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#2626 2024-07-14 11:23:28

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,607

Re: Politics

The assassin who attempted to murder President Trump, and succeeded in murdering one of his supporters, was identified by the FBI as Thomas Matthew Crooks, a local 20 year old.  Thomas Crooks was a registered Republican, according to his voter ID, who also donated some of what little money he made, working in a nearby nursing home kitchen, to "ActBlue", a Democrat political action organization.  I'm going to go way out on a limb and state that he was a Democrat pretending to be a Republican.  We've seen enough Democrats state that they registered as Republicans, on television, in order to cast votes in Republican elections, to know the various subversive tactics of the radical left quite well.  Whenever subversion fails, the left inevitably resorts to using violence.  Crooks' mother was a registered Democrat voter and his father was a registered Libertarian.  The AR-15 type rifle Thomas Crooks used was apparently owned by his father.  Thomas Crooks fired 4 or 5 shots before a Secret Service sniper returned fire and shot him in the head.  Bomb making materials were also found in Thomas Crooks' vehicle and home (he still lived with his parents), which complicated the attempt to secure and process the crime scene.

The man Thomas Crooks murdered was identified as Corey Comperatore, a former chief firefighter, who used his body as a shield to protect his family members, who were at the rally with him.


#2627 2024-07-14 13:08:09

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,852

Re: Politics

Thomas Matthew Crooks released a video saying "it's not me". Note: the shooter was shot by Secret Service. The shooter is no longer alive so can't produce a video.


#2628 2024-07-14 14:18:05

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,607

Re: Politics


Unfortunately, whatever you watched, especially if it was posted to InstaGram, was later determined to be a fraudulent post / claim.  I'm pretty sure the FBI can positively ID someone using their DNA and dental records.  They have the body of the man they shot, that body had a loaded rifle and empty brass next to it, and multiple passersby or rally goers tried to report suspicious activity on the rooftop to the local authorities.

I'm quite certain there will be any number of people claiming responsibility, gas-lighting by someone inside or outside mass media, and similar nonsense that later turns out to be garden variety attention-seeking behavior.


#2629 2024-07-14 14:53:27

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,852

Re: Politics

I'm sure the body in the morgue is the shooter. The question is who was he? I haven't provided a DNA sample to any police agency. And have never been arrested so they don't have my finger prints. Oh, wait. My application for security clearance included finger prints. Military records DNA for everyone (I think) but civilians don't.

Can we step away from the extreme political polarization?


#2630 2024-07-14 16:55:06

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,607

Re: Politics


If the Police know where you live, because you have a government-issued photo ID, and they have access to your home and personal belongings, as the FBI no doubt does during a Presidential assassination investigation, then they will compare the DNA from the body in their morgue, match it to his personal belongings taken from where he lived, and if there's no other DNA present at the crime scene, then a reasonable person would conclude that they've positively identified the shooter.  They will also have access to medical and dental records, records from the person's place of employment (a nursing home), people who knew him who could identify his body, such as his mother and father, and then they will "know" with a fairly high degree of certainty, who they shot.

Not carrying your driver's license with you doesn't mean the government can't rapidly identify who you are.  If any vehicle registered to him was also found near the crime scene, then that only adds evidence to the pile.

They know that the rifle he used belonged to his father.  They know that because the FFL holder who sold the rifle has a copy of the firearm serial number, driver's license, social security number, address, and other personally identifiable information.  They presumably have his finger prints because he worked in a nursing home and, generally speaking, working in health care, even as a cook or orderly, involves finger printing, if not other biometric identification as well.  If they find finger prints on ammunition or bomb making materials in his home, then once again, they only have more evidence.

Presumably, the people who he worked with will also "know" that he's the shooter when he doesn't show up for work on Monday.

Speaking of troubled young men, they tracked down Ted Kaczynski and that guy was about as off-grid as you can get.

Crooks probably has a cell phone, too.


#2631 2024-07-14 17:08:51

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,607

Re: Politics

Can we step away from the extreme political polarization?

This is a question for the radical left to answer.  When someone has an argument they have no good counter for, they resort to calling their political opponents racists / bigots / xenophobes / "literal Hitler" / etc.  There are also extreme right wing people who incite people on the right as well, but the actual numbers are tiny and very few people imbibing in what they're selling.

Police should enforce no rape / robbery / murder = "racism"
Immigrants should follow a legal process for becoming a citizen = "xenophobia"
Biological men should use the men's bathroom, even if they identify as an attack helicopter = "bigotry"
You love your own country and don't think it needs to completely change to satisfy fringe elements of society = "literal Hitler"

Extreme Left Wing - Total authoritarianism
Extreme Right Wing - Total anarchy

That is actual left vs right.

Anyone who is "extreme right wing" thinks we shouldn't have a federal / centralized government, so their ability to use government to take from others is essentially nonexistent.

Anyone who is "extreme left wing" thinks the federal / centralized government should dictate every aspect of life, from cradle-to-grave.


#2632 2024-07-14 18:09:52

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,575

Re: Politics

I'm glad President Trump is OK.  Unfortunately, the man sitting behind him wasn't so lucky.

From the other side of the pond, I am less exposed to American media than most people here.  But it is hard to miss the sort of rhetoric being put out against Trump by his political opponents.  It is toxic and plainly incites violence.  They incited this crime and should be held to account for it.  But I doubt they will be.  Trump is a centrist.  If he were the kind of dictator his enemies pretend him to be, they wouldn't feel emboldened to say the sort of nonsense that they are putting out.  They would fear for their lives.  The fact that that clearly is not the case tells you all that you need to know about the politicos that claim to be 'protecting democracy'.  They are immoral cads, who think nothing of lying, cheating and killing, so long as it gets them what they want.

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#2633 Yesterday 14:01:37

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,852

Re: Politics

Joe Biden has COVID, recovering at his home in Delaware. He stepped aside, endorses Kamala Harris.


#2634 Yesterday 14:05:08

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,310

Re: Politics

Yes, seeing the articles now coming up including those saying that he should stop being president as well. That would give a few months for those that need to make up their minds on Pamela Harris as president.


#2635 Yesterday 14:48:11

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,852

Re: Politics

Kamala Harris. She needs to learn how to give clear straight answers, not word salad. Biden's team should be preparing her starting now. If Biden recovers (if) then Kamala will need some guidance and hand-holding. Biden will need someone to give him senior's care. They need eachother. Let him finish his term with dignity. Election is the first Tuesday of November, so Nov 5. That's just 3 1/2 months. Inauguration is January. That's not long. Besides, Harris will have to assume the duties of president most of the time anyway.


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