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Anyways, I think we should take maximum risks.
Send crew at the same time as the first Earth Return Vehicle will be sent.
Cause even if the Earth Return Vehicle turns out not to work (unlikely), then the next crew would be sent to Mars at the same time as the new Earth Return Vehicle.
So all Astronauts are risking is staying on Mars for 4 years instead of only 2 years.
So again, what I think is wrong in Zubrin's Mars Direct is that the Earth Return Vehicle needs to be sent 2 years before the crew. I say, as soon as we have the equipment to send an Earth Return Vehicle, we should also be able to send the first crew!
Now I am updating [] with NASA press briefings.. still not much very high quality video on the page.. so I hope to find some stuff to encode soon..
Definately the first crew to Mars should be warned that there is a Good chance they will have to stay on Mars for 4 years. For the simple reason that we cannot be certain the ERV will work.
So the big Adventure for them might be traveling on Mars for long distances to find the ERV which might not successfully land close enough to the Mars Ascent Vehicle and Laboratory.
Like they might have a pressurized Rover on Mars, but it might not be able to travel all the way between Lander Module, LAboratories, Cargo with extra Food, Water, Spare Parts, and Earth Return Vehicle..
I believe we should send several crews at the same time, specially the first time.
I wonder though if on the travel between Earth and Mars if it is easy for the spaceships to dock to eatch other.. I mean in case one craft has a problem if one other craft easilly will be able to maneuver to dock to another craft so the crews can eigther change craft or just for the sake of having extra company during the 6 months travel between Earth and Mars...
Also the crews might run into problems traveling on Mars to go visit the other crews, or if one team has a problem how the other crews will be able to help..
This would possibly be one big part of the Adventure.
I guess we will be able to learn alot from the Spirit Rover, as the scientist now have a plan to make it travel a distance of over 3 kilometers on Mars!! Even though it was designed to travel only 600 meters during its 3 months long expected working time.
I don't believe there is anything after Death. Though I believe there still are humans after death and all humans combined form one bigger network of brains which I believe we all live for.
I believe though Robert Zubrin should use a combination of suicide mission into his Mars Direct plan.
For the simple reason of saving 2 years, I think the crews should be sent to Mars at the same time as the cargo (ERV: Earth Return Vehicle) and possibly more Nuclear Power PLant, Laboratories and more provisions like Food, extra Water, extra hydrogen, equipment and so on..
So I believe it is WRONG to spend 2 years just to make sure the Earth Return Vehicle on the surface of Mars works in that it successfully is making propellant mixing Hydrogen and Methane from the Marssian athmosphere.
Astronauts should be sent to Mars as soon as we are able to lift the kind of heavy-lifts like the ERV and Cargo. And they will just have to trust that they will be able to make all this ERV work, that they will land on Mars successfully and close enough to the Cargo and ERVs, that if they don't make the ERV work they will know that they will have to wait for new fixed ERV and new Rescue Team (like in Brian De Palma's "Mission To Mars") which won't arrive before 2 years and 4 months after they arrived, and that they would know they probably would have to stay on Mars even 2 more years together with the new crew.
So I definately think we should add some risks to the Mars Direct plan. Simply because we are allready investing so much when we do decide to send the ERV and Cargo to Mars that it won't be much more of a risk for Humanity also to send the Crews at that same time.
2 years, everytime we wait for a Earth-to-Mars opportunity, is ALOT of time for all 6 billions of Humans to wait before we understand more about the Universe.
Thanks for checking out the page and helping allready with links! is updated..
I think NAsa might not have any policy concerning people linking directly to some video files on their huge servers..
Though I haven't looked into it at all.. maybe it says somewhere on their Headquarters website..
For now I link to some files directly on Esa and Nasa websites..
But for now there are only 3 people visiting the website anyways.. so for now let's just put all kinds of links.. and assume no one can sue for copyrights when it's Space stuff.
For now I didn't get reply from MarsSociety people.. I just expect they are gonna be cool about putting all their videos and I hope someone at MarsSociety will like the idea and link to the site.. then I hope there will be a system with more than 3 visitors, everything running on peer-to-peer, millions of gygabytes of data transfered.. Several dedicated webmasters with Passwords can automatically update the website with more videos.. everyone working together over somekind of forums.. and so on..
Thanks definately a cool idea!
I'll try to contact Zubrin at the website and hopefully I'll get an answer fast..
No matter the speed of the answer, I think there's gonna be some cool Mars DivX on by tomorrow.. So check back!
RxKe.. I'm sure I can find some Mars video which I would be allowed to put on the internet..
Even though it is maybe just a little difficult doing the checking out of copyrights..
I have some MarsSociety cool documentary.. I'll try put it up and give the link to someone at MarsSociety to check out and hopefully I can get somekind of arrangement that it's totally ok as long as my page is non-profit and just about generating more interest in Mars and MarsSociety, I guess that's the point here with MarsSociety.
Ecrasez l'infame, yeah for now I link to this thread in but check back on that adress like tomorrow or soon I'll have my first High Quality Mars Videos up there to download.
I'll try and see if I can put up alot of Apollo videos there without NASA website copyright being angry.
ok this forum doesn't seem to have much activity.. I think we need to change this..
Millions of people should be wanting latest info and discussions about Mars.
check out and see what happens on that adress..
I think I will try and put alot of Mars Movies and Videos in high quality on my website.. so check back soon or post here what you think would be a good idea to put on such a website.
I dunno if I will be able to talk with MarsSociety but I'd like to put some of their video on the page.. from that Ares3 CD which they had sent everyone of their members once a year or something.. So I got some of that video and will encode to DivX and put forward on my new website tomorrow.
I will start a small kind of forum on the website also so everyone can supply the videos that will be hosted on 100's Gygabyte traffic servers and launch peer-to-peer distribution of 1mbit/s video.
I been Mars Society member for over 3 years or so.. I forgot to pay my yearly student-priced membership the last couple of years though..
HEre is the solution how you're gonna get the a lot and maybe enough people interested in Mars to force the next American president to order NASA send Humans to Mars in 2008.
Eyes on Mars looks very very good:
so are the Mp3s on:
OK, what needs to be done is to get NASA to record all the upcomming Mars Rover coverage, and encode all the old Apollo lunar missions Archive, and I mean every single minute they got in video format and the best documentaries.
Now take all that video, encode it to world-famous DivX codec, then the video is DVD-quality. Then put the whole thing on the internet. Mars Society and somekind of NASA internet-project fund can probably spend the first 10's thousands bucks for the first few terrabytes of bandwidth to spread the videos well around..
Then peer-to-peer technology will enable millions of internet users to experience this fun of Mars-documentary/Rober-coverage/Apollo-archives, that is the best possible entertainment you can provide people.
And so alot of people haven't ever yet experienced video on the internet. This Space-Stuff video will be so popular, it'll be as popular as Napster and Mp3's in the last few years.. It'll be the first video-experience on the internet for millions of internet broadband users.
Now this is how you earn millions $ also distributing stuff like the Eyes on Mars documentarys. You let as many people download it as possible, just make sure you put in the credits and release a plug-in for Windows Media Player so viewers are incited to drop by a credit-card payment website to pay up the suggested donation of 1$, which amount people can change to 10$ or 1000$ as they please.. they'd have seen the video and people can understand what it's about..
Important and easy would be for MarsSociety to release all the Mars conventions, speached, interviews, coverage from Mars Research Station and so on..
Put on the internet everything in video-format. This is how you can get peoples attention.
And the next President will be at your feet no matter what.
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