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#1 Re: Pictures of Mars » Pictures of Mars - Strange geological features in Mars » 2004-11-26 10:38:02

Try that again with the link. It works now. It's pretty neat I ran across a couple other pics of what apears to be pooling in the bottom of craters on Mars … slacke.jpg

#2 Re: Life on Mars » New Hope for Mars? » 2004-11-25 23:50:32

Hi Shaun interesting thread.
   I had always sustpected there was a time before ice, a tropical earth where allot of the water that is today retained in the ice caps was possibly, we'll say, traped water vapor in the ionesphere in the form of ice crystals with the reflectivity of the ice crystals reflecting back sun light to the ground thus adding to the green house effect. For example maybe acumulated ice crystals we'll say from a comet that fell apart around our planet. Maybe the same reminents of the comet that struck the earth and brought the end to the dinasors millions of years before. Suppose if this were so and for some reason all that water vapor in ice crystal form fell towards the tropesphere melting and forming as rain drops, one heck of a flood would ensue I would say, followed by an ice age like the one were still in now as you point out Shaun.

Just a theory

#4 Re: Water on Mars » Closer view of springs inside Endurance crater. » 2004-11-15 23:27:27

I guess I'll stick to this thread for now. the only one I know how to find. I still can't figure out how to get to the old posts I submited. Some one sent me a PM and I couldn't find the individuals name so I couldn't PM back. Thank you anyway but to submit a search I would need to remember where I submited the post. sad

#5 Re: Water on Mars » Is that really water? » 2004-11-15 14:25:45

Hi I am always loosing track of my old posts but since this thread still deals with water on Mars I found this link I wanted to post last night, signs of once abundant flowing water on the surface of Mars. Hope this link works. Could someone tell me a simple way to find my old posts? Thank you … nnels.html

#6 Re: Water on Mars » Water in Mars's VERY recent past - sip » 2004-11-15 14:08:29

I use to pore beer in my plants and I havn't seen as healthy a plants since then. They thrived on the stuff. And I don't smoke the funny stuff either big_smile

#8 Re: Water on Mars » Closer view of springs inside Endurance crater. » 2004-11-15 02:38:28

Here is a good indication of lots of water sometimes in Mars's past

Tiu Vallis

Tiu Vallis appears to have started from an area of collapsed terrain (a region known as Hydaspis Chaos), moved northward through a fairly narrow channel, and then spread out and eroded a large area to the north and west. A more detailed view of the source shows the chaotic terrain, the initial channels, and various eroded features:

Source of Tiu Vallis Erosional features in the outflow channels often form around obstacles such as craters, such as these at the mouth of Ares Vallis: Picture didn't come up, have to try somthing else

#9 Re: Water on Mars » Closer view of springs inside Endurance crater. » 2004-11-13 20:49:52

There are several types of channels and many on Mars seem to obviously have been carved by water but the ones in Burns Cliff apears to be more from sifting sand from above. There was deluges of water at one time on the surface of Mars and in liquid forms there are signs of it all over the surface. This probably meant a thicker atmosphere as well as warmer temps. But these signs are very ancient but still I would think if there was abundant water on the surface there had to be a water table which to me the thinner air would nto evaporate and sublimate all of what was underground

Here is a link to another pic of Burns Cliff … rancec.jpg

#10 Re: Life on Mars » Possible Mars Life signs - Water Amonia Methane » 2004-11-13 19:14:18

Ya never know Errorist, when your dealing with the unknown you could have infinite potentialeties.

I am new here and still just feeling my way around, like, what you discuse and the personaleties behind the user name. I ejoyed this thread, fascinating stuff.

#11 Re: Pictures of Mars » Pictures of Mars - Strange geological features in Mars » 2004-11-12 22:32:42

Picture R010318 apears to be like a sink hole or something. A hole at the bottom of the crater where the sand from the sides of the crater slide down towards the center at the bottom possibly into an empty cavity under the crater floor. Just a guess.

Ah! I see there is a couple of Cidonia fans in here smile

#12 Re: Meta New Mars » Native American Names for Mars? Help!?! - Discussion » 2004-11-12 21:28:01

Hi well it apears I either can't figure out how to work the bold and italiks and text collor or they don't work.
Anyway I am new and was looking for another cool science forum. I hope I found one I like. Also hope there are live people on here on the weekends :;):

As for Mars not having many native Amarican names I hadn't thought of that untill reading this post. The North Amarican Natives call the strars, grand father stars and we are the star children. as for names to be sure there are many famouse chiefs one could pick from or several legendary places and things mentioned in native traditions. If interested I could find a few.

Well that's it for me for tonight I just more or like wanted to intruduce myself, I didn't see a new comers post anwhere.

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