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#151 2024-05-12 06:09:46

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Azure Test Environment for Software upgrades

The Azure system was responsive this morning.

I am hoping the instruction not to try to update the OS is now in force.



#152 2024-05-13 06:21:09

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Azure Test Environment for Software upgrades

The Azure system was NOT responsive this morning.

It was responsive at midnight last night.

The account woke up after 30 minutes of repeated pings.

It is possible to ping the account every hour or so.  I'll think about a script to run on the Dell to perform that service.



#153 2024-05-15 06:15:52

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Azure Test Environment for Software upgrades

The Azure system was responsive this morning.

A demonstration of the (proposed) new "Like" feature is available if anyone would like to test it.

You don't have to be logged in to run the test.

You can set the id to any number between 1 and about 200,000.

There are some potholes in the collection, so you may occasionally see a message that the post you requested does not exist.

The proposal is to enable forum members to update the "like" field for a given post.

There is a lot more work to be done. Setting up the new field is the first step.



#154 2024-05-15 17:40:50

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Azure Test Environment for Software upgrades

I checked the update likes link and all that is required is to refresh the page to make the counter increments.


#155 2024-05-15 20:06:56

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Azure Test Environment for Software upgrades

For SpaceNut re #154

Thanks for testing the script to update the new "Likes" column in the "Posts" table in the Clone.

I'm hoping kbd512 will be interesting in adding functionality to the concept.  We need to decide on presentation in the Viewtopic.php file ... Your offer of the Avatar option is certainly interesting.  I assume that element can be made clickable, but that's just a guess on my part. The count of likes might appear to the right of the online/offline text that is in the bottom left of the post.  We might need some text to advise the reader to click on the avatar, or perhaps a smaller "Like" icon might appear next to the count of likes.



#156 2024-05-16 18:21:03

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Azure Test Environment for Software upgrades

One would create a like.php such that when clicked on the code would process and update the view of the like counter for that post.

It would take on this appearance post like916.jpg?m=1715567956 1 then the code would look like +1 for the next time its clicked on


#157 2024-05-16 19:28:17

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Azure Test Environment for Software upgrades

For SpaceNut re #156  ... thanks for engaging with us in thinking about the new feature! 

I'm hoping to install the like feature you found for phpBB3 in the next day or so.

This evening, I worked on a bug that I found while trying to do something SpaceNuty, with the Admin features.  Unfortunately, I've forgotten what I was trying to do, because i was so surprised to have a bug show up.  ChatGPT4o recognized the bug and provided a fix.  However, I suspect the fix we applies was like treating the symptom of a problem, and not the problem itself.  Some code somewhere in the Admin feature i was testing failed to collect text it was supposed to pass along to another part of the program, and it was the receiving php file that choked.  We fixed the receiving program, but the original problem is still "out there" in the system.

As a reminder... please be sure to report ** any ** unexpected behavior of the program in the Admin functions.  You are the key player in testing those functions. I have my hands full just trying to get everything else running, based upon the hefty first stage boost provided by kbd512.

I ** think ** the problem had to do with working with Categories and Forums, since we'd been talking about doing that in NewMars Prime.

I'd like you to go through the drill on the clone one more time. 

You haven't created a category for "Projects"

You created other categories, but not that one.

Then please create a forum called "Large Ship"

We don't need to clutter up that new forum with other ideas.  We want to provide a clean run way for RobertDyck to return to work on his two years project.

Then, please create a forum called "SSTO Passenger Transport"

That will be a work space for RGClark, Calliban, GW Johnson and kbd512, to document all the studies they've collected (and done), and to work through the challenges ahead. 

If the proposal is valid, then this group might as well be the source of an initiative to build and deploy it.

If the proposal turns out not to be feasible for some reason, the new forum will provide plenty of room to find whatever hurdles there may be.

From my perspective, we've had 7 years of talk about this concept.  It is time to start bending metal, or wrapping Composite shapes as kbd512 advocates.



#158 2024-05-17 06:31:28

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Azure Test Environment for Software upgrades

For SpaceNut ...

I'm happy to report that the Azure test environment was up this morning.

The change I made to prevent attempts to automatically update the OS seems to be working.  We have gone several days without losing the system.

Please review Post #157 for specific tests I would appreciate your carrying out.  The update I just made was in the Administration features where you are the best person to perform experiments. 

As you proceed, please capture any error messages that may appear.

We seem to be past the level of bugs that a tool like Inteliphense can detect.

We now appear to be at the higher level where programmer choices made long ago (2012 and earlier) are waiting to nip us in 2024.



#159 2024-05-18 06:18:52

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Azure Test Environment for Software upgrades

For SpaceNut re Azure status ....

The site was up this morning ... things may have stabilized.

I'm hoping we can make some progress this weekend.

I'm hoping you can practice making new forums in the Projects category.

You'll need to be able to compose html to provide the description.

For consistency with the existing forum descriptions, it would seem appropriate to choose the font settings to match the existing topics.

Please keep in mind that the new Projects category is NOT intended for discussion.  The new category is intended for progress toward defined goals.

We have ample space in this forum for discussion.



#160 2024-05-25 06:25:03

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Azure Test Environment for Software upgrades

For SpaceNut re Azure status ...

The site was up this morning.  If all goes well, we may be able to make some progress toward installing the updated software this weekend.

Yesterday or the day before, I completed the last update of the last PHP file in the 1.5.11 set of files on the development PC.

I still need to upload the changed files to Azure.

As a reminder, everyone in the NewMars community is welcome to log into the updated version of the forum, to help us test it.

Everyone who was a member last September can log in.

The address is:

We ** do ** know that the updated system is able to handle posts that cause AISE in the present system, so we have incentive to update.



#161 2024-05-25 19:31:04

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Azure Test Environment for Software upgrades

For SpaceNut ... it's time to get serious about testing the clone.  If you have a bit of time this weekend, please test the features you have not yet tested.

If all goes well, kbd512 and I will have a chance to discuss the outlook for an upgrade.

I'll also be asking about a backup, considering the massive changes made recently.

I'll also ask about adding the new Like field to the database.  I added it to the clone, and it seems to be working well.

We can continue working on the Like feature on the development machine and on Azure, while we upgrade NewMars Prime to the new software.

The benefit of not getting AISE would be an incentive to move forward as soon as kbd512 is comfortable with the software.

That is where your testing can help.



#162 2024-05-25 20:47:46

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Azure Test Environment for Software upgrades

For SpaceNut re upgrade of 1.5.11 to 1.5.12 ...

I was able to clear the last of the issues this evening.  The clean code is in my development system.

All the running modules were uploaded to Azure, where you (and others) have been testing the updates.

I will recommend to kbd512 that he collect the system from my development PC, and install it on the Mars Society server in an alternate folder.

That way he can switch to the new package but have the old one still there if we hit a snag.



#163 2024-05-29 06:21:26

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Azure Test Environment for Software upgrades

For SpaceNut .... the Azure systems were up this morning.  We have gone a number of days without a hiccup, since I turned off the automatic OS updates feature.

We had an AISE on NewMars Prime yesterday, and the clone accepted the post without complaint.

This is added incentive for us to complete the installation of the new software as soon as it is practical to do so.

Reminder for our members: Everyone who had an account in September of 2023 is eligible to log into the clone and post any text that causes an AISE on NewMars Prime.  The account link is:



#164 2024-06-01 09:02:50

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Azure Test Environment for Software upgrades

For SpaceNut re Azure test environment.... The test sites were unresponsive this morning.

The system attempted to update the OS even though I had asked it not to do so. The update failed as usual, and the site became unresponsive.

I stopped the Virtual Machine and restarted it, and the sites are once again available.

We have incentive to complete the installation of the updated FluxBB because it seems to be able to handle post that cause AISE on the existing system.

I'm hoping we may be able to include planning for the update in our Google Meeting this Sunday.

You have the opportunity to find any remaining bugs while the clone is back in operation.

All forum members who had accounts in September of 2023 are welcome to connect to the clone and experiment. 

The link is:

If anyone finds a bug please report it.  Please do NOT report an SQL time out. That is happening because I can only afford the bottom tier of Azure, so the memory is insufficient and SQL runs out of memory occasionally. Just refresh your browser and the Virtual Machine will try again.



#165 2024-06-02 06:54:33

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Azure Test Environment for Software upgrades

For SpaceNut re Azure environment ...

The sites were up this morning. A new email arrived from Microsoft ... they are now offering AI assistance at the bottom tier where  our account resides....

You still have free Azure services

Microsoft Azure <> Unsubscribe
Sat, Jun 1, 4:40PM (16 hours ago)
to me

View as a webpage

Microsoft logo

Keep using your free services

You’ve upgraded your Azure free account to pay-as-you-go pricing and still have access to free services for 12 months. Keep taking advantage of free compute, storage, networking, databases—and now AI services.

If you stay within the amounts that are included for free, you won’t have to pay anything. Get free quantities of these Azure services each month:

Azure Virtual Machines
Azure Blob Storage
File Storage
Bandwidth (Data Transfer)

Managed Disks
Azure SQL Database
Azure Cosmos DB
Azure AI Services

Use free services

Azure AI Services


Transform your business with free AI services. Use intelligent APIs to create apps, websites, and bots that read, understand, and interpret users’ needs.

Explore AI services ❯

Learn more about the Azure free account.

Read FAQ ❯

I'm not sure how this new offering might help with NewMars activities but it might be worth considering for testing with the existing web sites or perhaps a new one.


#166 2024-06-08 08:00:14

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Azure Test Environment for Software upgrades

For SpaceNut ....

The Azure environment was non-responsive this morning (Saturday)

The OS update failed on Wednesday (according to the log file) but I did not see the failure until this morning.

The stop request completed in under three minutes, and the Start request took only a minute or so.

The environment should be stable for the next week, if we are lucky.



#167 2024-06-10 08:08:25

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Azure Test Environment for Software upgrades

For SpaceNut re Azure account ...

Microsoft sent an invoice. The amount is over $10, so they will collect. I think they skipped last month because the amount was under $10.

Your statement is ready for review (see attached). Sign in to view it. If you’ve already paid, disregard this email.

If paying by credit card, we'll automatically charge the card we have on file within two days of the billing date.

Invoice number: G049800028

Amount: $13.14 USD

Billing period: May 1, 2024 - May 31, 2024

Billing date: June 9, 2024

Due date: June 9, 2024



#168 2024-06-11 07:14:50

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Azure Test Environment for Software upgrades

The Azure account was non-responsive this morning. I've opened a session with Azure to investigate ...

The status shows as "running" but in actuality the status is "non-responsive"

I've asked for an update of the log for the past week....

An OS update of patches failed on Sunday, but the effect did not show up until today.

I'll stop the Virtual Machine starting at 12:59:38 UTC

The time required to complete deallocation has varied.  The longest interval was on the order of 12 minutes.

I had attempted to turn off the automated update feature, but clearly that attempt was not successful.

Three minutes have passed.... four minutes ... this is like watch a pot coming to a boil...

Five minutes ... six minutes ... seven minutes ... nine minutes ...

Stopped at 10 minutes ... Starting at UTC 13:11:00 >> Running at 13:11:40 ....

Testing: MySQL is not loaded... The Apache web site is responding ...

MySQL is loaded 13:12:40 ...

All services are running and tested: 13:14:20



#169 2024-06-12 06:47:31

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Azure Test Environment for Software upgrades

For SpaceNut re Azure test environment...

Azure was up and responsive this morning.

I have not yet had (made) time to investigate why the request to NOT perform OS updates is not being honored.

My recollection is that I entered the needed commands into the appropriate command file, but since the OS updates are still attempting, either the guidance I was following was insufficient, or I made an error in placement of the commands.



#170 2024-06-14 07:14:22

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Azure Test Environment for Software upgrades

For SpaceNut re Azure test environment...

Azure was non-responsive again this morning... I restarted it ...

The log showed the OS update attempt failed on Wednesday, but the non-responsive state did not show up until today (Friday).

I still have not found/made time to investigate.



#171 2024-06-15 06:51:45

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Azure Test Environment for Software upgrades

For SpaceNut re Azure test environment...

The Azure environment was not running correctly this morning... it was responsive but giving permission errors....

The log shows that the OS updates were attempted again last night.  This is getting old.  I've not had/made time to check the setup files.

The stop command only took three minutes this time.

The site appears to be back up.



#172 2024-06-22 19:28:14

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Azure Test Environment for Software upgrades

For SpaceNut re Azure test environment ...

The Azure environment was non-responsive this morning.  I did not have time to restart it, so I thought it would still be non-responsive this evening.

Instead, the sites came right up.  I don't know what to think about that, but wonder if there may be a hibernation of some kind that may go into effect if the site is not used for a period of time. That would certainly make sense.

I'll try to remember to run the sites in the late evening, on the chance they might still be running in the AM.

I want the sites to be up and running for tomorrow's meeting, in case anyone has questions about the new software.



#173 2024-06-23 05:27:34

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Azure Test Environment for Software upgrades

For SpaceNut re Azure test environment ...

To my surprise, the system was up this morning.



#174 2024-06-27 07:43:28

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Azure Test Environment for Software upgrades

For SpaceNut re Azure test environment ...

I have moved behind a fire wall, and it is blocking my access to the Azure environment.

Thankfully the development work on the new version is finished.

I need to reach out to Mr. Burk again, to see if we can set up another meeting.

The first attempt was not successful, in the sense that although the meeting was well attended and productive, Mr. Burk was unable to attend.

Update: The firewall is run by a third party. I submitted our Azure test site for their review, and they granted permission to use if.

No one else was affected by this change, but I am glad to be able to continue working with the site, in case of need.



#175 2024-07-04 06:36:29

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Azure Test Environment for Software upgrades

For SpaceNut re Azure test environment

The environment (Virtual Machine) was "running"  but unresponsive this morning.
It appears the unwanted OS update was attempted again.
I restarted the service.
12:16 UtC begin Stop (expecting 10 to 12 minutes)
12:33 UTC Start
Azure is back up 12:36 UTC


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