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#1 Re: Unmanned probes » Genesis goes splat » 2004-09-10 17:02:03


There's always a smart arse that says use the search button, but I came on here and found what I was looking for straight away  (i.e - this thread).

If you're going go on about 2 other threads then just post  a link or shut up.

Even if I did search for 'genesis' on here, it doesn't neccessarily mean I would find the two threads you were talking about.

Why don't you just go on google and do a search for 'smartarse' then you'll learn more about yourself.

#2 Re: Unmanned probes » Genesis goes splat » 2004-09-10 13:24:51


I searched for the genesis splat also, and this was the only thread I found. To go through 25 forums on this website to find those 2 threads is a feat in itself.

According to the enquiry into last space shuttle crash, NASA got incredibly sloppy before 2003, so this could be another result of that.

Let's hope the next one comes in ok in 18 months time, the one that picked up 'stuff' from that comet.

people who worry about GM crops, should now sh@t bricks over this disaster. I don't worry about either.

"That video in Cindy's link, boy... "
which link???

#3 Re: Human missions » To the moon first... - then to Mars and asteroids... » 2004-01-17 12:42:57


postscript: don't take that last paragraph too seriously and start flaming me.

why would I need to flame you, I think your statement says everything about you, in fact you flame yourself by using it.

Anyway I can't flame your posts because they are so dull that I don't even bother to read them.

#4 Re: Space Policy » Bush Sets Wrong Goal? » 2004-01-15 16:36:16


I didn't listen to his whole speech, but in the time I was listening he didn't mention anything about a 'manned mission to mars'. It was more about the moon.

I can just see the headlines... 2020 - front page - Big Brother and pop idol winners wed (oh and page 56 - man back on moon)

#5 Re: Human missions » To the moon first... - then to Mars and asteroids... » 2004-01-15 16:23:35


back to the moon by 2020!! Fifty years and we're back where we started. After all the inventions of the last century how could this happen. Well, I know why - money, but it's a shame.

Arthur C Clarke and Patrick Moore were both hoping to live to see a man on Mars, they've got no chance now.

Will any of us live to see a man on mars?, I'm beginning to doubt it unless the can find and fix the aging gene.

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