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#2 Re: Science, Technology, and Astronomy » Deep Impact Crashing mission - Comet Tempel 1 target » 2005-07-04 00:11:07

Just wondering if anybody else is watching this live? The ejecta is much bigger than expexted. Very exciting.

#3 Re: Unmanned probes » Spirit & Opportunity*4* - continue here » 2004-03-12 00:12:22

This is a HUGE crater. I'm thinking there could be some outcrops in it if they are as small/thin as the one Opportunity is examining now.

Looks like atamoid already posted the image with the heat shield and parachute locations. [ … 0123a.html]Here is the press release that has a link to the large (4 mb) version of this image.

I thought this was a pretty flat area and there would not be any change in elevation except the height of the crater rim. Is that the change in elevation you're refering to?

#4 Re: Unmanned probes » Spirit & Opportunity *3* - ...continued from previous threads » 2004-02-24 21:49:17

Anyone know when the next Nasa MER broadcast will be? Seems they are making their press briefings fewer and fewer.

Like Dr. K said the next one is on Thursday. At the last press conference they said that they are only going to be having 1 press conference a week and it will be on Thursday's at 10:00AM PST (1:00PM EST, 6:00PM UTC).

#5 Re: Unmanned probes » Spirit & Opportunity *3* - ...continued from previous threads » 2004-02-23 22:14:26

If you look at
[ … 33M2M1.JPG]
you will notice one spherule (under the double one) that shows two intersections.

If I look closely I see:

1. Some kind of a core
2. Some kind of fine veins between the core and the outer sections
3. Some kind of "cellular structure"

It looks very much similar to a plant intersection to me.

Is this just wishful thinking ? Are my eyes playing tricks to me ?
Anybody else with the same impressions ?

Yes, I see what looks to be a spherule that has been fractured. It's directly below the intact "double" spherule (for lack of a better term). I too see what looks to be a core and other fine features. This is REALLY exciting. I'm surprised nobody is talking about seeing inside a spherule. It's something we've all been waiting to see.

Regarding the thread everybody has been talking about.
Craig Covault of Aviation Week asked about the thread at last Thursday's press conferences. He said there were 3 pictures with threads in them. Steve Squyers spoke in detail about this for about 3 minutes describing the size etc.. He thinks it could be airbag material. He said he would be more interested if they found these threads far away from the landing site where they would be less likely to find airbag material. You can watch the whole press conference at the link below or you can fast-forward 32 minutes in to the press conference if you're just interested in the threads.


#6 Re: Unmanned probes » Spirit & Opportunity *3* - ...continued from previous threads » 2004-02-17 22:12:22

Although C-SPAN did not post the link to Tuesday's press conference, they did archive it.  Here's the link for everybody that missed it.
NASA Mars Rover Mission Briefing
Tuesday, February 17, 2004 - 36 minutes

The next news conference will be Thursday, February 19, 2004. They didn't give a time but I expect it would be 9:00AM or 10:00AM Pacific.

Your "W" story was pretty funny. I hope they go back to it and give it a closer look. Regarding the low hematite in the air bag marks, my guess is the hematite was pushed down in to the soil but it could be any of the things you listed. The fine particles of hematite are great, but I hope they find a big chunk of the stuff that they can study in more depth. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed.

#7 Re: Unmanned probes » Spirit & Opportunity *3* - ...continued from previous threads » 2004-02-12 23:45:25

For everybody that missed Thursday's MER Press Breifing, like me, C-SPAN did not archive it. But they are re-running it on C-SPAN2 at 4:13AM EST (1:13AM PST, 9:13AM UTC). That's about three and a half hours from now.

Hope everybody got to see it. The next news conference will be Tuesday, Feb 17, at 10:00AM PST (1:00PM EST, 6:00PM UTC).

#8 Re: Unmanned probes » Spirit & Opportunity *3* - ...continued from previous threads » 2004-02-12 01:01:51

The "W" shaped thing does look out of place on the outcrop. It looks as if it covers several layers, like it came long after the outcrop was formed. It has a thick, drooping appearance like lava or mud. I would like to see a close up of that. And thanks for the links especially to I think it will be a LOT easier getting all the new images now that I can get them all in one fell swoop. Thanks.

The link to the filename conventions is excellent. There is a LOT of good information there. I think it'll take me a couple of days just to read through it all. Thanks.

#9 Re: Unmanned probes » Spirit & Opportunity *3* - ...continued from previous threads » 2004-02-11 01:02:01

Any thoughts?

I just had an awful thought. What if the Hematite is just a very thin layer on the top of the Meridiani area and it came from an eruption or impact of a small area and was just recently deposited? Then what we thought was possibly a large area of water may actually be a much smaller area. Ugh!

#10 Re: Unmanned probes » Spirit & Opportunity *3* - ...continued from previous threads » 2004-02-10 23:50:55

NASA is being REALLY skimpy on the news conferences. It seems like only 2 or 3 a week now. There wasn't a news conference for Tuesday. The next one will be Thursday at 10:00AM pacific. I wish they'd do more.

Glad to see there is somebody else here that is playing with the images to get more out of them. I really like the sol 13 image you posted. It shows a lot of detail I have missed. I never thought about doing sequential images. Good job.

I meant to ask the other day, how did you get the parachute & backshell images before they were released in the press conference? That was good work. Care to share your inside sources?

I'm really glad to see all the activity in this thread. Spirit has 217 new images today and Opportunity has 64 new images. With all this stuff going on, I'm just wondering if anybody else is finding it hard to keep up with everything? Maybe I'm just slow.

#11 Re: Unmanned probes » Spirit & Opportunity *3* - ...continued from previous threads » 2004-02-09 04:22:22

Yes, this image is quite convincing! You are probably right.

Actually, I'm probably wrong. But it's interesting to think about what it means if they are in the outcrop. If the outcrop was formed by water and these things formed in the water, then that would be REALLY exciting. []Here's the same image with the objects circled.

#12 Re: Unmanned probes » Spirit & Opportunity *3* - ...continued from previous threads » 2004-02-09 03:32:44

1smlstp, another option is that the spherical object in the pic could have just fallen down the slope above the outcrop and left stuck in the crevice.

Good point arccos. I shouldn't jump to conclusions. I was looking at this image and it looks to me like there are two spheres inside the outcrop material. The first being about 1/4 of the way down from the top and in the center. The second about in the center of the image. Also there appears to be a sphere hanging upside down, and a little out of focus, about a quater way up from the bottom of the image. It's just behind the sort-of-spherical item that is partially lit by the sun/

[ … 33M2M1.JPG]It's easier to see in the larger image.

#13 Re: Unmanned probes » Spirit & Opportunity *3* - ...continued from previous threads » 2004-02-08 23:11:47

Thinking... those little spheres might be ejecta from volcanic eruptions... you know, lava explodes into the air as an almost-liquid, sets in the air as it falls, reaches the ground as round pellets... Could also be "mini tektites", Mars-rock splashed into the air by impacts which then fell back to the ground as mini-meteorites..? Or maybe just silicon beads like those seen in lunar soil by the Apollo astronauts... could be all kinds of things, I guess. Want more pics of them - well, of EVERYTHING really!

At least some of the spherical things seem to be imbedded in the outcrop and these things are falling out as the outcrop is eroded. That means these things were created as the outcrop was being formed. Here's a good picture.


You should check out the latest [ … _m015.html]microscopic imager images.

#14 Re: Unmanned probes » Spirit & Opportunity *3* - ...continued from previous threads » 2004-02-08 22:34:11

I've missed last press conferrence and I would like to know the schedule of nex one. Can someone help me?

Hi atajurk,
The next news conference is at 5:00PM UTC (12 noon EST, 9:00AM PST). Here's a link if you want to watch the one you missed.

The last couple of weeks of news conferences are archived at C-SPAN. See the "watch..." link below.

#15 Re: Unmanned probes » Spirit & Opportunity *3* - ...continued from previous threads » 2004-02-08 02:07:26

What the heck are all those little round pellets, has NASA commented on them? In the 3D pic, they are even stuck to the sides of the rocks.

Yes, they are as intrigued as all of us. Here's a link to the press conference where they talked about them. You have to have real player installed for the link to work.


These little spheroids are all over the place. Take a look.


You should take a look at the latest raw images at the Mars Rovers site because they have a bunch of new ones.


#16 Re: Unmanned probes » Spirit & Opportunity *3* - ...continued from previous threads » 2004-02-05 01:20:48

Dr. K,
I was just going to ask what physical area the above image represented and your links have that exact information. Thanks much. The AXCH site is excellent too.

I was thinking about the fineness of the soil too. It certainly could get that way from water erosion. I guess it could also get that way from the wind but it would take a LOT longer but I guess it has had millions of years either way.

Did anybody else notice that they're skipping another day between news conferences? I hope this isn't going to be the norm. I can't stand waiting that long between updates. The next one is Friday 10 AM Pacific.

I saw that Opportunity's images have been updated again today and Spirit's are still at sol 17. ARGH! There's a new pan cam image of what looks to be a bunch of those spherical rocks, whatever they are. At least it looks that way to me.
[ … 70L2M1.JPG]Here's a link to one of the new pictures. (262 Kb)

#17 Re: Human missions » Europe goes to the moon and Mars! - Human space flight.... » 2004-02-03 21:59:44

If both Europe and America are doing misions to the Moon and Mars, why not do a joint mission?

#18 Re: Unmanned probes » Spirit & Opportunity *3* - ...continued from previous threads » 2004-02-03 21:38:24

Ah yes, I see it now. I don't think I could have found that with out your help. Thanks. It does look strange doesn't it.

I can't get enough new images. They're excellent. I think the Spirit images are still a little behind. Spirit is on sol 31 and the images are still at sol 17 but there was a week plus of down time in there. I still can't wait until they get more images up.

Edit: thanks for pointing out the microsocpic imager images remcook. I especially like the one below.


The spherical objects in the upper right corner and center left are especially interesting. To a lay person like me, they look like vitrified rock that is common to impact craters. And since were in a crater that makes sense. I'm just surprised that that they haven't blown away or weathered.

#19 Re: Unmanned probes » Spirit & Opportunity *3* - ...continued from previous threads » 2004-02-03 05:06:58

Thanks very much for the link. I'm so glad they released the hi-res panorama. The huge number of bounce marks is incredible. The lander/rover must have been balanced perfectly in the center of the airbags for it to roll around so much in the crater.

In the [ … -A10R1.jpg]12 mb pan cam image, Cake is about the same size as Adirondack and about 6 Adirondack length's away and at the 8 or 9 o'clock position from Adirondack. That doesn't describe it very well, but it's to the left of Adirondack in the large pan cam image.

I have to agree that the team at JPL is great. When they first announced the problems with Spirit I thought it would never be running again. I'm so glad it's fixed.

The outcrop does look very layered and sedimentary to me. Not that I'm an expert though. Did you notice the dark rocks in the middle of the left most outcrop? They look like they may have been broken off the outcrop to me. They seem out of place.

Excellent analysis of the crater and outcrop. I was thinking it looked like the crater impact shattered the bedrock leaving the outcrop to be weathered, but I'm no expert. 

I'm new here just  like you. Hope you find this site as exciting and informative as I have. I can't seem to find your "-S-" feature. Is it a mark on one of the rocks or do the rocks form an -S-?

Not sure if everybody caught this, but there won't be a news briefing on Tuesday. The next one will be Wednesday at 10:00am pacific.

Looks like they updated the [ … unity.html]raw images for Opportunity. I don't know about you guys & gals, but I'm having a hard time keeping up now that both rovers are working.

For everyone interested, here's a [ … 11L2M1.JPG]hi-res image of the leaf/ piece of airbag /strange thing. Same image Stephen posted only bigger.

#20 Re: Unmanned probes » Spirit & Opportunity *3* - ...continued from previous threads » 2004-02-02 00:23:53

Hey Stu (I got it right this time) great images. That's a nice find. I tried looking for them myself to see what text explanation went along with them. I'm guessing they are pan cam images since one is in stereo. You wouldn't happen to have a link to the web page they were on would you? Congrats on your Mars fest event.

remcook, I'm with you. Opportunity is on sol 9 and the raw images section is still at sol 5. I hope they update it soon.

Shaun, thanks for the update. Stephen's leaf like thing does look out of place, maybe man made, like it came with the lander. If you look closely at it, it casts a small shadow like it's very thin similar to a candy wrapper or leaf. I'd like to know more about it.

Not sure if everybody got this yet but [ … 0201a.html]Spirit is fixed. Yeah!

#21 Re: Unmanned probes » Spirit & Opportunity *3* - ...continued from previous threads » 2004-02-01 05:42:23

Thanks Stuart. I'm just so glad I found the New Mars web site. You wouldn't believe how many space related forums there are on the net that don't have anybody talking about Spirit and Opportunity.

Josh, Thanks for the info. I knew the Maestro site had a forum but I didn't know about the IRC channel. I'll have to check it out. Thanks.

Not sure if anybody else does this, but I look at these Mars images for hours on end. At Gusev crater, I can tell pretty much where everything is in relation to the whole scene (having a complete panorama helps). But at Meridiana, there are a several images that are just the soil with no distinguising marks so it's hard to get my bearing especially since we don't have a full hi-res panorama yet. I've been trying to figure out where Stphens leaf like object is in relation to the outcrop but I haven't had any luck. I also tried to make my own panorama from all the indiviual images but that's been difficult because of the lack of identifiable object in the scene. Does anybody have any idea where that leaf like thing is in relation to the outcrop?

#22 Re: Unmanned probes » Spirit & Opportunity *3* - ...continued from previous threads » 2004-01-31 08:18:48

For everbody that missed it, NASA TV is playing highlights of the egress they showed earlier. And it looks like they'll show the images again. so tune in now if you missed it earlier.

Edit: [ … 0131a.html]And they have all the images up now.

#23 Re: Unmanned probes » Spirit & Opportunity *3* - ...continued from previous threads » 2004-01-31 06:28:32

Darn, I figured this might be the place where NASA people hang out. I think we need to tell them they should hang out here.

The hematite thing is great and it looks like a low temperature formation process possibly meaning water. smile

My favorite line from the press conference was when they were talking about the mechanical engineer that got to send the egress command and somebody said "One small click...". That was great.

They are going to replay the new conference and show the images at 5:30AM PST for anybody that missed it.

#24 Re: Unmanned probes » Spirit & Opportunity *3* - ...continued from previous threads » 2004-01-31 05:43:33

This makes me smile REALLY big... like Josh.

I wish I worked at JPL. So is anybody here a current or former NASA employee?

#25 Re: Not So Free Chat » Numerical Odyssey - Encoded Fibonacci Numbers » 2004-01-31 05:35:38

I saw an interview with Arther C Clark where he said it was the squares of the first 3 numbers, but he didn't sound too convincing.
1^2 = 1
2^2 = 4
3^2  = 9

I always thought it approximated (very roughly) a humanoid form.

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