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#1 Re: Civilization and Culture » So what about Mars is appealing to you? » 2006-04-11 16:29:13

I think it's the same as the "old" new world used to be.  A place where you got to really build your own life, and where people could get a fresh start.  And if America as the old new world is anything to judge by, we'll make an improvement or two in governance as well.

#2 Re: Exploration to Settlement Creation » Mars Design & Architecture - ...(how do you visualize it?) » 2006-04-10 16:11:29

I think Arabic Archatecture or maybe Pueblos would be a good archatecture.  There's lots of sand around, so some sort of adobe would be a cheap building material.


#3 Re: Civilization and Culture » Intellectual Bigotry? - The chances of it effecting plans? » 2006-04-10 15:57:14

I think most of the "elitist" tendencies will go pretty quickly.  The "brains" are going to need the "average joe repairmen" to survive.  Either that or they're gonna have to do it all themselves.  Mars is going to be radically different then anything we can possibly expect, and it will probably turn out that the practical doer types are more needed than eggheads.

I actaully expect quite a few "deadbeats" to end up on mars.  People are going to come as settlers expecting a much easier life, and then not be willing to work.  It happened in the American colonies, and I expect the same here.

#4 Re: Martian Politics and Economy » Languages - Parlo Italiano - What langauge should be the Official? » 2006-04-09 19:16:42

To me, one thing that should be kept in mind is that in most colonies in history, the immigrants (other than the very first ones) will probably be pretty poor.  That's what happened in the Americas.  They came because they wanted a better life.  Mine came during the Potato Famine. 

The point being that any language we select ought to be easy enough for 3rd worlders to pick up.  Lojan doesn't sound like it, nor does Chinese or Italian.  I've always known English so I don't know how hard that would be to learn especial if you speak a non-Euro language like Arabic or Malasian or Thai. 

For that, I think one of the Neo-Latin languages might be easiest to adapt.

Glosa or Ido, possibly Esparanto.

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