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Warp speed 'Unruh effect' can finally be tested in the lab … s_999.html
Thanks for that. Ultra cool. From the article:
"In an unexpected twist, the team also discovered that by delicately balancing acceleration and deceleration, one should even be able to make accelerated matter transparent."
Robert Clark
Old Space rule of acquisition (with a nod to Star Trek - the Next Generation):
“Anything worth doing is worth doing for a billion dollars.”
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Another article (long) on recent work on making the warp drive feasible:
The Dream of Faster-than-Light (FTL) Travel: Dr. Harold “Sonny” White and Limitless Space. … ess-space/
Robert Clark
Old Space rule of acquisition (with a nod to Star Trek - the Next Generation):
“Anything worth doing is worth doing for a billion dollars.”
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What a strange idea using Sound to Cancel Gravity
Does their math add up?
Tiny Error perhaps or we missed something with previous assumptions
Gravitons Create 'Noise' in Gravitational Wave Detectors, New Study Reveals … eveals.htm
Celebrated physicist Freeman Dyson said, "it appears that Nature conspires to forbid any measurement of distance with error smaller than the Planck length."
Many scientists believe that gravitons only exist in the most extreme places in the universe, such as when the Big Bang happened or in black holes. But recently published studies challenge this view, which suggests that gravitons create noise in gravitational wave detectors.
Sound Waves May Fall Up in Gravity Instead of Down … stead-down
New findings suggest that ordinary sound has negative gravitational mass.
Any sound waves on Earth would have extraordinarily weak gravitational effects on their surroundings compared to the effect of the Earth itself, which has a mass of about 6 trillion trillion kilograms. "It is a tiny, tiny effect," said study lead author Angelo Esposito, a high-energy physicist at the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne.
Still, the finding challenges long-held assumptions about how sound works.
"It's surprising in this day and age that it is still possible to find new results in classical Newtonian physics," said particle physicist Ira Rothstein at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, who did not take part in this study.
Sound waves are fluctuations of density within materials. In classical physics, their energy can make matter move back and forth, but they were not thought to possess mass.
What is the relationship between a gravitational wave and a graviton? … a-graviton
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Well from the Romans we found that fire could be used to amplify sound.
Sound in space is the magnetic fields movement on a cone, so the field would travel much in the same way that gravity waves travel.
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Time crystals "impossible" but obey quantum physics … s_999.html
Scientists have created the first "time-crystal" two-body system in an experiment that seems to bend the laws of physics.
It comes after the same team recently witnessed the first interaction of the new phase of matter.
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New laser breakthrough to help understanding of gravitational waves
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LIGO resumes work in 2023 and will catch gravitational wave signals fainter than ever … march-2023
Chandra Shows Giant Black Hole Spins Slower Than its Peers … peers.html
Galaxy cluster collision created 1.6 million mile shockwave
Is Warp Drive Real? … /warp.html
There are many “absurd” theories that have become reality over the years of scientific research. But for the near future, warp drive remains a dream.
If you would like to know more about the theories of interstellar flight, you should visit the Tau Zero Foundation. Marc Millis, a former NASA Glenn physicist, founded the organization to consider revolutionary advancements in propulsion.
Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-07-05 06:48:19)
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The World's Most Sensitive Dark Matter Detector has Come Online
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The Strange World of Antimatter
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What are wormholes? An astrophysicist explains these shortcuts through space-time
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Colliding Black Holes Provide Another way to Measure Distance in the Universe
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Fringe scifi ideas, spacetime has something, like surface tension of water, it just needs to be 'broken' and then go for a 'swim'?
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This Star Might be Orbiting a Strange “Boson Star” … oson-star/
Search for charginos, neutralinos, and gravitinos at LEP
Year 1997 … nos_at_LEP
Evidence of brand new physics at Cern? Why we’re cautiously optimistic about our new findings … ngs-157464
When the result came up on the screen, the anomaly was still there – around 85 muon decays for every 100 electron decays, but with a smaller uncertainty than before.
What will excite many physicists is that the uncertainty of the result is now over “three sigma” – scientists’ way of saying that there is only around a one in a thousand chance that the result is a random fluke of the data. Conventionally, particle physicists call anything over three sigma “evidence”. However, we are still a long way from a confirmed “discovery” or “observation” – that would require five sigma.
Theorists have shown it is possible to explain this anomaly (and others) by recognising the existence of brand new particles that are influencing the ways in which the quarks decays. One possibility is a fundamental particle called a “Z prime” – in essence a carrier of a brand new force of nature. This force would be extremely weak, which is why we haven’t seen any signs of it until now, and would interact with electrons and muons differently.
Another option is the hypothetical “leptoquark” – a particle that has the unique ability to decay to quarks and leptons simultaneously and could be part of a larger puzzle that explains why we see the particles that we do in nature.
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There Are Hundreds of Mysterious Filaments at the Center of the Milky Way … milky-way/
Several million years ago, the core of our galaxy experienced a powerful event. It blew out a huge bi-lobed bubble that blasted through the interstellar medium in two directions. Whatever it was, it released huge amounts of energy from the central supermassive black hole, Sagittarius A* (Sgr A* for short).
These bubbles contain weird, spindly one-dimensional vertical filaments that emit radio signals of their own. In 1984, astronomer Farhad Yusef-Zadeh at Northwestern University and his collaborators were the first to observe these wispy trails. Now, they know of more than a thousand of them. They give off radio waves in the microwave portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.
A video about the discovery of the radio bubble emanating from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.
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Why Didn’t the Big Bang Collapse in a Giant Black Hole? … lack-hole/
CERN spots Higgs boson decay breaking the rules … son_decay/
Cosmic Microwave Background Estimation
Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-06-11 01:46:13)
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Dark Matter Might Interact in a Totally Unexpected Way With the Universe … -universe/
According to Sir Isaac Newton’s theory of Universal Gravitation, gravity is an action at a distance, where one object feels the influence of another regardless of distance. This became a central feature of Classical Newtonian Physics that remained the accepted canon for over two hundred years. By the 20th century, Einstein began reconceptualizing gravity with his theory of General Relativity, where gravity alters the curvature of local spacetime. From this, we get the principle of locality, which states that an object is directly influenced by its surroundings, and distant objects cannot communicate instantaneously.
However, the birth of quantum mechanics has caused yet another conceptualization, as physicists discovered that non-local phenomena not only exist but are fundamental to reality as we know it. This includes quantum entanglement, where the properties of one particle can be transferred to another instantaneously and regardless of distance. In a new study by the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) in Trieste, Italy, a team of researchers suggests that Dark Matter might interact with gravity in a non-local way.
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Re post #116: I'm cautious about this. First realize that most people, even physicists, fail to understand gravity as described by relativity. Newton described gravity as a force, but under General Relativity it isn't. Mass causes space and time to curve. Objects travelling through that curved space-time follow the straightest line possible through it. So gravity is an effect, not a force.
Here's something I came up with. Visualize an aircraft flying horizontal throught the air. The mass of the Earth causes time to dilate; the closer to the center of the planet, the greater the dilation. Speed is distance divided by time. If the aircraft descends, time slows ever so slightly. That reduces the denominator which increases the value of the fraction. That causes speed to increase as the aircraft "falls". Differential time dilation gradient causes the effect we call gravity.
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Time appeared to move 5 times more slowly in 1st billion years after Big Bang, quasar 'clocks' reveal … e-dilation
Smithsonian Magazine: What to Know About Euclid, Europe's Space Telescope Launched to Study the 'Dark Universe' … 180982474/
Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-07-06 17:36:14)
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Could Supermassive Black Holes Explain Our Universe's Gravitational-Wave 'Hum'? … l-wave-hum
' Currently, the primary suspects in this case are pairings of supermassive black holes with masses millions, or even billions, of times that of the sun. However, that doesn't mean that there isn't room for a few unusual suspects, which could potentially point us toward new physics....
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Researchers Manipulating Time Cause First-Ever Successful Photon Collisions
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Everything in the Universe Fits in This One Graph. Even the Impossible Stuff … ble-stuff/
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How Supersymmetry Saved String Theory … ng-theory/
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Antarctic Experiment Pursues Quantum Gravity Proof via Neutrino Analysis … s_999.html
In an unprecedented effort to validate the existence of quantum gravity, researchers at the University of Copenhagen's Niels Bohr Institute have embarked on a large-scale Antarctic experiment.
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the keep finding strange stuff about Gravity Waves maybe more and more findings coming and 3-sigma or “five sigma” the results?
More Evidence for the Gravitational Wave Background of the Universe … -universe/
The gravitational wave background was first detected in 2016. It was announced following the release of the first data set from the European Pulsar Timing Array. A second set of data has just been released and, joined by the Indian Pulsar Timing Array, both studies confirm the existence of the background. The latest theory seems to suggest that we’re seeing the combined signal of supermassive black hole mergers.
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