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Welcome to newmars Csaba Boros, you may recognize that I am one in the same member of MarsDrive. I did review the original work and will do likewise with the changes that you have made.
All the entries were quite good regardless of the finally chosen winner of the contest.
Most could be developed, built for under 1 billion and still have change left over.
A sample and return is very high up the pole of needs to allow for manned space flights to mars to begin.
Hi SpaceNut,
I assume, you are a younger man than me, so I sure you will have a lot of possibilities to win some other contests...Nice work!
Thanks for the link Csaba and welcome to newmars!
Would you like to say something about your project, give a brief overview for example, otherwise many readers will not bother to download the 5 MB PDF file.
OK, thank you for answer - I think better would be citating the abstract from my work :
The goal of this mission is to transport of various samples from the Mars to the Earth using a lander. It is to be launched using only one launch vehicle - ATLAS V, in the year 2016, and return directly back to Earth in 2018.
The primary landing area is a crater with gullies within +/-30° of the southern or northern mid-latitudes. This is a territory with high scientific potential – one of those which were in the relatively recent times much more geomorphically active then previously thought and if formed by groundwater or by other unknown liquid seepage, subsurface organisms could have been brought to the surface. The back-up landing site is Elysium Planitia near Athabasca Vallis. The presence of a possible frozen sea protected by a layer of volcanic ash, with occurrence of methane and ancient volcanic or geo/hydrothermal activity is possible there. Past life likehood landing site may be represented by Meridiani Planum and Melas Chasma with layered deposits ( microfossils form ).
Consisting of the cruise stage and the lander, the spacecraft will be deduced from the previously planned Mars Science Laboratory. The entry, descent and landing of the unit are practically copying the landing of the probe MSL, but without the use of Sky crane which is replaced by classical landing approach as Viking and Phoenix landers. In fact, this landing option was selected because the MSL landing system is designed for higher weight rover fine landing, where the descent system is then become useless, while with the MSR lander, it is necessary to use the whole landed mass as a stabile launch platform for the safe launch of the MARV.
For higher reliability and feasibility of current MSR mission success the MARV consists of three stages. The first stage is a hybrid rocket motor with self consumable structure as solid fuel with LOX oxidizer produced by ISPP technology from the Martian atmosphere – thus representing the most risky part of mission. The remaining two stages are presenting proven and reliable technologies – using classical solid rocket motors from STAR series making the launch of the Earth Return Vehicle to Martian orbit possible in case of first stage malfunction. The ERV can survive a couple of years on Mars orbit while waiting for the rescue mission. Because of this possible scenario the ERV contain a simple docking module for the possible Mars orbit rendezvous with some future small trans-Earth injection stage. The advantage of this concept is the exact ERV attitude measuring by onboard IMU and Star Trackers for orbit elements determination.
The whole conception of the mission is characterized by the utilization of proven, reliable and feasible units from the past and planned missions, except of the multifunctional oxidizer tank of the first stage of MARV – before landing the LOX tank is filled with high pressure Helium as a pressurized medium for the descent engines with hydrazine fuel and possible NTO oxidizer. Basically, this mission can be considered as a Groundbreaking Mars Sample Return mission similar to Soviet Luna Moon Sample Return missions with simple drilling equipments. The goal of this mission is to become acceptable for Direct Return advocates as well as for Mars Orbit Rendezvous ones while keeping the required maximum cost cap of two billion dollars.
Current project is less "crazy" that previous one, but ...hybrid consumable structure is my mania... !
Hi Everybody,
this is a link to my upgraded version of my MSR Contest work:
Csaba Boros
Pages: 1