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#1 Re: Martian Politics and Economy » KSR Constitution Articles 1 and 2 - Legislative and Executive Departments » 2002-03-11 21:43:40

I agree with Karl Evans that one of the provision of the constitution should be that all laws include a 5 or 10 year sunset clause. Such a clause get's rid of one of the dumbest laws in the US in 04', I belive that all laws should have such a device attached.

I also feal that the role of goverment on Mars should be fundementally less intrussive then the modern American goverment. Things that need to be dumped on mars should be.

A.) A steped income tax system and the 'capital gains' tax. All these do is to punish the sucessful and discourage other to improve there circumstances.

B.) Social programs of all strips. Over half of the tax money collect in the US is simply redistributed. This is a travisty to the principals of which the US was founded on, and punishes the sucessful. Social programs such as Medicare and Medicad, along with social security took the goverment into places that it had neither the authority or mandate to preform and remove a significant percentage of a persons wages from their direct control. These courupt quasi comunist institutions and pratices should not be repeated on Mars. The goverment of Mars IMHO should be as close to 'natural freedom' as Locke described it as is possible within the bounds of civilization.

#2 Re: Human missions » International Space Administration - More Information.... » 2002-03-10 18:54:08

I aplaud your vision, your efforts, and your commitment, but I disagree with your method. Internationalization is a sure kiss of death to any project. It lessens the benefit to each nation, and it opens up just that many more govermental orginizations that can throw a wrench in the effort. Also there is no finacial reason why any one country especialy the United States couldn't undertake such a challenge on it's own. We have done so before. In fact national pride would likley be one of the selling points to get it through congress in the first place, it would create jobs here, and technologies that would stay here.

Personally I think that a beter way to promote space exploration and colinization would be to reintroduce competion into the equation by allowing nations to claim bodies if they are the first to reach them, and dump the space treaty that demotes the comercial utilization and explotation of space resources.

There are the practical reasons why I disagree with your veiw for the need of an international space orginization, now here are the ideological ones. I am anti-globalization and anti-socialist, and let's face it the two basically walk hand in hand. Orginizations like the UN are obviously anti capitalist and anti American. They are also hypocrits, they host a convention on banning the private ownership of small arms but the secratary general of the UN has MP-5 9mm SMGs smuggled into the country to protect himself while he heads an orginization that's has the stated goal of keeping us from using such tools to defend ourselves. They favor a global 'carbon' tax to discourage large vehicles. We live in a free country and no orginization, especialy one that isn't part of this country should be telling us what we 'need'. That is called comunism, a country tried that, it was called the USSR, it didn't work too well. Capitalism and freedom are simply the best system because if you leave the people and the market un harssased then they will regulate themselves. Greed is not a bad thing, greed is a motivator. You don't like fossil fuels, fine, when they become scarce enought the markey will develop the technologies needed to get passed hydrocarbon fuels. The UN and other global orginizations try to interfere with persoanl freedom and the market. That is why they are the single greatest threat to the US, freedom, and capitalism in general. We should simply dump the space treaty, and hopfully cause a race to colinize and explore space the way that european empires set out to establish colonies and land claims in North America.

Just my opinion, way to go for doing something though.

#3 Re: Not So Free Chat » Battlebots on the Moon! - Wouldn't it be fun... » 2002-02-21 11:32:48

Hey, and since there wouldn't be people around, the rules on weapons could be losened! Adding tesla coils and autoloading shot guns would add a whole new dimension to that show!

Really the idea is not that outlandish, they are working on a show to compete for a spot on a souz to the ISS, and this would be much cheaper then that.  I suppose the biggest limiting factor would be launch costs, but a single Proton or Zenit might do it. It might actualy end up being cheaper to produce then the show Friends, 6 million an episode just in the 6 main characters salaries!

#4 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Gravito-magnetic effect - "Breakthrough propulsion" » 2002-02-21 11:21:32

Even if they can't improve performance of the system beyond one or two precent, if you put such a system under a launch pad it would still increase payload, or decrese the size of the booster needed.

#5 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Plasma Rockets - Where do you stand on this topic? » 2002-02-21 11:17:39

Josh, it looks like you are going to get your wish, in this years budget NASA is reviving their nuclear propolsion program. I've only heard bits and peices about it, but from what I have heard they are focousing on reactors to power various types of electric propolsion ie; Ion engines, plasma engines, things of that nature.

#6 Re: Martian Politics and Economy » Mars, Government, and Rights » 2002-01-09 00:23:38

My Martian bil of Rights, I wrote this for my physics class beleive it or not.  smile Here's the abridged version. Your comments and opionions are welcom

1.)The freedom of the people, being the impetus for the existence of any state, neither the global or the local government may pass any law that restricts the people right to express themselves. These include the freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of dress, and the many other methods of expression too numerous to mention.

2.)The flow of information being crucial for the existence of any free society neither the local nor federal government may pass any legislation that restricts the peoples right to communicate, print, and broadcast as they see fit. The government shall interfere with telecommunication other then to set standards of frequencies and connector sizes, and other technical aspects to foster communication.

3.)As any free government, governs by consent, the people must have the means, and in fact are obligated to remove an unjust government. In this sprit neither the global nor the local government shall interfere with the people right to keep, bear, and manufacture arms and armaments with the exception of weapons of mass destruction.

4.)A totalitarian state, being contrary to the freedom, and well being of the people, The global or local government may not subject the populous to search, inquiry, monitoring or seizure without the due process and authorization.

5.) work of an individual, be it thought their mind or physical labor is inherently their own and they are entitled to the bulk of it's rewards. With this in mind the people have the right to own their intellectual and physical property with out interference. To ensure that the state does not interfere with the individual or cooperative works of the people the global government may not tax it's citizens more the 10% of their annual earnings, and their total tax burden including local taxes and tariffs may not exceed 15%.

#7 Re: Martian Politics and Economy » KSR Constitution Articles 1 and 2 - Legislative and Executive Departments » 2002-01-09 00:12:19

Personally I think the idea of a Duma selected by a random drawing is a fantastic idea. In the US, there were never intended to be career politicians, merely citizens who would serve their country for a term or two and then return to private life. I think that in a martian constitution there should be serve limits to essentially outlaw career politicians. Also I think their should be some minimal requirements for serving in the Duma. Certainly one should at least have to display some basic knowledge of the issue at hand and have at least a high school ( or the equivalent ) education.

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