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new age is a brotherhood term, by the way- it numerologically resonates fear and separation.
ps- august 19th is a huge day to join hearts from EVERYWHERE AROUND THE GLOBE to send healing love and light into the middle eastern area of crisis.
there will be more of a contrast in light/dark, good/evil as light exposes it, but dont worry, it;s a good sign- send love- it squashes the darkness!
we are emerging from a matrix of Darkness and illusion- hold on...............
i forgot all about this-
yes the terms are synonomous, but density is more accurate
i was hoping dook would send the mail i just sent him because it was detailed
there is a lot of talk about dimensional shifting and i know it involves right angles and the #9, but i havent personally had much luck with it--
i think the rapture is somehow involved with the process- with an added density level "raptured " beings have COSMIC MOBILITY- big time cool stuff- EXTREME SCIENCE"
THAT---is what im talkin about- paris hilton's followers can hang out down here with her as long as they want to!! haha
just a thot- but the shifting is possible
as always-
love from angela
thanx for your reply-
there are at least 12 density levels- the "illusion" for us is that we only PERCEIVE three, but it is within our higher consciousness to experience so much more. The human body has a physical layer- including the mental and emotional sheaths, and also 3 astral layers- and a causal body. (and yes- the physical body is on the earth plane to learn) in ecclesiastes the silver cord is mentioned- when we transition or experience physical death, the body goes into the ground, and the astral and causal layers are connected with the silver cord and return to Spirit. also when we dream, we may "leave" our physical bodies, but are still connected to our physical bodies to this silver cord. it's wild
even atomic particles, when viewed as a whole- create a perfect, mathematically precise symphony of sound- all potential energy from the great Void, existing at all moments in time and space.
there's a site kheper on chakras that explains how the human body is like a macrocosm/ or microcosm of the universe, if you're interested.
and you're absolutely correct- we are forced to evolve- the God-seed is within us.
angels, as well as ascended Masters ( those who have completed enough learning here to ascend) have access to the universe. i would say the archangels,
in particular, have access to all 12 density levels- the causal plane is pure Love/ throne energy- union with the Creator-Spirit-Love & All that is.
It is most worthwhile to evolve as much as possible while we are in human form- because - we WANT TO HAVE higher consciousness- and evolve past the earth plane. school for dummies- lol just kidding
earth school is very difficult- split into polarity- dualism- as you said- body and soul are separate, and in opposition - not to mention the dark forces hidden amongst us who have altered our holy books and kept us in ignorance from our inherently divine power as co-creators. there is much blood on their hands- much blood. many do not know our relation to the cosmos and to our deities-more bloodshed has occurred over religion than anything else. we must allow each other the courtesy of honoring their own deities, or we will never evolve as a race- and the MASS CONSCIOUSNESS - IS WHAT NEEDS TO BE RAISED - INDIVIDUALS CAN AFFECT THIS CONSCIOUSNESS- MEASURED BY THE PHOTON BELT- BY SIMPLY CHOOSING TO RESONATE lOVE RATHER THAN FEAR-
ALSO the processed foods we eat are what is causing most of our illness.
there are Beings helping us as we speak- some have travelled into our "past" to undo some of the traumas of the holocaust/ nazi era- in the ketheric template of our auric bodies, we keep record of all our incarnationns and experience, and many souls have endured so much suffering that they can not heal and move forward. but this is changing. we are loved beyond our comprehension, and there are many miracles occurring now- it is a blessing and gift to be alive during the millenium shift
it is a fantastic miracle
honor thyself, as a child of the Lord of Light
i know the bible too- but not to worry- im not a quoter- that's for sure
has it ever occurred to you that not all cosmic beings are embodied species- and that in itself could open awareness to life on Mars. and are you aware that the evolutional beginnings of humanity ( when we where still ethereal beings) - well, we were on Mars before we lowered - along with the earth- to this planet--
also - i set my awareness on going further than Mars- into other galaxies and central suns, or star systems-
im not a new-ager- just keeping myself informed and cosmically- aware. all humans have the ability to transcend the conscious mind and break through this- ILLUSION OF 3-DIMENSIONALITY- but its hard work and it's a journey- a HUGE journey
also- an awakening is occurring now, as the collective consciousness raises to a higher level of pure- love and Christed consciousness- enjoy the journey
adios, angela :idea:
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