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#1 Re: Not So Free Chat » Doom3 Released, takes place on Mars - Video Game with revolutionary 3D Engine » 2004-08-07 03:09:21

If you have had your head in the sand then you probably have not heard of Id Software's release of Doom3.  What is quite possibly the most anticipated game release in history has finally gone gold.

Doom3 is a remake of Doom2 originally released in the early '90s.  Doom3 is using a revolutionary new 3D engine.  I myself being quite the PC Gamer freak had reserved a copy and played through it over the last few days.  Whats it got to do with Mars?

Well, the original game Doom2 actually took place on Phobos.  Doom3 has had a few changes though, the game now takes place on Mars.  So whats it all about?

You are a Space Marine (Corporal) assigned to security detail at the Research and Development Company called UAC (Union Aerospace Corporation).  UAC has a series of highly classified R&D complexes located underground on Mars.  One of the highly classified projects is a project working towards teleportation.  In an effort to jump great distances without actually traveling, the teleportation technology moves matter from one point to another by passing it though another dimension.  Sounds cool, however when the teleporter is finally brought on line and used, the dimension pierced is that which seperates Mars and Hell. 

With an array of weaponary available from a shotgun to a BFG9000, you are tasked with getting to source of the demonic cross over point and shutting it down when all hell breaks loose literally.  The monsters are like nothing ever rendered in a game in exquisit detail.  The hallways and labs are dark from most of the lights being blown out and have a very errie closterphobic feel.  I literally jumped out of my seat as things leaped from dark corners of the complex and errie moans filled the dark chambers and walkways.  The graphics are like nothing you have ever seen before in a video game.  Mars is rendered beautifully, like no hollywood production has ever attempted.  There times when I had to go outside the facility to access another sector of the complex. 

After leaving the airlock and stepping out on the Mars soil (in the middle of a dust storm), I could make out the red hue, and blowing dust across the Mars dirt as I made my way from one airlock to another.  My suit had a rapidly depleting air supply and I could'nt spend much time outside before I needed to enter the next airlock at my destination.

From windows you can look out across the Mars landscape and get freaked out as the occasional demon crawls across the outside of your glass.  The game plot has more twists than a summer blockbuster when you find out that the technology used for the teleporter was actually found in a cavern that apparently contained the remains of a long lost Mars civilization that was wiped out when they invented it.  Your mission takes you on a wild adventure in incredible 3D detail right into hell itself including a section of the facility that is part hell and part Mars.

You'll need a pretty hefty PC to play it.  The graphics are revolutionary.  Your PC will need at least a 2GHz processor, 1GB of RAM, and a video card with at least 128MB of memory onboard.  If you want to check out Mars like no NASA video ever has, try it, but be warned its very graphic and scary.  Not for the kids.


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