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#951 2021-03-23 19:51:18

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re Pesky 4174 ...

Thanks for taking care of all the others ... The Not Verified table should now be empty.

Looking ahead ... If you decide to have me tackle another group, I'd be interested in taking a look at the query.

In the mean time, I have one more correction to make to the existing program (time reporting error) and then I'll set it on the shelf in case it's needed.

I'm behind on the project for another non-profit (database recovery) and need to start working on that.  That will be interesting ..; it appears all that was salvaged was the underlying emails that were fed into a database with many kinds of lookups ... I'll have to try to figure out how to recreate the indexes.

There were able to do some of the things FluxBB allows, such as seeing all posts by one person, or reading a series on a particular subject, like our topics.

In addition, I'm still interested in advancing the current program to at least Level 1 of automation, so it stops if an error occurs.

Noah has been writing NewMarsMember so I'm hoping at some point he'll begin posting in the forum



#952 2021-03-24 08:08:46

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re forum statistics with Not Verified removed ...

The total of ID's is 19,634
Of those, 1 is in limbo: TestID04174A
The total of posts > 0 is 1753, including those in the bans table
The total with no posts is 17880, including those in the bans table
Grand total is 19,634

Activity of spammers has quieted down in recent times.

We have 4456 ID's ready for new members.

At the rate we're going, it'll take a while to convert those ready-to-go ID's into active members.

Edit#1 ... this is sobering .... I ran a quick check to see how many members have posted this year ...

The grand total is 20, but the actual total is 18 ...  One is NewMarsMember, which doesn't count, and one was a Russian you've banned.

Of the 18, 3 are the new members we've added since Registration was closed.

So 15 people are sustaining this forum.  Bravo to them!  That may be the right number ... I can ** just barely ** keep up with most posts, but often find that a flurry of posts to a topic have occurred in a short period of time, and I only see the last one when I look for Active topics.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-03-24 12:38:30)


#953 2021-03-24 13:45:33

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re 4174 .... I decided to join you and gang up on 4174 ... I changed it back to 4174 from 4174a.

Please try again to prepare it for use as a regular ID.

If that attempt fails, I'd be in favor of just deleting it.  The grand total of 19,633 users has a nice symmetry.  While the number is NOT divisible by 3, it ** does ** have the feature that it has a descending flow 9 - 6 - 3, and 3 * 3 is 9 or 3 + 3 is 6.

Hoping the day went well!



#954 2021-03-25 08:58:14

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

This post is for both Noah and SpaceNut

For Noah ... this is an example of how to post a link to an image saved in

I was just there, and can still remember that it is a "left" click on the uploaded image that provides a menu of links to use. (bbcode)

For SpaceNut ... this is an image of the program that can perform (simple) web automation if you ever decide you want to work on a set of ID's in the future.  The Bans are candidates, but it's up to you if you want to both with them.


Version 2021.03.23.1 Can update a browser with the assistance of AACKeys (a program for assistance services).



#955 2021-03-26 05:59:54

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re further work on User ID's

Overnight I realized that browsers have a capability to communicate to the "outside world" ... the first capability I thought of is the ability to print, or to make a pdf.  However, there is a capability that is much more direct and useful for the automation of a browser beyond Level 0, which is where we are now.

Here is an example:

The string above was highlighted using Ctrl/L and then captured using Ctrl/C

The data was copied from the browser window into the system clipboard, and then pasted into another browser window (this one) for display.

That capability means a browser running separately from the control program can be monitored.

The capability of pushing characters into a running browser is demonstrated by the AACKeys program, which accepts data from the COMM port and pushes it into the window that has been selected by a mouse click.

I have sample programs printed out that use a system resource (a DLL file) to all one running process to inject text into another. 

By putting the two concepts together, it should be possible to adapt the existing Level 0 automation to run at Level 1.

So! Here is your opportunity to help to move the process along.  I'll be working on the details over the next few days.  If you would be interested in experimenting, you can try one of the tasks you'd like to do using the method outlined above.

Find a field of interest in the browser, write down what it is (field inside page), and try to highlight it and capture it to a separate program, such as Notepad.

With a bit of experimenting, you should be able to build up a set of observations that I could then convert into a script for a Level 1 program.



#956 2021-03-26 13:49:16

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re User Stats ... Our total User Id count should have increased from 19,589 to 19,633 after the last round of updates, but the number has not changed.  Is there something else I was supposed to do to cause that number to update?

Thanks for looking into it.

Just curious .... Was aiming for that final number to show up based on projected grand totals.



#957 2021-03-26 19:47:06

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Housekeeping

Just did a hand over hand on all 4556 for the 90 pages of them to check user status as member but they were all set. Filled in the missing 4174 with an already banned spammer to fill in the sequence.


#958 2021-03-27 05:32:27

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re #957

Bravo!  Thanks for all that detail inspection and for adding that squirrelly 4174 into the sequence! 

I was glad to see the "magic" 19,633 show up in the User Total field on the main Index page!  That means the Not Verified piece of this project is finished.

Edit#1: I've invited a relative who also likes numbers to consider any patterns of 19,633 that I might have missed.

A detail I might have omitted from the earlier report is that division by 3 yields an infinite progression of 3's.  Nice!

My plans for today include testing my theory that a combination of SendKeys and Clipboard.GetText can allow the Web Browser Automation program to move onto the same system as the browser.  If that concept works, the next stage will be to modify the existing program to use the new capability.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-03-27 09:10:06)


#959 2021-03-28 10:58:26

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut .... the stuck ship in the Suez Canal is not something that will ** ever ** fit into a discussion about Mars.

This topic is ** sort of ** a good fit for this suggestion ....

After reading over several articles about the problem faced by the Dutch company hired to solve the problem, I did not see a suggestion to simply dig out a path for the vessel to float into the desert in the direction it is headed.

The need is to get the ship out of the channel as quickly as possible, and the alternatives under consideration have enormous risks ... The ship could break up or it could capsize ... The recent capsize of a car carrier in the Southern US illustrates how close those ships operate to the limits in order to maximize their profit capability.

By digging a channel in front of the ship, the ship could be allowed to slide out of the waterway, and it could be unloaded safely there.

In addition, many machines could work on the excavation simultaneously, so the cut could be completed sooner than would be the case with just a few machines.

In addition, explosives could be used (judiciously) to expedite the channel cutting process.

I doubt anyone outside of this small part of the Mars Society will ever see this idea in print.



#960 2021-03-28 11:14:49

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Housekeeping

A temporary structure barrier is used to work or dig behind to bring the new location for it to exit out of the canal. Once enough of a hole is created then the barrier is removed to allow the water to enter its area. Of course cranes would be brought in to the new area to aid in cargo off load.


#961 2021-03-28 13:45:45

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re #960

In the spirit of "trying to help" ... those cargo containers could be unloaded by heavy lift helicopters ...

They could get to the scene far more rapidly than the huge crane that is (apparently) on it's way.

According to reports I've read, unloading the container has to be performed in a coordinated (ie, computer controlled) way due to the risk of capsizing.

There is apparently some hope the ship can be dislodged with a high tide coming soon ...

The ships already in the canal could help by shoving water toward the stranded ship, but ** that ** would require inhuman coordination.

I read (in various reports) that (a) the ship was speeding and (b) it had a history of power failure (and one is supposed to have occurred).



#962 2021-03-28 16:48:58

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Housekeeping

You can also anchor pontunes to the side that would lift the vessel with the rising tide so long as the side close to the banks be used to hold it in place while it's being righted

Edit follow up to next post … s_card_hed


#963 2021-03-28 16:56:50

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re #962

The salvage of the cruise liner that tore out it's bottom while "showing off" for residents of an island was performed using a technique that included steel pontoons (as I recall from the video of the recovery).

In this case, there is room on both sides of the ship to place pontoons, and every little bit of lift would help.

There was a report in today's news feed that President Al-Sisi has ordered unloading preparations to begin immediately, in case the near term high tide flotation effort fails.

Two more (large) tugs have arrived on scene, I understand.

The salvage crew is certainly earning it's fee!

Edit#1: Monday 2021/03/29 The stuck ship has been freed.  it is being towed to Great Bitter Lake, where it will be evaluated for damage and needed repairs.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-03-29 09:05:11)


#964 2021-03-28 17:03:12

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut ... back to ID processing ...

I've been chipping away at planning the next version of the Web Browser Automation ...

An intermediate step will be a test program to attempt to send characters into a running window on the same machine, and to receive feedback via the clipboard.

The clipboard is the easy part ... I experimented today using manual operations with a browser, and I'm increasingly confident the display provided by FluxBB as it completes various operations can be used as a rock-solid verification that the procedure is operating as planned.

If the display by FluxBB does not match what is expected, the program can halt immediately. 

The (slightly) more challenging functionality is writing characters into a running program, but since the AACKeys utility is already doing that using a generic DLL file, I'm "reasonably" hopeful I can pull it off.



#965 2021-03-29 06:38:07

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

This post is reserved for a report on testing of an intermediate program to incorporate sending (to an active window) and receiving (from the clipboard).

Update Tuesday 2021/03/30 ...

The test program is (sort of) running .... It can pull from the Clipboard and paste what it finds into Notepad.

Or it can pull text from an input window and put that into Notepad.

Where I'm stumped at the moment is that the program currently clears Notepad before each write operation.

I'd naively expected the data would be accumulated in the target, but that is not the case.

I'm assuming some control characters I can't see are being transmitted by the system dll file, because Notepad erases it's contents before accepting the new input.  The goal here is to send characters into a browser, and I don't need or want "help".

I'll study the situation a bit more.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-03-30 12:59:07)


#966 2021-03-30 18:12:11

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut ... Just FYI .... the topic you brought back on Hubble seems to still have a problem ...

I tried to post a reply and the Submit button did not work

For SpaceNut .... thanks for bringing this topic from 2006 back into view!

It's (probably) a lot of work for you to pull these topics out of the junk pile and spiffy them up, but some (like this one) are worth the effort.




#967 2021-03-30 18:44:01

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Housekeeping

Above the quick post box on the right side is the unsubscribe link and above that is the alternative post reply link that will let you do so.

I did see that it's got the artifact conversion issue but will take care of it later.


#968 2021-03-31 07:21:11

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

This post is reserved for a report on testing of an intermediate program to incorporate sending (to an active window) and receiving (from the clipboard).

Overnight I realized that I may have misunderstood the example code provided by Stack Overflow.  The author did not differentiate between commands that are executed once and those that can be executed multiple times.

It is entirely possible I have written the first version of this test program to re-initialize the connection to the target program (Notepad in this case) every time I try to write to it.  I'm hoping that moving that line to a one-time location will prevent the loss of previously written data.

Another experiment to try is to omit the identification of a specific program, and try to just write to the window that has focus.  I know this is possible because that is precisely what AACKeys is doing.

Edit#1: separating the initialization code from the message sending code did not have the effect I was hoping for.

Notepad gets cleared of any previous data before the current data is posted.

I'm planning a test shortly on a machine with Edge and Firefox. 

Edit#2: Initial testing revealed defects in the subroutines created for this simple test program.  Trying to work too quickly.

Will try again tomorrow.  The target machine has Chrome instead of Firefox.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-03-31 17:18:07)


#969 2021-04-01 11:24:48

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

This post is reserved for a report on testing of an intermediate program to incorporate sending (to an active window) and receiving from the Clipboard.

In recent hours I've become aware that my choice of sending function may explain the unwanted behavior I am seeing.

I chose SendMessage because an example was provided and I was able to get it to work.

However, as reported earlier, the example seems to create a new instance of Notepad every time I send something.

Alternatively, the function may be clearing Notepad to accept the new input, but either behavior is unexpected and unwelcome.

I've made some adjustments to the program and will be testing them later today.

In particular, I found a tip that PowerShell can be used to reveal the name of the window that is open in an application, such as Microsoft Edge.

To my surprise (I should have expected it but didn't) the tab that is open in Edge is what is reported by the operating system as the open window.

The revised program will attempt to connect to Edge and New tab.

Edit#1: This process is turning out to be much more difficult than I had expected.  Apparently Notepad is working because it is privileged in some way that I don't fully understand.  Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox and Chrome are all (so far) resisting my efforts to find them as running processes using the FindWindow function.  There is no error information provided when the function returns a null result.  I've gotten a LOT of null results over the past several hours. 


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-04-01 21:05:16)


#970 2021-04-02 13:10:51

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re Initiative to Convert ID Recovery software to run on the same computer.

I am finding this transition to be far more difficult than I'd been hoping.  The quick and easy solutions aren't panning out.

There is software that is advertised as able to find an open window (in a browser for example) and deliver data into that window.

AACKeys clearly ** does ** that, reliably and consistently.  However, ** I ** haven't learned how to do it.  The software I've found so far is able to ** always ** find Notepad, but (so far) it has been unable to find anything else.

I just tried a commercial Virtual Serial Port Program in Trial mode, and it appeared to be working, but the software I merged into the browser automation program is designed to interact with modems, and it complained that it can't see a modem where the virtual port is defined, so it refused to send data.

The Virtual Serial Port user manual included a helpful suggestion that the customer can install the company software directly into a program, and I've written to the company asking if that might work for my application.  The commercial package is a bit pricey for  my budget, but if it works and saves all the time that would be needed to learn how to to this ** correctly **, it might be worth it.

There is a free Virtual Serial Port package available, but I'll bet it will have the same invisible aspect to the Microsoft RS232 software.

Edit #1: Late update ... while waiting for a possible answer from the company that offers a Virtual Serial Port package, I tried to set up a simulation of what that might be like by using the existing USB-Serial cable on a laptop which is old enough to still have a serial port.  Happily, the output of the WebBrowserAutomation program delivered data into a running Firefox browser via the AACKeys program.  A capability to operate at Level 1 automation on one PC is within sight.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-04-02 18:19:35)


#971 2021-04-03 06:29:44

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

This post is reserved for (possible) updates on development of a Level 1 Automation capability for the WebBrowserAutomation program.

Yesterday the hardware option of inter-process communication via serial port on the same computer was demonstrated.  The WBA sent commands to Firefox via the USB-serial cable and the impressive services of AACKeys, which accepts serial input and deposits whatever it receives in the window with focus, as determined by a mouse click by the operator.

At present this system only works on a computer with a physical serial port, but there are at least two options for Virtual Serial Ports.

A commercial solution is attractive.  It did not work with the existing configuration of the WBA, but that configuration can be updated to interface with the virtual port using software provided by the company.

In the mean time, the WBA can be updated to include feedback and decision functionality, since the hardware for testing is in place.



#972 2021-04-03 09:41:10

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Housekeeping

That means its using the extra control lines of the port that are not in a usb serial any longer.
Clear to send and I forget what the other is called would need to look it up for the 9 pin connector that was used at the time.


#973 2021-04-03 11:06:36

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re #972

Thanks for your follow up on my report of the problem I reported. You assessment seems accurate, based upon the error messages ...

The Microsoft code I have appropriated was designed in a lower level language (I can tell by the variable names) and intended to handle just about any modem that might come along. However, modems are now out of the picture, and USB serial drivers can operate entirely with bits, because the USB packet environment operates with minimal hardware but with plenty of digital interaction.

My guess, from looking at the software offered by the commercial company is that they are well enough funded (by sales) to be able to afford to design for USB, in all its complexity.  I've invited them to send me a bit of sample code showing how to use there package.   The program operates as a service, once launched, and it has a 14 day free trial period.  That should be enough time to find out if ** I ** can get it to work. 

In the mean time, I've started work on upgrades to WBA to allow it to function at Level 1, with feedback, evaluation and (low level) decision making.



#974 2021-04-03 11:57:04

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut ... to avoid replacing your ID in topics ...

1) Thanks for word of possible improvement for your Brother!
2) Thanks for that helpful list of todo items to convert Void's brainstorm into a viable business!

As a side note ... the package will consist of payload (ie, non-perishable commodity), outer heat shield component that is now charred, and electronics and guidance hardware.   These can be separated just before impact so they can be retrieved and processed for re-use with less effort.

The heat shield is likely to consist of carbon as a primary component, with other materials in support.

The electronics and guidance (ie, fins actuated by motors) will contain high value materials that are definitely worth salvage for re-use.

It may even turn out that with experience, package manufacturers can achieve reusability for the electronics package.

This forum contains several posts about modern military electronics surviving launch in mortars and howitzers, as well as long range guns.

Dropping into Mars sand at 500 mph or so would be a minor inconvenience to such equipment.

Edit#1: this update is coming from a laptop being prepared for testing Level 1 browser automation.

Connection is via a Linksys USB device.

Edit#2: The Prolific USB-Serial >> Null Modem Device << Prolific USB Serial concept worked in a test on the laptop.

There were two (or maybe 3 ) secrets .... The sending program has to be set into motion and then focus shifted to the target

That is because AACKeys sends whatever it is receiving to the window that has current focus (ie, Top Window)

The next "secret" is to use System Device Manager to discover where the Prolific devices set up shop.  In the case of the test just performed, I found them at ports 8 and 9.

The third "secret" is that AACKeys has a small icon in the tray at the bottom of the screen where configuration changes can be made.

With this test I am now confident the pathway from one USB to another is possible on the Windows 7 machine.

There would appear to be no need to invest in the commercial Virtual Port package after all.

Now all that appears to be needed is to complete updates to the Web Browser Automation program.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-04-03 17:36:48)


#975 2021-04-04 07:47:12

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,853

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut ...

To avoid replacing your ID in topics ...
Interesting idea to try to develop a Stirling Engine for home use ... the efficiency can be compared to the combination of solar panels and an electric motor.
The efficiency of any heat difference engine increases as the heat difference increases, so concentrating the solar input would be helpful.
You'll have some warm water coming out of the cooling coils. Might be useful for something.
I'm looking forward to concentrating on adding new capabilities to the existing Web Browser Automation, to raise it to Level 1 automation.  The hardware solution for delivering commands and data between WBA and a browser is acceptable.  It consumes two USB ports, but those are abundant these days.

I've suggested before that you try (if you have time) to document some of the work you're doing to recover posts from before the crash.

The new version of the program ** may ** / ** should ** have the ability to pull a post down to look at it, but I am a long way from ** that ** capability at this point.

Edit#1: ... I logged in just now after taking a break from work on the WBA upgrade to Level 1 automation.

Addition of the new functionality seemed to go smoothly, although I won't be sure until live testing.  Much of the functionality is so similar to existing code that the installation went fairly quickly.

In the first tests, my plan is to capture whatever the browser sends back and dump it to a log file, instead of trying to make decisions.

In later versions, the ability make a Go/Stop decision will be added.

Beyond that minimum, it is possible to imagine being able to add some limited (Well that failed so let's try this!) capability.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2021-04-04 11:34:12)


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