Design topic!
Thanks to ALL forum members who've contributed to the topic, or who are reading and thinking about it.
We have hundreds of members who've been signed up but never contribute. Please keep looking for something going on that is worth the investment of some of your time.
Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society
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It's time to remind everyone that NewMarsMember * is an open portal for those who might wish to contribute to projects/initiatives under way in the NewMars forum.
Oldfart1939 just launched an initiative to compose an article about a 17 person landing party for Mars
There will be plenty of opportunities for knowledgeable persons to assist in the project with references, experiences, suggestions and constructive criticism.
RobertDyck is working on a concept for a Large Ship capable of providing Mars level gravity and Mars equivalent atmosphere for passengers travelling to and from Mars.
Noah is working on design of a settlement that might come into being on Mars after initial exploration.
There are numerous other initiatives that can be supported.
Or, if you would like to open an initiative of your own, it is possible to do so.
Please read Post #2 of this topic for application procedures.
Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society
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For SpaceNut ... update from NewMarsMember *
Heard from Noah ... he is continuing his studies ...
I also note he is using the email vehicle as a way to practice his English.
While the occasional difference between German and American English may lead to momentary confusion, he is showing remarkable skill at adapting to the challenge of trying to interact successfully with forum members.
Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society
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For SpaceNut .... NewMarsMember * report
Noah is studying
Captain J Torriania is studying
marc is working like crazy on his robust minicomputer design ...
Things are quiet at the member portal
Meanwhile, RobertDyck could use assistance with many aspects of his Large Ship project
Oldfart1939 started an initiative to define the elements of a 17 person landing party for Mars.
Calliban has described numerous machines and systems of machines that could be examined more closely for possible implementation
GW Johnson has provided what could become the framework for a course of learning to become a spacecraft navigator
SpaceNut has been finding legacy links to data stores created by previous (and even some current) NewMars members.
My Hacienda is patiently waiting for 7800 people to assume responsibility for specializations that are useful on Earth, and which would be **very** useful on Mars.
If you (or someone you know) might be interested in helping or perhaps starting something new, read Post # 2 of this topic and write to the NewMarsMember * portal.
Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society
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For SpaceNut ... re Portal ... heard from Noah ... he is continuing his studies ... no other news.
The recent initiative of Oldfart1939 to design a 17 person landing party for Mars would seem likely to be of interest to On-Earth veterans of scientific expeditions. There may be something in the experience of humans accumulated over centuries that would be worth considering when planning an expedition for Mars.
I am confident there are teams around the world already hard at work developing plans for consideration by national leaders.
The recent online/virtual presentation by Ben Huset for the North Houston chapter of the NSS included mention of an entire Mars simulation site in the Gobi desert, where a variety of simulation activities have (apparently) been carried out.
Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society
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For SpaceNut ... heard from Noah on NewMarsMember *
He's studying hard as usual.
He's also thinking about how to proceed with the forum, when he gets time for it.
We have plenty of time! His studies are the most important thing he could be doing right now.
Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society
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Thats good to hear and yes thats the way I would go as well as thats the pay check of the future in the degree.
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For SpaceNut re #168
Are you expecting Noah to become a job holder?
I've been hoping he might choose to become a job creator?
It's MUCH harder to become a job creator. Only a very small number of human beings make the grade.
Perhaps you are right to assume Noah is limited to becoming a job holder.
A job holder can leave all the complications of life to a magic Uncle Employer, who takes care of all the details.
I can certainly relate! I benefited greatly from Uncle Employer for many years.
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Well getting out of college leaves you with a debt that needs to be paid so unless he creates the means to pay the bills from being a job creator then thats all the better for Noah....
There is a big step to being a creator that is for more than just one's self for a business as a proprietor or self employed would do as you are the only one that makes and spends the cash as you see fit. Its not until you must pay for others and think of those you employ that the shoe changes feet....
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For SpaceNut re #170
Thanks for taking up the possibility that Noah might become a job creator ... It is normal and understandable for us (humans of 2021) to automatically think of a "job" as a state of being for a citizen of an advanced culture. The reason we (humans) have the standard of living we do is the invention of specialization and division of labor in the period after the Enlightenment, when machines became possible as the principles of mechanics were better understood.
The simple fact is that within the ranks of job holders, there are job "creators" .... my interest in the discussion is to try to encourage anyone entering the work force to lift their aspirations beyond the "normal" concept of applying for a job, and then trying to hold onto it as the economy buffets the organization within which the job resides.
As you point out, the ranks of job creators (in the sense of Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Larry Ellison and a few others) are few, because the challenges are so great.
Still, I'm hoping to try to keep a flag flying "out there" on the horizon, that becoming a job creator is a noble aspiration.
We have ** one ** actual job creator in the forum!
We might have more than one, but not everyone is willing to post biographical information of that kind.
Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-05-08 05:33:04)
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Launch date for the daily report.
The NewMarsMember * portal is open for business.
Members are needed to help with a variety of projects.
Foremost among these is the Large Ship, which would have some similarity to the newly announced rotating space hotel for LEO, but which would have the distinct advantage of mobility. It is being designed for the Earth/Mars passenger transport trade. Assistance is needed with every aspect of design.
Persons interested in helping with this (or any) project are invited to read Post #2 of the Recruiting topic and apply at this portal.
Update 2025/01/23: The daily report has appeared every day since this launch in 2021.
Last edited by NewMarsMember (2025-01-23 07:47:13)
Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society
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The NewMarsMember * portal is open for business.
We have 5,200 freshly refurbished User ID's ready for new members.
We have multiple initiatives underway that can use assistance, or you can create your own initiative.
Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Last edited by NewMarsMember (2021-05-13 09:42:42)
Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society
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The NewMarsMember * portal is open for business.
We have 5,300 freshly refurbished User Id's ready for new members.
We have multiple initiatives underway that can use assistance, or you can create your own initiative.
Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society
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The NewMarsMember * portal is open for business.
We have 5,300 freshly refurbished User Id's ready for new members.
200 ID's are waiting for final approval and processing by SpaceNut.
We have multiple initiatives underway that can use assistance, or you can create your own initiative.
Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures.
For existing registered members who have lost your password ... If you remember the email address you used to register, you can request a recovery email at that address. If you no longer have the email available (as could happen over 20+ years) just write to this email address. Your request will be forwarded to SpaceNut, who has the tools available to assist as needed.
For all ... we really ** are ** looking for members who want to make a difference by helping others with projects, or providing leadership on new projects. We have a ready supply of folks who can and will make comments and offer suggestions. We don't need more folks in that specialty. We ** do ** need folks who can and ** will ** help project leaders already trying to achieve something in the real world.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society
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