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we have three forms of what we see as visible, anti and dark in the form of energy and matter which is the total of the earths field of view.
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Dark Photons Could Be the Key to Both Dark Matter and the Muon Anomaly. … n-anomaly/
If dark matter exists, then where are the particles?
This single question threatens to topple the standard cosmological model, known as the LCDM model. The CDM stands for cold dark matter, and according to the model makes up nearly 85% of matter in the universe.
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Pulsars may make dark matter glow
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The explanations they have come up with the Wimps, the weakly interacting, the Dark photon, Muons, Blackholes, Brown dwarfs, possibly something similar to black dwarf a late stage brown dwarf and a theoretical stellar remnant, Antimatter, gravitinos, axions, String-net liquid, Quark–gluon plasma, baryons, and the Macho or Massive compact halo objects.
A Dwarf Galaxy That's Almost All Dark Matter … rk-matter/
Dark matter is a powerful cosmological model, but it isn’t without its problems. In addition to our inability to detect dark matter particles, one issue deals with the number of dwarf galaxies surrounding the Milky Way. According to the most popular models of dark matter, galaxies should be surrounded by clumps of dark matter within their dark matter halo. Since regular matter tends to gather around dark matter, that means the Milky Way should be surrounded by dwarf galaxies. While there are several known dwarf galaxies near the Milky Way, there are fewer than predicted by dark matter simulations. But perhaps there are many more dwarf galaxies we just haven’t noticed because they are made mostly of dark matter.
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CERN Has Joined the Search for Dark Photons
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Dark Matter Could Help Solve the Final Parsec Problem of Black Holes … ack-holes/
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they have not found another Dark Matter Particle for example 'WIMPs' but they want to study these jets give off when particles collide, build methods to take more measurement and take more tests
'Dark matter may be hiding in the Large Hadron Collider's particle jets'
"WIMPs is one class of particles that are hypothesized to explain dark matter as they do not absorb or emit light and don’t interact strongly with other particles," Deepak Kar, a professor of physics of the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, said in a statement. "However, as no evidence of WIMPs has been found so far, we realized that the search for dark matter needed a paradigm shift."
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Evidence of Elusive Sterile Neutrino in Gallium Experiment
The Gallium Anomaly: Uncovering a New Particle in Physics … n-physics/
Roman telescope’s cosmic gaze to pierce through dark matter veil in 2027
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CERN proposes $17 billion particle smasher that would be 3 times bigger than the Large Hadron Collider
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Massive underground laboratory in China joins the quest to find dark matter
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Some missing matter found, similar to events seen by NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory.
X-ray satellite XMM-newton sees 'space clover' in a new light … t_999.html
Astronomers have discovered enormous circular radio features of unknown origin around some galaxies. Now, new observations of one dubbed the Cloverleaf suggest it was created by clashing groups of galaxies.
Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2024-05-04 04:16:00)
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