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#1 Re: Human missions » MoneyDirect to NASA - how much would you give? » 2004-01-10 13:37:04

Hmmm, no option for "none"?   Listening to CNN yesterday and the question of funding, it occurred to me that we could fund this project, or a good part of it, if we stopped flushing money down the toilet of Israel.   We GIVE them BILLIONS of dollars every year and all they do is stir up problems (why do you think we are now the target of terrorists?   Much of it has to do with our queer relationship with Israel where we receive nothing in return)   Further, we pay billions to Egypt because we give money to Israel (Camp David Accords under Carter).

How about a petition to government saying they can just shift the money we currently give to a nation that attacked and killed Americans on the USS Liberty (38 Americans killed and more wounded by Israel - meanwhile, Iraq has NEVER attacked us) and spend it more wisely on NASA?

Stop funding religious kooks in the Middle East (both sides - look at Israel's flag - it is a theocracy!) and keep the money in the US.

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