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#1 Re: Human missions » No plans for Mars mission in near future - sketchy details » 2003-11-24 23:26:24

We are currently in a defeatist cycle.  The only major press given to space is based on disaster.  If something good happens it's back page news.

I think it is worse than that.  Think back to the 1960's.  We lived in an America where ANYTHING was possible.  Think it up, work on it, and it can be done.  WE WENT TO THE MOON FOR GOD'S SAKE WITH 1950-1960's TECHNOLOGY.

Look at us today, NOTHING is possible.  Suggest the least project, and we can afford it, it might eat into  "entitlements" budget.  This country is petrofied, frozen in place.  Terrified to do a damn thing (sorry for the language, but it was needed).  I want to go back to living in a country where anything is possible.  I want my kids and grandkids to live there.  WE can do it, but we all have to work at it.  Get out of our easy chairs and as I said already, get noisy!!!

#2 Re: Human missions » No plans for Mars mission in near future - sketchy details » 2003-11-22 17:50:19

It is no wonder NASA has given up on a Mars mission.  They are at last forced to face facts.  Liberal democrats leaped at the chance to cut NASA's budget, the minute the moon missions were completed.  They couldn't wait to get their hands on every dollar they could.  NO, I am not a crazy conservative, I just read budgets.  Under the current mentality, human missions are finished.  I am surprised the space station has gotten this far.  The next shuttle accident will end manned space missions period.

It is a crying shame, and a loss to this country, and the world of uncalculable dimension.  Look back over the Apolo missions, and realise the return to world society from that program.  The internet, and the entire PC industry can trace it's birth to the early manned missions.  Now try to concider where we would be as a nation, and as a world people, if the same level of investment in research had continued.  We went to the moon, and stopped.  It is a crime to the world that there are no moon bases up and running.   Mars should already have been visited many more times than once.

Liberal money wasting programs MUST stop draining away the dollars that should be funding continued space exploration.  I won't fuel the argument about manned or robotic missions to planets outside of Mars.  But we have got to get back on track.  Social improvement will happen by default, if education and research are the focus of society.  The return on investment, is incredible, but we  have got to get noisy, and force government to get back in the space business.  If we don't, manned space flight will be over in less than 10 years, mark my depressed words.

Realize one fact.  The federal goverment has spent in excess of six trillion dollars on the war on poverty since Johnson.  Poverty statistics have not changed one percent in all of that time.  Now if that money had been spent on research and education, society would be worlds ahead socialy as well as scientificly.  It is just that simple!

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