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If you define down post-scarcity to mean "working 2 hours a day for basics" we're there now.
2hr x 365days x $7.25 = ~$5300. A 2 bedroom apartment with electricity, adequate internet and phone, air/heat, water, trash/recycling/sewerage would come in around $20,000/yr, and could provide *adequate* space for 8 people, or ~$2500 per person, leaving ~$55/week. BASIC food for a week (e.g. rice with flavoring, cooked by you) would be around $10. Figure another $10 for misc basic consumables (TP, cleaning supplies, clothes, etc). That leaves you $35/week or $1800/yr to buy books, games, better food, services, tools or other stuff to enjoy life without any additional economic activity. Want more? Work more, or sell stuff you enjoy making - but you don't NEED to, to enjoy life.
*I* would consider significant post-scarcity to mean a lot higher standard than that.
I'd describe it, in comparison to a typical modern life, as "enjoying a life that looks like a permanent weekend".
Not going on a permanent cruise or owning an island. But playing sports and eating well and engaging in a hobby and socializing, as a way of life. The provision of material needs would be so automated that any attention I give that is on the order of only occasional and rather enjoyable chores - e.g. a weekly shopping trip to re-fill the food fabber, or doing a repair to my solar roof with a new panel printed on my neighbor's big workshop nanofactory. Cleaning? My robots do most of that. It'd include a dozen modest trips a year, or choosing to instead save up for one or two 'big' vacations equivalent to what a hard working single person can afford today.
All this verbiage to describe missions is confusing.
Maybe it could be clarified by using a format something like the following? (Example is very simple and one-way, numbers are bogus. More complex examples would leave mass/equipment behind for subsequent phases.)
Mission: TotallyDirectToMar
LOCATION Mass Consisting of these components
Mass@Earth 800MT 1 heavy lift launcher, fuel, Mars transit vehicle fueled, etc etc
Mass@Mars Atm Entry 0
Mass@Mars sub-sonic 0
Mass@Mars Surface 0
** Launch direct from Earth's surface to Mars atmosphere entry, and <brief notes justifying/explaining the transition to next phase>
Mass@Earth 0
Mass@Mars Atm Entry 40MT 30MT fueled Lander, 10MT Aeroshield
Mass@Mars sub-sonic 0
Mass@Mars Surface 0
** Aerocapture to sub-sonic and <notes explaining why that should work>
Mass@Earth 0
Mass@Mars Atm Entry 0
Mass@Mars sub-sonic 30MT fueled lander, etc
Mass@Mars Surface 0
** Rocket landing and <why the fuel expended makes sense>
Mass@Earth 0
Mass@Mars Atm Entry 0
Mass@Mars sub-sonic 0
Mass@Mars Surface 8MT Lander, 3 crew, supplies, whatever
Yeah, it's a bit bulky, but it'd make it easier to compare mission profiles, especially when you're trying to explain what you think is wrong with someone else' scheme.
For crewed mission profiles, assume a pre-positioned hab with supplies, small nuke plant and small ISPP plant (rover fuel if nothing else).
A hazy thought - what if one built an aerobrake cone out of a mesh, perhaps of tungsten, to increase the drag to mass ratio?
My (again, hazy) impression is that a mesh will have drag rather higher than the actual material surface area would provide if it were a solid sheet.
Unclear if that carries over from dense gas at low velocities to thin gas at hypersonic velocity, however. I figure the effect arises from creating a standing pressure wave over the gaps in the mesh, and there has to be some means to transfer the force back to the mesh itself - which might not apply in high velocity, low density air.
A two level mesh might work better - the first splitting the air and forcing molecules that didn't collide into a more compressed stream, which would tend to increase collisions with a second layer of mesh lying behind the gaps in the front mesh. The separation of the two layers might need to vary with velocity and density of atmosphere however? And that still may not work well in extremely thin air, as it relies on collisions between air molecules to form the compressed streams.
Something similiar might be done for parachutes to improve their efficiency - since for Mars the mass of the chute becomes a significant (though not major) component of the mass being braked. Since they'd be used at lower velocity and in higher density air, the increased drag effect might apply better.
Anyone have sufficient aerodynamics background to nix this?
I didn't find their argument conclusive.
The extra dV to Phobos is significant, I agree - though they could go do Deimos first, study it a bit, then go on to Phobos - much increased value for not much extra dV.
The slight increase in Mars surface coverage isn't terribly significant - and if it were, putting up a small relay sat could give you fuller surface coverage.
Near continuous solar power is nice - but losing only about 3 hours of sunlight a day on Phobos doesn't seem like that big a deal - charge some batteries when everyone is sleeping - you'll need them anyhow to handle varying loads.
The increased lag to Deimos won't be a big deal for the level of robots we'll have by their proposed mission date. But it does make remote telepresence far less convincing, I suspect a humanoid telepresence robot wandering around on Mars giving crew members much of the feeling of "being there" would make a near-Mars mission far more popular on Earth. And being in a lower orbit also makes a telescope aimed at Mars that much more useful - e.g. for weather and season studies.
The longer duration exposure to one Mars site doesn't seem like a big deal - two 3 hour shifts working two sites on opposite sides of Mars is probably about right before turning over to the next crew shift.
And of course, the big bonus would lie in exploring Phobos itself - far more interesting than Deimos. You're going all that way and landing on one of two moons - and you pick Deimos mainly because "the light is better there"? Sounds like the punchline of an old joke...
I posted this in another discussion of Phobos, but it probably belongs here:
I keep seeing quotes (E.g. Wikipedia, but other sources also) that Phobos' L1 point is 2.5km over Stickney crater.
But shouldn't L1 be directly between the moon and Mars?
And Stickney is on the "Western" limb of Phobos as seen from Mars, right?
Could it be that they are actually thinking about L4 ? Or am I missing some aspect of the orbital mechanics involved?
I keep seeing quotes (E.g. Wikipedia, but other sources also) that Phobos' L1 point is 2.5km over Stickney crater.
But shouldn't L1 be directly between the moon and Mars?
And Stickney is on the "Western" limb of Phobos as seen from Mars, right?
Could it be that they are actually thinking about L4 ?
Or am I missing some aspect of the orbital mechanics involved?
Given how small Phobos is, seems like staying in orbit at L1 would make sense, where you could spin for gravity while still getting most of the radiation shielding of Phobos and Mars. Or maybe a solar synchronous orbit, since that seems to be the major concern in the UT proposal. Can't take advantage of piled up regolith for more shielding that way, of course. But the crew will want to get out and explore Phobos' surface anyhow, and getting to the surface is extremely easy - so perhaps the crew could split their time between surface and orbital bases, with most of the high power-consuming equipment staying in orbit?
Using a "SkyCrane" type landing system, after ejection from an aeroshell, and after having been slowed down sufficiently, a "Cargo" of "Chain" could be released, to depend below the "SkyCrane". The upper set of links would be of the strongest matrials, and below that progressively weaker materials.
Strong metals, weak metals, plastics, edible materials.
Strapped on to the skycrane could be an inflatable shelter, or not, something that needs a greater degree of protection.
As the assembly was deployed, the chain would be too heavy for the "SkyCrane" to have any hope of landing it gently, rather the decent would be very rapid.
I'm not sure what benefit you see, of using a chain. Unless you've already expended enough fuel to effectively land, this approach will either be far up and high potential energy, or modest altitude but high horizontal velocity.
The former might represent some savings - but has already solved the basic problem of killing horizontal velocity before crashing. The latter might get the remaining lander mass low enough for a soft landing - but you'll have spread the raw materials out over at least tens if not hundreds of kilometers.
And both of them seem to require expending more time and likely fuel due to the chain taking time to unspool.
If you're going to go with crash landing materials, it seems better to just keep it simple and crash the whole craft, braking shield and all. Send a separate craft for soft-landing.
Now you might make that payload be a chain or cable. When it hits, it'll still fragment - but big chunks of it would likely remain intact, which should make it easier to find and retrieve. And "long and thin" will be easier to feed into a solar furnace's focal point.
An interesting article on auto-rotation as an alternative for Mars landing.
It seems to focus on fairly small payloads, however.
An even more extreme "assemble on Mars" approach to reduce the problems of landing stuff on Mars: bootstrapping.
Crash-land payloads of raw materials near the first site - probably designing the raw materials payloads to shatter on impact for easier handling. This requires aerobraking and some guidance, to crash near the first site, but only small rockets to control the flight path, and no parachutes and no need to land intact using powerful rockets. More useful mass deposited.
Using the same methods used for Mars rovers, deposit small robots, automated production tools, some electronics for the base life support equipment, etc. Maybe use five landers - lose any 2 and the mission can continue, though hampered.
The human crew would move to Phobos and teleoperate robots on Mars to gather the raw materials and produce bigger tools, which in turn would be used to produce most of the base (by mass). (If the equipment landing failed, the crew could briefly explore Phobos, and then return to Earth.)
After about 2 years of Mars base-building, a 2nd mission would arrive with a Mars lander or landers for the first settlement team. It would also bring more crew and equipment to expand the Phobos base down to Stickney Crater (for better radiation protection - orbital crew would switch between the two locations for average lower radiation exposure and occasional artificial gravity).
The bootstrap packages are certainly the biggest question mark - what to include for fastest and most secure bootstrap. The crash landers don't try to solve the hard problem of landing big masses on Mars efficiently - just slowing down and maybe guidance to a desired crash site. The crew lander would take a brute force approach - making it somewhat easier, though "expensive". In essence, more mission mass would be concentrated on getting humans down safely, at the expense of needing to spend longer in orbit, building up equipment on the surface.
One possible bonus of this approach - with plenty of fuel capacity, the lander could be capable of return to orbit, after re-fueling.
TwinBeam: Are you actually proposing they build the pressure vessels of a habitat from plastic-film and support hoops? Cause that's what you would be dealing with given 1 mt of cargo at a time. The Mercury capsule was just over a mt and they said it was 'worn' not 'ridden'. Your EVA work hours are far too low to achieve a construction project of any magnitude, building a barn on the Earth takes longer then that.
Your later post is correct, this is getting off topic. But please allow me to add some data to my previous post to explain, since it is key to the question of HOW to land things, and you are still objecting to the feasibility of the "multiple smaller deliveries and assemble" approach.
I took 25mT of mass from Zubrin's hab sketch, and assumed a design based on twenty five modular, folding, 1mT shipments of maybe 250 components, well designed for ease of assembly (e.g. all connectors built in - very few separate nuts and bolts).
200 sq-m steel building construction kits with a LOT more components and manually added nuts and bolts, take about 1.2 man-hr per sq meter to build on Earth, where components weigh at least 2.5x more.
So figure about 2 man-hr per sq-m on Mars, not counting tele-operated robotic assistance that does any heavy lifting.
A hab 8m across -~50sq-m - should take around 100 man-hr, or about 9 days for a crew of two.
So, having estimated this from several angles now (kit buildings on Earth, EVA construction of ISS), 2 weeks seems like a reasonably good ball-park estimate for the structure and basic air and power supply. A week or maybe two more to finish the interior and robotically bury it for shielding.
Re: RGClark:
Building the ISS for 25mT and 5mT chunks took a crew of three the better part of 10 years, with long stretches of time unmanned at first, and very frequent resupplies. Not to mention a shitload of EVA's and constant telerobotic operation of most of the station systems form the ground. Just to put things in perspective, there are just not enough man-hours in a whole martian campaign with several missions to set up all the stuff the first mission will require to be operational as soon as they land or shortly afterwards. That is why mission planners want to land one-piece independent habitats that can work as a standalone through the entire mission and do so from the minute it touches down, and that is why that mass kind of drives the landing system requirements.
About 160 components were added to ISS in an equal number of EVAs - 1000 person-hours of EVA activity. So about 6 person-hours per component, in weightlessness, where things take 2x to 3x longer than they did in training on Earth. Those modules would each be about the same mass as one Mars hab. But let's assume that number of components is the key variable, keep the 6 hours per component figure, and assume about 25 one-ton modules landed - 15T of structure, 10T of equipment to install. Assembly time about 150 person-hours with the use of a small crane. Assuming teams of 2 in suits and tele-robotic support by 2 more crew operating from orbit or inside a lander, about 75 work hours - perhaps three weeks. Not too bad if you're going to be there for a year. The crew would probably need an inflatable "construction shack" to rest in.
Also the hab would likely be air-tight, and filled with air after the first 2 weeks, and just need "shirt-sleeve" indoors finishing work for the last week, while tele-robotic earth movers finish burying the hab for shielding.
If the "log cabin" or some similar in situ resource usage scheme were used, the site might be cleared and all the "logs" filled tele-robotically before landing, potentially shaving the out-door work phase to 1 week or at least avoiding making it take longer on the surface, while probably shaving the landed mass to under 20T including the additional construction equipment required (e.g. a "log filler/packer").
Splitting up the Crew while seemingly an attractive solution to the current mass limitations on EDL it is a huge multiplier for lose of crew and mission. Also the surface habitat will almost certainly need to be monolithic or very near that and it's mass is going to drive the EDL tech, if we can't land a suitable habitat then theirs no mission even if Scotty could 'beam' them down. Once we possess the EDL tech for the habitat, the crew is a rounding error.
Splitting the crew might multiply the chance of losing one crew member - but greatly reduces the chance of losing the full mission.
Assume equal 5% chance of a fatal crash for a 4 person lander versus each of four 1 person landers. Chance of killing all 4 crew is 5% for 4 person, but only 0.000625% for 4 separate landers. Of course, the chance of ANY crew dying is 5% for 4 person, versus about 18.5% for 4 separate landers.
So which would you rather have - a 5% chance of all 4 crew dying, or a ~20% chance that 3 crew will have to carry on after one dies?
I'd be willing to bet that if all 4 died, it'd be at least a decade delay, if ever we went back. If one died? Global mourning and pride in the bravery of the other 3, and "we must carry on to show his sacrifice was not in vain" - while in the background engineers scramble to fix the specific problem revealed, so the next landers each have only a 3% chance of a fatal crash.
And that's before considering that a one person lander MIGHT be safer, if you make the heat shield the same radius as the four person lander, since it should get far more aerobraking value, and so have more fuel reserve for control and landing. You'd end up putting more total mass into human landers, but split 4 ways each lander will have more margin for error.
Regarding the hab: I don't think it does need to be monolithic. If you send it down in parts and teleoperate robots from Phobos to assemble and test it, you've gotten away from that requirement.
Even better, just send down structural supports and long skinny air-tight sandbags for the robots to fill and weave between inner and outer structural supports and cement together before burying the whole thing. Early Martians could live in "log cabins", like earlier pioneers.
Answering TwinBeam in post number 117 above:
I think I understand what you were proposing. Using rocket thrust as lift to hold the entry vehicle in a flat trajectory long enough to slow down. Yes, that would work. However, if you have a blunt heatshield facing into the slipstream, and you tip the top edge forward a few degrees, you can generate a lift force comparable in magnitude to your drag force during the real hypersonics. That's lift without rocket thrust at all. It works down to around Mach 4-ish, with most any blunt shapes.
Assuming a L/D of 0.2, a capsule starts falling when drag force goes below about 2g's (4m/s^2 / 0.2 = 20m/s^2) - no point using rocket before that, as you get free lift to stay in the air and get free braking.
Assuming a 30T, 8m diameter vehicle, and getting low enough that air density is around 0.01kg/m^3, at 2g's you'd still be clipping along at about 1430m/s.
If you're going to rocket decelerate at constant 2g's beyond that point, you need another 72 seconds with average rocket deceleration of 1g (+ avg 1g aerobraking) to kill horizontal velocity - about 720m/s deltaV equivalent.
Assuming an average of 2m/ss falling acceleration (4m/ss minus average 2m/ss aerodynamic lift), you'd be heading down at 144m/s if you did no vertical braking. So rocket braking at 2g (net 1.6g after gravity, 16m/ss), you'd need to slow the fall for another 9 seconds - 180m/s more. Total 900m/s effective delta-V.
If on the other hand you use the rocket purely for lift from 2g drag (20m/ss) down to 0.4g (4m/ss), you'll have shed all but 450m/s horizontal velocity, or 980m/s shed before it's cheaper to use the rocket to brake. Average aerodynamic lift of 0.2*(12m/ss avg drag accel) = 2.4m/ss average lift, so average of 1.6m/ss rocket acceleration needed to stay at a fixed altitude. With average of 12m/ss avg deceleration, that's 980/12 = 82sec at 1.6m/ss for 130m/s rocket deltaV. Then rocket brakes at 1.8g avg (2g with 0.2g avg drag) for another 23sec - 400m/s deltaV. And it's falling at 90m/s after that, so another 5.6sec at 2g (net 1.6g) to kill that, for 110m/s more deltaV. Total net of 640m/s rocket effective deltaV.
Or about 30% less rocket acceleration required.
@Glandu - thanks for the link. Yes that goes in the direction I indiated - except I'm thinking to take it even further for the human landers - land ONE human at a time, not two.
@Rune and others - with Internet Explorer 9, right clicking on the link brings up Translate with Bing. (Google has an equivalent.) Very readable translation for the most part.
@GW - I'm a little frustrated - you don't seem to be catching the essence of my proposal, namely: Use a rocket NOT in-line-of-flight to slow down, and NOT to get lower faster - but rather aimed at the surface, to SLOW the rate of descent - to maximize the net benefits of aerobraking. When the value of aerobraking falls below the value of rocket braking at the same thrust level being used to slow your descent, switch over to rocket braking. So long as aerobraking is yielding more deceleration than the rocket thrust needed to stay aloft longer, it's a net win.
The real "out of the box" solution is to do rocket braking at low thrust during the entry hypersonics, and during the chute deceleration to subsonic, so that you are ready for a high-thrust landing from a suitable altitude, instead of from below the surface! (ha ha)
GW - I'm curious why you think it would be better to brake with rockets simultaneous with aerobraking - thereby reducing the time and net benefit of aerobraking - rather than using rockets to slow the vertical component of your descent, to prolong and maximize deceleration from aerobraking. And eventually braking with rockets to kill the remaining horizontal motion and land.
Also - is there any inherent benefit to using a single heavier lander, rather than, say, a dozen smaller landers with higher surface area to mass ratios (i.e. better aerobraking)? All I can think of, is that it is "all or nothing" - if it makes it down safely, the heavy lander delivers all the needed mass to one location. Smaller landers will need more heatshield mass, but less fuel mass. The "or nothing" downside seems like a big gamble, especially compared to making "safe as possible" lander(s) for humans, and "acceptable risks" landers for equipment.
Actually, I've been wondering if we haven't gotten so caught up in landing decent-sized habs for long-duration missions, and multi-person human landers, that we aren't missing another "back in the box" approach. I.e. send down much smaller packages using simpler methods, and rely much more on building and putting things together on the surface. (This fits in with the idea of staying in orbit for a while and using tele-robotics to set things up, before descending.)
Most of the mass of a mission would be dropped as modest quantities of raw materials in simple but useful form, and would descend using only aerobraking and parachutes, and airbags for things you care about damaging. The idea being to provide raw materials in easy to use forms, instead of finished products, as much as possible. Think more like "empty sandbags" than "hab wall plates". Inflatables and patches, not metal sheets. Slabs of plastic to melt and extrude for pipes. Etc.
Humans would land individually in small "landing frames" - focusing all mass on getting them down safely and on target. It'd be unpressurized, with the human explorer in a pressure suit and carrying some survival gear in case the craft lands off course and needs to be retrieved. It might well follow Luis' approach of killing most orbital velocity using rockets, then descending sub-sonic with parachutes and using canted rockets for a soft landing. Or it could rely on aerobraking in a shell, followed by parachute and rockets - riskier but cheaper. Maybe a mix - rockets for humans and test landings before sending down humans, aerobraking otherwise.
As small landing frames would be cheaper per unit, a dozen could be tested by landing other important and somewhat fragile equipment, before the first human goes down. If one does fail with a person on board, you don't lose your entire crew - it's a tragedy but not a disaster for the mission (though if it's the first human to descend, it may mean a mission abort). Once down, the landing frame becomes a resource to be disassembled - support struts become support beams for structures, cryoliquid storage tanks and electronics are put to use, etc. Or take off the rockets and attach wheels to make a rover or tractor.
Well, people often end up saying that to me..."well, yes you could..." To which I respond - well why not? You then reduce the problem to simply getting enough fuel into LEO, which is probably a lot cheaper than developing new landing systems - which might take ten years, and involve hundreds possibly thousands of people being employed on the project. My approach in any case would be to have a pretty small descent craft and rely on supplies pre-landed for life support once you get to the surface. By making the descent craft fairly small, you reduce the problem to a manageable size.
So are you talking about entering the Mars atmosphere at a narrower angle so you pass through more atmosphere? Doesn't that create problems in terms of heat shield protection?
Hey, I get it - you're doing what everyone else here is doing - trying to think outside the box. The only thing is, you've started by looking at some (once) out-of-box (but now kind of conventional) solutions and then noticed the virtues of the basic "inside the box" solution - essentially "send a big rocket, slow down out of atmosphere, stay relatively slow all the way down - and you can avoid many of these complex issues and systems".
And that is correct - the problem with a big rocket isn't so much technical as it is political. It requires much larger chunk of money to build and launch. So most alternative solutions focus on spending smaller amounts over longer periods to develop less brute-force approaches, leading to still expensive but hopefully more tolerable build and launch costs. The latter has the problem that you may have to wait decades with low-level R&D going on, before you get tech good enough to convince those holding the purse strings that the more affordable mission is practical. On the other hand, because it is more affordable, you may then be able to sustain a longer series of missions; maybe even indefinitely long - i.e. settlement. You'll notice that we do NOT have a lunar colony - politically it was decided that we could not afford to sustain, let alone scale up, Apollo - or at least that the value of doing so was not worth it.
As to my specific tweak of the aerobraking plus rockets proposal - it would initially come in at about the same angle as any aerobraking entry, but by slowing only descent with rockets, would end up taking a shallower angle that does indeed pass through more atmosphere - but a controlled path that keeps heat shield demands within the limits of what it can handle, but not lower. I.e. get maximum value out of aerobraking.
Musk and GW here also have been talking in terms in cantered thrust, which might well make all the difference. Plus a more obvious point: why can't you slow down your craft with reverse thrust way before you hit the atmosphere? And, also, some orbital capture might be part of the solution.I think NASA has in the past been overstating the difficulties (to excuse its own lack of action and perhaps to put off other space agencies) without actively investing in solutions and lots of commentators have been mesmerised by the negative stuff, taking it at face value. There's no doubt it's a difficult problem, but so was getting people into space and landing on the Moon in 1959. Ten years later people were walking on the Moon.
I don't think you quite got the difference of what I was proposing. Musk and GW's plan has been to use rockets fired at an angle to slow the craft, while avoiding turbulence. I presume their thought is to aerobrake AND use rockets to slow down quickly, then use rockets for the rest of the way down. You could do that, but basically the sooner you slow down, the less deceleration due to drag, and the more you need to use rocket power to slow down.
What I proposed is to use rockets only to control descent, keeping the drag at a roughly constant level as long as possible - until it has slowed so much that drag force has become less than 0.4g, while not falling below some safe altitude - perhaps a kilometer up. All the way up to that point, you will have been getting a net benefit from aerobraking, over the cost of using your rocket. This approach maximizes the free deceleration of aerobraking.
As to slowing before entering the atmosphere - yes, of course you could - but again at the expense of relying much more on rocket power. And more rocket power means more mass, more mass to be sent all the way from Earth at higher cost in dollars, or higher cost to other stuff you could otherwise have brought.
Have you all seen this? … ed-planet/
It basically says that you can't land a large manned vehicle on Mars with the standard heat shield-parachute-thruster combination because the heat shield can't be large enough to slow the vehicle down to Mach 2 (when you can deploy parachutes) before you hit the ground. The atmosphere is too thin. But it's too thick to fire thrusters straight ahead of you at Mach 2+ because the exhaust plume is too dynamic and the resulting shaking could shake your vehicle apart. It advocates a "hypercone," a big inflatable structure, at Mach 5, to slow down the ship. I suppose a super-large heat shield, assembled in Earth orbit, would do it as well; that possibility is hinted at.
Rather than use your rockets to slow you down, why not use a rocket pointed DOWN to keep you aloft while aerobraking at 2g or so? Assuming you are coming in nearly horizontally, you only need 0.4g acceleration to maintain a given altitude, so this should still be a net gain.
And you don't need 0.4g of "lift" acceleration for most of it, as you want to keep dropping at a pace that maintains the aerobraking fairly constant as long as possible, and when deceleration falls below about 0.4g, start a controlled descent with parachutes and rockets, from a modest altitude, sufficient to leave time to kill your remaining horizontal component before landing.
Speaking Tours for returned Mars explorers. Put them under contract before they go to Mars. They get a living stipend and maybe a cut of the fees, with a requirement that they spend at least 2 years immediately after return "on the circuit" giving speeches and presentations and asking rich people for money. With a rate schedule varying from perhaps $25000 to speak to a large auditorium full of school kids, to $1M for a buddy-buddy presentation with some self-promoting star or politician. Plus they can ask for grants/funding for new missions.
Virtual speaking tours FROM Mars. Use holographic projection recorded on Mars (may actually be 3D graphics from motion recording, for cost reasons. Audience can record questions about an hour in advance of the Q&A session, and get "live" answers to validate to the audience that this isn't JUST a canned recording. Part of this experience must be that the explorers see their audience - especially those who asked questions. These might be big media events more like concerts. (Heck, maybe send along a famous performer and let them perform concerts from Mars.) Can also pair "live from Mars" presentations with a returned Mars explorer to give a better experience and extend the value of both live and virtual speeches. E.g the live explorer talks while the audience waits for their recorded questions to be selected and sent to Mars and transmitted back to Earth along with the explorer's answers. So the questioner gets the experience of their image having been sent to Mars and back as a bonus!
Figure an average of $200K per speech (including the cheap ones to school kids), average of 1 per day (some days with more than one, some days off). Maybe could keep that going for 2 years - about $150M income. Add sales of official Mars merchandize (T-shirts, hats, jackets, patches, flags, coins, spoons, etc) - overprice most of it with explanation that it all goes to support the Mars effort, and you could probably pull in $10M - $20M.
Personally signed prints of photos taken on Mars. Signed books.
Due to the need to reduce risks, manned launches should cost substantially more than un-manned.
How much more?
We can't fairly compare the mixed-payload shuttle to anything. So how about the relative costs of the up-coming "back to the moon" architecture? Two rockets, one manned, one un-manned, both developed in the same time frame with access to the same technologies.
Of course, even that is likely skewed - NASA will continue to focus on maximum performance at the expense of both cost and reliability, and attempt to make up for it with an army of inspector/technicians for both.
Suppose we could tolerate losing 1 (expendible) cargo rocket and payload every 20 launches, with no more than 10% increase in average launch cost. I.e. assume the cargo is on average equal in cost to the rocket and other launch costs. If we start shipping fuel/O2 into space for space tugs and such, that's likely an over-estimate.
How much cheaper might commercial cargo launch costs get in that case, through making the rocket simpler (if somewhat lower performance) and eliminating most of the army of technicians?
For manned launches, on the other hand, we'd really like no more than 1 in 1000 to fail, and there's no way NASA will drop the army there. Does a 50x better launch survival rate equate to a 50x higher cost? 5x? 2x?
Might as well forget "Moon and Mars".
The Democratic president elected in 2008 will throw out Bush's "vision", slash NASA's budget, and order it to re-focus on a vision of "Earth Centric Space" or "Earth First" - monitoring global warming, etc. If we're lucky, the popular robotic probes and space telescope programs won't be cut.
Then, perhaps as soon as 2009, a mass of papered-over problems will tumble upon us in a rapid, domino-like cascade. The 2010's will likely be hell for the US and the world, and dreams of Mars will be set even further aside.
I'd say one element would be that the private effort would need to be wholly robotic, at least initially. Minimize mass and consumables that need to be sent to the moon. Leverage remote-control of semi-smart robots, to get many of the benefits of having humans on location, with somewhat poorer "interactivity" but present for a much longer span of time.
It's not unlikely that the robots could be built "free" - volunteer workers, with corporate sponsorship - at least during a phase that focuses on scientific research. Since there'd be zero chance of profit, they could go beyond pure research, to look at industrial processing on the moon, experiments with in situ resource exploitation, etc. Team up with universities and maybe also highschools.
why not just use the aluminum dust suspended in LOX thats already been tested? A presure fed engine would work alright on the moon, assuming you had a strong enough tank.
I think liquid AL as fuel would be simpler - no pre-mixing to get right. It should be a bit safer - no chance that a spark or blow-back will ignite the fuel at an inappropriate time or place - e.g. during fuel mixing. It might get a bit more thrust, since it starts out about 700 degrees hotter. There'd be no requirement of getting the AL dust powder grains to a specific fine-ness in order to assure a clean fast burn.
So I guess I'd ask the question the other way around - why bother mixing LOX and AL powder? It's not going to make a simpler rocket, I suspect - possibly more complex. And I also suspect that any pumps or valves would get a lot of wear from AL in LOX flowing through - hurting potential re-useability.
I don't think there would be a Bernoulli effect; this is a rocket being launched on the moon, in a vacuum. The aluminum will be in a vacuum unless there is gas prssure in the tank pushing it out of the tank and mixing with it as it flows.
Hmm - I didn't think the Bernoulli effect depended on gas pressure "from behind"? If so, yes, I suppose it'd be necessary to add a source of gas pressure.