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#1 Re: Life support systems » Lets brainstorm on suit design - We will need suits after all » 2002-04-29 04:16:56


First post here. The point Marshal Savage makes in his book "The Millienium Project" (one of my favourites!) is that skin itself is pretty tough stuff. He does mention the tensile strength, etc. but I cannot recall. The flexible rubber suits he mentions where to add an extra layer of external inward pressure, maintain regular blood flow, etc. He also mentions wearing tungsten body plates to reduce radiation exposure -+extra thick 'codpiece'. A helmet is required.

There is so much stuff in his book, I sometimes wonder if he is a nut or genius...

As Nasa doesn't seem too interested in sending people to Mars, a Mars mission could be done with old technology and China is developing fast has anyone considered the first person on Mars will be Chinese (possibly with a little help from Russia)? After they get someone in space next year maybe, then the moon, then a 'fast track' Mars mission...

I like the sound idea -someone has probably got this cracked as part of a Virtual Reality project.

Regards, Nick Outram.

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