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#1 Re: Not So Free Chat » Why does U.S.A. support Israel? - Finally, I'm Asking » 2006-12-24 08:15:31

As for hypocracy, modern warfare does not always allow for morally consistant positions. If its the "white knights" versus the Barbarians, the Barbarians will always win. I feel that it is more important for us to stop the Barbarians than it is for us to act as "white knights."

So, you allow yourself an unconsistant moral position.
You do pretend that fighting with higher moral position is a looser position, I do claim that fighting with higher moral position is a winner position, allowing to get public opinion support, to get more easy capitulations in ennemies ranks if they know that if they surrender, they will be well treated. If not, they will tend to fight to death.

So I think that not only you are a poor strategist as well as a poor psycologist, but worse a poor morality human being.

#2 Re: Not So Free Chat » Bow Down Before Iran? » 2006-11-29 07:53:44

Well maybe if the Israelis chafe under International Law, why don't you recognize that maybe they are just anarchists as well?

Because I ignore laws which go against ethic.
Bombing civilians is not ethic, therefore I condemn Israel as well as palestinian terrorists. … n.nuclear/

For the Israelis, self-defense is a solid ethic, and world laws that are not enforced and which say they Israelis effectively cannot defend themselves are ignored.

Ehtic is not stealing palestinian territory !

#3 Re: Not So Free Chat » Bow Down Before Iran? » 2006-11-27 09:31:18

Well maybe if the Israelis chafe under International Law, why don't you recognize that maybe they are just anarchists as well?

Because I ignore laws which go against ethic.
Bombing civilians is not ethic, therefore I condemn Israel as well as palestinian terrorists. … n.nuclear/

#4 Re: Not So Free Chat » Why does U.S.A. support Israel? - Finally, I'm Asking » 2006-11-27 09:17:31

If the Iranian government is so popular, then why doesn't it stand for free, fair and compedative elections and let the people decide? If they are so popular they have nothing to fear. On the other hand, we must still deal with threats outside our borders, whether they come from elected representatives or not.

Have some information before saying anything.
Threats aren't at your borders, they rather are at european borders.
Stop accusing peoples which want another approach of Middle East problem of supporting terrorism.
Even the US administration asks Iran and Syria more collaboration on Iraq

#7 Re: Not So Free Chat » Bow Down Before Iran? » 2006-11-23 12:45:30

Its right there in the dictionary, I didn't make up the definition. Anarchy is the total collapse of civil order, anarchy is everyman for himself. anarchy is yelling 'fire' in a crowded theater and people trampling each other to get to the exits! That is what most people mean when they say anarchy.

I sit upon "most of the people" understandings of a single word !
You're just nitpicking on a word to avoid the main, which is that Israel does'nt comply to international laws, steals day after day palestinian soils, confine  a whole people under unacceptable conditions of living while complaining that peoples kept behind barbed wires like in a huge concentration camp revolt against this pressure.
When peoples complain that they suffered nazi barbary, they don't inflict such pains to others.

Now this is about Iran, every Europeans agree that Iran shouldn't have nuclear weapons, has full rights to have electric nuclear power plants as soon as it complies to IAEA rules.

#8 Re: Not So Free Chat » Bow Down Before Iran? » 2006-11-23 07:50:37

First it was Islamists. Now it's Anarchists. Give it a rest, guys.

Sorry, but Tom Kalbfuss acts as the most vicious lawyers, when he has no more arguments, he discusses event the words used by opponents, as he considers that the main isn't to have rationnal arguments, but having the last word is being right.

"The first modern systematic exponent of anarchism was William Godwin. . . . Strongly influenced by the sentiments of the French Revolution, he argued that since man is a rational being he must not be hampered in the exercise of his pure reason.

#9 Re: Not So Free Chat » Why does U.S.A. support Israel? - Finally, I'm Asking » 2006-11-23 07:36:22

I think I have won this argument on most points.

As does a guy self blinded by its own certaincies and does never want to see others points of view.

I say the Iranains were better off under the Shah and we certainly were better off with the Iranians under the Shah.

Just because you don't even remember what SAVAK was and how much money was spent for the crown and little for the peoples.
You say, you say, I really don't know wether the average iranian citizen feels better under Shah's or mollahs' reign, therefore I don't say things I do ignore as you do.
The Iranians may have fake elections, but they had, and elected Ahmadinejad.
I don't like him, but at least, to the iranian eyes, he's not a tyran set up by GB and USA

#10 Re: Not So Free Chat » Bow Down Before Iran? » 2006-11-22 09:42:20

If the International Rules say, Jew must die, and that its ok for Palestinians to kill them, but not ok for the Israeli Jew to defend himself,

The international rules say that no people should be occupied and his territory taken by foreign forces.

Didn't you say previously that you were an anarchist? I don't see why an anarchist should insist that the United States obeys any rules, international of otherwise.(...)So whats the point of rules if only the United States obeys them and nobody else does.

Rather an anarchist. Anarchists do obey laws as long as laws aren't opposed to ethic.

#11 Re: Not So Free Chat » Bow Down Before Iran? » 2006-11-20 05:37:37

If the International Rules say, Jew must die, and that its ok for Palestinians to kill them, but not ok for the Israeli Jew to defend himself,

The international rules say that no people should be occupied and his territory taken by foreign forces.

What you have against evangelicals and Jews I don't know,

Both say that Israel is THE elected people, therefore has superiority over other peoples.

#12 Re: Not So Free Chat » Why does U.S.A. support Israel? - Finally, I'm Asking » 2006-11-20 05:10:51

Maybe so, I don't claim to be a disease specialist, but viruses are acts of nature and soldiers must go where ever they are needed regardless of the natural environment.

Malaria isn't virus decease, it's a parasit called Plasmodium falciparum

A soldier faces possible death when he goes to war, a virus is just one possible source of death alongside bullets and bombs. It doesn't matter how you end up dead.If the communists weren't trying to take over,then our soldiers wouldn't have had to have been their and wouldn't have died from malaria. if their was anyone at fault it was those northern communists for fighting and making it necessary for the United States to send troops.

You had a conscript army of kids wich did'nt choose to go at war, but were arbitrarily sent to oppose at Viet Nam unification and which weren't defending USA, but a puppet dictator called Diem which was hatred by majority of the South Vienameses which are bouddist, Diem being a so-called christian, a foreign seed,
same as if you had a muslim dictator ruling USA and favourising Islam. After Diem, all South Vietnamese leaders were choosen by the US among a military junta. Nothing "democratic".

If you need to understand one thing about me, it is that I believe that people should choose their own governments. If government taxes, then government is spending your money as a fiduciary in your name, its obligation is to serve the people and to make sure that it serves the people, the people are to choose the government.

That's ideologic, I'm not, what's important is people's welfare, better a soft and protective autocrat than a co-called democracy led by financial private interests like most of today's so called democracies. To my eyes, most of them are mainly ploutocracies where leaders can't rise and campaign unless they can collect money from lobbies, and where political staffs answer the interests of lobbies before answering the population's needs.
The only point of agreement with you is that communism leeds to an autocratic system, but just take notice that the communists succedded to devellop the vietnamese economy in spite of US economical sanctions.

Your Vietnamese? I didn't know that, I assumed you were French. I just curious, if you think the North were the good guys and they won, why did you immigrate to France?

I'm french, I didn't choose, my father was a french army high rank officer, he was choosen by the former VietNam emperor's as his personnal army commander because he was the only french high rank officer who spoke fluently vietnamese and felf himself as being an adoptive vietnamese, he dyed in France always hoping for a coming back to VietNam, whatever would have been the regime. Now, I think mainly in french, all my relatives and friends are french,  and the communist regime has still too tough rules for the returning peoples. Maybe in the future, I'll return to motherland. Right now, I live in among the Paris nicest places. In fact, with Internet and my job, I could manage to live anywhere in the world.

The United States wasn't trying to return Vietnam to French colonial rule, it was only trying to safeguard South Vietnamese freedoms against the North's aggression. If the price for Vietnamese reunification is living under a tyrant, that is a price not worth paying.

USA supported tyrants as well in south Vietnam, more interested in growing their personnal fortune than taking care of the population, that's why so-called South VietNam leaders never had a moral superiority and full population agreement to fight North.

Germany was reunited but under democratic terms where the East Germans gained the right to vote and to choose their own government.

So many former East Germans have nostalgy of their former government...

The South Vietnamese lost their right to vote ans choose their own government with the North conquered them. I think communism has been more oppressive for the South Vietnamese than French Rule ever has been,

The south Vietnamese lost their right to be governed by US supported puppets.
Most of the French colonists called disdainfully the Vietnamese "gnakaes", an equivalent for "gooks", and fueled lot of vietnamese rally with the VietMinhs

I say that the Vietnamese should be allowed the right to vote in compedative elections and choose who governs over them. That was all that America really wanted when it fought there.

Fairy tale in your mind, as I said, USA supported a local dictator, and military intervention in Viet Nam responded to communism containment strategy, the US didn't came to Viet Nam for the Viets' freedom.

And the North Vietnamese did not kill women and children? Come now, in modern warfare both sides are typically reduced to the level of "monsters" because the imprecise weapons and the inability to identify the right target often leads to civilian casualities.

The North Vietnameses caused less accidental casualties in civilian population than the US, because local pro VC network helped the North Vietnamese troops to know who collaborated with the US or not.

#13 Re: Not So Free Chat » Bow Down Before Iran? » 2006-11-18 18:59:23

It was a pro Soviet Socialist, they were all set to overthrow democracy just like Hitler did

This is political fiction, not facts

We are in 2006, your constant reference to Hitler is childish, there are no concentration camps in Iran, Iran has not territorial ambitions.

Hitler is a good example because you won't believe any left wing examples I give.

Always hammering the same example don't give you more credibility

The the production capacity of solar panels will expand, because the people making solar panels will want to makes as much money as possible, and they will expand their production capacity. the only reason Nuclear Power has alure for the Iranians is that it provides a suitable lie and cover for them while they seek to build nuclear bombs. you bought the Old North Korean lie too, right up until the end when they admitted they were actually building nuclear war heads. the main flaw of solar energy is you can't make bombs out of them. Nuclear fuel is also not a renewable resource just like the fossil fuel they sell. Nuclear reactors also produce their own pollution in the form of radioactive waste. The Sun will last longer that Earth's entire supply of uranium.

That's why you have a hundred power plants...

How about we launch a nuclear Orion spaceship over your house,how would you like that?

Your most stupid argument!  M.A.D. ! 192 nukes would be fired back on USA as a retaliation, and Ayatollahs aren't that stupid to provoque a nuke strike on Iran

Clerics are human and just as capable of lying as everyone else.

like a Bush still seaching WMD in Iraq and not finding any

There is nothing to negotiate, Iran must stop, and if it doesn't their must be consequences. I notice you are always taking the side of our enemy no matter who it might be, whether communists, Islamic fanatics, tribal chieftains, what have you, if it goes against America, you all for it. and that is why I have so much trouble agreeing with you, for I was born in america, and I always hear you criticising my country.

No, Im' criticizing you personnaly, maybe cons and evangelicals too, as having a paranoid view on the world and being unable to discriminate among middle east who is to fight and who is to negociate with, and this is very clumsy.
Out of these disputes, I feel as a world citizen, not so different form any average rather leftist and peaceful US citizen; I like US SF books, US music except for bluegrass, US movies, US scientific research, I was as horrified as you by the 9/11 attack

They do not comply with international rules. Although the UN is now trying to say that they are special and that the rules don't apply to them so long as they act against America's

You support Israel which sits upon international rules and when international rules are not in favour of USA, USA sits upon international rules, so ?

#14 Re: Not So Free Chat » Why does U.S.A. support Israel? - Finally, I'm Asking » 2006-11-18 16:12:39

with DDT. If people are resistant to malaria, its also possible to vaccinate against it.

Vaccination against malaria still doesn't exist ! You are scientifically wrong.
There are peoples with natural immunities as variants in a population genetic pool, with natural selection, they become the most numerous in the population.

Its not a theory, communism is an iseology that is designed to spread, and indeed here I see you are trying to perpetuate it.

I'm not trying to spread anything, as some kind of a non violent anarchist, communists would eliminate me among their first ennemies.
Im' just explaining that communist ideology can fit with some populations traditionnal way of life, ancient Inca empire was a communist type of society.

North Vietnam started the war, it invaded the South. the United States did not start the Vietnam War, we were only trying to defend the South from the North.

Nonsense !
The Vietcongs were nationalist and bouddhist south vietnameses which rebelled against the south vietnamese regime set first by the Frenches, then supported by the US, as Vietcong were reinforced by northern troops.
Vietnameses are home in all Vietnam, my sister was born in hanoi, i was born in Nhatrang, were aren't strangers at each other by some arbitrary fronteer, should France and USA had understood that fact, they wouldn't have supported any camp and let things go on.
Same with USA for which southern secession was a rebellion, is that too difficult to understand ?
The only difference is that the so-called rebels won, anyways, when emperor Bao Dai took exile to France, he was replaced by Diem which had not any legitimacy.

More fairly tales, we didn't win because the Democrats in Congress didn't want us to win,

Napalm over vietnamese villages isn't fairy tales, and when foreigners come to kill women and children, whatever their reasons are, they have yet morally lost the war, that's what you don't want to see, and then there is no more support for the warmongers in your own country.

In a foreign country where you don't know who and where your ennemies are, you don't know if the smiling local guy is friendly or will shoot at you  as soon as you turn back, killing innocent peoples is unavoidable, therefore soon or latter you are the bad guy even if you claim that your intentions are good.
You can win only by carnage, then the whole world points at you as the monster.
Same with Iraq.

#15 Re: Not So Free Chat » Why does U.S.A. support Israel? - Finally, I'm Asking » 2006-11-18 03:26:55

the Kibbutz of Israel made it work quite well. I believe the plural of Kibbutz is Kibbutzim. They restricted their communist economy to one small farming town each; that's the largest scale on which it works. On a large scale it's too easy to abuse the system,

I have worked five weeks in a kibbutz. They told that only kibbutzim under 400 peoples worked well. There was a central shop where each could freely help himself for what he needed, just writting on an intendance book what he had taken for the shop gestion. As long as everybody know each other, peoples agree to work for the community. Over 400 peoples, peoples become selfish. It was a labour party kibbutz, but had tight and very good relationships with a neighbour religious kibbutz. Both were close to the jordan fronteer and had defensive networks with trenches, barbed wires and bomb shelters. When I talk about Israel, it's not fictionnal. I spent two more weeks visiting the whole country, from the lebanese fronteer to Eilat

#16 Re: Not So Free Chat » Bow Down Before Iran? » 2006-11-17 17:08:06

Iran has every right to nuclear power. They have every right to get a nuclear weapon. Why shouldn't they?

Because Iran signed the non proliferation treaty, and signing treaties engage the country which sign to respect them, unless the country has no more international credibility.

Countries are noted by banks, when they have poor credibility, they pay higher loan interest rates than countries with high credibility if they need money
Countries which do not respect signed treaties are supposed to be respectless of contracts.

#17 Re: Not So Free Chat » Why does U.S.A. support Israel? - Finally, I'm Asking » 2006-11-17 14:44:00

I'm pretty sure it was standard policy to vaccinate soldiers for Malaria before sending them to Vietnam.

There is still not any anti malaria vaccin
As you are such naive, let me explain you that mosquitoes were used as a weapon by general Giap which alternated actions in Viet Nam highlands with mountain populations called Meos or Mois troopers and in low lands with Viets troopers, each population has specific immunities against mountain and low lands mosquitoes' species.
So, as US airborn troops were used everywhere, there were good probabilities they got infected by both mosquitoes species, one mosquito specie bite make sick, both are long term lethal. Just wonder why so many vets suffered so-called "post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)" … 38271.html

Was our army crushed by the North Vietnamese? No it was not it was withdrawn because congress cut off the funds for continuing the operation. We were defeated by the Democrats (...)

I do notice that you have none of any question on the morality of this war set up first by the French which thought they could restore their colonial empire, and by the USA which used so-called South Vietnam as a jack on their domino's theory.
At first, it was an independence war, led by Viet nationalists, then they turned to whom could supply them with weapons, Moscow and Beijing.

So Democracy Bad; Communist Dictatorship Good!

VietNam, alike China had collectivist day to day practice in their traditions.
They use to harvest all toghether on each one cultivated parcels. That's much more efficient and enjoying a way than to cultivate alone. When young peoples get married, the whole villagers used to build them a house within couple of days.
Communism fitted to these countries, its was a rural based communism different from supposed urban labour class dictature described by Karl Marx.

Our kill ratio in Vietnam was alot better (...)

All of your says are about war, destructions, retaliations, none of any of your posts are constructive, so up to my vietnam born child eyes, you are war freak, a napalmist predator, I see you with a much disgusting manner, as somebody which cannot even be called a human being, Mr Kalbfus

It's useless from you to try to answer or to say you aren't a bad guy, I can't see which answer from you couldn't boost more anger and hate at you, you are definitively a ennemy.

#19 Re: Not So Free Chat » Bow Down Before Iran? » 2006-11-17 04:56:59

They started it! It is up to them to make peace with us, and they haven't tried very hard.

Hey, weren't kids in a schoolyard, no matter who started, Iranians can always say that USA and GB started ousting Mossadegh democratic regime and set a pro west dictator for oil.
We are in 2006, your constant reference to Hitler is childish, there are no concentration camps in Iran, Iran has not territorial ambitions.

we have to stop fueling fires in middle east.

Still it is not a gloomy place! it is probably cheapest of all forthem to burn natural gas from their oil wells and generate electricity from that. Nuclear is not cheap, especially if they plan to process their own fuel, and defy the world and enhure sanctions, and to invest in their military and be wary of the United States. if Iran wasn't so paranoid, it could takes all these expenditures from their oil revenue and build a nice great big solar panel array,

I think that you are misinformed, to build a giant solar array up to produce the same electric supply as one nuclear reactor would absorb five times the yearly world solar panels production.
As for wind turbines, to generate the same electric power as a nuclear reactor, you need almost 2000 wind turbines with wind conditions over 5 yards a second to compete with a nuclear reactor, don't be daydreaming, US government doesn't push for nuclear power for fun.
If Iran complies to IAEA, there is no reason to be agressive at Iran
Teheran signed the non proliferation treaty.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei issued a fatwa forbidding the production, stockpiling and use of nuclear weapons on August 9, 2005. The full text of the fatwa was released in an official statement at the meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna

Remember that the clerics detain the real power in Iran, Ahmadinejad is just a "democratic" puppet.

Intelligence analysts say Iran could be anywhere from three to nine years away from having the ability to build an atom bomb.

There is still time for negociations, Iran is just pushing as tough bargains as can be.
It's not because Israelis are hysterical about Iran and Iran hysterical about Israel that me must act the same way.
US and Euro politics aren't to be decided by Jerusalem.

Don't say that I'm advocacing the Iranians' right to have nuclear weapons, they have the right to have nuclear power plants if they comply with the International Atomic Energy Agency rules. There is no nuclear energy monopoly for develloped countries, and alternative energy sources for the poor countries.

#20 Re: Not So Free Chat » Why does U.S.A. support Israel? - Finally, I'm Asking » 2006-11-16 18:56:25

Like I said, Vietnam is not bothering us, and so we have no reason to bother it. The North Vietnamese took the worst of the casualities in the Vietnam War. even thought they ostensibly won, they paid a high price for it.

That's true, but US casualties have been minimized, you should know that a wounded soldier dying in his bed wasn't accounted as a war victim, not more than the ones which died of malaria years later.

You still forget that Iran has been listed among the Axis of Evil, that's a wrong decision.
Seeing the balance of forces, who does feel threatened, Iran or USA ? Be realistic, it's USA which can wipe Iran out of the world map, don't play comedy !

During the Iraq-Iran war, Israel helped Iran. there is no fatality in an agressive iranian attitude at Israel. Shia islam have a long time been an ennemy of Salafi islam, and it remains. Shouting at Israel is just a way to boost Iran's influence among muslims.
Israel problem is that Israelis must withdraw from occupied territories without seeming to be defeated.
Please, I insist that the only valuable solution is to push at peace, not to justify retaliations for each side
As we see right now, the palestinian factions will be too busy to fight at each other for the power to think about fighting Israel, if Israel agrees on withdrawing from 95% of the occupied territories.
Stop fueling this too long conflict on which terrorists justify their actions. With a little more welfare, a large majority of the Palestinians will have hopes instead of despair.

#21 Re: Not So Free Chat » Why does U.S.A. support Israel? - Finally, I'm Asking » 2006-11-16 17:55:42

I see no reason to go back to Vietnam. we get along fine with Vietnam and Vietnam is not bothering us, which is more than we can say about North Korea

So, these of US citizens which protested against war in VietNam were right, they weren't traitors, as you pretended, peace with Viet Nam has been more positive than war, as you see.

Six-party talks on North Korea's nuclear programme are to resume soon after a diplomatic breakthrough.
Agreement came at an informal meeting in Beijing between North Korea, China and the US.
your war screamings were useless, as I told you, the North Korean regime needs food and oil, it was just chantage, if conflict, North Korean army would have been crushed by an US air forces and south korean Army offensive, US leaders were aware of that, they didn't even send aircraft carriers, no matter to loose your cold blood.
Just take it easy. Frankly, you just looked like somehow hysterical about a small nuke puff.

France acts as an US ally !

You'd better notice that North Korea has only two neighbours, South Korea and China, if China points a finger at Kim telling him to be a good boy, he'll obey.
China doesn't want an unified democratic Korea as a neighbour, Chineses just want a weak satellite neighbour. If you understand China, and know what they want, then they will collaborate.

For Iran, it will be quite the same, cleric leaders are rationnal, don't think that they will provide terrorists with nukes, they just try to be the influent regional leaders, they don't want to go at war against any country, not even Israel.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad voices as loud as he can, that's all.

#22 Re: Not So Free Chat » Why does U.S.A. support Israel? - Finally, I'm Asking » 2006-11-16 16:18:59

Vietnam was undermined by "fifth columnists" that got elected into the US House of Representatives and the US Senate. Our "defeat" had nothing to do with the enemy and alot to do with traitors in our own legislature.

Is that what you want again ?

Say yes, and I can tell you, I've not more a respect for you than for any napalmist

#23 Re: Not So Free Chat » Froggy's » 2006-11-16 15:04:18

Most of the mistakes I make are a result of fast typing and my fingers hitting the wrong keys. I type so much that I don't have time to check every single word anc check it for correct spelling.

Firefox has spell checker, but it's ok, let's say you're not responsible for what your fingers are doing   big_smile

I don't think anyone can arbitrarily decide if a fetus is a person or not, just as you can't legally make the Sun and the planets go around the Earth through legislation.

A woman can interrupt her pregnancy,
Before we can stop planets orbiting motion...
Not legislation for the planets, just what is called Copernician revolution that said that it is the Earth which goes around the Sun, the sun apparent motion being due to earth rotation, you'd better get some slight astronomy update before you migrate to Mars... big_smile

#24 Re: Not So Free Chat » Bow Down Before Iran? » 2006-11-16 13:18:17

Solar power would work very well in the Middle East, but you don't see them trying to build solar power plants with the same gusto because you can't make bombs with them.

There is nothing to see between the power relased by a nuclear poxer plant ans solar power plants. You are not informed for the same amount of energy, solar is much more expensive. Iran isn't covered with deserts, it's not Saudia.

If they wanted our help they could have asked for it, threatening us, does not make us more likely to want to help.

?No; peoples like you listed Iran among the axis of evil and treated Iranians as ennemies; just as you do.

If they support terrorists, then they are terrorists, it is as simple as that.

Simplist ideas are the contrary of intelligence, I guess complex situations is out of reach of few neurons. … board.html

You know you are a propagandist, you seem much more interested in generating propaganda for the Iranians and their actions than in doing anything that would benefit our side.

The best way to benefit "your side" is to be realistic instead of remaining such ideologic as you are, when you attack so-called liberals or leftwing, just forgetting these liberals and left wings are your home citizens and allies.
The only thing that matters for me is efficiency, up to now, you're only speaking about striking ennemies, the other way is to reduce tensions, that costs much less energy, men lives and money, thats what your fellow citizens voted for.
If you understand this, then French and Europeans will have no other choice than to help USA and send troops in Iraq.
You can win all the wars you want within two weeks, that's useless if you're not abble to win peace after three years of a bloody mess.
You're supposed to win hearts and minds, all you say is just shanky.

#25 Re: Not So Free Chat » Bow Down Before Iran? » 2006-11-16 11:42:39

If they won it, Algeria would still be part of the French Empire. The war was undermined from within the French Society just like the Vietnam War was undermined by traitors in American society.

No, sir, De Gaulle was warned that if France was to keep Algeria as a part of France, with the algerian birth rate, France would have become algerian quite soon, therefore demographic studies convinced De Gaulle that it was much better to "give" independence to Algeria and quit it. No traitors in this case, and you see right now that USA hasn't real troubles with a communist Viet Nam which only desire is to grow its economy.

How do you know. Terrorists wouldn't drive cars packed full of explosives and blow themselves up either, that is not a rational assumption either. Terrorists would not fly airplanes into buildings because they would get killed, yet another rational assuption about the motivations of these people.

I've already told you that Paris has been the first city targeted by algerian suicide terrorists, they were defeated by police antiterrorist units.

You can't keep like a parrot saying that the government in charge of Iran is a bunch of terrorists, that's pure paranoia of yours, mixing and confusing it with terrorists is a mistake, that doesn't work.
Today, US authorities call the iranian government for a help to secure the iranian fronteer from terrorists infiltration, Iranians are not stupid, they know that their oil fields will have an end within 15 years, then they'll need nuclear power plants.
Like North Korea which want economic help, their attitude is chantage to extort financial help them to build nuclear power plants.
Doing this show they want peace, when a country has nuclear power plants, it becomes vulnerable to the power plants bombing.

You'd better open your eyes instead of seeing only war and devastation, and look at what's rationnal in your so-called ennemies' behaviour.

Don't be a parrot, be intelligent, please !

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