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#101 2022-10-22 11:53:14

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,071

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re #100

Thanks for keeping an eye on Email Outreach!  I am expecting the quality of the candidates to improve markedly after we move past the singletons.

Something for us to keep in mind is that the entire project will take about three years.

If you have some goals in mind, they can operate in parallel with and independently of the main sequence.



#102 2022-10-23 05:27:14

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,071

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach

Our candidate for today is ssorthiya58

ssorthiya58 has a reasonable looking email address, so we're off to a good start.

Registered: 2020-07-31 (India) <<== Time Zone specified was India, so IP and time zone are consistent
Last post: 2020-07-31 00:11:36
Last visit: 2020-07-31

Topic: Human missions » Construction technology for Mars?

ssorthiya58 wrote:

We will need to use what we have on mars when it comes to materials to manufacture from.
These three words are about the same in cement, concrete, and mortar for what we use on earth.

I have heard of Granite chips and dust being used with cement or as a cement, which means its possible to use basalt as a filler material as well.

classification of aggregates
<a href="https://** infected site ** /2020/07/classification-of-aggregates-used-in.html">classification of aggregates</a>

SpaceNut, I edited the original post so that the link works.

Then I tested the link and got infection warnings from Microsoft Edge and then something beyond Edge

The warning from whatever is after the initial Edge warning is ** really ** emphatic.

Update: The warning is from McAfee Total Security. I did not realize this software was running. The test machine is a (relatively new) laptop.

Accordingly I will remove the link from the original message.

I will NOT send email to this member.

Recommended for TestiID conversion.

Update a bit later .... the email address may still work, and the original poster may not be responsible for the infected web site, but to be on the safe side, I'm NOT planning email contact.



#103 2022-10-23 10:01:55

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

Nice call. Yes, the site was I am sure that many a user was infected by such web pages in the past and could if we do nothing for the future to remove suspect links which do put our members at risk.


#104 2022-10-23 10:10:06

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,071

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re #103

Now ** there ** is an interesting challenge for automation.

I can imagine a JavaScript sophisticated enough to open links and determine if they are legitimate or not.

However, ** that ** capability is down the road a bit.

We still have several thousand TestID's to upgrade, and about 40 thousand post to check for potholes.

Both of those initiatives should finish before the end of 2022.

There is still an optional mini-project to go back and fix the posts in the first 30,000 that were impacted by the Extended ASCII transmission error that happened due to a mistake in data routing in my original design.

I see the repair of the first 30,000 posts as a low priority, since they are readable as is... Question marks are substituted for European punctuation and a few other cases.



#105 2022-10-24 06:43:25

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,071

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach ...

This may be a brief review .... our candidate for today is SportStationStore

The email is consistent with the username...

The IP address is available and Whois reports it belongs to an Internet provider in Chiyoda, Japan.

The topmost listing by bing reports that the IP address provider is associated with a high risk of fraud.

That said, let's see what this candidate chose for a topic:

Registered: 2018-02-23 (Japan)
Last post: 2018-02-23 21:29:20
Last visit: 2018-02-23 21:29:21

Topic: There are no posts by this user in this forum.

Recommendation: Convert to Test ID

Tomorrow we may have better luck!



#106 2022-10-25 09:58:53

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,071

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ...

Our candidate for today comes across as (possibility) a bit of a humorist ... SpiritofOpportunity

The email address suggests this might be a person.  The member ID is 771

Registered: 2004-03-21 (
Last post: 2004-03-21 22:59:58

Topic for first (and only post):  Life on Mars» Life... if there is or was, what was it like?

SpiritofOpportunity wrote:

I'm voting for the fourth.

SpiritofOpportunity appears to have created a topic, and the topic achieved 11 posts in all.

However, the wording of the post implies there is another topic to which SpiritofOpportunity was trying to reply.

The email provider is still "alive" .... it responded to pings, although the replies were slow compared to Yahoo.

Ok... I'll investigate a bit further ...

The email provider's IP address is reported to be a part of Oracle Cloud.

The address itself is reported (by Whois) to be located in Ashburn, Virginia.

Ok ... I'll take a chance with an email ... the provider is alive and trustworthy.

The email address itself is 18 years old so it may long ago have fallen out of use.




#107 2022-10-26 07:13:35

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,071

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign

Our candidate for today looks iffy ... Spezmonsta

The email address is definitely NOT computer generated, but it is on the creative side

There is an IP address... Sweden

Registered: 2012-10-08 (A3 Sverge AB, Sweden)
Last post: 2012-10-23 07:32:20
Last visit: 2012-10-23 12:16:27

Topic: : Terraformation » orbital mirrors » 2012-10-23 07:32:20

Spezmonsta wrote:
dunwich wrote:

In kim stanley robinson's mars trilogy One of the terraforming techniques that they use is a giant lens that carves (using heat) out a massive cannal between the Northern basin end the hellas basin. Something I always found a bid sketchy nut for fun I've compared the numbres with something from zubrins works:

Zubrin says that by building a 125 km mirror with a mass of 200 000 tons could provide a 5°kelvin temprature rise for anything below 70° this is 20/180's (11%) of the martian surface a total area of 1,59E13m² (greater then the European continent)

But if you can double the temprature by halfening the surface area (a 10° rise for 7.96E12m²) you can actually get a 1280° rise by lowering your focus point to 6.22E10m² (the size of lake huron) or 40 960°K by 1.9E9m² If the reasoning fits then carving a canal wouldn't be all that impossible.

You can't double the temperature by halving the area, you must decrease the area by a factor of 2^4, or sixteen, all according to the Stefan–Boltzmann law radiance (w/m^2) is 5.67*10^-8 * T^4

Also, Zubrin likely means a cumulative effect of using the mirror to heat the poles in order to release CO2, thereby heating the rest of Mars by the greenhouse effect. A 125km mirror would have little effect on its own, as it would only add about 0.034% more solar heat.

This was a substantial post. 

It appeared in the topic as #11, and the topic itself continued to #20, with several long posts by Void in 2013

Well, 10 years have passed since that one visit... Perhaps this member from Sweden has more to say at this point.

I'll send the email, even though the address itself may not be in regular use these days.



#108 2022-10-27 10:51:01

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,071

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email outreach ...

Our candidate for today is Member 850 from 2004: sparis From: Boston, MA

Registered: 2004-05-17 (
Last post: 2004-05-17 21:01:43

Topic for the one (and only) post:  Not So Free Chat » Science Education and Paying Mission Costs - 2 topics really: funding and education »

sparis wrote:

I believe in space exploration. I'm a hard-core scientist. I belong to the Amateur Telescope Makers of Boston, the oldest such group in the U.S. I love science fairs and science museums and scientific shows and talks and books...

And yet...

Many high-paying jobs are being outsourced to workers in lower-wage, mostly third-world countries like India and China. I have seen estimates of up to 14 million such jobs being exported within the next few years.

The amount of wages to be lost within the next few years has been estimated to be over $150 billion, and probably much more. I am an excellent case in point, having been laid off 1 1/2 years ago and yet to find a job that pays even half of what I previously earned.

So please tell me exactly who is going to pay for outer space missions? The $10,000 per year worker in India? I don't think they're paying taxes here in the U.S. I'm not paying any taxes. My friends aren't paying any taxes.... So how do we pay for everything?

Second, some "baby boomers" have begun to retire. They're leaving their jobs in the science and engineering industries. But my figures from the IEEE and the ACM show that enrollment in science and engineering programs is down (15% and more) and declining. After all, who wants to spend 10 years (silly me!) earning multiple science degrees only to end up working in a dead-end job as a file clerk or a Walmart cashier?

So...who is going to run and staff these space and science programs?....Ahhh...I forget... we can import scientists from the Indian Institute of Technology on H1-B visas...right?

I think this issue of outsourcing is a legitimate cause for concern and threatens the long-term viability of American science and engineering research and development. I would like to hear comments from readers.

sparis seems to have created this topic and it received replies from Rxke (from Belgium) and Palomar.

At the time of posting, sparis had been laid off for 1 1/2 years.

The mood of the entire topic was downbeat.

The email provider is reported to be Towerstream, in the US.

However, ping to the IP address does not generate a reply.

Furthermore, Whois (bing) delivered a report that the IP address is associated with 9 abuse instances

It may well have been a valid email at one time, but apparently it is no longer working



#109 2022-10-29 07:43:39

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,071

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ....

Friday's update was skipped due to time limitations.

Today's candidate is spacester Member 1123 from 2005

The email address looks reasonable, and the provider is gmail, so it exists.

Registered: 2005-06-05 (
Last post: 2005-06-05 14:06:05

Topic:  Life support systems » Protein Sources in First Colonies - An idea

This was post #23

spacester wrote:

What a great thread! I'm impressed.

My first post here at newmars, I hope to find time to spend here again soon. This is a nice place.

I've been talking about Mars Settlement over on the forums. Methinks it's time to call in some of the expertise here. We're trying to form an organization along the lines of a Citizen's Space Agency to do Mars, Moon and Asteroids. Overall goal: Become a Space-Faring society.

Anybody want to buy us a url? I've got massive broadband bandwidth lined up for the websites we'll use to keep track of everything. Ground Floor Opportunity.

Expect new threads and probably some new members in the coming weeks. :;):  cool You heard it here first lol

The topic itself was started by Tb0ne from Vancouver, British Columbia

The topic lasted for 2 pages and change ...  RobertDyck pitched in on 2005-04-2 ... SpaceNut pitched in on 2005-04-25

I scanned many of the messages, and found no sign that anyone responded to spacester.

His post did not actually contribute to the topic, and it invited folks to invest in a project he had undertaken.

SpaceNut, I've decided to pass on this candidate.  His post is in notable contrast to the rest of the members, who seem to have engaged seriously with the premise of the topic.



#110 2022-10-29 11:50:47

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

The post is sort of an introduction and then a spamming attempt.


#111 2022-10-29 12:06:21

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,071

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re #110

Thanks for noting the circumstances of today's candidate....

Anyone in the forum is more than welcome to reach out to this gent.

I just didn't feel inspired enough to implement the official process.

Side note ... I made a minor adjustment to the script to update/upgrade the TestID's...

I didn't expect the change to have much effect, so for fun I set the target to the outer limit of the banned TestID's.

After 100+ updates, the script seems to be continuing.  If nothing happens between now and the target, the run will take 33 hours from 14:00 local time, or 23:00 local time on Sunday.

I've never attempted a run that long before, and I don't expect it to carry all the way through.

The longest run I can remember was on the order of 16 hours, during the bogey hunt to 30,000.

The Dell seems to be handling the activity well enough.  There is no UPS on that particular system, so a power flicker in the local system could take it down.

We have those here, which is why I have UPS on most systems.

The connection to Email Outreach is that while the Dell is processing TestIDs, it won't be available for email outreach.

Update next day: The run reach 400+ before it hit a snag.



#112 2022-10-30 06:43:57

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,071

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ...

Today's candidate is Sotrany

Sotrany applied for membership in 2019. Member ID is 431207.

The email address might be valid, but a ping will confirm if the provider exists...

Ping found the site, but response was ** really ** slow! 76 milliseconds was near the average
In contrast, responds in 30 milliseconds or less

OK ... so the email provider exists....

Interesting ... the IP provider is NAMECHEAP-NET

The address is reported to be in the United States.

However, the IP itself is reported to be in Macenta, Guinea and allocated to NAMECHEAP.NET.

This next item is interesting (to me for sure!) .... There are 3030 domains on the IP address used by the email provider.

That would explain the slow response.  In order to keep costs down, the provider is distributing a single IP over thousands of customers.

Digging deeper....
Registered: 2019-04-20 (
Last post: 2019-04-22 20:08:37
Last visit: 2019-04-22 20:08:40

The IP of the Registration is NOT the same as the IP of the email provider...

The plot thickens !!! The IP of the registration is in Thailand, and there are abuse reports (7 from 5 sources)

I'll bet that the Admin of the day deleted whatever post this entity attempted ....

There are no posts by this user in this forum.

I would have won that bet!
Recommended for TestID conversion.



#113 2022-10-31 07:18:51

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,071

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ...

Today's candidate is: Sonny1988

The email looks "normal" so at first impression, I think this is a person rather than a spammer.

We have an IP address ....  Oh oh!  The IP address is assigned to Russia

The domain is

This may have been a stolen email address adapted for a spam attempt

The IP address is associated with Podol'sk, Moskovskaya oblast', Russian Federation

I'm guessing the Admin removed the first (and only) post by this entity...

Registered: 2019-11-30 (Russia)
Last post: 2019-11-30 10:10:04
Last visit: 2019-11-30 10:10:05

Topic: Life on Mars » Similar looking objects on Mars

Sonny1988 wrote:

What do you think of the objects in this YouTube video?

This one shows several objects located in different places on Mars and they all appear to have similar shape - with troughs and ridges, and a circle in the middle.


Louis provided a reply:

louis wrote:

Doesn't look like you've copied the link right there.

I think there are numerous interesting structures, artefacts and anomalies on Mars that all need investigating. The oddest thing is they never seem to interest NASA. Not even the famous one at 04:38:

I assume this was a spammer ... The post originated in Russia at a time when spamming was happening at a significant rate. 

The originator of the post appears to have used a stolen email address.

An effort appears to have been made to post something that might fit into the theme of the forum, but execution was flawed.

My first guess was that this was a dangerous link to follow.  Thanks to Louis, we know the link was flawed.

For these reasons, I will not send an invitation to return.



#114 2022-11-01 07:05:21

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,071

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign...

After yesterday's disappointment, it is time to try again, in a spirit of positive anticipation ...

Our candidate for today is ... soni1

The email matches the username ...  positive indicator

However, the email provider is not one I recognize ...

A ping will determine if it exists .... Too bad ... the email provider is gone without a trace

Oh well ... let's see what this candidate offered ...

Registered: 2019-06-26 (Ukraine)
Last post: 2019-06-27 04:44:32
Last visit: 2019-06-27 04:45:34

Well.... we have an IP to work with !!!  Ukraine! How nice!

OK ... we have a visitor from Ukraine who registered in 2019 in the height of the spammer flood...

What are the chances the post survived review by the Admin of the day?  I'm guessing poor... let's see!

There are no posts by this user in this forum.

I am recommending conversion of this username to TestID.



#115 2022-11-02 07:36:37

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,071

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ....

Yesterday we "met" a resident of Ukraine who (probably) sent a robot to visit NewMars ....

let's see who we have in the queue this morning?

Songjob974 or our candidate for today ... this could be a short "visit" .... the email address is from Russia

I'm not going to check to see if is working.  Even if it is I wouldn't send anything to that email provider.

Let's see what else we can discover ...

Registered: 2018-01-19 (Corbina, Russia)
Last post: 2018-01-21 06:21:50
Last visit: 2018-01-21 08:56:21

Topic: The Outer Space Treaty

The post itself seems both reasonable and appropriate to the forum.

Songjob974 wrote:

I think a UN treaty to allow the ownership lease of "land that you hold" can be reached that will drive the human influence from here to Mars.

This was post 63 in a long running topic ....

Louis gave it credence, and wrote a reply offering an alternative way of thinking about the situation.

OK ... I've changed my mind ....

ping of the email provider gave a null result

Too bad ... this might have been someone worth contacting.



#116 2022-11-03 07:32:41

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,071

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach ...

We have 300 single post Usernames ahead in the file... we'll be dealing with spammers for months.

The only hope is to find a gem of a candidate among the coals, and as we have seen, there are one or two.

Today's candidate is: solitonmanny

The email address is provided by .... I wonder if that still exists?  Ping reveals that it exists!

OK ... Whois confirms the IP of the email provider is registered to Microsoft.

Let's find out a bit more about today's candidate: Member 1046 from 2005

Registered: 2005-02-10 (
Last post: 2005-02-10 11:11:31

Topic:  Human missions » New Space Shuttle

solitonmanny wrote:

Greetings to all,
I am a newbie to this group and have been following this thread, interesting concept but I believe a tiny bit flawed. This is not a personal critique but based on the mass/thrust requirements for this vehicle to achieve even low orbit. There may be a method by which this could be achieved, unfortunately using the combinations listed in the originators message is not one of them; granted that improvements in propulsion technologies could theoretically generate the amount of thrust required - eventually, the aspects of this proposal require more than just improving the engines' output; the use of ultra light/strong composites, improved heat protection and internal systems.
At one time some people were considering utilising lasers to generate sufficient heat within the heat exchange mechanism in a jet turbine engine, on paper this would have been an excellent solution due to the potential output of lasers, unfortunately the size and power consumption of lasers(at that time) precluded this from succeeding. Come to think of it, with the improved solid state lasers there may be something in this after all, anyone out there want to look into it?
Best to all and take care

The Newbie

This topic went on for a total of 159 posts, brought back into view by Mars_B4_Moon in August of 2022.

For whatever reason, our candidate chose not to engage further with the posters of the day.

A possible reason is that the suggestion of laser propulsion was dismissed by the very next poster.

Well, I think ** this ** candidate deserves an official invitation from SpaceNut!



#117 2022-11-05 06:48:37

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,071

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut (when you return)...

Today's candidate is software323Drush

The email provider was not found, and (to my eye) it appears computer generated.

Still, there might be a post to review ...

Registered: 2019-03-28 (? Africa ?)
Last post: 2019-03-28 05:31:37
Last visit: 2019-03-28 05:31:38

There are no posts by this user in this forum.

I'm not surprised.  Well, there is always tomorrow, and the chance our candidate is someone we'd like to contact.

Recommendation: Convert to TestID



#118 2022-11-05 07:49:22

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

Sort of knew that low post counts would not be of great success, but we still did need to try. It will be interesting once we do get out of these to see some of the others join back in.


#119 2022-11-06 07:33:05

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,071

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach ....

Today's candidate is snfdsuaa

Both the name and the email appear to be computer generated.

The email provider may exist.  Well, it does NOT exist.

I do not have much hope for this candidate, but let's explore further...

OK! We have an IP address!

The IP provider is in Sheridan, Wyoming.  We we may have an American entrepreneur trying to sell something.

Let's explore further ...

Registered: 2020-07-27 (Wyoming)
Last post: 2020-07-27 09:37:21
Last visit: 2020-07-27 09:37:21

Topic: There are no posts by this user in this forum.

I'm not surprised .... the computer generated name and email were indicators.

This username could be converted to TestID.



#120 2022-11-07 08:08:26

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,071

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach ...

Today's candidate is SNeha1

This username shows all the signs of being computer generated.

The email address is for a commercial enterprise.

The email provider is gmail so it exists.

Let's see what we have ...

Registered: 2019-08-03 (India)
Last post: 2019-08-03 02:18:51
Last visit: 2019-08-03 02:18:53

There are no posts by this user in this forum.

Oh well!

Tomorrow's another day!



#121 2022-11-08 08:56:24

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,071

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

Tomorrow has arrived ... let's see who we have !!!

Today's candidate is smyekelela ... The email username matches, with a numeric tie breaker .... This looks computer generated to my eye ... let's find out

Registered: 2020-05-22 (HongKong)
Last post: 2020-06-11 22:41:15
Last visit: 2020-06-11 22:41:51

As a side note, it seems clear that SpaceNut closed off the spammers ** after ** May of 2020.

We have an IP address to work with: HongKong !!!

OK ... let's see if the candidate survived Admin review ...

There are no posts by this user in this forum.

I recommend this username for conversion to TestID.

Oh well! Tomorrow's another day!



#122 2022-11-09 09:39:22

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,071

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach ....

As a first impression, I ** think ** today's candidate is another spammer, but let's find out ...

Candidate is Smasgotw

The email address looks made up (to me at least) ... I'll try a ping ... unknown host --- as expected.

OK ... let's see what else we can discover...

Registered: 2019-06-10 (Ghana Telecommunications Company Limited)
Last post: 2020-04-03 15:44:31
Last visit: 2020-04-03 15:44:43

This candidate "registered" in mid-2019, and then got around to visiting the "registration" in 2020 ... presumably to drop off a payload.

How nice! We appear to have been visited by someone in Accra, Greater Accra, Ghana

I'm betting that this ?person's? post did not survive Admin review ...

There are no posts by this user in this forum.

Recommendation: Convert to TestID



#123 2022-11-10 08:08:44

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,071

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach ...

Today's candidate is smairakh

The email address is from Google, so the provider exists. The username and the email name match, so this may be a person.

Let's see what we have ...

Registered: 2019-06-04 (India)
Last post: 2019-06-04 05:33:36
Last visit: 2019-06-18 00:42:54

We have an IP address to work with ... Bharti Airtel Limited in India

OK ... name, email and location match ...

Let's see if the post survived Admin review ...
It did!!!

Topic:  New Mars Articles » Holden Crater: Where Waters Ran

OK .... I'm going to stop here....

First, the post contains a link to an IT training institution in India.

SpaceNut replied to the post, but there was now follow up by the original poster.

What ** really ** did it for me was to find a duplicate of the original message, posted by "Rolland" a few months later.

Rolland is from Pakistan.

I recommend both for TestID conversion.



#124 2022-11-11 07:58:43

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,071

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach...

Today's candidate is Member 485, from 2003: slavvy

For comparison, RobertDyck is member 274

I'm looking forward to today's investigation ... the email address is hotmail, which is still supported, but 19 years have gone by ...

Registered: 2003-06-19 (
Last post: 2003-06-19 09:43:03

Topic: Not So Free Chat » American Moon Base prediction... - tell me what you think

slavvy wrote:

Pardon my innocence: it surely doesn't matter who settles Moon, Mars and beyond?
Americans, Chinese, Russians, Swedes or Arabs, they all have my blessings as long as they really do it. The rest of humanity will follow. However, I certainly do hope that Chinese will be the future space food standard...

Cheers, Slavvy

Echus_Chasma (from New Zealand) replied, but that was the only reply (that I saw) in a topic that was at 163 posts and counting.

In fact, the topic persisted for 13 pages in the archive.... The last post was by Josh Cryer in 2004 #311

It appears that the topic had worn down at that point.

Well, for what it's worth, I'll send SpaceNut's email to Stavvy.

I'd like to find out if his views on Chinese food in space are holding after 18+ years...



#125 2022-11-12 07:39:11

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,071

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ...

Today's candidate is a ** real ** old-timer .... skywatcher was enrolled as Member 82

The email provider was/is yahoo, so the email provider exists. 

Registered: 2002-01-17 (
Last post: 2002-01-17 22:57:41

Topic: Mars Rovers / University Rover Challenge » Rover Project for Mars??

skywatcher wrote:

Is there a forum for tossing ideas for Rover Vehicles? I am interested in initiating a Open Source Project for designing such vehicles. Every body would be welcome to contribute to the Project. All the components/ ideas would be licensed on the pattern of Open Source Software Licesing. I have put a Yahoo Group under heading mars_osrp ( Mars Open Source Project) Any body interested ??? Pl join this group

The topic accumulated a total of 13 posts.  It seems to me that no one available in the forum at the time attempted to answer the question directly.

From the vantage point of 20 years later, we know that the Mars Society (and others) have provided opportunities for college level teams to participate in rover design competitions. 

In any case, skywatcher is in line for one of SpaceNut's emails .... the Yahoo email may no longer be in use, after all these years, but it might.



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