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#1 Re: Unmanned probes » Cassini-Huygens *2* - ...more Saturn/Titan... » 2004-10-28 03:56:08

This is as much fun as watching the rover info come streaming in. I bet most of the scientific community is saying "holy toledo" and words to that effect smile

#2 Re: Unmanned probes » Opportunity & Spirit **8** - ...More... » 2004-10-23 23:08:56

not bad design at all but nearly everything can be improved upon. If you give the engineers time and money to do it before the next launch I suspect they'll take a look at the previous expedition results and try to improve/upgrade smile

#3 Re: Unmanned probes » Opportunity & Spirit **8** - ...More... » 2004-10-23 04:51:40

Considering the geography that rovers in the future will likely wind up in they might want to redesign more than just the steering . The 100% slippage that Oppy got the other day doesn't bode well.  Spirit dragging a wheel should give pause for thought also and I'm sure it has.

#4 Re: Unmanned probes » Spirit & Opportunity *7* - ...continuing... » 2004-09-25 01:50:53

thats the best pic of Victoria crater I've seen so far, are those dunes in the bottom or just wishful thinking on my part?
Wonder how hard it would be to get down into it without yelling Geranomo ! and jumping off a cliff?

#5 Re: Human missions » China The Dominant Superpower In 20 Years..... - What does this mean for US? » 2004-09-17 03:56:36

Several posts have mentioned the possibility of nuclear war stopping China, I think a world wide pandemic is much more likely. It would certainly stop us as well.

#6 Re: Unmanned probes » Spirit & Opportunity *7* - ...continuing... » 2004-08-03 21:35:05

beautiful pic stu. On outstanding pictures like this one I use  as wall paper til the next one. Unfortunately I wasn't watching what I was doing  and resulting background looked like the Alps with no snow !!! duh, asleep at the wheel

#7 Re: Unmanned probes » Spirit & Opportunity *7* - ...continuing... » 2004-08-01 04:09:24

Does that mud look slick or what?
I kind of see that same glossy look to the dunes themselves.

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