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#1 Re: Life on Mars » Extraterrestrial Life on Mars and beyond - a hypothesis » 2005-10-22 19:20:35

God is coming ???????? Dude, I'm talking of extraterrestrial alien forms of life and nothing even close to spiritual stuf..... anyways, it was just a thought.

#2 Re: Life on Mars » Extraterrestrial Life on Mars and beyond - a hypothesis » 2005-10-22 15:39:32

This came to my mind last night. It is in no way a spam or joke on the Mars Society message board.

My Hypothesis: The day we humans finally stop fighting amongst ourselves and get rid of these wars and all the other crap that we get ourselves into, is the day that smart extraterrestrials will finally make their appearance to us.

Assumption: Extraterrestrial life exists.
Basis of assumption: Why does only a tiny speck in a perpetually expanding Universe called Earth merit life on it ?

Reasoning: If there were to be extraterrestrial life out there, we HUMANS will either think of THEM as GOOD or BAD. There are only three possibilities about the intelligence of these hypothesizd lifeforms. They are either as intelligent as we are, or more or less. If it were to be the last one, they could be reckless and stupid and give their own identity away and reveal their existence, especially if they were to be on Mars (animals on earth are less intelligent than humans and they are surreptitious and scared BUT they do give themselves away at SOME POINT). This would happen if they had the source, means and the LESSER yet sufficient intelligence to come seeking us, even if it were to be for invading us. Instead if they were totally dumb, they would probably come seeking the weird looking rover that landed on their own domain (if Mars for eg;) and reveal their existence at some point. Since they have not done any of this so far, they probably are NOT less intelligent.

If they were AS intelligent as us, they probably are flourishing like us somewhere out there and are not aware of our existence and seeking to find answers like we do and if they had the sources to do so, there would be some mission somewhere in some spaceship thats not human, seeking answers. We have not encountered any so far, so either they are in deep space where we cannot or have not ventured
or they are not there at all. Either ways, not Mars.

Now, if they were SMARTER than humans, then they would clearly know that we are fond of fighting amongst ourselves for trivial issues such as race and religion and that the probability of us destroying ourselves is probably a lot higher than they destroying us. So they being smarter are just watching us ruin our own s***.
If we humans were to finally stop fighting amongst ourselves and be at peace with each other, then these extraterrestrials might finally show themselves to us.
If they are good, they would now finally want to know us. If they are bad, since they are smarter also they are not attacking us now but would want to then and destroy us since we would not be doing that to ourselves anymore.

So the hypothesis that I propose is that when we finally learn to cohabit in harmony on earth, we will be contacted by SOME SMART extraterrestrial life form in SOME WAY, friendly or hostile, probably the latter.

Any comments on this anyone ? - MartianSamurai

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