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#51 2004-06-03 20:34:01

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,363

Re: Reproductive rights - Society vs. Individual

There is of course a market for the anatomically incorrect robotic women as well. Just saying...  tongue  big_smile


#52 2004-09-02 19:48:39

From: Durham, NC, USA
Registered: 2004-08-29
Posts: 26

Re: Reproductive rights - Society vs. Individual

Clark, although I am VERY liberal and support a women's right to choose I WOULD NOT support forced sterilization or abortion that is why I am pro-CHOICE. If I wanted to live in a nation where abortions are made for the good of the state without the individual's consent, I would move to China. Mars will just have to build more colonies to accomodate the extra people. After all one reason to colonize Mars is to escape a Malthusian world/humanity.

"If you want to know what is in a man's heart, then give him power" Abraham Lincon


#53 2004-09-03 07:29:01

John Creighton
From: Nova Scotia, Canada
Registered: 2001-09-04
Posts: 2,401

Re: Reproductive rights - Society vs. Individual

As for homosexuals teaming up... well, yeah, they have all the right equipment... but the idea of sex with the opposite gender, is well, a rather disgusting proposition to them.

You hetero sexual men, how fast would you jump to go have sex with someone of your own gender? Most respond to the idea with some level of revulsion- the same is true for homosexuals.

You likes what you likes, and I personally have no problem with that. More power to ya. But the question remains, if the goal is to colonize Mars, is it really rationale to spend the time and resources to send people who can't help with this goal?

Good job stirring up controversy. Although it is plainly clear to me that if they don’t want to do it the natural way there is always watching some porn and play with a cup or a turkey baster depending on your gender. Anyway, the Hetero people can just have more kids and the homosexuals can either help take care of other peoples kids or do other important tasks for the functioning of the society. I am sure the men will have no problem with this solution. However the woman might not like becoming baby machines. Maybe a baby machine is what is need though. That way people will need less maternity leave.

Dig into the [url=]political grab bag[/url] at [url=]Child Civilization[/url]


#54 2004-10-07 14:00:39

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,363

Re: Reproductive rights - Society vs. Individual

However the woman might not like becoming baby machines. Maybe a baby machine is what is need though. That way people will need less maternity leave.

We could just hatch 'em in a jar, eh? Maybe choose who is an Alpha, a Beta, a Delta, and the Gamma's. Picture perfect hierarchy whereby "utopia" is achieved by predeterming where each falls into society, and each preprogrammed to be happy with their lot in life. Oh what a Brave New World!  :laugh:

Mars will just have to build more colonies to accomodate the extra people. After all one reason to colonize Mars is to escape a Malthusian world/humanity.

Yes, yes, fine, fine. Stick your head in the martian sand and then maybe the problem will just go away. While we can scream about the unholy terror of forced sterilization and forced abortions, we tend to forget the real problem. Living on Mars is an artificial endeavour. It requires new behaviors by which to survive within the context of a new environment not naturally conducive to human life.

It requires rational planning because new colonies just don't spring up overnight and they aren't maintained by a magic wave of a wand. I'm quite surprised by how often I am met with such denial by members of this group in regards to this issue. You think you might look at Mars and try to understand what it is you desire. The consquence of your desires.

Overpopulation without adquete planning to prepare for all the little mouths to feed and provide manufactured air, water, and power, will kill everyone. Over population without adquete shelters in times of emergency (think suits, think lifeboats) will lead to more people dying. It's just common sense.

But hey, whatever.  big_smile


#55 2004-10-08 18:17:49

From: Scotland, Europe
Registered: 2004-06-07
Posts: 1,879

Re: Reproductive rights - Society vs. Individual

Until the the 1960s it was common practice for certain countries to force unmarried mothers Criminals and children with learning difficulties to have sterilisation operations. And the worst part is it is actually countries we believe to be the epitome of human rights and for freedom. These countries
United States of America
And others

How far will we fall if we go back down the road that lead to those eugenic laws especially now that we can actually see if what genome a person has will POSSIBLY cause that illness to be passed down the generations. What do we call an illness. Is to be born epileptic, colour blind, blonde? an illness to be stamped out all personal choice destroyed.
When we decide that we want to create a super human then it automatically means those not born "perfect" are second class citizens and therefore to be despised. This idea had one great champion but many faces, The champion Adolf Hitler but his ideas came from many sources and his liebensfran project an attempt at what his idea of a master race would be. Do you think it did not happen, Ask the spartans who would kill there children if they where slightly imperfect, that is what any plan to create cloned children in a vat would ultimatly lead us to.

I have rarely read a thread that has angered me as much as this one did, It is the potential we face with our ability to clone that leads us to a very very dark path. The worst thing is that the actual technology to clone children is getting easier.

Chan eil mi aig a bheil ùidh ann an gleidheadh an status quo; Tha mi airson cur às e.


#56 2005-02-07 00:14:26

From: uk
Registered: 2005-02-06
Posts: 14

Re: Reproductive rights - Society vs. Individual

Speaking for one Martian civilisation, 5 year contraception implants will be standard, subject to resources and replacement for demographic enlargement.

(Hay its not our fault)
We wish for your understanding in these matters.


Are you Zusayan too?



#57 2005-02-07 14:10:16

Registered: 2004-01-28
Posts: 1,182

Re: Reproductive rights - Society vs. Individual

1 to 30 ratio sounds good to me. It would be like living in the cave man days. You would wake up in the morning in the martian cave and order your women to cook you breakfast and to warm the place up some. However, Prochoice would be out of the question. Prochoice = Murder in Gods book.


#58 2023-03-04 15:49:40

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Reproductive rights - Society vs. Individual

This is an old thread but it might do with a bump as it covers, rights on raising kids, the necessity to have a future population and that 'religion' subject.

Also I might update on the hypocrisy of certain fake religion leaders, the hierarchy of sheik, mullah, an imam, and those ayatollahs, monk, guru, rabbi and preacher.

Contraceptive use in low- and middle-income countries: The roles of socio-economic inequalities, cultural and religious beliefs … us-beliefs

The Religion Topic?

Religious group's request for court injunction to block release of Netflix documentary rejected … 46417.html

multiple cases of sexual assault?

'In the Name of God: A Holy Betrayal'

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-03-04 16:42:47)


#59 2023-03-04 16:21:24

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,583

Re: Reproductive rights - Society vs. Individual

clark wrote:

I believe it would be sensible to limit and control the rate of reproduction based on the ability to sustain the growing population. Since individual actions have a more pronounced effect within a limited environment, such as a martian colony, it would be prudent to ensure that over-population through indiscriminate reproduction be prevented or mitigated. I would suggest mandatory contraception unless granted a liscence to reproduce.

It has been 20 years since clark posed his question.  I believe time has provided an answer.  Every part of the world that has industrialised has also urbanised.  In an urban environment, children are expensive and birthrates have crashed everywhere.  Most industrialised countries are heading for a demographic cliff.  Mars will have the most expensive living space of anywhere.  Unless child rearing is subsidised, it will be difficult to maintain a stable population.  It may turn out to be necessary to subsidise the production of children.

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#60 2023-03-04 17:41:51

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,183

Re: Reproductive rights - Society vs. Individual

For Calliban ... re #59

The idea of subsidizing children on Earth is not new ... It appears to be increasingly attractive.

The rough-and-tumble I've-got-mine-you-get-yours attitude of much for the human race for eons may be softening a bit.

I'd like to see the ** entire ** cost of raising the next generation born by the community, with distributions equally regardless of all the differentiations that have been in play since the beginning of evolution.



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