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#1 Re: Terraformation » A Question for Greens - Possible show-stopper for terraforming » 2002-09-22 09:01:37

Josh uses type 1 arguments. I disagree with almost everything he says, but because he uses this type of argument it is possible to have a reasoned discussion.

You use type 2 arguments. It is literally not possible to argue against them; any such argument would amount to an almost worthless "No, that's not true". There's no way to prove them right or wrong. They are altogether outside the realm of debate.

And you use type 3 arguments. Talking bullshit about nothing.

#2 Re: Terraformation » Save the Martians! - Why Mar Soc Members are Morally Corrupt » 2002-09-22 08:57:46

Because, you know, I'm actually a molecular biologist and neuroscientist and I don't recall ever hearing such an assertion.

No you're not -- you're a 1st year science student. tongue

#4 Re: Terraformation » Terraforming as Environmentalism? - The ecocide of Mars! » 2002-09-22 07:17:37

Your questions are addressed in other posts. Read them at your liesure

#5 Re: Martian Politics and Economy » Martian Development: - Extremism or Mainstreamism? » 2002-09-22 07:10:09

I know I'm not a popular figure here, but just before I leave you all in peace to debate exactly how your going to colonise Mars, I've got a serious question for which I welcome both short and long answers (which will no doubt be either serious or  non-serious):

Do Mars Developers consider themselves visionary 'Extremists' (radical technophiles, say) or do you consider yourselves visionary 'Mainstreamists' (mainstream technophiles who merely plan to apply advanced technology to a new geographical site)?

Also, the same question should be asked with regards to your politics. How many of you consider yourselves mainstreamists (postulating a political economy on Mars roughly the same as what goes on today here on Earth) and how many of you consider yourselves radicals/extremists (postulating a radically different society on Mars)?

Also, again, how do you see you technological and political values fitting in with environmentalism? Are you a radical environmentalist or a mainstream environmentalist? Which kind, if any, of environmentalism do you ascribe?

Yeah-- I realise it all depends on your definition of radicalism/extremism/mainstreamism, but answer the question according to how you define these terms.

Thanks in advance.....

#6 Re: Martian Politics and Economy » A Few Insulting Remarks About NovaMarsollia - The latest fruitcake around here » 2002-09-22 05:54:02

Yeah, his logic with regard to the treaty is and was just stupid. I believe he is trolling. And I would bet that a lot of his really lengthy posts were actually taken from somewhere else, and not written by himself when he posted them.

At least I got a few posts out of arguing with him, while alleviating my boredom on a weekend afternoon. smile

I sent a post to Adrian about him, as I didn't want to clutter the board with bitching, but you summed him up pretty well. Thanks.

How I feel now:  :angry:

O h yeah...I forgot you were all children on this board. Well, if I'm not going to get any real debate with grown ups I WILL go. Thanks for the entertaining brain-jostling Josh, I'm sure you are a nice guy if you weren't such a technophile (you Adrian, a just a Geekie-DickTator, I'm glad I'll never meet you!)

#8 Re: Meta New Mars » ATTN NovaMarsollia » 2002-09-22 05:47:12

Now you have made known to everyone you are a big moan-arse Adrian. No one else seems to be complaining, and this board has needed a pep-up, you know that.

I guess when you become dictator of Mars you'll do your best to censure dissenting opinion there too. Fortunately, some other people here don't mind reading a little intelligent dissent. So Shuddupya face! (Awww severe measure---I'm so scared!) tongue

#9 Re: Terraformation » Mars as a base camp - Why we shouldn't terraform » 2002-09-22 05:30:51

Wait a second. First you're saying that we shouldn't explore at all, and now you're saying that we  must be cautious? Obviously we must be cautious. Had you been reading these boards, you'd see several comments about this.

This question has been answered elsewhere.

#10 Re: Terraformation » Terraforming as Environmentalism? - The ecocide of Mars! » 2002-09-22 05:28:09

a) You said that terraformation ?opens up new sites for the development of ever-dwindling non-renewable resources.? This is just silly. Non-renewable resources are fossil fuels and things of that sort.

b) Transplantation of endangered species is ridiculous,

c) The only positive aspect of terraformation is simple: It allows us to have a hospitable ecosystem capable of sustaining itself without intervention from high level technology.

a) Yeah, I guess the distinction between 'non-renewable' and 'renewable' is a little old fashioned nowadays. But I'm refering to minerals on Mars which are in short supply on Earth (yes--hypothetical minerals at present---and may forever be--but it's not me who has said this about Mars, it's you guys who think there's some little golddust like element lying in wait for us under the surface!)

b) I'm glad you agree with me (and it wasn't me who suggested it)--and by the way how many academic science papers have you read about the other 'seriously scientific' things to do with Mars?

c) Alas, it wont do that's just going to create a hell-planet something like the Aral Sea or the towns and villages around Chernobyl.

#11 Re: Terraformation » A Question for Greens - Possible show-stopper for terraforming » 2002-09-22 05:20:03

You've made very clear the basis on which you make your decisions, and from that it's possible to deduce that you are not at all interested in a serious discussion.

This will save us a lot of time and effort.

What a lame and transparent way to show you don't have any ideas to debate with! ???

#12 Re: Terraformation » Your Ethical Questions Addressed - Ecoethics and terraformation » 2002-09-22 05:16:34

I too would like to welcome KCC to New Mars.   smile

Awwwwwwwww I never got a welcome. Or does New Mars not welcome those who disagree with the majority? New Mars political correctness, I guess!

#13 Re: Terraformation » Save the Martians! - Why Mar Soc Members are Morally Corrupt » 2002-09-22 05:12:52

Do we know of any species of bacteria or any species of mould which have become extinct, from whatever cause, except by deliberate and concerted human attempts at eradication?

It is generally agreed by microbiologists that bacteria and mould are just as liable to become ecologically extinct as other organisms but no body cares enough to study them

Well, that is except for a few intrepid environmental microbiologists measuring bacteria levels in polluted streams (where the changing populations, up for baddie bugs and down for goodie bugs, is making life miserable for other living things). sad

#15 Re: Terraformation » no real reason to terraform - title say's it all » 2002-09-22 05:01:01

This makes recognising Earth-type life very very easy! There will be no chance of error because Earth life is SO specific and identifiable.

What a bunch of crap. Little space probes carrying bio-detection euipment are going to have all sorts of problems distinguishing the origin of life. (Especially since we have no non-Earth life to compare it with!). Sure we could sent human scientists there with Marslabs but that would just screw everything up by contaminating the place with potentially native-killing terrestrial bugs and manmade pollution.

As for your other points, I suggest you re-read the posting you were trying to criticise because it preempts the points (if you could call them that) you made!

#16 Re: Terraformation » Myths and Mythmaking Images for Mars' Inavsion - Why you guys should rethink your plans! » 2002-09-22 04:54:26

The people of New Mars and The Mars Society form a very eclectic group with wide ranging opinions and points of view.

Yeah--right! Some want to erect American society on Mars, and some want to erect California society on Mars! Some want to blast the surface with 700 nuclear bombs to heat it up, someone want to put big mirrors around it to heat it up...very eclectic.

As 4:

"Who knows! We may even change YOUR opinion and turn YOU into an avid Terraformer!!"

Hey yeah---anything is possible if your optimistic enough (well except the colonization of Mars, thank god, which--despite all my concern is as probable as angels descending to Earth in the form of Elvis Presley)

#17 Re: Terraformation » Mars as a base camp - Why we shouldn't terraform » 2002-09-21 20:30:42

Errr read all my other posts before you question the severity of my caution. I wager I'm the most cautious person on thew planet when it comes to Mars' protection.

#18 Re: Terraformation » The Spirit of Mars, or - Nuke those red bugs? » 2002-09-21 20:24:28

Nope, it might not be his only argument--that's for sure. He also trifles around with other stupid justifications (like manifest destiny and natural evolution and all that crap) but fronterism is a BIG part of his rhetoric!

As for his love for the INTRINSIC Mars Ha ha ha ha. You gotta be kidding. He's a megalomaniacal dreamer whose using Mars to try to leave a mark in the universe! I mean, he's just a freakazoid weirdo that believes one of the new cities will bare his name 'cause we'll al remember him as the founder of the Mars Society. Sad man. But his followers are even sadder.

#19 Re: Terraformation » Your Ethical Questions Addressed - Ecoethics and terraformation » 2002-09-21 20:18:29

Also, I don't think we should be setting up Pizza huts on Mars. You already read my other post where I said that I think a Martian civilization would be highly disjunct, so try to keep up.

Just because you say Mars is going to be disjunct from Earth society don't make it so. Mars is going to be set up, industrialised, settled, colonised, polluted upon, explored by the same geo-petroleum that search for minerals here in Siberia, Alaska and the rest of the world and by aeronautics companies that make warplanes, landmines, 767s and missiles. Mars aint going to be Mars--it's going to be a hellish Earth--and to keep costs down---yep Pizza Hut will be advertisng all over the rockets. It's gonna be gross something else!

#20 Re: Terraformation » Mars as a base camp - Why we shouldn't terraform » 2002-09-21 20:12:52

The caution I advocate is for the benefit of the Mars bugs, not for the benefit of scientific curipsity. And so it is a deeper much more caring and solid caution than the 'let's not terraform Mars in the first few minutes' caution that a lot of ppl here advocate.

#21 Re: Terraformation » no real reason to terraform - title say's it all » 2002-09-21 20:09:43

I wish I could go to a Mars Convention. I'm sure, just like science fiction conventions there's lots of weirdoes dressed up like wookies to laugh at!

#22 Re: Terraformation » Your Ethical Questions Addressed - Ecoethics and terraformation » 2002-09-21 20:04:03

I am actually not a member of the Mars Society

my sincere love for Mars. .

well since it's your declared aim to travel to NEW MARS and be with 'like minded' techno-imperialists, then you had better join up, they need to pay for the rocket somehow.

And you love Mars so much you want to put your dirty American footprints all over it and set up Pizza Hutt all over it.

#23 Re: Terraformation » no real reason to terraform - title say's it all » 2002-09-21 19:59:17

You don't struggle with ideology, dear Josh, because you have your all nicely set in place--techno-imperialism seems a good name for it. Unfortunately for you, the only place you'll find these freako like-minded techno-imperialists is at the mars conventions--cause you'll never get there that's for sure!

#24 Re: Terraformation » The Spirit of Mars, or - Nuke those red bugs? » 2002-09-21 19:54:46

Ahh, so you're saying that Zubrin likes Mars, not because it's Mars, but because it's a prime candidate to essentially reenact the American West?

You're suggesting, that if Venus were more hospitable, Zubrin would want to go there?

Or Luna? Why not Luna?

I'm not saying it Zubrin is saying it. And he chose Mars because it is the easiest place to do it. Good-bloody-luck to him though!

#25 Re: Martian Politics and Economy » The Succession of Empires - Mars will trump the U.S. » 2002-09-21 19:49:52

Unfortunately, the only Americans who seem to leave Stateside are the ones dropping bombs on innocent wedding parties

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