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#1 Re: Martian Politics and Economy » Living on mars. - Would you personally live on Mars? » 2005-02-23 00:03:04

Uh Oh!  There seems to be a theme developing here.

My own wife has already told me that she would prefer to live on Earth.  Unfortunately, this was revealed _after_ the wedding! 

(Should have included it in the wedding vows.  Dang It!)


Yes, I also asked my girlfriend about this. I would feel bad leaving her for all that time though. Such a hard decision...

#2 Re: Water on Mars » A huge, frozen sea lies just below the surface of » 2005-02-21 22:53:43

Thank you for the quick response! Indeed, these are exciting times, and getting better each day!

#3 Re: Water on Mars » A huge, frozen sea lies just below the surface of » 2005-02-21 22:09:00

My only question is: If they suspect it to be so close to the surface, wouldn't past rovers have already detected it? I'm not very knowledgeable about rover instruments, but it would seem that they would have some apparatus to detect this sort of thing. Can anyone enlighten me on this?

#4 Re: Pictures of Mars » Closeup Micro Imager Pictures and Fossils - Fossils and Life on Mars in 2005 ? » 2005-02-18 11:33:46

Good find. That colony picture is very convincing. However, the 'Potato Man' seems just a matter of chance even though they stated it couldn't have been.

Is Earth ready? No. At least in my opinion, the average human would not be able to swallow the fact that we are not alone. In my experience, people are afraid of that which they do not understand, which is sad.

#5 Re: Terraformation » NASA plan to heat up Mars? - Guardian article » 2005-02-17 16:28:50

Maybe NASA should concentrate on heating its own space agenda up first, then maybe the planets.
Getting off the ground first, seems a good first step in any planet heating ideas. smile

Agreed. Although, I'm sure they would like to get there as much as we would. I highly doubt it is their fault that not much interest or funding is being generated for them.

#6 Re: Meta New Mars » Hello all. - I thought i might itroduce my self. » 2005-02-16 15:27:02

I am also new here. I didn't want to create any more posts for the moderators to clean up, so I decided to just indroduce myself here. Anyways, a little about myself. My name is Brian, I am in my second semester at the University of South Florida in Tampa. As of now, my major is chemistry. I will probably finish out that major. In the end, I wish to become a planetologist though. It will be a long road and hard work along the way, but the end result is my ultimate dream. Mars has always fascinated me, and it is the sole reason for me becoming a planetologist.

I hope to meet many new people in here with the same interests as mine. I want to contribute to the discussions as much as possible, and come up with some of my own ideas. I hope to actually help, since this will be my career...hopefully. Well, nice to meet all of you, and here we go!

If you would like to talk about any aspect of Mars, or anything else, please feel free to contact me. As you can see, you have many ways to get a hold of me as shown below!  smile

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