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Thanks, I ask it because I couldn't find a translation in English in the dictionnary, even in a thick one.
How do you call those small bags of sand soldiers use to dry immersed land? :?:
No not at all, maybe it is a typical Dutch thing.
On the board of the Dutch marssociety I think I once have seen the code of the internet language. does anybody know a link to or a place on this board it stands on?
Thanks in advance. I'm in a forum where they use a strange language, it looks as a kind of dialect but I'm not certain this is the internet language. But maybe there is a urge to learn it.
Fun with you chimp! Will he accompaign you to Mars either?
You can see it on
I showed it earlier with name but I did the name away, it is space art in fact and I never saw any space painture being signed by the artist. What shall I do:?:
I mean I can't upload it. :oops:, my mars plane model, I painted especially for you, the marssociety, my very best friends.
Do you think it will ever be realised all your phantasie?
If it was only a little bit better readable! But in any case thanks a lot it's already better than nothing. I'll look now a little bit for the reinforcement of my inner human and then I'll do a trial.
Ones I saw a curve of the air pressure of Mars, I searched it back but only found junctions instead, e.g. also on NASA site. I have to write a story for the admission to a certain course in my mothertongue and just need this curve for being able to work out my actual idea. I really would like to continue this time, it is already my fourth story I started, the others I gave up because they all resembled suddenly nothing after I was disturbed by a family member, but this one i didn't give up, I just stay indifferent towards it.
Please, leave me the link if you know what I'm talking about, NASA gives a function instead. Maybe I'm able to draw the curve if I would copy that function... But it complicates the things.
Pages: 1