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I want the criminals filtered out. That's not possible when people come streaming across in waves. Despite all the other nonsense thrown up by the Democrats, as a Republican this immigration issue starts and ends with curbing rampant criminality. A free-for-all is not an orderly in-processing of prospective new Americans. Unfortunately, Democrats are committed to supporting criminality in a way I never would've imagined. As that becomes more obvious to the average voter, I've noticed that Democrat support amongst ethnic Latino voters has slowly evaporated over time.
Have you noticed how consistent I've been about this issue of criminality?
Have you noticed that the Democrats have not introduced legislation to transform all the existing illegals into American citizens?
They've talked about this issue under the Obama and Biden administrations where they controlled the House, the Senate, and the Presidency.
Do you recall what I said about Democrats having no intention of making everyone a citizen with equal protections under the law?
How many more Democrat-controlled House / Senate / Presidency combinations need to come and go for other Democrats to recognize this?
It's like either party talking about holding government accountable. I've yet to see any such thing happen during my lifetime. The only reckoning will come in the form of a revolution, which I don't want.
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At least some of the immigrants swarming over the southern border are criminals on the run from Mexican authorities. I believe the US has treaty obligations under NAFTA to apprehend these people and extradite them. That is impossible without intercepting those traversing the border and processing them. Open borders make it impossible to enforce international law. Without border controls, Mexican cartels will be free to traffic drugs and may grow too powerful to control. This would undermine the development of Mexico as a manufacturing nation. That in turn, undermines the entire NAFTA business case. Mexico needs strong US border controls if it is to stand any chance of defeating criminal fraternities.
Governments also have a duty of care towards their own citizens. That is the foundation of democratic government. If they fail to impliment proper border controls and an illegal immigrant commits a crime against a citizen, then the government is responsible for that crime. It is their duty to protect their citizens, born within their borders from reasonably foreseeable threats imposed by aliens that enter the country. Vetting is part of thesafeguards needed to ensure that. Before anyone enters a country, the government of that country has a duty to ensure that that person does not represent a danger to citizens. That is why new citizens must be properly vetted. Failure to do so, is to fail completely as a competant government.
Last edited by Calliban (2022-12-28 14:52:40)
"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."
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I would agree with filtering of criminal but getting the data to prove whom is whom is the issue and why identification is required so as to track their movement while in the US if they are not put into jails. Oh, wait that is the intent of DACA to start but where is the follow through after that registration of those that are found to be criminal?
There is also no reason not to do the habitats on the other side of the border to give control to those that are invading Mexico first. Setup these border zones is the best way to keep them there and not here.
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This is another that shows how its ok for one party to bus but not ok for the other as the reasons for that action are different.
Bunk...and junk
Why is it a travesty when Ducey buses immigrants, but not when Hobbs does it?
When Ducey or Texas Gov. Greg Abbott transported folks from Tucson or El Paso, it was considered cruel. Gov. Ron DeSantis chartered airplanes from Florida, which was considered even worse.
Of course, when Republicans do it, it’s “controversial” and “mean.” Hobbs’s wise decision isn’t garnering much criticism because she has a “D” after her name. She even copied DeSantis on the plane thing.
Arizona’s new governor vaguely promised to “review” the program, but the frequent flier miles are already piling up.
First off it should be about setting the people on the right path to citizenship and if they cannot achieve that or do not desire to do so they can go packing back to where they came from.
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When Democrats had the Congress, the Senate, and the Presidency, all at the same time, they didn't vote to make all the illegals citizens, did they?
They did the same thing under President Obama.
It's a political tool to get votes and nothing more. Now many of our Americans of Hispanic descent are picking up on that fact.
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Authorities make massive drug, gun bust; enough fentanyl ‘to kill tens of thousands of people’
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Biden’s Plan to End the Border Crisis Is Already Working
How about we verify whether this is working or not as it makes note of Mars_B4_Moons post.
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stores fuel, imports diesel cargo
Pemex hit by fires at three facilities in one day … 24034.html
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from the Border Mexico to Canada-US border but Trudeau has a plan to decriminalize meth, heroin, fentanyl and other hard drugs
Canadians Fume as Migrants Surge at Their Border … ation.html
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4 Americans missing after they were kidnapped in Mexican border city, FBI says … os-mexico/
Four U.S. citizens were kidnapped after gunmen opened fire on their vehicle in the northern Mexico border city of Matamoros, the FBI said Sunday.
The four had entered Matamoros, across from Brownsville, Texas, on Friday, in a white minivan with North Carolina license plates, the agency said.
The FBI San Antonio Division office said the vehicle came under fire shortly after it entered Mexico.
"All four Americans were placed in a vehicle and taken from the scene by armed men," the office said.
The FBI, seeking the public's help, is offering a $50,000 reward for the return of the victims and the arrest of the culprits.
Matamoros is home to warring factions of the Gulf drug cartel.
Shootouts in Matamoros were so bad that the U.S. Consulate issued an alert about the danger Friday.
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Sounds like the Mexican government needs to act soon and get them back.
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White House calls Mexico kidnapping that left two Americans dead 'unacceptable' and is working to bring the survivors home
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Mexican cartel apologizes for kidnapping of Americans, turns over 5 men it claims were responsible
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Suspected terrorist caught crossing U.S. border in New York … ion-surge/
along the U.S.-Canadian border
Terror watchlist, sex offender arrests have surged at the southern border. These Americans are worried … 07748.html
Americans in the Lone Star state said they were concerned about who is illegally entering the U.S. after Customs and Border Protection reported a spike in arrests
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6 bodies pulled from river on the U.S.-Canadian border … an-border/
Fentanyl, Heroin, and Methamphetamine-Based Counterfeit Pills
Deadly fire highlights immigration pressures on Mexico … 09774.html
At least 39 dead after fire at Mexican migrant facility on US border … dad-juarez
Mexico president: Migrants set fire to mattresses in immigration center in protest after learning they would be deported … r-98178359
2 indicted for years long global human smuggling outfit along AZ-Mexico border … 042525007/
Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-03-31 06:10:39)
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80,000 Illegal Migrants Heading To US, Crossing Southern Border As Title 42 Ends … ds-3691895
Biden administration isn't doing enough to protect Arizona border towns when Title 42 ends … 185862007/
As Biden manages border with end of Title 42, Congress is absent on immigration reform
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Driver of SUV in Brownsville crash that killed 8 migrants had drugs in his system, police say … e-alvarez/
George Alvarez, the man charged in the deaths of eight people after his vehicle rammed a crowd
I know they say don't 'Judge a Book' but his body also covered in many of these monsterous looking tattoos
Hank Johnson believes America needs more illegal immigrant types or 'migrant' because without their work America will not be able to eat, he is also on record saying he believes the island of Guam is going to 'Tip Over' or 'Capsize'
Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-05-10 12:27:35)
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MAYORKAS: "Our borders are not open!"
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"Never tell the truth when a good lie, repeated often enough and vociferously enough, will get you what you want." - Democrat Party Motto
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Well, the GOP wanted covid rules to end so as to get back to normal and with it so did the Title 42 which kept the asylum numbers down as they were being returned to their home countries. It's still a problem as nothing was done to change border law during that whole period of time.
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Blame the other political party for what your own political party is actually doing. There's a strategy I haven't seen in awhile.
The Democrat Party are a bunch of terrorists. They held the American people hostage with COVID lockdowns, and offered to quit holding Americans directly hostage if they were allowed to hold them hostage in another way by using the human wave flood of illegals pouring in over the borders. The Republicans said to themselves, "Well, Americans need to work for the country to survive these evil cretins, so we'll do a deal with the Democrat Devils so that Americans can resume what's left of their formerly prosperous lives."
The border laws haven't changed, before or since President Biden took power. The only thing that's changed is enforcement of the law. The Democrats refuse to enforce any law that doesn't provide them with an endless stream of slaves to exploit for political and economic purposes.
The Democrats had control over both houses of Congress and the Presidency. Democrats refused to grant legal status or immunity to these illegals. That's a recurring theme with them. You should ask your own party why they rammed through a bunch of spending but did nothing for the illegals they were waving on through, but you won't do that. Maybe you already know the answer, but I doubt it. You should know it since I gave it to you.
I told you exactly what they'd never do- grant legal status to the next group of people they want to exploit. Exactly what I said would happen, actually happened. I know every trick these people have, because I read their book. As soon as these border jumpers have legal status, they're no longer exploitable for political benefit to the Democrat Party.
Let me tell you ahead of time what the Republican strategy is, because you clearly can't figure this out on your own:
We're going to let your own poor decision making skills lead to your own doom- politically, economically, and culturally. In much the same way that the Russians all decided to sit on their hands and do nothing at all after they were fed up with the Soviet System. After your political party and its ilk are through rendering the places that you live uninhabitable, we'll keep you out of the places where we live. It's sort of like what you see in communist China, where 5 minutes outside of the city you may as well have jumped into a time machine. While you're sitting on the pile of your own ruin, you'll either decided to change or self-select out of existence through your own actions.
It's a simple yet highly effective plan, and it's working. The people you prefer to vote for are helping it along.
Chicago, Detroit, New York, San Francisco, Seattle- the more the left applies their bankrupt ideology, the less appealing the places they control become. There is near-zero or actual zero Republican influence in those cities, and very predictably they're the worst places to live in America, and nobody wants to move there because Democrats have turned them into hellholes. Your political party inverts and perverts our laws to punish the law-abiding, or simply ignores the law altogether. You never punish leaders who do this. Your ilk voted out Lori Lightfoot and put someone in there even nuttier than she is. It's no mystery why Chicago is going down the crapper. Ideology alone doesn't make any place appealing to live. Rule of law- which has its basis in morality, fidelity to what is best for the public rather than a single individual or special interest group, and accountability are what make places livable.
It's not Republicans' fault that backwards Democrat ideology doesn't work. We can't make unworkable plans do the opposite of what they're intended to do. Drag your miscreants kicking and screaming back to reality, where the fundamentals of humanity and civilization actually matter. Here's a hint, you can't fight your way out of this, so you'd better start backing ideas / policies / plans that have appeal outside of special interest groups and radicals who are hellbent on ruining society.
Problem: We can't reduce poverty and inequality amongst people who don't want to do hard work.
Solution: People who want more money get to work, rather than whining about what they don't have. If someone wants to keep doing what they've always done, but what they've always done caused them to become impoverished, then you can't help them, so stop trying.
Problem: We can't reduce or eliminate racism amongst people who obsess over skin color and ethnicity.
Solution: The first step towards eradicating racism is to stop practicing it by pointing out every superficial difference and fixating on that, to the exclusion of all other considerations. People who never miss a chance to yap about how they're special or different are the sort of people who will never create a society that stops looking at what a person looks like when determining their intrinsic worth, as a person.
Problem: We can't improve education for people only interested in indoctrination, because indoctrination makes people stupid.
Solution: Getting everyone to believe the exact same thing is not the end goal of education. Teaching people to think for themselves is. That is the very last thing that people who believe in more top-down control would ever want. The only Republicans involved in education are parents who are privately teaching their own children or private schools. Oddly enough, those children are also the least likely to later become problems for society to deal with.
Problem: We can't improve economic outlook for people who want to incessantly increase the amount of money squandered by government.
Solution: If the government doesn't absolutely need to step in to solve a problem, then look towards other solutions. Democrats hate Christians because they view them as competitors to their state-run "government religion", but if the Christians weren't taking care of all these illegals, nobody else would. There are also lots of Democrats claiming to be Christians who act more like Pagan Romans than Christians.
Problem: We can't foster technological innovation by handing out free government money to corporations that produce nothing.
Solution: Either run government labs where the end state of the R&D effort doesn't require making money (science for its own sake), or make sure that the company's R&D effort leads to saleable product and the company is economically healthy enough to stay in business. GE makes solar panels. You want solar panels? You pay GE for solar panels. You don't flush billions down the toilet by giving money to a company like Solyndra that's never produced solar panels at anything but lab-scale. Companies which truly do have good products / ideas / research efforts, like that Sodium battery startup in California, basically don't use much government money to get off the ground, because their ideas / products have self-evident merit that investors are willing to push private money into.
That's the difference between how a Republican and a Democrat views the intersection between government and private life. I'm not really expecting government to solve the problems that government helped to create. I've tried to teach this to my own children this. If whatever you're holding onto is drowning you, then you either let go of it or you drown. There isn't another option.
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There was discussion in the culture citizenship threads before but the USA's system is criticized but is more humane than other nations, in Australia they can keep people on a prison island Christmas island and Nauru an offshore detention centre. and an illegal immigrant to India is liable to be imprisoned for up to 8 years, maybe working Hindu region prison and also whatever payment of labor you work up in prison you lose the money because are also 'fined' for entering illegally.
An exception was made in 2015 for minority communities of Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan who were compelled to seek shelter in India due to religious persecution or fear of religious persecution. They are not classified as illegal migrants and remain eligible for citizenship.
However there are now a big number of immigrants arriving at the Southern Border
Estimated 60,000 migrants waiting near U.S.-Mexico border after Title 42 ends
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Maybe one of the lowest forms of human culture, they are not against prostitutes they want their cut or want some of the cash, these 'people' seem to worship gangster-ism, drug running and they seem to worship 'Death' as the Aztecs were a Mesoamerican human sacrifice culture once did.
Mexico probes video showing gunmen demanding protection money from bar hostesses at gunpoint … -100345892
One of Mexico’s most violent cartels sparked a new controversy by threatening to kill all escorts and other sex workers who don’t pay protection to them. … rotection/
The threats come at a time when Mexican politicians continuously claim a decrease in crime.
Crime is one of the most urgent concerns facing Mexico, as Mexican drug trafficking rings play a major role in the flow of cocaine, methamphetamine, fentanyl, heroin, and marijuana transiting between Latin America and the United States. Mexico is Latin America's most dangerous country for journalists according to the Global Criminality Index 2016. In 2005, journalist Lydia Cacho published a book, Demons of Eden, exposing Mexican politicians and business leaders' large roles in a child abuse sex trade spanning Mexico. She was abducted and harassed by police officers in response. Chela Rivas, a Mexican singer and performer, stated in 2020 that "because of the war with drug cartels, each day it becomes more and more dangerous to ... travel to remote towns and sing. It is not only frustrating, it is scary." Over 30,000 people in Mexico have been reported missing in 2016 … SKBN1782XN In its effort to combat crime, the Mexican army was accused of crimes against of humanity by several NGOs. In September 2014, several Mexican human rights groups and International Federation for Human Rights, had filed a complaint with the office of the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, asking it to investigate the “systematic and widespread” abuse of thousands of civilians by the army and the police in their fight against organized crime … olice.html The United States is a lucrative market for illegal drugs. The United Nations estimates that nearly 90% of cocaine sold in the United States originates in South America and is smuggled through Mexico.
This type of 'culture' they regularly post beheading videos as Al-Qaeda and ISIS did
How dangerous is Mexico? - BBC News
Mexico's location on the southern border of the US means that for decades it has been home to powerful criminal groups smuggling cocaine, heroine, marijuana and methamphetamines.
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These drug cartel and gang members are the types of people some of us don't want coming to America, but President Biden's administration is absolutely determined to leave America awash in drugs and violence, as a way to avert attention from his administration's other criminal behaviors. I've come to expect that Democrats fully support the abhorrent behaviors exhibited by these drug cartels and gangs, because they vote for it at every opportunity presented. Democrats have an affinity for violent criminality and every other imaginable form of degeneracy. Anyone who doesn't think murders, rapists, gang members, drug dealers, nutjobs and other assorted miscreants shouldn't be freely roaming our streets is an enemy of the Democrats.
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Most seem to get through but some get caught, an Iranian male, Venezuelan males, a Chinese male, and two Moldovan males arrested at border.
Sometimes an Iranian will be on a terror watch list
While TxDPS Troopers responded to a large group of 100+ attempting to enter into EaglePass - a group of 20+ single adults breached a fence & made entry, but Troopers arrested them. … 8945980421
' Troopers, during two separate events, encountered individuals from Iran & Moldova.
Brownsville: Troopers w/ UAS (Drone) support located a male from Iran who crossed illegally between the ports of entry & attempted to evade capture. He possessed multiple passports & fictitious immigration documents. ' … 4724705280
San Antonio migrant deaths: Four more arrested in alleged human trafficking operation that left 53 dead … ft-53-dead
I seen other terrible footage like smugglers who had dumped unaccompanied children left by a trafficker at the edge of a River in Eagle with bad weather condition and with high temperatures
they also force people to take drugs
or some people become salves and are sold to prostitution
an illegal cross a border in a desperate act might be one thing but there is an entire industry and absolutely terrible people who exploit others
Europe - the route from Pakistan to Greece
14 arrested in Pakistan over Greece boat disaster, human trafficking network suspected … -suspected
Pakistan’s government has ordered a high-level inquiry to investigate a human trafficking network after a vessel carrying hundreds of migrants, including from Pakistan, capsized and sank
Pakistan arrests 10 trafficking suspects after Greek boat tragedy … 9_144.html
Whistleblowers in alleged human trafficking ring speak out … -speak-out
They summoned the courage to go to Canadian police and accuse two men of human trafficking.
Albuquerque officials work with Mexico to address fentanyl, guns, human trafficking … afficking/
Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-06-29 13:59:46)
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