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#1 Re: Human missions » Russian on mars » 2008-01-17 17:28:56

Your first reference, the youtube video, is one year old. On 28 Dec 2007, RKA head, Perminov said: “Buran will not be revived, as it is the same US shuttle, which in the United States showed it has no prospects, is costly and poorly reliable” Reviving Buran makes no sense technically or economically. Shuttle demonstrated that this design solution is flawed.

The bottom line is the Russian government has not closed the Buran shuttle program. Even if the Buran shuttle nevers flies again, the Russian government will not close it.

Concerning the Buran verses Russia's other rockets, the Buran still has
a process on the Russia's Mar mission. Russian engineers has admitted it is still useful and many still favor using it again. Even if it is not flown at all, they will tell you that Buran is something they do need for Mars.

Russia has lots of money and what they are spending is going to beat the US military budget by 2015 to 2018 and they will lead on military spending in the next 8 years as they are back on the Superpower track again. Sure the Russia shuttle is expensive but the Russia has options and the US doesn't. The US only has 3 shuttles and one set for decommission next year where no other future rocket project in the US has ever been started yet as even the X-33 and X-43 projects were closed by Congress because it was too expensive.

Really when 2015 comes and pressure is upon Russia, Buran could be reconditioned later if needed. The talk has been up and down with Buran all the time and time again. If the site 112 wasn't destroyed, Buran would be set for launced as the Russian government would of spent the extra money reconditioning the Buran Energia launch pad. Remember 112a still stands and as site 112 and 112a is one building. Buran has parts everywhere.

It is ashame what happened to site 112, no question but there isn't all lost hope on Buran yet. On the Mars table for disscussing, Buran sits there on the back corner when engineers are reading blue prints after blue prints, where are other engineers still discussing it tapping people on their shoulders.

I do communicate with someone Korolev who's father was part of the Buran project, I have an idea what is being said over there. I am not 100% sure Buran is dead as I am a believer she waits and I know it isn't closed either.

The Energia rocket boosters for the Buran are for sure still discussed, even if Buran isn't on them, they still need the payload of those boosters.
I mean the price for one launch is almost 2 US launches. One launch if you can guess what it cost NASA or US taxpayers ($450 million on the average but NASA doesn't really want to tell you what it cost currently). I mean the issue with NASA is it is a ticking time collapse. NASA has discussed options of buying Russian rockets, that's how much has is falling on the economic front and Congress can't allow them anymore money has they are only allowed 1% of the US budget and NASA can't live on that income. One more issue with the Shuttle, Congress would put the program on hault. Russia making one man mission a month says a lot who's doing what and who isn't. The US economy is killing NASA besides the fuel cost. If you watched Larry King last night, you heard the word recession. Money Magazine said we're in a recession, same with Morgan Morgan Standley and USA Today. I have a friend who is a NASA engineer has admitted many times that Russia has always been a head of the game. When Russia started it's program back in the early 1950's the US knew everything and they were waiting for the Russian's to make their own mistakes till they succeeded then the US came in. The US has always been spaying on Russia's space program, even the 1970's when Russia had been working on a space plane rocket, which is the shuttle. I mean who did what, if NASA engineers are keeping quiet how the USA came up with the idea of the space shuttle, take a look at the Russian achieves in Moscow and Korolev back in 1965 from the original russian blue prints. What was the US doing at this time, the Apollo but Russia had separate projects besides the N1 program.


"If Evel Kneivel would have hired an Russian rocket engineer, the Snake River Canyon would have been successful"

#2 Re: Human missions » Russian on mars » 2008-01-11 03:25:24

I saw a comment here that the Russia's Buran Space is dead. Well I have some news for you to say from sources that the Russian Buran is not dead. The program still remains open as the Russian government has not closed the Russian Space Shuttle program. Yes it is true the original orbiter Buran was destroyed in Kerelov in May 2002 from a wind storm from hanger site 112 but only half of the hanger was destroyed. Remember Russia has built more than 13 space shuttles and they are stored indoors (besides the outside rusty ones) and also Russia still has the original Energia rocket boosters (all the parts and etc besides the original launch pad in Korolev) as well. This is still the most powerful rocket system in the world and Russia will not turn off the project. Russia has been focusing on some many other issues such as Mars but that doesn't mean Buran is dead.

President Putin wanted to start the Buran program again but after the May 2002 accident, money was decided not to rebuild just yet. Putin's goal was to restore Russia back into its Superpower status which that has already happened in May 2006 as they announced it at the G8 meeting in St.Petersburg Russia while the Bush was attended and never conducted they weren’t. So money has been concentrated in paying off all its national debts and they have succeeded just that paying everything off and being debt free by 2006 but Buran is not off the books, it still remains in possible readmission but time will till when.

The Russia Buran shuttle is so unique that NASA's shuttle can't compete with it as they are so different from each other but also Russia was the first to designed the shuttle back in the late 60's but with the US spying, somehow the US came up with their shuttle but the US says differently that the Russia’s stole the ideas and made their own. I am not going to argue who invented the shuttle first but my opinion from Russian blueprints, the Russians were on the design first and the Americans ran with the idea. The US spent millions on the shuttle program but so did the Russian's but being late with it, they built a better shuttle program and than NASA did. If you view the difference what both shuttles can do, the Buran succeeds it.

I am not Russia as I am an American but I speak Russian where I do travel to Russia which I have inside connections what is going on in Russia. The entire country is changing to a completely rich country allover, there is so much money that all the Soviet programs have all been turned on, I mean all the military agencies are back in full force again. A lot of military building from subs to aircraft carriers and more. Russia is planning to build the biggest Navy fleet by 2018 as they are building 20 high tech aircraft carriers over the US less than 10 years. For example, the US from 1981 to 2007 only built 7 aircraft carriers and so many military ships but this is just an example what Russia is doing. I mean there is a lot of spending and Russia is said to over come the US military budget by 2015, that is 500 billion pure year, imagine that. They money they have and it seems to double and quadruple and more.

Yes Buran is sitting around on Soviet space docks but Russia has so many Space agencies holding them the world’s largest space agency compared to the US because this is Russia's pride, space. I would highly recommend anyone wanting to see a real space mission from a launch pad up close to go visit Star City in Korolev; the space launch is much more enjoyable than Kennedy Space center. I like Kennedy space center but this is the only place to watch a space launch as Lompoc California was killed in 1986 by Ronald Reagan after the Challenging accident but going to Russia, you have 5 space locations to visit to see man space missions from and you get to meet the cosmonauts before launch. It is quite a place to visit and see more than Kennedy space station in my opinion.

As for the Buran program the Russian population still favors saving the Buran as much as Putin wants to keep it open because of the money they spent on it so why close it and that is something they will not do.

If you understand Russian this link below from a government official says the Buran is still open and they will not close it. Since I speak Russia so I am translating that for you to understand that Buran is not dead but open for your information.

There is information available to read further on Buran in the possibly but is in Russia only. Russia is seriously focusing on Mars but Buran is still in position to be used in the next 10 years depending on their needs to put Mars materials in Space which the Buran has the payload to carry the tools they need besides the International Space Station.

The other links below are just some links about Russia back on the Superpower track again if case you wish to read some facts about Russia.
Washington Acknowledges Russia as Superpower 2007

Also Russia is an energy super giant of the world as well.
Russia Super energy power

Washington Acknowledges Russia as Superpower

Russia Dangerous Superpower

A Former Superpower Rises Again,426393,00.html,00.html

Russia: A superpower rises again
POSTED: 1203 GMT (2003 HKT), December 13, 2006
Says Russia was always a Superpower

Russia on the march - again
By Con Coughlin
Last Updated: 12:01am BST 13/04/2007

Russia - Economic Superpower

In the playground of the superpowers
By Harun Karcic

#3 Re: Human missions » Russian on mars » 2008-01-11 03:24:26

I saw a comment here that the Russia's Buran Space is dead. Well I have some news for you to say from sources that the Russian Buran is not dead.

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