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#1 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » The "Wow!" signal and SETI » 2006-12-12 12:27:21

Now, when it comes to flying saucers and little green men, I'm usually a skeptic. I don't think that aliens would come to Earth, then spend all their time abducting rednecks and mutilating cattle  big_smile

However, I found out about something recently that was quite interesting: The "Wow!" signal. In 1977 a researcher working for SETI detected a strong radio pulse coming from the star Tau Sagittarii. This was on a bandwidth in which terrestrial transmitters are forbidden to transmit in. The pulse was so surprising and so similar to what an expected E.T. signal would look like, that the researcher wrote "Wow!" on the computer print out. The signal only lasted for 72 seconds, and nothing like it was ever detected again.

It's possible that it was a terrestrial broadcast or some freak natural event, but it's the closest thing we've ever gotten to a real alien signal. Makes you look up at the stars, smile, and wonder...

Wikipedia link for those who want to learn more:

#2 Re: Water on Mars » NASA says liquid water on Mars NOW! » 2006-12-06 12:31:30

Breaking News: A NASA news conference is saying that the Mars Global Surveyor has found evidence that water has flowed on Mars recently.

Pretty exciting news!

link:,, … 91,00.html

#4 Re: Human missions » The Race with China » 2006-11-25 16:10:44

Hopefully the rise of China's space program will give NASA (and congress) a kick in the pants and motivate them. I think the US space program always needs communists to race for it to do anything big_smile

#5 Re: Unmanned probes » What would be the best way to explore Titan? » 2006-11-25 16:06:50

Hello, new poster here. Huygens showed us a lot about Titan, but I think that different approaches could reveal more about this fascinating moon. Obviously, the best way to explore Titan would be with astronauts  wink , but lets focus on what could be accomplished soon. I think that a rover like Spirit and Opportunity would be the best approach. It would probably have to be nuclear powered, and the design would have to be adapted to Titan.

Your opinions?

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