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#26 2022-04-11 20:47:09

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,324

Re: GW Johnson Postings and @Exrocketman1 YouTube videos

Here is a direct link to the presentation by GW Johnson April 9, 2022
Per SpaceNut:
Here is the embedded link for GW


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#27 2022-04-17 17:20:04

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,324

Re: GW Johnson Postings and @Exrocketman1 YouTube videos

Here is a direct link to a file prepared by GW Johnson as a preliminary response to a request from the North Houston chapter of National Space Society. … f.pdf?dl=0

This is a final version of a study of lunar sourcing of propellant for Large Ship flights to Mars and return.

The document is intended for discussion in this evening's US/Canada/Mexico Zoom, hosted by kbd512 at Midnight UTC.



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#28 2022-04-19 09:40:33

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,324

Re: GW Johnson Postings and @Exrocketman1 YouTube videos

For GW Johnson re #27

Here are my notes on a detailed reading of your paper, as discussed at the most recent Sunday Zoom:

2022/04/19 Notes on paper by GW Johnson

Page 1

Paragraph: An easily

line: purify it

Proposed: purify it if it is

Comment: note "boiloff risks"

The presence of this expression signals that the work of the James Webb telescope engineering team has not yet been integrated into the future scenarios at work in this paper.

End of Page 1

Page 2

No items

Page 3

Paragraph: It's a bit more complicated

Sentence: This in indicated

Suggestion: This is indicated

End of Page 3

Page 4

Paragraph: For the ferry stage

Sentence: You do the

Suggestion: propellant is part of the

Comment: "boiloff effects"

Observation: The James Webb telescope engineering team has proven that maintaining 50 Kelvin is possible.

Note: Whether the James Webb cooling apparatus would work for a Lunar situation is (of course) to be determined

In any case, the short duration of the flight from Moon to LEO is not the issue.

The desgination vehicle at LEO ** Must! ** have effective cooling in place, because refill flights will continue for some time.

End of Page 4

Page 5

Nice to see the suggestion of an orbital refueling facility in LEO!

** That ** facility will most certainly need deep space cooling ala James Webb telescope.

Engineering the refueling depot to sustain temperature differences of full Solar impact on the Sun side, and 50 Kelvin on the deep space side, will challenge even the most astute engineers alive on Earth today.

End Page 5

Page 6

Paragraph: The fact that

Sentence: Thus there is

Suggestion: Thus there is plenty of capability to

End of Page 6

Page 7

End of Page 7

Page 8

End page 8

Page 9

Suggest forced Page Separation at: "Conclusions"

End Page 9

Page 10

End Page 10

Congratulations on developing this comprehensive reply to the question from a member of the North Houston chapter of the National Space Society.



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#29 2022-04-19 18:41:36

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451

Re: GW Johnson Postings and @Exrocketman1 YouTube videos

We know that the James watt shield aids in the keeping of liquid Helium cold to control the boil-off with 50 Kelvin shield The Sunshield Webb/NASA

The sunshield will allow the telescope to cool down to a temperature below 50 Kelvin (-370°F, or -223°C) by passively radiating its heat into space. The near-infrared instruments (NIRCam, NIRSpec, FGS/NIRISS) will work at about 39 K (-389°F, -234°C) through a passive cooling system. The mid-infrared instrument (MIRI) will work at a temperature of 7 K (-447°F, -266°C), using a helium refrigerator, or cryocooler system.

Of course the Starship is refueled in Earth orbit, the fuel can be sub-cooled, but not below -182 °C since that's the freezing point of Methane. So not as much shielding will be required....I did do a boiloff run and found if we fill it to slowly that we would loss a starship or 2 fillings to get it full due to the boil off. … ions_uses/

of course liquid hydrogen can be liquefied by cooling to approximately 20 K (−253 °C) at atmospheric pressure [5,6,7]. … 012012/pdf
Zero boil-off methods for large-scale liquid hydrogen tanks using integrated refrigeration and storage

Remember that the tanks for the large ship are even larger than that of several starships....

5 layers to the shield


Kapton. Each layer is coated with aluminum, and the sun-facing side of the two hottest layers (designated Layer 1 and Layer 2) also have a "doped-silicon" (or treated silicon) coating to reflect the sun's heat back into space.

Each layer of the sunshield is incredibly thin. Layer 1 will face the sun and is only 0.05 millimeters (0.002 inches) thick, while the other four layers are 0.025 mm (0.001 inches). The thickness of the aluminum and silicon coatings are even smaller. The silicon coating is ~50 nanometers (nm) (1.9 microinches) thick, while the aluminum coating is ~100 nm (3.93 microinches) thick.


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#30 2022-04-20 11:19:35

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,324

Re: GW Johnson Postings and @Exrocketman1 YouTube videos

GW Johnson completed edits to his Lunar Propulsion document.

The final version may be viewed here: … f.pdf?dl=0



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#31 2022-05-28 19:15:17

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,324

Re: GW Johnson Postings and @Exrocketman1 YouTube videos

GW Johnson is working on articles for the ExRocketman Wordpress blog.

He provided this article for NewMars members (and viewers) ... … f.pdf?dl=0

The article is a history with commentary on Hypersonic Vehicles.



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#32 2022-05-28 19:17:19

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,324

Re: GW Johnson Postings and @Exrocketman1 YouTube videos

GW Johnson is working on articles for the ExRocketman Wordpress blog.

He provided this article for NewMars members (and viewers) ... … f.pdf?dl=0

This article is a history with commentary on experimental aircraft.



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#33 2022-05-29 10:53:13

GW Johnson
From: McGregor, Texas USA
Registered: 2011-12-04
Posts: 5,869

Re: GW Johnson Postings and @Exrocketman1 YouTube videos

Remember,  these are actually intended for publication on my "exrocketman" site.  That is

The hypersonic vehicles article is planned for June 1 publication.  It is essentially done now.  What you have here is the final form.  The linkedin text is something I will post the same day on linkedin,  to direct readers there over to "exrocketman",  where the postings can be larger. 

The high speed experimental planes article is not yet final,  but it is pretty close now.  I'm still editing,  but the major edits are now done.  It is planned for July 1 publication.  Some words here or there might change,  which is why the pages are marked "not final".  This historical stuff of "who did what,  why did they do it,  what did they do it with,  and when" has been an active topic of conversation in the past on the forums. 

You put the two topics together,  and it pretty much explains my skeptical attitude toward aerodynamic ascents into low Earth orbit.  Most of the concepts being ballyhooed all these years either (1) lack a feasible heat protection scheme,  or (2) lack the high altitude thrust to climb and accelerate,  or (3) have no solution to the geometric incompatibilities of their airbreathing propulsion scheme,  or (4) any combination of those three killer problems. 

The fatal shock impingement problem rules out any sort of parallel-mounted nacelles,  which falls in the killer problem (1) classification,  but needs explicit pointing out.   It is why I think the Skylon airframe cannot survive entry from orbit.  The X-15A-2 was nearly destroyed by it,  in flight at only Mach 6 to 6.7,  while carrying a scramjet test article as a parallel nacelle,  mounted on its ventral fin stub.  Damage to the airframe was quite extensive,  after only a few dozen seconds at these speeds.


Last edited by GW Johnson (2022-05-29 10:54:15)

GW Johnson
McGregor,  Texas

"There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew,  especially one dead from a bad management decision"


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#34 2022-06-11 10:04:41

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,324

Re: GW Johnson Postings and @Exrocketman1 YouTube videos

GW Johnson has continued work on his Experimental Aircraft paper ...

The version at the link below includes a number of images, added to the earlier version.

this paper will be open for discussion at the Sunday Nightowl Zoom session, along with work GW is doing on an update of his lander proposal. … f.pdf?dl=0

High Speed Experimental planes

The document includes two craft that were designed through prototype, but which never flew.

the work on both flowed directly into later designs that are celebrated in aerospace history.



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#35 2022-06-13 13:32:38

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,324

Re: GW Johnson Postings and @Exrocketman1 YouTube videos

GW Johnson is working on a major update of his Lander proposal.

Here is a work-in-progress version: … f.pdf?dl=0

If any NewMars member has time to review the work before it is finished, there is the opportunity to offer suggestions.

I like the new graphics that help to explain both the problem to be solved, and the recommended solutions.



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#36 2022-06-14 18:36:06

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,324

Re: GW Johnson Postings and @Exrocketman1 YouTube videos

GW Johnson is continuing to work on an update of his lander proposal.

If anyone would have time to open the file at the link below, you would find illustrations that explain the problem and show solutions, in addition to the clearly written text we have come to expect from GW Johnson. … f.pdf?dl=0

Feedback would be appreciated.  This document is still in development.

Update: Here is a transcript of a program by David Pogue about Perseverance. It includes discussion of the landing problem. … of-terror/



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#37 2022-07-10 11:28:07

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,324

Re: GW Johnson Postings and @Exrocketman1 YouTube videos

GW Johnson is preparing for the upcoming Mars Society 25th Annual Conference in October.

He has offered 6 talks for consideration by the Conference Committee, and each talk is supported by 4 files.

This post is intended to hold the links to copies of the files stored in the NewMars Dropbox account.

Asteroid abstract … t.pdf?dl=0

Asteroid notes … s.pdf?dl=0

Asteroid paper … r.pdf?dl=0

Asteroid slides … s.pdf?dl=0


Big Ship Abstract … t.pdf?dl=0

Big Ship notes … s.pdf?dl=0

Big Ship paper … r.pdf?dl=0

Big Ship slides … s.pdf?dl=0



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#38 2022-07-10 11:45:35

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,324

Re: GW Johnson Postings and @Exrocketman1 YouTube videos

GW Johnson is preparing for the upcoming Mars Society 25th Annual Conference in October.

He has offered 6 talks for consideration by the Conference Committee, and each talk is supported by 4 files.

This post is intended to hold the links to copies of the files stored in the NewMars Dropbox account.

Fuel Depot Notes … s.pdf?dl=0

Fuel Depot abstract … t.pdf?dl=0

Fuel Depot paper … r.pdf?dl=0

Fuel Depot slides … s.pdf?dl=0


Early experimental planes abstract … t.pdf?dl=0

Early experimental planes notes … s.pdf?dl=0

Early experimental planes paper … r.pdf?dl=0

Early experimental planes slides … s.pdf?dl=0


Mars Rover abstract … t.pdf?dl=0

Mars Rover Notes … s.pdf?dl=0

Mars Rover paper … r.pdf?dl=0

Mars Rover slides … s.pdf?dl=0


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#39 2022-07-10 11:49:50

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,324

Re: GW Johnson Postings and @Exrocketman1 YouTube videos

GW Johnson is preparing for the upcoming Mars Society 25th Annual Conference in October.

He has offered 6 talks for consideration by the Conference Committee, and each talk is supported by 4 files.

This post is intended to hold the links to copies of the files stored in the NewMars Dropbox account.

Suit and Habitat abstract … t.pdf?dl=0

Suit and Habitat notes … s.pdf?dl=0

Suit and Habitat paper … r.pdf?dl=0

Suit and Habitat slides … s.pdf?dl=0

Updates as of 2022/07/12 ...

Mars Colony Abstract … t.pdf?dl=0

Mars Colony Notes … s.pdf?dl=0

Mars Colony Paper … r.pdf?dl=0

Mars Colony Slides … s.pdf?dl=0

Updates as of 2022/07/14 .... Comment by tahanson43206 .... I've been hoping Dr. Johnson might develop educational material ... this set of files ** may ** be headed in that direction ....

Rocket Engine Calcs Abstract … t.pdf?dl=0

Rocket Engine Calcs Notes … s.pdf?dl=0

Rocket Engine Calcs Paper … r.pdf?dl=0

Rocket Engine Calcs Slides … s.pdf?dl=0


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#40 2022-07-20 17:26:05

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,324

Re: GW Johnson Postings and @Exrocketman1 YouTube videos

GW Johnson is preparing for the upcoming Mars Society 25th Annual Conference in October.

He has offered 9 talks for consideration by the Conference Committee, and each talk is supported by 4 files.

This post is intended to hold the links to copies of the files stored in the NewMars Dropbox account.

Today's set of files is about a Mars landing boat concept, designed to work in conjunction with the Large Ship proposal of RobertDyck, and the Space Tug propulsion system devised by GW Johnson ...

Mars landing boat abstract … t.pdf?dl=0

Mars landing boat notes … s.pdf?dl=0

Mars landing boat paper … r.pdf?dl=0

Mars landing boat slides … s.pdf?dl=0

Update Tuesday 2022/07/26 .... today Dr. Johnson is adding a set of files on possible scenarios for Starship at Mars... This is presentation set #10

Starship at Mars - Abstract … t.pdf?dl=0

Starship at Mars - Notes … s.pdf?dl=0

Starship at Mars - Paper … r.pdf?dl=0

Starship at Mars - Slides … s.pdf?dl=0



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#41 2022-08-02 13:14:02

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,324

Re: GW Johnson Postings and @Exrocketman1 YouTube videos

This update is the 11th in the current series...

This set is about a version of Dr. Johnson's Space Tug concept, applied to the Moon instead of Mars.

In addition, the presentation covers BOTH the NASA Gateway orbit, and a more generally recognized lunar orbit for landing people and supplies.

Dr. Johnson explains the benefit of the NASA Gateway orbit, which is to achieve plane changes at the least possible cost.

As usual, the files include: Abstract, Paper, Notes and slides...

Abstract: … t.pdf?dl=0

Paper: … r.pdf?dl=0

Notes: … s.pdf?dl=0

Slides: … s.pdf?dl=0



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#42 2022-09-01 19:51:44

GW Johnson
From: McGregor, Texas USA
Registered: 2011-12-04
Posts: 5,869

Re: GW Johnson Postings and @Exrocketman1 YouTube videos

I got the news today that 5 of my 11 submittals have been approved for presentation at the convention.  These are (1) hab and suit atmospheres,  (2) engineering lander/rover on Mars,  (3) the LEO fuel depot thing,  (4) evaluations of Starship at Mars,  and (5) the colonizing Mars thing.


GW Johnson
McGregor,  Texas

"There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew,  especially one dead from a bad management decision"


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#43 2022-09-01 20:48:37

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451

Re: GW Johnson Postings and @Exrocketman1 YouTube videos

Nice to hear GW and best of luck on presentation day.


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#44 2022-09-16 08:55:48

GW Johnson
From: McGregor, Texas USA
Registered: 2011-12-04
Posts: 5,869

Re: GW Johnson Postings and @Exrocketman1 YouTube videos

I'm glad the convention is taking place before the November election.  I believe that in the single handful of months after the election,  we will see a series of uprisings around the country as key Trumpworld figures are indicted and dragged to court. 

It will get very violent indeed as those key Trumpworld figures go to jail.  Trumpworld is a cult.  Facts do not matter to cultists.   Only force.  We've already seen its beginnings Jan 6, 2021.  We either end the power of that cult,  or we go down the same road to a fascist dictatorship that Germany took in the early 1930's. 

Complicating the risks to us all,  in that same time period,  I expect to see Putin try to stave off utter defeat in Ukraine by using tactical nuclear weapons on that battlefield.  That could draw NATO into the war,  as NATO members will be hit with collateral radiological damage from Putin's nukes.  Article 5 draws us into that.  That risks starting WW3 in Europe,  which could escalate into general nuclear war.

On the other hand,  if Putin avoids defeat and succeeds in Ukraine,  that will embolden Xi to invade Taiwan (he has been watching Ukraine to see how resolute the West is against Putin).  That invasion is quite likely to start a nuclear WW3 in the Pacific,  directly between us and China.  That's even worse,  so Putin has to be defeated and he has to fall,  to deter Xi,  the more powerful of the two Hitler clones we face.

Between those extreme risks and climate change,  we are a lot closer to extinction than anyone wants to believe.  Either we die,  or it will resolve well.  But I suspect the odds are against us.


GW Johnson
McGregor,  Texas

"There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew,  especially one dead from a bad management decision"


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#45 2022-09-16 09:13:59

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,898

Re: GW Johnson Postings and @Exrocketman1 YouTube videos

GW Johnson wrote:

I'm glad the convention is taking place before the November election.  I believe that in the single handful of months after the election,  we will see a series of uprisings around the country as key Trumpworld figures are indicted and dragged to court. 

It will get very violent indeed as those key Trumpworld figures go to jail.  Trumpworld is a cult.  Facts do not matter to cultists.   Only force.  We've already seen its beginnings Jan 6, 2021.  We either end the power of that cult,  or we go down the same road to a fascist dictatorship that Germany took in the early 1930's. 


So I take it that you have no problem with law enforcements agencies being used by a sitting president to bully his political enemies, so long as those people happen to be people you don't personally like?  And you are worried about the Trump cult of personality leading the US into a totalitarian dictatorship?  Or are you happy to live in a totalitarian state so long as it has the kind of flavour that you approve of?

This sort of thing has been going on in Britain for a long time.  I suppose for that reason, I don't have much tollerance for anyone that advocates it anywhere.  Britain isn't a place where you can freely express an opinion without worrying about the boys in blue bashing down your door in the middle of the night.  I'm not talking about planning anything violent and dangerous, I mean just express an opinion.  You can be imprisoned here just for having certain views on things.

There are a lot of people who are perfectly happy with that, because the establishment's values happen to be their own.  They don't care about journalists being locked up and protesters being arrested, because it only applies to people with different political opinions to them.  So they are fine with it.  It sounds a lot like you are one of those people.  You are a totalitarian.  You cannot tolerate people that do not agree with you and don't have a problem with seeing them locked away or having their skulls crushed.  If you can be that myopic on political and social issues, how trustworthy are your opinions on anything else?

On the topic of Putin, it is far more complicated than him being an evil 'Hitler clone' with dreams of world conquest.  It is very likely that the Ukraine conflict would have occured even if someone else were serving as Russian president.  NATO has expanded up to their borders and demographic decline is shrinking the Russian population at such a rate that Russia probably won't be around as a state by the middle of this century.  This war indicates as much as anything the Russian desperation to establish a defencible perimeter before mother nature calls time on them.  It is not driven by an arrogant desire for conquest.  I recommend that you watch some of Peter Zeihan's videos and read some of his books, especially The Absent Superpower.

Last edited by Calliban (2022-09-16 09:34:53)

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


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#46 2022-09-16 12:17:43

GW Johnson
From: McGregor, Texas USA
Registered: 2011-12-04
Posts: 5,869

Re: GW Johnson Postings and @Exrocketman1 YouTube videos

Calliban,  I disagree.  Your "facts" seem quite incorrect to me!  The very fact that we can post these things here,  and that Trump himself can post Qanon BS on his media site,  shows the current government here in the US is not totalitarian. If you got that wrong,  then what else might be wrong?  Most of it?  I think so.  Including excusing Putin's conduct.

It was Trump who attempted to use the DOJ as a weapon against his political enemies,  starting with trying to intimidate his series of AG's throughout his term in office,  and finally wanting to appoint a loyalist (that Clark character) who was otherwise blatantly incompetent to be AG.  Only the threatened mass resignations from DOJ stopped that appointment,  and then Trump left office (despite the last-ditch coup attempt by his followers),  finally eliminating that risk of weaponizing the DOJ. 

His followers have been attempting similar loyalist appointments as state AG's and election officials,  in order to overturn any election results where "Trumpworld" loses.  That was EXACTLY how the Nazis took over in Germany,  and the Bolsheviks in Russia.  It was also what has kept the communist party in power in China. 

The pattern I see happening here in the US is that some key figure (there's more than one now) in "Trumpworld" does (or did) an evil,  then loudly claims that instead Biden/Democrats/the so-called "cabal" is/was doing it.  It's a "guilty dog barks loudest" sort of thing,  something now centuries old.  And don't tell me I have been misled by cabal-controlled media who spout lies.  That is Qanon BS.

Sorry.  I must disagree with your entire evaluation in post 45.  What I was trying to do in post 44 was simply to warn of the risks of near-simultaneous civil revolt and escalating warfare that I foresee as coming,  soon.  One does not have to be politically-aligned with either camp to foresee great trouble coming.


Last edited by GW Johnson (2022-09-16 12:20:46)

GW Johnson
McGregor,  Texas

"There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew,  especially one dead from a bad management decision"


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#47 2022-09-17 16:01:45

GW Johnson
From: McGregor, Texas USA
Registered: 2011-12-04
Posts: 5,869

Re: GW Johnson Postings and @Exrocketman1 YouTube videos

Mars Society Convention  20-23 October 2022 at ASU/Tempe AZ

Preliminary conference schedule posted online,  subject to change.  As of 9-17-2022 it shows me up as follows:

Thursday 10-20:               5:30 PM  Engineering Lander for Mars

Friday 10-21:             4:30 PM  Suit and Habitat Atmospheres
                            5:00 PM  Orbital Propellant Depot

Saturday 10-22:        3:30 PM  Starship at Mars
                            4:30 PM  Colonizing Mars   

AM sessions all invited speakers.  There are no AM track speakers,  conference is over Sun 10-23 PM


Last edited by GW Johnson (2022-09-17 16:02:44)

GW Johnson
McGregor,  Texas

"There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew,  especially one dead from a bad management decision"


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#48 2022-09-20 14:38:42

GW Johnson
From: McGregor, Texas USA
Registered: 2011-12-04
Posts: 5,869

Re: GW Johnson Postings and @Exrocketman1 YouTube videos

Schedule is still in flux.  I have let James Burk know that today's version has me doing 2 presentations at the same time on Friday. 


update Sat 9-24:  conflict resolved.

Last edited by GW Johnson (2022-09-24 10:14:20)

GW Johnson
McGregor,  Texas

"There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew,  especially one dead from a bad management decision"


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#49 2022-09-26 15:24:46

GW Johnson
From: McGregor, Texas USA
Registered: 2011-12-04
Posts: 5,869

Re: GW Johnson Postings and @Exrocketman1 YouTube videos

Schedule as of Mon 9-16-2022 has me doing "Mars engineering lander/rover" at 5:30 PM Thurs 20th.  Then on Fri 21st,  I do "suits and hab atmospheres" at 2:00,  and "propellant depot" at 5:00.  Paul Kan ("Beer Man") is doing "buzzed lightyear" at 5:30.  On Sat 22nd,  I am doing "Starship at Mars" at 3:30,  then "colonizing Mars" at 4:30. 

Schedule has been in flux the last few days.  This could shift again.  I really do want to see "Beer Man's" presentation,  though.  On Thurs 19th,  Edward Heisler (a name I used to see quite often on the forums),  has one at 5:00 about "war with China".


Last edited by GW Johnson (2022-09-26 15:25:01)

GW Johnson
McGregor,  Texas

"There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew,  especially one dead from a bad management decision"


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#50 2022-09-26 20:03:27

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451

Re: GW Johnson Postings and @Exrocketman1 YouTube videos

You sure have a lot of speaking to do on all of the days. Good luck with all of it.

I assume it will be recorded like last year and I will get the chance to hear it all later.


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