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#51 2024-09-04 18:07:16

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,980

Re: FluxBB Update to 1.5.12 status


I can see the new database now.


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#52 2024-10-07 06:36:57

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,985

Re: FluxBB Update to 1.5.12 status

For NewMars members - report on significant progress with work yet to be done...

There is a moment in construction of a new telescope called "first light" achieved something like that last night, as kbd512 worked on finding the right configuration of software to enable our new FluxBB version (1.5.12) to run on the Mars Society servers.

Here is a text copy of what the screen looks like in this early stage:

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(Moderated by James Burk, Josh Cryer, kbd512, RobertDyck, tahanson43206)


There are several details that need to be corrected in coming days, but I am greatly encouraged by the initial performance of the system. The copied database appears to be intact and functional. The software appears to be working normally, to the extent we had time to test it.



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#53 2024-10-07 19:59:17

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,438

Re: FluxBB Update to 1.5.12 status

I did visit from the link and you are correct most things seem there from a data base stand point.


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#54 2024-10-07 20:07:34

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,985

Re: FluxBB Update to 1.5.12 status

For SpaceNut re #53

Thank you ** very ** much for trying the link I sent via email!

I would like to take this opportunity to again thank kbd512 for taking on the challenging responsibilities of Webmaster, and for taking the lead in the process we are following to install the new system.

For SpaceNut ... if you have time, please continue experimenting with functionality.  I have tried a number of user lookups, and every one I tested looked correct.

There's a ** lot ** more to test, even though we cannot log in at present.



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#55 2024-10-07 20:26:19

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,438

Re: FluxBB Update to 1.5.12 status

Made use of edge debugger and here is the page information error:

        GET net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)

It appears that the css files are not present but there is an issue in the login.


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#56 2024-10-08 06:08:56

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,985

Re: FluxBB Update to 1.5.12 status

For SpaceNut re #55

Thanks for helping to show the missing (or inaccessible) Fire.css file!

You're right about the login not working, but I'm hoping that might be something that kbd512 can fix. 

If worst case happens, we might have to let everyone recreate their passwords.

However, since the passwords feature was successful in the Azure test environment, I am hoping it can be persuaded to work in the Mars Society context.



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#57 2024-11-05 07:13:52

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,985

Re: FluxBB Update to 1.5.12 status

For all...

We are tantalizingly close to having our updated forum software running at the Mars Society.

As you can see by clicking on the link above, everything seems to be working except for the CSS feature (formatting of the page) and logins.

We have encountered a snag restarting the software after we made a change to correct the problems.

Hopefully the restart will be achieved in the next few days.

In the mean time, anyone who is interested is welcome to explore the capabilities of the system as upgraded.

The database is a copy from a few weeks ago.



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#58 2024-11-10 20:22:21

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,985

Re: FluxBB Update to 1.5.12 status

kbd512 was able to clear another hurdle in the series that is preventing full operation of the updated FluxBB software.

All members should be able to log in now at

The only remaining problem is that the style sheets are not yet working.

That is (apparently) a frequent/common problem (as reported by Google) so i am hopeful we'll find a solution over the next week.

Update a bit later: In doing a bit of detective work, I've confirmed that the production FluxBB permissions are set up differently than the new system we are attempting to implement.  When the permissions are set up correctly, it is possible to see the style sheet from the Internet. We are currently unable to do that with the new system.

We are ** so !!! ** close to having this system working!



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#59 2024-11-11 07:40:03

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,985

Re: FluxBB Update to 1.5.12 status

I tested the new (in development) web site again this morning, using newmarsmember. Once again, everything seems to be working except the style sheets, which kbd512 will be fixing soon (or later, depending on factors out of our control).

All current members (all 1000 of you) should be able to log in.  If you ** do ** log in, please post a message so we can see your visit  in the Active list.



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#60 2024-11-17 21:24:34

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,985

Re: FluxBB Update to 1.5.12 status

For all ... we are making progress ... the style sheet is now working for persons who visit the new site but are not logged in.

All active members are invited to help us diagnose the remaining problem.

Please log in and let us know if your style sheet shows up.

Update!  For kbd512 and all!

I logged back in, and on a hunch, I checked my Profile Display settings. The value in my Display Settings was "Air"

I have no idea how that got there, because the value is supposed to be Fire.  I changed the setting to Fire and I got my style sheets.

All members are invited to please log into the new system and see what happens.

If you do not get the proper style sheet, please go to your Profile / Display settings and set Fire (if you like that color scheme)

Then please let us know what happens.

There are only five or six active members these days. It shouldn't take long to check everyone's login.



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#61 2024-11-17 21:36:41

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,980

Re: FluxBB Update to 1.5.12 status


After I log in, I still see the stylesheets applied to all the web pages.  I poked around through a lot of the different pages and menu options.


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#62 2024-11-18 07:04:43

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,985

Re: FluxBB Update to 1.5.12 status

For kbd512 re #61

Thanks for logging in confirming that the style sheets were correct for you. I am guessing that this was because you had not logged in previously.  That's encouraging!

Only SpaceNut has logged in besides me, so he will probably have to reset his style sheet in Profile >> Display.

I am hoping that all the active members will test the new system soon.

Thanks again for working on this over the past year!



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#63 2024-11-18 08:12:18

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,985

Re: FluxBB Update to 1.5.12 status

For kbd512 re new FluxBB

It appears that Air and Earth css are not working.

It is good to have Fire working.  However, the production system has a larger number of styles our members can use.

I'm hoping we can get all of them working at some point.



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#64 2024-11-18 18:20:01

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,985

Re: FluxBB Update to 1.5.12 status

For all.... As we approach the point of activating the new FluxBB, we have the opportunity to take a look at features of the current system we might like to keep.

Over many years, the FluxBB we are using was tweaked by Admins (and possibly the webmaster) so that it is slightly different from the default version.

The decision was made to upgrade the software, starting with the 2012 base copy.  This means that while the software is going to be working correctly after all the upgrades, it will NOT contain the little additions that were made to the copy we are running now.

I just experimented with the various Style Sheets we have available.

I use Fire because I never changed it, but we may have members who have switched to some of the many styles on offer.

It would be helpful of our currently active members could take a moment to look at your Profile >> Display settings, to see if you are using a style other than Fire. If you are, please put a post here, to let kbd512 know.

In testing the available styles, I thought that several looked alike, but I only spent a moment with each of them.

The base set of styles is Air (blue) Fire (red) and Earth (green).

If our current members are using one of these, then it would be easiest to just leave them as they are in the new FluxBB version.



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#65 2024-11-19 07:25:45

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,985

Re: FluxBB Update to 1.5.12 status

For all... please log into the new FluxBB system at:

Please note that only Fire CSS is currently working.

Hopefully kbd512 will find time to fix Air and Earth CSS options, using the same procedure as worked for Fire.

Please create a post in the new system and report your observations.

So far no one other than tahanson43206 has posted.  It would be helpful for all active members to confirm the new system is working for them, so we can switch over and have no surprises.



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#66 2024-11-20 01:32:43

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,980

Re: FluxBB Update to 1.5.12 status


Air and Earth styles should work now.


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#67 2024-11-20 07:15:16

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,985

Re: FluxBB Update to 1.5.12 status

For kbd512 re #66

Thank you for taking a look at the Air and Earth styles!

They did not work for me.  There might be cache issues.

If anyone else in the active membership has a few minutes, please log into the new FluxBB system and test the Air and Earth styles.

To open the site, use:

To change the style, go to Profile >> Display and change the style from Fire to Air or Earth and Submit.

If the style does not work, you can restore Fire using the same sequence.

Please post a message to let us know either way.

For kbd512 re Air and Earth ... the command works for both Air and Earth.

That says the permissions are correct for those files.  My guess is that the cache on the server may contain the previous values, but it could be the cache on my local machine. I'll try another machine.

For kbd512 after test on another PC ... the results are the same.  However, I had logged into the new site on that PC yesterday, so it would have saved  cache.

Please confirm that the new styles worked for you after you logged in?  I assume they must have but just covering the bases.



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#68 2024-11-20 08:28:38

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,980

Re: FluxBB Update to 1.5.12 status


I applied the same fix that I applied for the "Fire" style.  I just checked the file permissions again.  This is either a cache issue or an entirely different problem.


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#69 2024-11-20 13:23:33

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,985

Re: FluxBB Update to 1.5.12 status

For kbd512 re #68

Thanks for checking the permissions.

Did you try to log in and set the CSS to Air or Earth?  If you have not logged in until now, this would be a good test, because your computer would not have a cache of a previous session.

For all... it would be helpful if members would log into the new system and check the style sheets for us.

kbd512 is attempting to diagnose the problem, and your assistance would help.



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#70 2024-11-21 07:54:34

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,985

Re: FluxBB Update to 1.5.12 status

For all ...

We still need someone from the current active membership to test the Air and Earth styles.

We have two logins (of record) and those are helpful. 

However, I am hoping we have a member who has NOT logged in before, and who is willing to check the Display options.

The last remaining little hangup has to do with how the style sheets are behaving.

kbd512 has taken steps that are intended to allow the style sheets to work properly for everyone.

However, I am unable to confirm that the Earth and Air style sheets are working, because I've logged in previously, and my computers would all have cached the failed code.

What we need is a member who has NOT logged in previously, and who is willing to test the Display styles.

The procedure is fairly straight forward:

1) Log into the new site:
2) Select profile
3) Select display
4) Select Air or Earth where Fire appears now
5) Submit

If the attempt to change to Earth or Air fails, then this is helpful information for kbd512

If the attempt succeeds, then THAT is useful information for kbd512.

In either case, please report your results with a post.

Note:If you find that Air or Earth does NOT work, then you can return your display to Fire, press Submit, and things will return to normal.



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#71 2024-11-21 08:53:29

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,980

Re: FluxBB Update to 1.5.12 status


I did try to log in and apply the Air and Earth stylesheets.  I'm experiencing the same problem everyone else is seeing.


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#72 2024-11-21 09:22:41

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,985

Re: FluxBB Update to 1.5.12 status

For kbd512 re #71

Thanks for testing the style sheets!

On the assumption this was your first log in, the cache that is in play must be the one maintained by FluxBB itself.

I understand you have work and family that come first, but when you get time, please try clearing the cache on the server.

The last time we tried that the new table values were accepted.  Perhaps we'll have similar luck this time.



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#73 2024-11-21 10:34:58

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,980

Re: FluxBB Update to 1.5.12 status


I wiped out the cache again.


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#74 2024-12-02 11:05:02

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,985

Re: FluxBB Update to 1.5.12 status

For all....

The FluxBB system appears to be stable, after a couple of days of use.

It is too early to celebrate, because we need more time to pass to be confident, but early indications are positive.

What is somewhat ambiguous about this achievement, supervised and led by kbd512, is that while the underlying software has been brought forward form 2012 to 2024, no one can see a difference.   That was the goal, but it means everyone has to take our word for it that something actually happened.

What it ** also ** means is that now we have the opportunity to (very carefully) introduce small changes into the system, such as the long desired "like" capability. Early planning for that feature happened months ago, and in the near future I hope to see work resume.

The feature (as presently envisioned) would include:

1) A button under a post for "Like"
2) A table where likes would be recorded by post and by member (one like per member per post)
3) php code changes to implement the feature

Those code changes would be modestly challenging.

There would be a set of code to run when the button is clicked.

There would a set of code that adds the current "like" total to the post.

Other "nice to have but not necessary" changes would include showing the number of "likes" earned by a member in the Member Profile report.

The floor is open for discussion.
Update: There is an early indication of planning for the Like button. I had forgotten this, but at the bottom of each post we see:

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#75 2024-12-07 12:52:14

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,985

Re: FluxBB Update to 1.5.12 status

For kbd512 re new situation....

FluxBB appears to be stable.  Nothing has been reported that is out of the ordinary.

Todo item: I have downloaded the database backup to local, but need to upload to Azure and restore it there

Question for you:  Do you think we might be able to serve selected files from the Mars Society server?

We have not had that capability, and we definitely do not want to open it for all members, simply because of the imposition that would place on our generous hosts.

However, I'm wondering if we might be able to serve selected files.

If we ** can ** do that, then we can move on to the next step, which would be to ask for permission, and then live within whatever restrictions might apply. I note that our existing system does take up a fair amount of disk space just with text posts and the growth of such tables as the search and words tables.

At present, our members are able to show images saved on various free sites, such as imgur but there may others.

I'm thinking specifically about animation files, which tend to be on the large size.

Both you and GW Johnson are working on dual-counter-rotating habitat vessels, and I would like to be able to show animation of what those would look like. At this point those vessels remain vaporware, but each has a small chance of eventual success, primarily because the human race ** needs ** such vessels. 

I am about to propose a variation on SpinLaunch to GW Johnson, who has already invested some time in designing a unique solid fuel rocket to put payloads released by the existing SpinLaunch design into orbit.  I would like to be able to show animation of what the proposed system would look like.

Only three members create drawings right now: Void, Calliban and GW Johnson.

Some of their work may qualify for protection from loss if their free services go away.

If we implement the "Like" feature then we might use the readings to determine which posts deserved to be preserved.



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