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#5 Re: Human missions » Virgle Announced! Google and Virgin announce Mars Mission. » 2008-04-01 05:15:07

-- oh, all right. Fine. April Fool's. Ha, ha, ha. It isn't real. There. Are you happy? Does it please you to drag us out of our lovely little fantasy world, to crush all our hopes and dreams? Is that really what you need to hear? Fine, you've heard it. Virgle isn't real.


#7 Re: Planetary transportation » Engineers Unveil China Moon Rover » 2008-02-21 06:34:25

Great news, I look forward to seeing this roll round on Mars.  It looks large enough to carry a useful payload.  As for the simulation surface, there are many areas on Mars that are this sandy, and I am sure they are not just testing on sand.


its a moon rover not mars rover

#8 Re: Human missions » Russians Plan New Space Platform » 2008-01-16 14:13:22

He said Russia plans to continue using the ISS as a laboratory complex until 2020 although the United States says the facility should be scrapped by 2015.

Who else, besides the anti ISS crowd in the space community, has said that ISS should be scrapped by 2015?

well its a copy paste from here

#9 Re: Human missions » Russians Plan New Space Platform » 2008-01-16 13:54:17

MOSCOW, Dec. 18 Russia is developing a space platform from which missions to the moon and Mars could be launched, the Russian space agency said Tuesday.

Space agency head Anatoly Perminov said the project is expected to be up and working after 2020, with the first moon mission slated for 2025, the Russian information agency Novosti reported.

Perminov said any Mars mission, projected after 2035, is seen as an international effort because of the costs and technical expertise involved.

Once the International Space Station is decommissioned between 2016 and 2025, Russia plans to deploy a low-earth-orbit platform to be used to assemble spacecraft, Perminov said. He said Russia plans to continue using the ISS as a laboratory complex until 2020 although the United States says the facility should be scrapped by 2015.

Well all I can really say is good luck!

#10 Re: Pictures of Mars » Race to Mars » 2007-12-01 16:28:44

I really liked the last episode, saw it a few hours ago

#11 Re: Terraformation » New ideas for terraforming mars » 2007-11-16 03:43:04

Thanks for the replay and clearing things up for me.

#12 Re: Terraformation » New ideas for terraforming mars » 2007-11-15 15:41:15

A planet needs a magnetic field around it just like Earth to sustain its atmosphere and protect the planet from gamma rays ect... Mars doesn't have one. So how is that made if its even possible.

I might be wrong about all this, its just how I'v understood it.

#13 Re: Human missions » Armstrong Lunar Outpost - status » 2007-11-15 09:17:50

so I guess that the tent woun't be the "permenet" base than? It'll be taken down and replaced by a solid structure in the not so distent future?

#14 Re: Human missions » Armstrong Lunar Outpost - status » 2007-11-15 08:25:30

what the hell??? why does NASA want to stary a tent camp on the moon? I mean the micrometeorites can penetrate that with no problem....

#15 Re: Human missions » Shipyard? » 2007-11-12 10:39:39

NASA plans to start building the moon base in 2024, so no way it´ll be done in just 2 years.

#16 Re: Science, Technology, and Astronomy » Traveling to Mars in one week! » 2007-11-12 08:40:06

but why can't New Horizons be used to take humans to mars?

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