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#1 Re: Interplanetary transportation » COTS - status » 2008-01-11 12:58:55

Maybe this isn't due to COTS, but isn't reusable rockets one of the main points of the Falcon program.  I know stage 1 of Falcon 1 is supposed to be reusable, not sure about Falcon 9.

#2 Re: Interplanetary transportation » You're all to Mars-centered!!!!!! » 2008-01-11 08:10:24

dryson, this is how I see it.  I won't be offended if you disagree.

This cost is important, because humans in large groups have to make decisions for everyday life before they make decisions for the future of humankind. 

1.)  Who's deciding to spend the money?  If it's government, then the lawmakers have to decide if it's morally right to take the extra cash out of the hands of their people to fund an extremely expensive and risky action that might have no benefit.  If you're telling a working class family that 400 of their $40,000 yearly income is going to send a handful of people to another planet, you should either be absolutely sure that there will be some benefit.
      If not governments, that only leaves individuals.  They can spend all their own money they want and not feel bad about it (and guess what, they are) but that money is limited compared to national governments.  If they an others like them are able to sustain this investment, they must get money for doing what they're doing, because space travel is pretty much the most expensive activity available to mankind.

2.)  It's nice to invoke the brave explorer archetype, and I hope that those people are revealed as humanity makes it's way from this planet, but those explorers are not and were not the individuals or groups paying for things to happen.  That was done by governements.  Not only that exploration was paid for by monarchies that really didn't have to answer to anyone, so it was easy to fund whatever struck your fancy. 

3.)  Explorers in the days of old were using technology not radically different from merchants and traders of those days, just using it a lot further away from home.  This is why people advocate getting an infrastructure in orbit before looking to Mars and further.

#3 Re: Human missions » Capturing A NEO » 2008-01-10 07:00:13

I was unclear, I was intending:

How does the delta V requirement for getting to L4,5 from the Earth compare to getting to the moon from the Earth?

I can look at an orbital diagram and see how far away they are, but what does that mean from an energetics point of view?

#5 Re: Human missions » Capturing A NEO » 2008-01-09 11:26:55

Thanks, noosfractal and cIclops, for the info. 

More questions on my part:  How does the delta-V requirement for L4 or L5 compare with the requirement for getting to the moon?  What if you just hurl raw ore into Earth orbit instead of the whole asteroid?  It wouldn't have to be a completely passive flight either, you could have a mass driver, a control assembly, and the pile of ore you wanted to sell to someone.  I'm picturing the 21st century equivalent of guys poling logs down rivers to the mill. 

It's an incomplete analogy, of course.  It would be almost certainly automated, and you don't have the friendly river flow to give you free velocity.

#6 Re: Human missions » Near Earth Object (NEO) missions » 2008-01-08 16:12:29

An idea from an old mid 90's paper, by some folks on the Mining side of things. … /822/1/511

Basically, most asteroids have spin to them.  You put a tether down in the main mass, and you send the stuff you want to keep down the tether.  Calculate when you need to release it to sling it toward Earth, and you have a velocity boost requiring very little reaction mass. 

There is lots of other stuff in the paper, but I found that particularly useful from an economic point of view.

#7 Re: Human missions » Capturing A NEO » 2008-01-08 15:49:32

I really don't know orbital mechanics, so I may be offering a useless suggestion here, but...

What about bringing a rock into Lunar orbit?  Way closer than an NEO's natural orbital path, and further away from Earth than bringing it into Earth's orbit directly.  Might give you more margin for error, but might not.  Like I said, I don't know orbital mechanics.  Anyone have a clue if Lunar orbit would make a difference in this scenario?

#8 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Metallic Glass » 2008-01-08 13:26:28

Vaguely related:  I remember reading (but I can't remember where I read this, my apologies) that glasses manufactured in space would be far stronger than terrestrial glasses, because of the dryness of hard vacuum.  the water vapor in Earth's atmosphere creates imperfections in glass produced here, weakening it's structureal strength.

#9 Re: Interplanetary transportation » You're all to Mars-centered!!!!!! » 2008-01-08 13:09:10


First off either you or I am misunderstanding what you're saying about a  Space Elevator.  By my understanding, it wouldn't go all the way to the moon because a) that's a quantity of material a few miles past absurd and b) the Moon goes around the Earth (I've seen it myself  wink ) you couldn't anchor a space elevator on any place on the Earth and have it attach to the moon.  I may be misunderstanding your intent with this idea, however.

Anyway, I'm absolutely with you on the Space Elevator idea.  If we had materials strong enough (last time I check, which was a while ago, we were still several orders of magnitude off) it would do more for space exploration than anything since the telescope.  That being said, I'm not holding my breath.

Space elevator or not, I'm still with you that the Moon and/or NEAs are target number 1.  A Nickel-Iron NEA with a smattering of heavy elements (gold! platinum!) would go a long way toward focusing commercial interest in getting to the Near Earth area of space.  To quote Robert Heinlein (I think): "The Moon is halfway to anywhere in the Solar System."  Once we drag ourselves out of the gravity well, there's not a lot holding us back.

#10 Re: Terraformation » Minimal Martian Terraformed Atmospheres » 2008-01-08 07:48:25


First off, my apologies, Hb is shorthand for Hemoglobin. 

To answer your first question, there are known forms of Hb with higher binding affinity to O2 (fetal Hb), a mutation has also been observed that increases affinity for O2. 

see … id=1220602 for info on O2 binding mutant (albiet based on the embryonic form of Hb).

I don't know of a mutation that increases CO2 binding, so that is more theoretical, but Hb is one of the best understood proteins in the human body and I'd be surprised if one couldn't be rationally designed.  Failing this, designing a CO2 binding molecule based on the deoxy (high CO2 affinity) form of Hb's binding site.  Again, theoretical, but pretty down to Earth as theories go.

This doesn't mean it's going to be easy, of course.  Our proteins behave the way they do because it keeps us alive.  Any changes are suspect, potentially throwing off the biochemical balance.  A huge amount of testing would be necessary to bring this into humans.

To clarify my idea in more detail let me try and describe it better.

    You have a hollow sphere that is divided into 4 quadrants with a hinge at the top of the sphere holding the quadrants together.  The hinge has a CO2 sensor on it that controls whether the bead is closed (a sphere) or open (internal contents exposed).  The internal surface is coated with modified Hb proteins or just CO2 binding sites described above. 
     At high CO2 blood concentrations, the bead opens, exposing binding sites that start binding CO2.  When the blood CO2 drops low enough, the binding sites will start dropping CO2, which is then picked up by normal Hb and carried to the lungs as normal.  Then the bead closes. 
    The important thing is that the CO2 binder has affinity for CO2 less than normal Hb (only binding excess CO2 and not stripping the blood of it).  Also, the sensor needs to activate at a lower concentration of CO2 than the modified Hb binds.  You don't want the beads closing with modified Hb still holding on to CO2, you want to get rid of it when you're back in normal atmosphere.  This rational is for a reusable system, if you want a single use system like Rick described, you want to close the bead when CO2 is still bound.

In all honesty, a single properly designed Hb molecule would do the job, striking the correct balance between O2 and CO2 affinity to deal with increased CO2 concentration.  A much more elegant, but much more difficult proposition.  Another (partial) solution would be to alter the way the body buffers the blood.  If you can reduce the impact dissolved CO2 has on blood pH, then you mitigate some of its toxic effects.

I hope this was clearer,


#11 Re: Terraformation » Minimal Martian Terraformed Atmospheres » 2008-01-07 16:03:56

Hello, I just stumbled across this forum, was fascinated, and had to weigh in, particularly in regards to the "magic nanotech wand", which also bothers me.

There are two problems with carbon dioxide in the bloodstream that have been mentioned already, displacement of O2 and lowering blood pH.  I'll propose a solution that I haven't seen discussed on this topic.  Forgive me if such things have been discussed in previous topics.

1:  Reduce the affinity of Hemoglobin for CO2.  This helps oxygen transport as reducing the affinity for CO2 increases the time that Hb will spend in its Oxygen friendly state.

2:  The problem with 1 is that Hb is now poorer at removing CO2 from the bloodstream, a bad thing.  This is still sort of okay, however, since so much more CO2 is present that we'll still get rid of a lot of it even though binding affinity is lower.  Anyway, it might help to have extra wild-type Hb in the blood to increase our abilility to get rid of the stuff.

3:  Chances are, the partially terraformed Martian atmosphere is still going to have way too much CO2 for not radically altered (ie, beyond the scope of my understanding) proteins.  Therefore, we need a carbon sink in the bloodstream to keep folks alive and functioning for some amount of time in the unprotected environment.  Hemoglobin again provides a possible solution.  A modified form could be introduced into the bloodstream (via whatever delivery device one finds appropriate) that has a very low affinity for both oxygen and CO2.  Low O2 affinity is important because we don't want it to interfere with "normal" respiration, and low CO2 affinity is important because we only want it to hold onto CO2 at very high levels, not at normal levels.

      My theoretical contraption for 3 is thousands to millions of microscopic beads whose interiors have the described low affinity Hb mutant contained inside.  A CO2 sensor opens or closes the beads as CO2 levels raise and lower, exposing or hiding the CO2 trapping Hb molecules when appropriate.  The implementation is really just an engineering question as to what works best.  I don't know the answer, but it's certainly a knowable answer.

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